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Physical education, sport and culture in higher education: close relationships with Brazil and the present time

This work deals with legal and professional conceptions of the Physical Education and sport in higher education and its relationship with the culture. The main idea of this subject is to insert the professional of Physical Education in higher education and the development of this practical in relation with historical cultural context that Brazil lived since the dictatorship. This process started with the redemocratization politics process and the development of the new visions of porting learning and the culture under the point of view of the anthropologic culturalism. Under the optics of american anthropologist Clifford Geertz, who treats the culture as a system of significant signs of which the individuals share, we tried to construct an interpretation of the above-mentioned profession, starting with authors and documents prominence in the sports field. We construct one brief reflection of the practical sportive as formation element of the culture, pointing a circular relation: sport is culture, as well as the culture defines the sport.

Physical Education; Anthropology; Higher Education; Culture; Sports

Universidade Estadual Paulista Universidade Estadual Paulista, Av. 24-A, 1515, 13506-900 Rio Claro, SP/Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3526-4330 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil