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Gestão econômico-administrativa japonesa


Esta pesquisa bibliográfica abrange a literatura sobre o Japão nas áreas de administração e economia. Ela procura ser compreensiva, salientando alguns dos textos mais importantes dentro de cada sub-área temática destacada. Sob outro aspecto, procura-se sempre referenciar estes textos e autores ao corpo teórico mais familiar ao estudioso ocidental. A área temática abrangida por esta revisão é muito ampla e esta objetiva ser uma primeira referência para aqueles que desejem aprofundar-se no estudo sobre temas econômicos e/ou administrativos japoneses.

Japão; economia política japonesa; estrutura industrial; globalização; teoria do desenvolvimento econômico

This bibliographical revision comprehends the literature about Japan in both administrative and economic areas. lt tries to be enclosed by emphasizing some of the more important texts into each detached thematic subarea. Under another aspect, the user bibliographical references are well-known by Western world. The thematic area of this revision is very wide and tries to be the first reference to those who wants to delineate deeply into the study about economic and/or administrative Japanese themes.

Japan; japanese political economy; industrial structure; economic development theory


Gestão econômico–administrativa japonesa

Gilmar Masiero

Doutorando em Administração na EAESP/FGV


Esta pesquisa bibliográfica abrange a literatura sobre o Japão nas áreas de administração e economia. Ela procura ser compreensiva, salientando alguns dos textos mais importantes dentro de cada sub-área temática destacada. Sob outro aspecto, procura-se sempre referenciar estes textos e autores ao corpo teórico mais familiar ao estudioso ocidental. A área temática abrangida por esta revisão é muito ampla e esta objetiva ser uma primeira referência para aqueles que desejem aprofundar-se no estudo sobre temas econômicos e/ou administrativos japoneses.

Palavras-chave: Japão, economia política japonesa, estrutura industrial, globalização, teoria do desenvolvimento econômico.


This bibliographical revision comprehends the literature about Japan in both administrative and economic areas. lt tries to be enclosed by emphasizing some of the more important texts into each detached thematic subarea. Under another aspect, the user bibliographical references are well-known by Western world. The thematic area of this revision is very wide and tries to be the first reference to those who wants to delineate deeply into the study about economic and/or administrative Japanese themes.

Kew words: Japan, japanese political economy, industrial structure, economic development theory.


Heraldo Vasconcellos Bibliotecário-Supervisor do Serviço de Processos Técnicos da Biblioteca Karl A. Boedecker da EAESP/FGV.

OBSERVAÇÕES: A pesquisa foi realizada no acervo da Biblioteca da EAESP/FGV, as referências foram organizadas por categorias (livros e periódicos) e em cada um destes por ordem alfabética, dentro de cada ano de publicação (os anos aparecem em ordem cronológica decrescente). As referências precedidas de asterisco estão disponíveis no acervo da Biblioteca.



001. FUNDAÇÃO JAPÃO. Pesquisas: assessoria cultural do Consulado Geral do Japão. São Paulo: Fundação Japão, 1993


002. EDWARDS, Flanklin, PATRICK, Hugh T. (eds.). Regulating internation finacial markets: issues and policies. Boston: Kluwer Academic Press, 1992.

003. FRANCKS, Penelope. Japanese economic development: theory and practice. Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies Series, 1992.

004. GERLACH, Michael. Allíance capitalism: the social organization of Japanese business. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1992.

005. ITO, Takatoshi. The Japanese economy. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1992.

006. KRUGMAN, Paul R. (ed.). Trade with Jepan: has the door opened wider? Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.

007. OECD. Technology and the economy: the key relationships. Washington: OECD, 1992.

008. UNITED NATIONS CENTRE ON TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS. The determinants of foreign direct investment: a survey of the evidence. New York: United Nations, 1992.

009. YAMAMOTO, Schichihei. The spirit of Japanese capitalism and selected essays. Lanham: Madison Bks., 1992. 263 p.


010. DODWELL Marketing Consultants Staff. Industrial groupings in Japan. Bristol: International Pubns. Service, 1991.

011. FAIR, Japan's financiai markets, FAIR fact series li. Tokyo: Foundation for Advanced lntormation and Research, 1991.

012. HOLSTEIN, William J. The Japanese power game: what ít means for Amence. New York: Plume Books, 1991. 351 p.

013. JAPAN ECONOMIC PLANNING AGENCY. Economic survey of Japan 1990-1991. Tokyo: Ministry of Finance, 1991.

014. MATSUMOTO, Koji. The rise of Japanese corporate systems: the inside view of a MITI oficial. London: Kegan Paullnternational, 1991.

015. OZAKI, Robert. Human capitalism: the Jspanese enterprise system as World model. New York: Kodansha International, 1991. 224 p.

016. SEKIGUCHI, Sueo. Japan: a plethora of programs. In: PATRICK, Hugh T. (ed.). Pacific basin industries in distress: structural adlustment and trade policy in the nine industrialized economies. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.

017. SHIGEHARA, Kumiharu. Financial liberalization and monetary policy: Japan's financial markets. Tokyo: Foundation for Advanced Information and Research, 1991.

018. SMITKA, Michael J. Competitiveties: subcontracting in the Japanese automotíve industry. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.

019. SUZUKI, Yoshitaka. Japanese management structures, 1920-80. New York: S1, Martin's Press, 1991. 500 p.

020. TAVARES, Maria da Conceição, TORRES FILHO, Ernani Teixeira, BURLAMAQUI, Leonardo. Japão: um caso exemplar de capitalismo organizado. Brasflia: IPEAlCEPAL, 1991. 154 p.

021. UNITED STATES. OFFICE OF THE U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE. "Japan" in 1991 national trade estimate repon on foreign trade barriers. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1991.

022. UNO, Kimio (ed.). Technology, investment and trade. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing, 1991. 443 p.

023. WHITEHILL, Arthur Murray. Japanese management: tradítíon and transítíon. New York: Routledge, 1991. 297 p.

024. YANAGIHARA, Toru, EMIG, Anne. An overview of Japan's foreign aid. In: ISLAM, Shafiqul (ed.). Yen for development: Japanese foreign aid and the politics of burden-sharing. New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1991.


025. *BURSTEIN, Daniel. Yen: o Japão e o seu novo império financeiro. São Paulo:Cultura, 1990.384 p.

026. DERIAN, Jean-Claude. America's struggle for leadership in technology. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990. 336 p.

027. DONER, Richard F. Driving a bargain: automotible industrialization and Japanese firms in Southeast Asia. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. 350 p.

028. *FUKUCHI, Takao, KAGAMI, Mitsuhiro (eds.). Perspectives on the pacífíc basin economy: a comparison of Asian and Latin America. Tokyo: IDEI The Asian Club Foundation, 1990. 610 p.

029. GATT, Trade policy review. Geneva: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 1990.

030. GENTHER, Phyllis A. A history of Japan's government-business relationship: the psssenger car industry. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan/Center for Japanese Studies, 1990. 242 p.

031. HIGASHI, Chikara, LAUTER, G. Peter. The internationalization of the Japanese economy. 2. ed. Norwell: Kluwer Academic Pubs., 1990.

032. HULTEN, Charles R. (ed.). Productivity growth in Japan and the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. 446 p.

033. INOHARA, Hideo. Human resource development in Japanese companies. White Plains : Quality Resources, 1990. 320 p.

034. ISHI, Hiromitsu. The Japanese tax system. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 376 p.

035. KESTER, W. Carl. Japanese takeovers: the global contest for corporate control. Boston: Harvard Business School, 1990. 320 p.

036. KOMIYA, Ryutaro. The Japanese economy: trade, industry, and government. Tokyo: University ot Tokyo Press, 1990. 396 p.

037. KURODA, Makoto. "Super 301 and Japart'. In: BHAGWATI, Jagdish, PATRICK, Hugh T. (eds.). Aggressive unílateralism: America's 301 trade policy and the world trading system. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1990.

038. LIMA SOBRINHO, Barbosa. Japão: o capital se faz em casa. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1990. 238 p.

039. L1NCOLN, James R., KALLEBERG, Arne L. culture, control and commitment: a study of work organization and work attitudes in the United States and Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

040. MIYAZAKI, Isamu. The Japanese economy: what makes it tíck? Tokyo: Simul Press, 1990.

041. NOGUCHI, Yukio. Tax reform debates in Japano In: BOSKIN, Michael J., McLURE JR., Charles E. (eds.), World tax reform: case studies of developed and developing countries. San Francisco: ICS Press, 1990.


042. *SCHWARTZ, Gilson. Japão de olhos abertos: evolução financeira e políticas econõmices na era moderna. São Paulo: Nobel, 1990. 153 p.

043. SOARES, Rosa Maria Sales de Melo. As novas abordagens da produtividade em gestão da empresa: automação e competitividade. Brasília: IPEA,1990.

044. UMESAO, Tadao. The roots of contemporary Japan. Tokyo: The Japan Forcon, 1990.

045. WHITIAKER, D.H. Managing innovation: a study of British and Japanese factories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. 250 p.

046. YAMAMURA, Kozo (ed.). Japan's economic structure: should it change? Seattle: Society for Japanese Studies, 1990.378 p. 1989

047. ANCHORDOGUY, Marie. Computers, Inc. Japan's challenge to IBM. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989. 300 p.

048. BOGER, Karl. Japanese direct foreign investment: an annoted bibliography. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1989. 232 p.

049. *BROCK, Malcolm V. Biotechnology in Japano London: Routledge, 1989. 156 p.

050. *CHALMERS, Norma J. Industrial relations in Japan: the peripheral workforce. London: Routledge, 1989. 283 p.

051. COLE, Robert E. Strategies for learning: small-group activities in American, Japanese, and Swedish industry. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1989. 338 p.

052. DORE, Ronald, SAKO, Mari. How the Japanese learn to work. London :Routledge, 1989. 192 p.

053. LILLRANK, Paul, KANO, Noriaki. Continuous improvement: quality control circles in Japanese industry. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan/Center for Japanese Studies, 1989. 294 p.

054. L1NCOLN, Edward. Japan's unequal trade. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1989. 180 p.

055. MONDEN, Yasuhiro, SAKURAI, Michiharu (eds.). Japanese Management accounting: a world ctess approach to profit management. Cambridge: Productivity Press, 1989.546 p.

056. MORRIS-SUZUKI, Tessa. A History ot Japanese economic thought. London: Routledge, 1989.213 p.

057. OHKAWA, Kazushi, SHINOHARA, Miyohei, UMEMURA, Mataji (eds.), Estimates of longterm economic statistics of Japan since 1968. Tokyo :Tokyo Keizai Shimposha, 1966-1989.

058. OKIMOTO, Daniel I. Between MITI and the market: Japanese industrial policy for high tecnnology. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989.267 p.

059. REISCHAUER, Edwin O., CRAIG, Albert M. Japan:tradition and transformation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989.

060. ROSENBLUTH, Frances M. Financial politics in contemporary Japan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989. 248 p.

061. *SHIBAGAKI, Kazuo, TREVOR, Malcolm, ABO, Tetsuo (eds.). Japanese and European management: their international adaptability. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1989. 272 p.

062. SHINGO, Shigeo. A study of ttte Toyots production system from an industrial ençineering viewpoint. Cambridge: Productivity Press, 1989.352 p.

063. SUZUKI, Yoshio (ed.). The Japanese financial system. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.374 p.

064. *WAL TON, Mary. O método deming de administração. Rio de Janeiro: Marques Saraiva, 1989.276 p.

065. YAMAMURA, Kozo (ed.). Japanese investment in the United States: should we be concerned? Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1989.


066. AOKI, Masahiko. Information, incentives, and bargaining in the Japanese economy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 320 p.

067. CARGILL, Thomas F., ROYAMA, Shoichi. The transition of finance in Japan and the United Sates: a comparative perspective. Stantord: Hoover Institution Press, 1988. 242 p.

068. FRIEDMAN, David. Misunderstood miracle: industrial development and polítical change in Japan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. 280 p.

069. HAMADA, Koichi, PATRICK, Hugh T. Japan and the international monetary regime. In: INOGUCHI, Takashi, OKIMOTO, Daniel I. The political economy of Japan. Stanford : Stanford University Press, 1988. p. 108-37. V. 2 (The Changing International Context).

070. HAYAMI, Yujiro. Japanese agriculture under seige. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988. 140 p.

071. *HAYASHI, Shuji. Culture and management in Japan. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1988.194 p.

072. INOGUCHI, Takashl, OKIMOTO, Daniel I. (eds.). The political economy of Japan. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988. 566 p. V. 2 (The Changing International Context)

073. KOIKE, Kazuo. Understanding industrial relations in modem Japan. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988. 300 p.

074. KOMIYA, Ryutaro et ai (eds.). Industrial policy of Japan. San Diego: Academic Press, 1988. 590 p.

075. L1NCOLN, Edward J. Japan: facing ecoaomie maturity. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1988.298 p.

076. MIZUNO, Shigeru. Company-wide total quality control. Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization, 1988. 313 p.

077. *OHNO, Taiichi. Toyota production system: beyond large-scale production. Cambridge: Productivity Press, 1988. 143 p.

078. OKIMOTO, Daniel I., ROHLEN, Thomas P. (eds.). Inside the Japanese system: readings on contemporary society and polítical economy. Stantord: Stanford University Press, 1988. 286 p.

079. *RATTNER, Henrique. Impactos sociais da automação: o caso do Japão. São Paulo: Nobel, 1988.122 p.

080. REISCHAUER, Edwin O. The Japanese today: change and continuity. Tokyo: C.E. Tuttle, 1988.

081. *TSUTSUI, William M. Banking policy in Japan: American ettotts at reform during the occupation. London: Routledge, 1988. 156 p.

082. VINER, Aron C. Inside Japanese financial markets. Homewood: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1988.

083. YOSHINO, M.Y., L1FSON, Thomas B. The invisible link: Japan's Sogo Shosha and the organization of trade. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1988.304 p.


084. BLUMENTHAL, Tuvia (ed.). Japanese management at home and abroad. Ben-Gurion University Press, 1987.

085. DORE, Ronald. Taking Japan seriously: a confusion perspective on leading economics issues. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987.

086. ERGAS, Henry. Does technology pottcv matter? In: GUILE, Bruce R., BROOKS, Harvey (eds.). Techonology and global industry: companies and nations in the world economy. Washington: National Academy Press, 1987. p. 191245

087. MACPHERSON, W.J. The economic development of Japan 1868-1941. London: Macmillan, 1987. 96 p.

088. NOGUCHI, Yukio. Public finance. In: YAMAMURA, Kozo, YASUBA, Yasukich (eds.). Political economy of Japan. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987. p. 186-222. V. 1 (The Domestic Transformation)

089. PATRICK, Hugh T., TACHI, Ryuchiro (eds.). Japan and the United States today: exchange tates, macroeconomic policies, and financial market innovations. New York: Columbia University Press, 1987. 200 p.

090. PYLE, Kenneth B. (ed.). The trade crisis: how will Japan respond? Seattle: Society for Japanese Studies, 1987.

091. SAMUELS, Richard J. The business of the Japanese state: energy markets in compara tive and historical perspective. Ithaca: CorneU University Press, 1987. 376 p.

092. UEKUSA, Masu. Industrial organization: the 1970s to the present. In: YAMAMURA, KOlO, Yasuba, Yasukichi (eds.). Political economy of Japano Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987. p. 469-515. V. 1 (The Domestic Transformation)

093. *UNO, Kimio. Japanese industrial pertomance. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1987. 439 p.

094. YAMAMURA, Kozo, YASUBA, Yasukichi (eds.). The polítical economy of Japan. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987. 666 p. V. 1 (The domestic transformation)


095. CHRISTOPHER, Robert C. Second ton none: American companies in Japan. New York: Crown, 1986.

096. DORE, Ronald. Flexióle rigidities: industrial policy and structural adjustment in the Japanese economy 1970-80. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1986. 286 p.

097. Structural adjustment in Japan, 1970-82. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1986.

098. DUNNING, John H. Japanese participation in British industry. London: Croom Helm, 1986. 207 p.

099. FELDMAN, Robert Aian. Japanese financial markets: deficits, dilem mas and deregulation. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1986. 245 p.

100. GREGORY, Gene. Japanese electronics technology: emetprise and innovation. New York: Wiley, 1986. 420 p.

101.*IMAI, Masaaki. "Kaizen": a key to Japan's competitive success. New York: Random House, 1986.259 p.

102. JURAN, J.M. Planning for quality. Wilton: Juran Institute Inc., 1986.

103. *KOSAI, Yutaka. The era of high-speed growth: notes on the postwar Japanese economy. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1986. 223 p.

104. McCRAW, Thomas K. (ed.). America vs. Japano Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1986.

105. America vs. Japan: a comparative study of business-govemment relations. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1986.

106. MINAMI, Ryoshin, THOMPSON, Ralph. The economic development of Japan: a quantitative study. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986. 487 p.

107. NOMURA RESEARCH INSTITUTE. The world economy and financiai markets in 1995. Tokyo: Nomura Research Institute, 1986.

108. OECD. Economic surveys: Japan 1986­1987. Washington: OECD, 1986.

109. PATRICK, Hugh T. (ed.). Japan's high technology industries: lessons and limitations of industrial policy. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1986. 277 p.

110. PUGEL, Thomas A., HAWKINS, Robert G. (eds.). The fragile interdependence: economic issues in U.S. - Japanese trade and investment. Lexington: Heath, 1986. 288 p.

111. REICH, Michael, ENDO, Yasuo, TIMMER, C. Peter. Agriculture: the political economy of structural change. In: McGraw, Thomas K. (ed.). America vs. Japan. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1986.

112. *SAXONHOUSE, Gary R., YAMAMURA, Kozo (eds.). Law and trade issues of the Japanese economy: American and Japanese perspectives. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1986. 290 p.

113. *SHIBATA, Tokue (ed.). Public finance in Japan. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1986. 195 p.

114. SHIMIZU, Ryei. Top management in Japanese firms. New York: Taylor & Francis Inc., 1986.244 p.

115. SUZUKI, Yoshio. Money, finance and macroeconomic performance in Japan. New Harven: Yale University Press, 1986. 258 p.

116. *TAYLOR, Frederic Winslow. Princípios de administração científica. 7 ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1986.138 p.

117. TUNG, Rosalie L. (ed.). Strategic management in the United States and Japan. New York: Ballinger, 1986.


118. *ABEGGLEN, James C., STALK JR., George. Kaisha, the Japanese corporation. New York: Basíc Books, 1985. 309 p.

119. CUSUMANO, Michael A. The Japanese automobile industry: technology and management at Nissan and Toyota. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985. 487 p.

120. HORNE, James. Japan's financial markets: conflict an consensus in policymaking. Concord: Paul & Co Pubs., 1985. 272 p.

121. ISHIKAWA, Kaoru. How to operate QC circle activities (JUSE - Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers). Tokyo: JUSE, 1985.

122. What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese way. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1985.215 p.

123. * JURAN, J.M. Management of qualíty. 4. ed. Wilton: Danbury Road, 1985. pago irreg.

124. *KAGONO, Tadao et aI. Strategic vs. evolutionary management: a U.S. Japan comparison of strategy and organization. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1985. 328 p.

125. LYNN, Leonard H. Technology transfer to Japan: what we know, what we need to know, and what we know that may not be so. In: ROSENBERG, Nathan, FRISCHTAK, Claudio (eds.). International technology transters: concepts, measures, and comparisons. Toronto: Praeger, 1985. p. 255-76.

126. MONDEN, Yasuhiro. Innovations in management: the Japanese corporation. Norcross: Industrial Engineering and Management Press, 1985.

127. NAKANE, Chie. Japanese society. Tokyo : C.E. Tuttle, 1985. 305 p.

128. TAKAGI, Haruo. The flaw in Japanese management. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1985.

129. TAKAMIYA, Susumu, THURLEY, Keith (ed.). Japan's emerging multinationals. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1985. 287 p.

130. *THUROW, Lester C. (ed.). The management challenge: Japanese views. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1985. 237 p.


131. AOKI, Masahiko (ed.). Economic analysis of tbe Japanese firmo New York: Elsevier, 1984.

132. *ETO, Hajime, MATSUI, Konomu. R&D: management systems in Japanese industry. Arnsterdam: North-Holland, 1984.331 p.

133. FRANKEL, Jeffrey A. The yen/dollar agreement: liberalizing Japanese capital markets. Washington: Institute for International Economies, 1984. 86 p.

134. * JETRO. White paper on intemational trade Japan 1984. Tokyo: JETRO, 1984.441 p.

135. *KONO, Toyohiro. Strategy and structure of Japanese enterprises. London: MacMillan, 1984. 352 p.

136. KOSAI, Yutaka, OGINO, Yoshitaro. The contemporary Japanese economy. London: MacMillan, 1984. 134 p.

137. Kunio, Yoshihara. Sogo Shosha: the venguard of the Japanese economy. Oxíord: Oxford University Press, 1984.


138. L1NCOLN, Edward. Japan's industrial policies. Washington: Japan Economic Institute, 1984.

139. *McMILLAN, Charles J. The Japanese industrial system. New Vork: de Gruyter, 1984. 356 p.

140. MIZOGUCHI, Toshiyuki, TAKAVAMA, Noriyuki. Equity and poverty under rapid economic growth: me Japanese experience. Tokyo: Kinokuniya,1984.

141. *PASCALE, Richard Tanner, ATHOS, Anthony G. the art of Japanese management. New Vork: Penguin Books, 1984.221 p.

142. SATO, Kazuo, HOSHINO, Vasuo (eds.). Anatomy of Japanese business. Armonk: Sharpe, 1984.352 p.

143. TUNG, Rosalie L. Business negotiations with the Japanese. Lexington: Heath, 1984. Capo 4-8 (especially case studies)

144. UNITED STATES-JAPAN ADVISORV COMMISSION. Challenges and opportunities in United States: Japan relations. Washington; Tokyo: U.S.-Japan Advisory Commission, 1984.

145. ZVSMAN, John, TVSON, Laura. U.S. and Japanese trade and industrial policies. United States: Japan Advisory Commission, 1984.


146. IVORI, Hiroshi, UESUGI, Akinori. Antimonopoly laws of Japan. 2. ed. Washington: Federal Legal Publications, 1983. 380 p.

147. JAPAN ECONOMIC PLANNING AGENCV. Economic council, long-term outloo committee, Japan in the year 2000. Tokyo: Japan Times, 1983.

148. MONDEN, Vasuhiro. Toyota production system. Atlanta: Industrial Engineering and Management Press, 1983.

149. NAKAMURA, Takafusa. Economic growth in prewar Japan. New Harven: Vale University Press, 1983. 326 p.

150. *OKITA, Saburo. The developing economies and Japan: lessons in growth. 4. ed. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1983. 284 p.

151. PATRICK, Hugh, SATO, Hideo. The political economy of United States-Japan trade in steel. In: VAMAMURA, Kozo (ed.). Policy and trade íssues of the Japanese economy: American and Japanese perspectives. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1983.

152. SAXONHOUSE, Gary R. Tampering with comparative advantage in Japan? Statement to the United States International Trade Commission,1983.

153. SHIRAI, Taishiro (ed.). Contemporary industrial relations in Japan. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1983. 448 p.

154. *SMITH, Adam. A riqueza das nações: investigação sobre sua natureza e suas causas. São Paulo: Abril, 1983. 2 v.

155. STEVEN, Rob. Classes in contemporary Japano Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

156. TREVOR, Malcolm. Japan's reluctant multinationals. New Vork: St. Martin's Press, 1983. 280 p.

157. UCHINO, Tatsuro. Japan's postwar economy: an insider's view of its history and its tuture. New Vork: Kodansha America Inc., 1983. 300 p.

158. U.S. International Trade Commission. Foreign industrial targeting and its ettects on U.S. industries (Phase I - Japan). Washington: USITC Publication 1437, Oct. 1983.

159. VERNON, Raymond. Two hungry giants: the United States and Japan in the quest for oil and ores. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983.192 p.

160. WHITE, Michael, TREVOR, Malcolm. Under Japanese management: the experience of british workers. Brookfield: Gower Publishing Co., 1983.162 p.

161. VAMAMU RA, Kozo (ed.). Policy and trade issues of the Japanese economy: American and Japanese perspectives. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1983. 348 p.


162. CASTLE, Emery N. et al. U.S. - Japanese agricultural trade relations. Washington : Resources for the Future, 1982. 463 p.

163. DEMING, W. Edwards. Quality, productivity and competitive position. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1982.

164. JOHNSON, Chalmers. MITI and tne Japanese miracle: the growth of industrial policy 19251975. Tokyo: C.E. Tuttle, 1982.

165. KAMATA, Satoshi. Japan in the using lane: an insider's account of life in a Japanese Auto factory. New Vork: Pantheon, 1982.

166. KOJIMA, Kiyoshi. Japanese direct foreign investment: a model of multinational business operations. Tokyo: C.E. Tuttle, 1982.

167. LVNN, Leonard H. How Japan innovates: a comparison with the U.S. in the case of oxygen steelmaking. Boulder: Westview Press, 1982.

168. *MARX, Karl. O capital: crítica da economia política. 8. ed. São Paulo: Difel, 1982. 2 V.

169, OSHIMA, Harry T. Reinterpreting Japan's postwar growth in economic development and cultural change. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1982.

170. OZAWA, Terutomo. Multinationalism, Japanese style: the polítical economy of outward dependence. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982.320 p.

171. PATRICK, Hugh T. The economic dimensions of the U.S. - Japan alliance: an overview. In: OKIMOTO, Daniel I. (ed.). Japan's economy: coping with change in the international environment. Boulder: Westview Press, 1982.

172. *SCHONBERGER, Richard J. Japanese manufacturing techniques: nine hidden lessons in simplicity. New Vork: Free Press, 1982. 260 p.

173. WHEELER, Jimmy W. et aI. Japanese industrial development policies in the 1980s. Indianapolis: Hudson Institute, 1982.

174. *VOSHINO, Michael V. Japan's managerial system: tradition and innovation. 5. ed. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1982. 292 p.


175. MAGAZINER, Ira C, HOUT, Thomas M. Japanese industrial policy. Berkeley: University of California/lnstitute of International Studies, 1981. 120p.

176. *NAKAMURA, Takafusa, The postwar Japanese economy: its development and structure. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1981. 277 p.

177. *SASAKI, Naoto. Management and industrial structure in Japan. New Vork: Pergamon Press, 1981. 141 p.

178. *VOGEL, Erza F. Japan as number one: teesons for America. 7. ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981. 272 p.


179. COOK, Alice H., HAVASHI, Hiroko. Working women in Japan: discrimination, resistance, and reform. Ithaca: ILR Press, 1980. 128 p.

180. DORE, Ronald. Shinohata: portrait of a Japanese Village. New Vork : Pantheon, 1980.

181. HOLLERMAN, Leon (ed.). Japan and the United States: economic and ooutice! adversaries. Boulder: Westview Press, 1980.

182. ICHIMURA, Shinichi, VOSHIHARA, Kunio (eds.). Japanese management in Southeast Asia. Kyoto University Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 1980.

183. MURATA, Kiyoji (ed.). An industrial çeography of Japan. New Vork : St. Martin's Press, 1980.

184. *NISHIKAWA, Shunsaku (ed.). The labor market in Japan. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1980. 277 p.

185. SATO, Kazuo (ed.), Industry and business in Japan. Armonk : M.E. Sharpe, 1980.

186. *SUZUKI, Voshio. Money and banking in contemporary Japan: the theoretical setting and its implications. New Harven: Vale University Press, 1980. 256 p.

187. TASCA, Diane (ed.). U.S. - Japanese economic relations cooperation, competition and confrontation. New Vork: Pergamon Press, 1980.

188. TSURUMI, Voshi. Sogo Shosha: engines of export-based growth. Brookfield: Gower Publishing Co., 1980.


189. *CLARK, Rodney. The Japanese company. New Harven: Vale University Press, 1979. 282 p.

190. COLE, Robert E. Work, mobility, and participation: a comparative study of American and Japanese industry. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. 304 p.

191. HANAMI, Tadashi. Labor relations in Japan today. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1979. 253 p.

192. JURAN, Joseph M., GRVNA JR., Frank M., BINGHAM JR., Richard S. (eds.). Duality control handbook. 3. ed. New Vork: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1979.

193. *OHKAWA, Kazushi, SHINOHARA, Miyohei. Pattems of Japanese economic development: a quantitative appraisal. New Harven: Vale University Press, 1979.411 p.

194. WORONOFF, Jon. Japan: tne coming economic crisis. Westerville: Lotus Press, 1979. 316 p.

195. *VOSHINO, Michael V. The Japanese marketing system: adaptations and innovations. 2. ed. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1979. 319 p.


196. *TSURUMI, Voshi. Japanese business: a research guide with annotated bibliography. New Vork: Praeger Publishers, 1978. 163 p.

197. VOSHIHARA, Kunio. Japanese investment in Southeast Asia. Honolulu : University of Hawai Press, 1978. 243 p.


198. *TSURUMI, Voshi. Multinational management: business strategy and govemment policy. Cambridge: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1977. 604 p.


199. CAVES, Richard E., UEKUSA, Masu. Industrial organization in Japan. Ann Arbor: Bks. Demand UMI, 1976.

200. DENISON, Edward F., CHUNG, William K. How Japan's economy grew so fast: the sources of Postwar expansion. Washington: Brooking Institution, 1976. 267 p.

201. HAITANI, Kanji. The Japanese economic system. Lexington: Heath, 1976. 190 p.

202. MARSH, Robert M., MANNARI, Hiroshi. Modemization and the Japanese factory. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976. 560 p.

203. *PATRICK, Hugh, ROSOVSKY, Henry (eds.). Asia's new giant: how the Japanese economy works. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1976. 943 p.

204. SAXONHOUSE, Gary, PATRICK, Hugh. Japan and the United States: bilateral tensions and multilateral issues in the economic relationship. In: HELLMAN, Donald C. (ed.). China and Japan: a new balance of power. Lexington: Heath, 1976. p.95-157.

205. TSURUMI, Voshi. The Japanese are coming: a multinational interaction of firms and politics. Cambridge: Ballinger Pub., 1976. 333 p.

206. VOSHINO, Michael V. Japan's multinational enterprises. Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1976. 191 p.


207. BOLTHO, Andrea. Japan: an economic survey 1953-1973. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975.

208. DOWER, John W. (ed.). Origins of the modem Japanese state. New Vork: Pantheon, 1975.

209. HAVAMI, Vujiro et aI. A century of agricultural growth in Japan: its relevance to Asian devetooment. Tokyo : University of Tokyo Press, 1975.248 p.

210. RAPP, William V. Japan's industrial policy. In: FRANK, Isaiah (ed.), the Japanese economy in intemational perspective. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1975. p. 37-66. (supplementary paper of the Committee for Economic Development)


211. NOH, Toshio, GORDON, Douglas H. (eds.). Modem Japan: land and mano Tokyo: TeikokuShoin, 1974. 146 p.

212. ROHLEN, Thomas P. For harmony and strength: Japanese white-collar organization in anthropological perspective. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.


213. *DORE, Ronald Philip. British factory, Japanese factory: the origins of national diversity in industrial relations. Berkeley: University of Cal ifornia Press, 1973. 432 p.

214. * HALLIDAV, Jon, McCORMACK, Gavan. Jepanese imperialism today: co-prosperity in greater East Asia. New Vork: Monthly Review Press, 1973.279 p.

215. *OHKAWA, Kazushi, ROSOVSKV, Henry. Japanese economic growth: trend acceleration in the twentieth century. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1973. 327 p.

216. OKOCHI, Kazuo, Karsh, Bernard, Levine, Solomon B. Workers and employers in Japan: the Japanese employment relations system. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1973. 538 p.


217 . * OECD. Ttte industrial policy of Japan. Paris: OECD, 1972. 195 p.

218. PATRICK, Hugh. Finance, capital markets and economic growth in Japan. In: SAMETZ, Arnold W. (ed.). Financiai development and eco nomie growth. New Vork: New Vork University Press, 1972.


219. *COLE, Robert E. Japanese blue collar: the changing tradition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. 300 p.

220. *KOJIMA, Kiyoshi. Japan and a Pacific free trade area. London: MacMillan, 1971. 195 p.


221. BIEDA, K. The structure and operation of the Japanese economy. Australia: John Wiley and Sons, 1970.

222. *HADLEV, Eleanor M. Antitrust in Japan. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970. 529 p.

223. *ISHIKAWA, Kaoru. DC cucle koryo, general principies of the DC circle. Tokyo: QC Circle Headquarters, Juse, 1970. 86 p.

224. MIZOGUCHI, Toshiyuki. Personal savings and consumption in postwar Japan. Tokyo: Kinokuniya, 1970.


225. HOLLERMAN, Leon. Japan's dependence on the world economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967.


226. *NAKAMURA, James. Agricultural production and the economic development of Japan 1873-1922. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1966. 257 p.


227. LOCKWOOD, William Wirt (ed.). State and economic enterprise in Japan: essays in the political economy of growth. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965. 753 p.



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229. TAEUBER, Irene B. The population of Japan. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1958.461 p.


230. *BENEDICT, Ruth. The chrysanthemum and the sword: patterns of Japanese culture. BonkyoKu: Charles E. Tuttle, 1954. 324 p.

231. *LOCKWOOD, William W. The economic development of Japan: growth and structural change 1868-1938. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1954. 603 p.


232. COHEN, Jerome B. Japan's economy in war and reconstruction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1949.

233. *FAVOL, Henri. General and industrial management. London: Pitman, 1949. 110 p.

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234. Japanese business glossary. [s.l.] : Mitsubishi Corporation, s.d. V. 1, v. 2.

235. ODAGIRI, Hiroyuki, GOTO, Akira. National systems supporting technical advance in industry: Japan. In: NELSON, Richard (ed.). National systems of innovation. Oxford: University Press, s.d.

236. OECD. Economic surveys: Japan 19901991. Washington: OECD, s.d.



237. TORRES FILHO, Ernani T. A economia política do Japão: reconstrução econômica e seus impactos sobre as relações Nipo-Brasileiras (1973-1990). Rio de Janeiro: lEI/UFRJ, 1992.


238. *SUGO, Alberto Issao. O mito do Sistema Administrativo Japonês: uma tentativa de interpretação alternativa do Sistema Administrativo Japonês como fenômeno social. São Paulo:

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239. CHESNAIS, François. Globalisation, world oligopoly and some of their implications. In: SEMINAR ON "GLOBAL TRENDS OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT AND THE TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATlON STRATEGIES IN BRAZIL", Nov. 3-6, São Paulo, 1992. São Paulo: Universidade de Campinas, 1992. p. 14

240. _______ . National systems of innovation, foreign direct investment and the operations of multinational enterprises. In: UNIVERSIDADE DE CAMPINAS. TCMD-Transnational Corporations and Management Division/CERI-Centro de Estudos das Relações Econômicas Internacionais, Nov. 1992. Campinas: Universidade de Campinas, 1992. 48 p.

241. KOIKE, Voichi. New strategy of direct investment by Japanese firms. In: SEMINAR ON "GLOBAL TRENDS OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT AND THE TRANSNATlONAL CORPORATION STRATEGIES IN BRAZIL", Nov. 3-6, 1992. Campinas: Universidade de Campinas, 1992.


242. FERREIRA, C.G. et al. Alternativas Sueca, Italiana e Japonesa ao paradigma fordista: elementos para uma discussão sobre o caso brasileiro. In: SEMINÁRIO INTERDISCIPLINAR: modelos de organização industrial, política industrial e trabalho, São Paulo, abril 1991. São Paulo : Universidade de São Paulo, Abril 1991. 27 p.

243. GITILEMAN, Michelle, DUNNING, John H. Japanese multinational in Europe and the United States: some comparisons and contrasts. In: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ACADEMV OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, Oct. 1991.


244. FITCHETT, Delbert. A sunset industry in the land of rising sun? Agriculture and agricultural protectionism in Japan. In: JAPAN ECONOMIC SEMINAR, Sept. 23, 1988.


245. SHEARD, Paul. The structural impediments' view of Japanese corporate organization: a critical evaluation of the recent debate. In: CONFERENCE JAPANESE STUDIES ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALlA, 7. v.1.


246. SHEARD, Paul. Delegated monitoring among delegated monitors: principal agent aspects of the main bank system. In: STOCKHOLM SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS CONFERENCE "JAPAN IN A GLOBAL ECONOMV", Stockholm, Sept. 1991. Stockholm: Stockholm School of Economies, Sept. 1991.

247. WESTNEV, D. Eleanor. The evaluation of industrial R&D in Japanese firms. In: JAPAN IN A GLOBAL ECONOMV CONFERENCE, Stockholm, Sept. 5-6 1991. Stockholm: Stockholm School of Economics, Sept. 5-6 1991.


248. *STOFFAES, Christian. Reestruturação industrial recente nos países da OCDE. In: CONFERÊNCIA INTERNACIONAL DE POlÍTICA INDUSTRIAL E DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO, 1., São Paulo, 1989. São Paulo: PLANEF/OCDE, 1990. p. 13-44.


249. VONEKAWA, Shinichi, Voshihara, Hideki (eds.). History of general trading companies. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS HISTORV, 13., Tokyo, 1988. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1988.


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253. FLAT, David. The economic rationality of the Japanese distribution system. New Vork: Columbia University/Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Sept. 1989. (Working Pepers, 29)

254. TAKAHASHI, Hideo. Structural chages in Japan's distribution system. Nov. 1989. (JEI Reports, n. 43A)


255. HIGUCHI, Yoshio. A comparative study of Japanese plants operating in the U.S. and American plants: recruitment, job training, wage structures, and job separalion. New York: Columbia University Center on Japanese Economy and Business, May 1987. (Working Papers)

256. MINGER, Jacob, HIGUCHI, Yoshio. Wage structure and labor turnover in the U.S. and in Japan. New York: Columbia University/Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Sept. 1987. ( Working Papers, 12)

257. PATRICK, Hugh T. The management of the United States: Japan trade relatíonshlp and its implications for the pacific basln economies. New York: Columbia University/Center on Japanese Economy and Business, 1987. (Working Papers,8)


258. ALEXANDER, Arthur J., TAN, Hong W. Barriers to U.S. service trade in Japan. Sept. 1984. (RAND Reports, R3175)


259. SEKIGUCHI, Sueo et al. Japanese foreign direct investment. Tokyo : Japanese Economic Research Center, Dec. 1977. (Japanese Economie Research Center Paper, 32)


260. BLEMENTHAL, Tuvia. Savings in postwar Japan. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970. (East Asian Monographs, 35)

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261. OSTRON, Douglas. Industrial policies in search of a model: comparing the experiences of Japan and the United States. s.d. (JEI Report, n. 29A)



262. *CHANDLER, Alfred D. What is a firm? A historical perspective. European Economic Review, Amsterdam, v. 36, n. 213, p. 483-92, Apr. 1992.

263. *GERLACH, Michael. Twilight of the keiretsu? A criticai assessment. The Journal of Japanese Studies, Seattle, v. 18, n. 1, p. 79-118, Winter 1992.

264. *KATO, Heitor Takashi, MIYAZAKI, Silvio Yoshiro Mizuguchi, SUGO, Alberto Issao. Mãode-obra do Brasil para o Japão: aspectos econômicos e impactos nas empresas do fenômeno Dekassegui. Revista de Administração de Empresas, São Paulo, v. 32, n. 4, p. 20-31, sept./out. 1992.

265. *MARSH, Robert M. The difference between participation and power in Japanese factories. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, lthaca, v. 45, n. 2, p.250-7, Jan. 1992.

266. *MIYAZAKI, Silvio Yoshiro Mizuguchi. Reforma monetária e fiscal para o combate à inflação no Japão pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial (1945-1951). Revista de Economia Política, São Paulo, v. 12, n. 4, p. 89-104, out./dez. 1992.


267. *HOSHI, Takeo, Kashyap, Anil, SCHARFSTEIN, David. Corporate structure, liquidity, and investment: evidence from Japanese industrial groups. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Cambridge, v. 106, n. 1, p. 33-60, Feb. 1991.

268. KENNEY, Martin, FLORIDA, Richard. How Japanese industry is rebuilding the rust belt. Technology Review, Cambridge, v. 94, n. 2, p. 24-33, Feb.lMar. 1991.

269. *MORISHIMA, Motohiro. Information sharing and firm performance in Japan. Industrial Relations, Berkeley, v. 30, n. 1, p. 37-61, Winter 1991.

270. *SCHROEDER, Dean M., ROBINSON, Alan G. America's most successful export to Japan: continuous improvement programs. Sloan Management Review, Cambridge, v. 32, n. 3, p. 6781, Spring 1991.

271. *WHITLEY, Richard D. The social construction of business systems in East Asia. Organization Studies, NewYork,v.12, n.1, p.1-28, 1991.

272. *WILLlAMSON, Jeffrey G. Productivity and American leadership: a review article. Journal of Economic Literature, Nashville, v. 29, n. 1, p. 5168, Mar. 1991.


273. *CHANDLER, Alfred D. The enduring logic of industrial success. Harvard Business Review, Boston, v. 68, n. 2, p. 130-40, Mar.lApr. 1990.

274. DINICHI, Imai. The legitimacy of Japan's corporate groups. Japan Echo, v. 18, n. 3, 1990.

275. ENCARNATION, Dennis J., MASON, Mark. Neither MITI nor America: the political economy of capilalliberalization in Japan. Internationalorganization, Cambridge, v. 44, n. 1, p. 25-54, Winter 1990.

276. *FERRO, José Roberto. Aprendendo com o "ohnolsrno" (produção flexível em massa) lições para o Brasil. Revista de Administração de Empresas, São Paulo, v. 30, n. 3, p. 57-68, jul./set. 1990.

277. FLAT, David. Why are there so many retall stores in Japan? Japan and the World Economy, Amsterdam, v. 2, n. 4, p. 365-386, 1990.

278. *FLEURY, Afonso. Capacitação tecnológica e processo de trabalho: comparação entre o modelo Japonês e Brasileiro. Revista de Adminitração de Empresas, São Paulo, v. 30, n. 4, p. 2330, out./dez. 1990.

279. HORIOKA, Charles Yuji. Why is the Japan's household saving rate so high? A literature survey. Journal of the Japanese and International Economy, v. 4, n. 1, p. 49-92, 1990.

280. HOSHI, Takeo, Kashyap, Anil, SCHARFSTEIN, David. The role of banks in reducing costs of financiai distress in Japan. Journal of FinanciaI Economics, Amsterdam, v. 27, p. 67-88, 1990.

281. * JAIN, Hem C. Human resource management in selected Japanese firms, their foreign subsidiaries and locally owned counterparts. International Labour Review, Geneva, v. 129, n. 1, p. 73-89,Jan. 1990.

282. JOHNSON, Chalmers. Keiretsu: an outsider view. International Economic Insights, Washington,v. 1,n.2, p. 15-17, 1990.

283. SMITKA, Michael J. The invisible handshake: the development of the Japanese automotive parts industry. Business and Economic History, v. 19, 1990.

284. *SUGO, Alberto Issao. Administração Japonesa. Revista de Administração de Empresas, São Paulo, v. 30, n. 4, p. 79-85, out./dez. 1990.

285. SUZUKI, Yoshio. Increasing the financiai integration of U.S. and Japanese markets. Japan and the World Economy, Amsterdam, v. 2, p. 387 -395, 1990.

286. *WHITLEY, Richard D. Eastern Asian enterprise structu res and the comparative analysis of forms of business organization. organization Studies, New York, v. 11, n. 1, p. 47-74, Mar. 1990.

287. *WHITTAKER, D.H. The end of Japanese style employment? Work, Employment and Society, London, v. 4, n. 3, p. 321-47, Sept. 1990.

288. *WILKINS, Mira. Japanese multinationals in the United States: continuity and change, 1879­1990. Business History Review, Boston, v. 64, n. 4, p. 585-629, Winter 1990.


289. HAYASHI, Fumio. Is Japan's saving rate high? Federal Reserve of Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, Minneapolis, v. 13, n. 2, p. 3­9, Spring 1989.

290. HICKOK, Susan. Japanese trade balance adjustment to yen appreciation. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Quarterly Review, New York, v. 14, p. 33-47, Autumn 1989.

291. MROCZKOWSKI, Tomasz, HANAOKA, Masao. Continuity and change in Japanese management. California Management Review, Berkeley, V. 31, n. 2, p. 39-53, Winter 1989.

292. NARIN, Francis, FRAME, J. Davison. The growth of Japanese science and technology. Science, Washington, V. 245, Aug. 1989.


293. *ORRÚ, Marco, Hamilton, Gary G., SUZUKI, Mariko. Patterns of inter-firm control in Japanese Business. Organization Studies, New York, v. 10, n. 4, p. 549-574, Dec. 1989.

294. SHEARD, Paul. The main bank system and corporate monitoring and control in Japan. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Amsterdam, v. 11, n. 2, p. 399-422, May 1989.


295. BARTLETI, Christopher A., YOSHIHARA, Hideki. New challenges for Japanese multinationals: is organization adaptation their Achilles heel? Human Resource Management, New York, v. 27, n. 1, p. 19-43, Spring 1988.

296. *COLE, Robert E., DESKINS JR., Donald R. Racial factors in site location and employment patterns of Japanese auto firms in America. Calífornia Management Review, Berkeley, v. 31, n. 1, p. 9-22, Fall 1988.

297. *HAMILTON, Gary, BIGGARD, Nicole Woolsey. Market, culture, and authority: a comparative analysis of management and organization in the Far East. American Journal of Sociology, Chicago, v. 94, p. S52-S94, 1988. (supplement)

298. KENICHI, Imai. The corporate network in Japan. Japanese Economic stuotes, White Plains, p. 3-37, Winter 1987/1988.

299. *MANSFIELD, Edwin. Industrial R&D in Japan and the United States: a comparative study. American Economic Review, Nashville, v. 78, n. 2, p. 223-8, May 1988.

300. .The speed and cost of industrial innovation in Japan and the United States: external vs. internal technology. Management science, Providence, v. 34, n. 10, p. 1157-68, Oct. 1988.

301. *ROSENBERG, Nathan, STEINMUELLER, W. Edward. Why are Americans such poor imitators? The American Economic Review, Berkeley, v. 78, n. 2, p. 229-34, May 1988.


302. *DUNPHY, Dexter. Convergence/divergence: a temporal review of Japanese enterprise and its management. Academy ot Management Review, Mississippi State, v. 12, n. 3, p. 445-59, July 1987.

303. JUNZO, Ishii. Competitive strategy ot Japanese business. Japanese Economic stuates, White Plains, p. 3-47, Winter 1986/1987.

304. *OHMAE, Kenichi. Japan's role in the world economy: a new appraisal. Calífornia Management Review, Berkeley, v. 29, n. 3, p. 42-58, Spring 1987.


305. AZUMI, Koya. Creativity of Japanese companies. The Japan Foundation Newsletter, Tokyo, v. 14, n. 4, p. 12-5, Dec. 1986.

306. *lINCOLN, James R., HANADA, Mitsuyo, McBRIDE, Kerry. Organizational structures in Japanese and U.S. manufacturing. Administrative Science Duarterly, Ithaca, v. 31, n. 3, p. 338-64, Sept. 1986.

307. *OTSUBO, Mayumi. A guide to Japanese business practices. Calífornia Management Review, Berkeley, v. 28, n. 3, p. 28-42, Spring 1986.

308. *REITSPERGER, Wolf D. Japanese management: coping with british industrial relations. Journal of Management Studies, Oxford, v. 23, n. 1,p. 72-87,Jan. 1986.

309. SARGEN, Nicholas et aI. Trading patterns in the Japanese Government bond market. Bond Market Research, Currencies and International Interest Rates, New York, p. 20, Oct. 1986.

310. TAKANAKA, Akira. Some thoughts on Japanese management centering on personnel and labor management: the reality and the future: recent changes in the evaluation and substance of theories of Japanese Management. International Studies of Management and Organizations, White Plains, v. 15, n. 3/4, p. 17-68, 1986.

31'. YAMAMOTO, Shichihei. Tradition and management. International Studies of Management and Organizations, White Plains, v. 15, n. 3/4, p. 69-88, 1986.


312. *JOHNSON, Chalmers. The institutional foundations of Japanese industrial policy. Calífornia Management Review, Berkeley, v. 27, n. 4, p. 59-69, Summer 1985.

313. *NEGANDHI, Anant R., ESHGHI, Golpira S., YUEN, Edith C. The management practices of Japanese subsidiaries overseas. Calífornia Management Review, Berkeley, v. 27, n. 4, p. 93-105, Summer 1985.

314. SHIMADA, Haruo, HIGUCHI, Yoshio. An analysis of trends in female labor force participation in Japan. Journal of Labor Economics, Chicago, v. 3, n. 1, p. S355-S375, Jan. 1985. (supplement)


315. *HAMIL TON, Gary G. Patriarchalism in Imperial China an Western Europe: a revision of Weber's Sociology of domination. Theory and Society, Berkeley, v. 13, n. 3, p. 393-425, May 1984. (spsctal issue)

316. *KEYS, J. Bernard, Miller, Thomas R. The Japanese management theory Jungle. Academy of Management Review, Mississippi State, v. 9, n. 2, p. 342-53, Apr. 1984.

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  • 001. FUNDAÇÃO JAPÃO. Pesquisas: assessoria cultural do Consulado Geral do Japão. São Paulo: Fundação Japão, 1993
  • 002. EDWARDS, Flanklin, PATRICK, Hugh T. (eds.). Regulating internation finacial markets: issues and policies. Boston: Kluwer Academic Press, 1992.
  • 003. FRANCKS, Penelope. Japanese economic development: theory and practice. Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies Series, 1992.
  • 004. GERLACH, Michael. Allíance capitalism: the social organization of Japanese business. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1992.
  • 005. ITO, Takatoshi. The Japanese economy. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1992.
  • 006. KRUGMAN, Paul R. (ed.). Trade with Jepan: has the door opened wider? Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.
  • 007. OECD. Technology and the economy: the key relationships. Washington: OECD, 1992.
  • 008. UNITED NATIONS CENTRE ON TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS. The determinants of foreign direct investment: a survey of the evidence. New York: United Nations, 1992.
  • 009. YAMAMOTO, Schichihei. The spirit of Japanese capitalism and selected essays. Lanham: Madison Bks., 1992. 263 p.
  • 010. DODWELL Marketing Consultants Staff. Industrial groupings in Japan. Bristol: International Pubns. Service, 1991.
  • 011. FAIR, Japan's financiai markets, FAIR fact series li. Tokyo: Foundation for Advanced lntormation and Research, 1991.
  • 012. HOLSTEIN, William J. The Japanese power game: what ít means for Amence. New York: Plume Books, 1991. 351 p.
  • 013. JAPAN ECONOMIC PLANNING AGENCY. Economic survey of Japan 1990-1991. Tokyo: Ministry of Finance, 1991.
  • 014. MATSUMOTO, Koji. The rise of Japanese corporate systems: the inside view of a MITI oficial. London: Kegan Paullnternational, 1991.
  • 015. OZAKI, Robert. Human capitalism: the Jspanese enterprise system as World model. New York: Kodansha International, 1991. 224 p.
  • 016. SEKIGUCHI, Sueo. Japan: a plethora of programs. In: PATRICK, Hugh T. (ed.). Pacific basin industries in distress: structural adlustment and trade policy in the nine industrialized economies. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.
  • 017. SHIGEHARA, Kumiharu. Financial liberalization and monetary policy: Japan's financial markets. Tokyo: Foundation for Advanced Information and Research, 1991.
  • 018. SMITKA, Michael J. Competitiveties: subcontracting in the Japanese automotíve industry. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.
  • 019. SUZUKI, Yoshitaka. Japanese management structures, 1920-80. New York: S1, Martin's Press, 1991. 500 p.
  • 020. TAVARES, Maria da Conceição, TORRES FILHO, Ernani Teixeira, BURLAMAQUI, Leonardo. Japão: um caso exemplar de capitalismo organizado. Brasflia: IPEAlCEPAL, 1991. 154 p.
  • 021. UNITED STATES. OFFICE OF THE U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE. "Japan" in 1991 national trade estimate repon on foreign trade barriers. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1991.
  • 022. UNO, Kimio (ed.). Technology, investment and trade. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing, 1991. 443 p.
  • 023. WHITEHILL, Arthur Murray. Japanese management: tradítíon and transítíon. New York: Routledge, 1991. 297 p.
  • 024. YANAGIHARA, Toru, EMIG, Anne. An overview of Japan's foreign aid. In: ISLAM, Shafiqul (ed.). Yen for development: Japanese foreign aid and the politics of burden-sharing. New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1991.
  • 025. *BURSTEIN, Daniel. Yen: o Japão e o seu novo império financeiro. São Paulo:Cultura, 1990.384 p.
  • 026. DERIAN, Jean-Claude. America's struggle for leadership in technology. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990. 336 p.
  • 027. DONER, Richard F. Driving a bargain: automotible industrialization and Japanese firms in Southeast Asia. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. 350 p.
  • 028. *FUKUCHI, Takao, KAGAMI, Mitsuhiro (eds.). Perspectives on the pacífíc basin economy: a comparison of Asian and Latin America. Tokyo: IDEI The Asian Club Foundation, 1990. 610 p.
  • 029. GATT, Trade policy review. Geneva: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 1990.
  • 030. GENTHER, Phyllis A. A history of Japan's government-business relationship: the psssenger car industry. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan/Center for Japanese Studies, 1990. 242 p.
  • 031. HIGASHI, Chikara, LAUTER, G. Peter. The internationalization of the Japanese economy. 2. ed. Norwell: Kluwer Academic Pubs., 1990.
  • 032. HULTEN, Charles R. (ed.). Productivity growth in Japan and the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. 446 p.
  • 033. INOHARA, Hideo. Human resource development in Japanese companies. White Plains : Quality Resources, 1990. 320 p.
  • 034. ISHI, Hiromitsu. The Japanese tax system. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 376 p.
  • 035. KESTER, W. Carl. Japanese takeovers: the global contest for corporate control. Boston: Harvard Business School, 1990. 320 p.
  • 036. KOMIYA, Ryutaro. The Japanese economy: trade, industry, and government. Tokyo: University ot Tokyo Press, 1990. 396 p.
  • 037. KURODA, Makoto. "Super 301 and Japart'. In: BHAGWATI, Jagdish, PATRICK, Hugh T. (eds.). Aggressive unílateralism: America's 301 trade policy and the world trading system. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1990.
  • 038. LIMA SOBRINHO, Barbosa. Japão: o capital se faz em casa. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1990. 238 p.
  • 039. L1NCOLN, James R., KALLEBERG, Arne L. culture, control and commitment: a study of work organization and work attitudes in the United States and Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
  • 040. MIYAZAKI, Isamu. The Japanese economy: what makes it tíck? Tokyo: Simul Press, 1990.
  • 041. NOGUCHI, Yukio. Tax reform debates in Japano In: BOSKIN, Michael J., McLURE JR., Charles E. (eds.), World tax reform: case studies of developed and developing countries. San Francisco: ICS Press, 1990.
  • 042. *SCHWARTZ, Gilson. Japão de olhos abertos: evolução financeira e políticas econõmices na era moderna. São Paulo: Nobel, 1990. 153 p.
  • 043. SOARES, Rosa Maria Sales de Melo. As novas abordagens da produtividade em gestão da empresa: automação e competitividade. Brasília: IPEA,1990.
  • 044. UMESAO, Tadao. The roots of contemporary Japan. Tokyo: The Japan Forcon, 1990.
  • 045. WHITIAKER, D.H. Managing innovation: a study of British and Japanese factories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. 250 p.
  • 046. YAMAMURA, Kozo (ed.). Japan's economic structure: should it change? Seattle: Society for Japanese Studies, 1990.378 p. 1989
  • 047. ANCHORDOGUY, Marie. Computers, Inc. Japan's challenge to IBM. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989. 300 p.
  • 048. BOGER, Karl. Japanese direct foreign investment: an annoted bibliography. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1989. 232 p.
  • 049. *BROCK, Malcolm V. Biotechnology in Japano London: Routledge, 1989. 156 p.
  • 050. *CHALMERS, Norma J. Industrial relations in Japan: the peripheral workforce. London: Routledge, 1989. 283 p.
  • 051. COLE, Robert E. Strategies for learning: small-group activities in American, Japanese, and Swedish industry. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1989. 338 p.
  • 052. DORE, Ronald, SAKO, Mari. How the Japanese learn to work. London :Routledge, 1989. 192 p.
  • 053. LILLRANK, Paul, KANO, Noriaki. Continuous improvement: quality control circles in Japanese industry. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan/Center for Japanese Studies, 1989. 294 p.
  • 054. L1NCOLN, Edward. Japan's unequal trade. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1989. 180 p.
  • 055. MONDEN, Yasuhiro, SAKURAI, Michiharu (eds.). Japanese Management accounting: a world ctess approach to profit management. Cambridge: Productivity Press, 1989.546 p.
  • 056. MORRIS-SUZUKI, Tessa. A History ot Japanese economic thought. London: Routledge, 1989.213 p.
  • 057. OHKAWA, Kazushi, SHINOHARA, Miyohei, UMEMURA, Mataji (eds.), Estimates of longterm economic statistics of Japan since 1968. Tokyo :Tokyo Keizai Shimposha, 1966-1989.
  • 058. OKIMOTO, Daniel I. Between MITI and the market: Japanese industrial policy for high tecnnology. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989.267 p.
  • 059. REISCHAUER, Edwin O., CRAIG, Albert M. Japan:tradition and transformation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989.
  • 060. ROSENBLUTH, Frances M. Financial politics in contemporary Japan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989. 248 p.
  • 061. *SHIBAGAKI, Kazuo, TREVOR, Malcolm, ABO, Tetsuo (eds.). Japanese and European management: their international adaptability. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1989. 272 p.
  • 062. SHINGO, Shigeo. A study of ttte Toyots production system from an industrial ençineering viewpoint. Cambridge: Productivity Press, 1989.352 p.
  • 063. SUZUKI, Yoshio (ed.). The Japanese financial system. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.374 p.
  • 064. *WAL TON, Mary. O método deming de administração. Rio de Janeiro: Marques Saraiva, 1989.276 p.
  • 065. YAMAMURA, Kozo (ed.). Japanese investment in the United States: should we be concerned? Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1989.
  • 066. AOKI, Masahiko. Information, incentives, and bargaining in the Japanese economy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 320 p.
  • 067. CARGILL, Thomas F., ROYAMA, Shoichi. The transition of finance in Japan and the United Sates: a comparative perspective. Stantord: Hoover Institution Press, 1988. 242 p.
  • 068. FRIEDMAN, David. Misunderstood miracle: industrial development and polítical change in Japan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. 280 p.
  • 069. HAMADA, Koichi, PATRICK, Hugh T. Japan and the international monetary regime. In: INOGUCHI, Takashi, OKIMOTO, Daniel I. The political economy of Japan. Stanford : Stanford University Press, 1988. p. 108-37. V. 2 (The Changing International Context).
  • 070. HAYAMI, Yujiro. Japanese agriculture under seige. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988. 140 p.
  • 071. *HAYASHI, Shuji. Culture and management in Japan. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1988.194 p.
  • 072. INOGUCHI, Takashl, OKIMOTO, Daniel I. (eds.). The political economy of Japan. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988. 566 p. V. 2 (The Changing International Context)
  • 073. KOIKE, Kazuo. Understanding industrial relations in modem Japan. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988. 300 p.
  • 074. KOMIYA, Ryutaro et ai (eds.). Industrial policy of Japan. San Diego: Academic Press, 1988. 590 p.
  • 075. L1NCOLN, Edward J. Japan: facing ecoaomie maturity. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1988.298 p.
  • 076. MIZUNO, Shigeru. Company-wide total quality control. Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization, 1988. 313 p.
  • 077. *OHNO, Taiichi. Toyota production system: beyond large-scale production. Cambridge: Productivity Press, 1988. 143 p.
  • 078. OKIMOTO, Daniel I., ROHLEN, Thomas P. (eds.). Inside the Japanese system: readings on contemporary society and polítical economy. Stantord: Stanford University Press, 1988. 286 p.
  • 079. *RATTNER, Henrique. Impactos sociais da automação: o caso do Japão. São Paulo: Nobel, 1988.122 p.
  • 080. REISCHAUER, Edwin O. The Japanese today: change and continuity. Tokyo: C.E. Tuttle, 1988.
  • 081. *TSUTSUI, William M. Banking policy in Japan: American ettotts at reform during the occupation. London: Routledge, 1988. 156 p.
  • 082. VINER, Aron C. Inside Japanese financial markets. Homewood: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1988.
  • 083. YOSHINO, M.Y., L1FSON, Thomas B. The invisible link: Japan's Sogo Shosha and the organization of trade. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1988.304 p.
  • 084. BLUMENTHAL, Tuvia (ed.). Japanese management at home and abroad. Ben-Gurion University Press, 1987.
  • 085. DORE, Ronald. Taking Japan seriously: a confusion perspective on leading economics issues. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987.
  • 086. ERGAS, Henry. Does technology pottcv matter? In: GUILE, Bruce R., BROOKS, Harvey (eds.). Techonology and global industry: companies and nations in the world economy. Washington: National Academy Press, 1987. p. 191245
  • 087. MACPHERSON, W.J. The economic development of Japan 1868-1941. London: Macmillan, 1987. 96 p.
  • 088. NOGUCHI, Yukio. Public finance. In: YAMAMURA, Kozo, YASUBA, Yasukich (eds.). Political economy of Japan. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987. p. 186-222. V. 1 (The Domestic Transformation)
  • 089. PATRICK, Hugh T., TACHI, Ryuchiro (eds.). Japan and the United States today: exchange tates, macroeconomic policies, and financial market innovations. New York: Columbia University Press, 1987. 200 p.
  • 090. PYLE, Kenneth B. (ed.). The trade crisis: how will Japan respond? Seattle: Society for Japanese Studies, 1987.
  • 091. SAMUELS, Richard J. The business of the Japanese state: energy markets in compara tive and historical perspective. Ithaca: CorneU University Press, 1987. 376 p.
  • 092. UEKUSA, Masu. Industrial organization: the 1970s to the present. In: YAMAMURA, KOlO, Yasuba, Yasukichi (eds.). Political economy of Japano Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987. p. 469-515. V. 1 (The Domestic Transformation)
  • 093. *UNO, Kimio. Japanese industrial pertomance. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1987. 439 p.
  • 094. YAMAMURA, Kozo, YASUBA, Yasukichi (eds.). The polítical economy of Japan. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987. 666 p. V. 1 (The domestic transformation)
  • 095. CHRISTOPHER, Robert C. Second ton none: American companies in Japan. New York: Crown, 1986.
  • 096. DORE, Ronald. Flexióle rigidities: industrial policy and structural adjustment in the Japanese economy 1970-80. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1986. 286 p.
  • 097. Structural adjustment in Japan, 1970-82. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1986.
  • 098. DUNNING, John H. Japanese participation in British industry. London: Croom Helm, 1986. 207 p.
  • 099. FELDMAN, Robert Aian. Japanese financial markets: deficits, dilem mas and deregulation. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1986. 245 p.
  • 100. GREGORY, Gene. Japanese electronics technology: emetprise and innovation. New York: Wiley, 1986. 420 p.
  • 101.*IMAI, Masaaki. "Kaizen": a key to Japan's competitive success. New York: Random House, 1986.259 p.
  • 102. JURAN, J.M. Planning for quality. Wilton: Juran Institute Inc., 1986.
  • 103. *KOSAI, Yutaka. The era of high-speed growth: notes on the postwar Japanese economy. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1986. 223 p.
  • 104. McCRAW, Thomas K. (ed.). America vs. Japano Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1986.
  • 105
    105. America vs. Japan: a comparative study of business-govemment relations. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1986.
  • 106. MINAMI, Ryoshin, THOMPSON, Ralph. The economic development of Japan: a quantitative study. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986. 487 p.
  • 107
    107. NOMURA RESEARCH INSTITUTE. The world economy and financiai markets in 1995. Tokyo: Nomura Research Institute, 1986.
  • 108. OECD. Economic surveys: Japan 1986­1987. Washington: OECD, 1986.
  • 109. PATRICK, Hugh T. (ed.). Japan's high technology industries: lessons and limitations of industrial policy. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1986. 277 p.
  • 110. PUGEL, Thomas A., HAWKINS, Robert G. (eds.). The fragile interdependence: economic issues in U.S. - Japanese trade and investment. Lexington: Heath, 1986. 288 p.
  • 111. REICH, Michael, ENDO, Yasuo, TIMMER, C. Peter. Agriculture: the political economy of structural change. In: McGraw, Thomas K. (ed.). America vs. Japan. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1986.
  • 112. *SAXONHOUSE, Gary R., YAMAMURA, Kozo (eds.). Law and trade issues of the Japanese economy: American and Japanese perspectives. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1986. 290 p.
  • 113. *SHIBATA, Tokue (ed.). Public finance in Japan. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1986. 195 p.
  • 114. SHIMIZU, Ryei. Top management in Japanese firms. New York: Taylor & Francis Inc., 1986.244 p.
  • 115. SUZUKI, Yoshio. Money, finance and macroeconomic performance in Japan. New Harven: Yale University Press, 1986. 258 p.
  • 116. *TAYLOR, Frederic Winslow. Princípios de administração científica. 7 ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1986.138 p.
  • 117. TUNG, Rosalie L. (ed.). Strategic management in the United States and Japan. New York: Ballinger, 1986.
  • 118. *ABEGGLEN, James C., STALK JR., George. Kaisha, the Japanese corporation. New York: Basíc Books, 1985. 309 p.
  • 119. CUSUMANO, Michael A. The Japanese automobile industry: technology and management at Nissan and Toyota. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985. 487 p.
  • 120. HORNE, James. Japan's financial markets: conflict an consensus in policymaking. Concord: Paul & Co Pubs., 1985. 272 p.
  • 121. ISHIKAWA, Kaoru. How to operate QC circle activities (JUSE - Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers). Tokyo: JUSE, 1985.
  • 122
    122. What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese way. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1985.215 p.
  • 123. * JURAN, J.M. Management of qualíty. 4. ed. Wilton: Danbury Road, 1985.
  • 124. *KAGONO, Tadao et aI. Strategic vs. evolutionary management: a U.S. Japan comparison of strategy and organization. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1985. 328 p.
  • 125. LYNN, Leonard H. Technology transfer to Japan: what we know, what we need to know, and what we know that may not be so. In: ROSENBERG, Nathan, FRISCHTAK, Claudio (eds.). International technology transters: concepts, measures, and comparisons. Toronto: Praeger, 1985. p. 255-76.
  • 126. MONDEN, Yasuhiro. Innovations in management: the Japanese corporation. Norcross: Industrial Engineering and Management Press, 1985.
  • 127. NAKANE, Chie. Japanese society. Tokyo : C.E. Tuttle, 1985. 305 p.
  • 128. TAKAGI, Haruo. The flaw in Japanese management. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1985.
  • 129. TAKAMIYA, Susumu, THURLEY, Keith (ed.). Japan's emerging multinationals. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1985. 287 p.
  • 130. *THUROW, Lester C. (ed.). The management challenge: Japanese views. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1985. 237 p.
  • 131. AOKI, Masahiko (ed.). Economic analysis of tbe Japanese firmo New York: Elsevier, 1984.
  • 132. *ETO, Hajime, MATSUI, Konomu. R&D: management systems in Japanese industry. Arnsterdam: North-Holland, 1984.331 p.
  • 133. FRANKEL, Jeffrey A. The yen/dollar agreement: liberalizing Japanese capital markets. Washington: Institute for International Economies, 1984. 86 p.
  • 134. * JETRO. White paper on intemational trade Japan 1984. Tokyo: JETRO, 1984.441 p.
  • 135. *KONO, Toyohiro. Strategy and structure of Japanese enterprises. London: MacMillan, 1984. 352 p.
  • 136. KOSAI, Yutaka, OGINO, Yoshitaro. The contemporary Japanese economy. London: MacMillan, 1984. 134 p.
  • 137. Kunio, Yoshihara. Sogo Shosha: the venguard of the Japanese economy. Oxíord: Oxford University Press, 1984.
  • 138. L1NCOLN, Edward. Japan's industrial policies. Washington: Japan Economic Institute, 1984.
  • 139. *McMILLAN, Charles J. The Japanese industrial system. New Vork: de Gruyter, 1984. 356 p.
  • 140. MIZOGUCHI, Toshiyuki, TAKAVAMA, Noriyuki. Equity and poverty under rapid economic growth: me Japanese experience. Tokyo: Kinokuniya,1984.
  • 141. *PASCALE, Richard Tanner, ATHOS, Anthony G. the art of Japanese management. New Vork: Penguin Books, 1984.221 p.
  • 142. SATO, Kazuo, HOSHINO, Vasuo (eds.). Anatomy of Japanese business. Armonk: Sharpe, 1984.352 p.
  • 143. TUNG, Rosalie L. Business negotiations with the Japanese. Lexington: Heath, 1984. Capo 4-8 (especially case studies)
  • 144. UNITED STATES-JAPAN ADVISORV COMMISSION. Challenges and opportunities in United States: Japan relations. Washington; Tokyo: U.S.-Japan Advisory Commission, 1984.
  • 145. ZVSMAN, John, TVSON, Laura. U.S. and Japanese trade and industrial policies. United States: Japan Advisory Commission, 1984.
  • 146. IVORI, Hiroshi, UESUGI, Akinori. Antimonopoly laws of Japan. 2. ed. Washington: Federal Legal Publications, 1983. 380 p.
  • 147
    147. JAPAN ECONOMIC PLANNING AGENCV. Economic council, long-term outloo committee, Japan in the year 2000. Tokyo: Japan Times, 1983.
  • 148. MONDEN, Vasuhiro. Toyota production system. Atlanta: Industrial Engineering and Management Press, 1983.
  • 149. NAKAMURA, Takafusa. Economic growth in prewar Japan. New Harven: Vale University Press, 1983. 326 p.
  • 150. *OKITA, Saburo. The developing economies and Japan: lessons in growth. 4. ed. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1983. 284 p.
  • 151. PATRICK, Hugh, SATO, Hideo. The political economy of United States-Japan trade in steel. In: VAMAMURA, Kozo (ed.). Policy and trade íssues of the Japanese economy: American and Japanese perspectives. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1983.
  • 152. SAXONHOUSE, Gary R. Tampering with comparative advantage in Japan? Statement to the United States International Trade Commission,1983.
  • 153. SHIRAI, Taishiro (ed.). Contemporary industrial relations in Japan. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1983. 448 p.
  • 154. *SMITH, Adam. A riqueza das nações: investigação sobre sua natureza e suas causas. São Paulo: Abril, 1983. 2 v.
  • 155. STEVEN, Rob. Classes in contemporary Japano Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.
  • 156. TREVOR, Malcolm. Japan's reluctant multinationals. New Vork: St. Martin's Press, 1983. 280 p.
  • 157. UCHINO, Tatsuro. Japan's postwar economy: an insider's view of its history and its tuture. New Vork: Kodansha America Inc., 1983. 300 p.
  • 158
    158. U.S. International Trade Commission. Foreign industrial targeting and its ettects on U.S. industries (Phase I - Japan). Washington: USITC Publication 1437, Oct. 1983.
  • 159. VERNON, Raymond. Two hungry giants: the United States and Japan in the quest for oil and ores. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983.192 p.
  • 160. WHITE, Michael, TREVOR, Malcolm. Under Japanese management: the experience of british workers. Brookfield: Gower Publishing Co., 1983.162 p.
  • 161. VAMAMU RA, Kozo (ed.). Policy and trade issues of the Japanese economy: American and Japanese perspectives. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1983. 348 p.
  • 162. CASTLE, Emery N. et al. U.S. - Japanese agricultural trade relations. Washington : Resources for the Future, 1982. 463 p.
  • 163. DEMING, W. Edwards. Quality, productivity and competitive position. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1982.
  • 164. JOHNSON, Chalmers. MITI and tne Japanese miracle: the growth of industrial policy 19251975. Tokyo: C.E. Tuttle, 1982.
  • 165. KAMATA, Satoshi. Japan in the using lane: an insider's account of life in a Japanese Auto factory. New Vork: Pantheon, 1982.
  • 166. KOJIMA, Kiyoshi. Japanese direct foreign investment: a model of multinational business operations. Tokyo: C.E. Tuttle, 1982.
  • 167. LVNN, Leonard H. How Japan innovates: a comparison with the U.S. in the case of oxygen steelmaking. Boulder: Westview Press, 1982.
  • 168. *MARX, Karl. O capital: crítica da economia política. 8. ed. São Paulo: Difel, 1982. 2 V.
  • 169, OSHIMA, Harry T. Reinterpreting Japan's postwar growth in economic development and cultural change. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1982.
  • 170. OZAWA, Terutomo. Multinationalism, Japanese style: the polítical economy of outward dependence. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982.320 p.
  • 171. PATRICK, Hugh T. The economic dimensions of the U.S. - Japan alliance: an overview. In: OKIMOTO, Daniel I. (ed.). Japan's economy: coping with change in the international environment. Boulder: Westview Press, 1982.
  • 172. *SCHONBERGER, Richard J. Japanese manufacturing techniques: nine hidden lessons in simplicity. New Vork: Free Press, 1982. 260 p.
  • 173. WHEELER, Jimmy W. et aI. Japanese industrial development policies in the 1980s. Indianapolis: Hudson Institute, 1982.
  • 174. *VOSHINO, Michael V. Japan's managerial system: tradition and innovation. 5. ed. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1982. 292 p.
  • 175. MAGAZINER, Ira C, HOUT, Thomas M. Japanese industrial policy. Berkeley: University of California/lnstitute of International Studies, 1981. 120p.
  • 176. *NAKAMURA, Takafusa, The postwar Japanese economy: its development and structure. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1981. 277 p.
  • 177. *SASAKI, Naoto. Management and industrial structure in Japan. New Vork: Pergamon Press, 1981. 141 p.
  • 178. *VOGEL, Erza F. Japan as number one: teesons for America. 7. ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981. 272 p.
  • 179. COOK, Alice H., HAVASHI, Hiroko. Working women in Japan: discrimination, resistance, and reform. Ithaca: ILR Press, 1980. 128 p.
  • 180. DORE, Ronald. Shinohata: portrait of a Japanese Village. New Vork : Pantheon, 1980.
  • 181. HOLLERMAN, Leon (ed.). Japan and the United States: economic and ooutice! adversaries. Boulder: Westview Press, 1980.
  • 182. ICHIMURA, Shinichi, VOSHIHARA, Kunio (eds.). Japanese management in Southeast Asia. Kyoto University Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 1980.
  • 183. MURATA, Kiyoji (ed.). An industrial çeography of Japan. New Vork : St. Martin's Press, 1980.
  • 184. *NISHIKAWA, Shunsaku (ed.). The labor market in Japan. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1980. 277 p.
  • 185. SATO, Kazuo (ed.), Industry and business in Japan. Armonk : M.E. Sharpe, 1980.
  • 186. *SUZUKI, Voshio. Money and banking in contemporary Japan: the theoretical setting and its implications. New Harven: Vale University Press, 1980. 256 p.
  • 187. TASCA, Diane (ed.). U.S. - Japanese economic relations cooperation, competition and confrontation. New Vork: Pergamon Press, 1980.
  • 188. TSURUMI, Voshi. Sogo Shosha: engines of export-based growth. Brookfield: Gower Publishing Co., 1980.
  • 189. *CLARK, Rodney. The Japanese company. New Harven: Vale University Press, 1979. 282 p.
  • 190. COLE, Robert E. Work, mobility, and participation: a comparative study of American and Japanese industry. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. 304 p.
  • 191. HANAMI, Tadashi. Labor relations in Japan today. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1979. 253 p.
  • 192. JURAN, Joseph M., GRVNA JR., Frank M., BINGHAM JR., Richard S. (eds.). Duality control handbook. 3. ed. New Vork: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1979.
  • 193. *OHKAWA, Kazushi, SHINOHARA, Miyohei. Pattems of Japanese economic development: a quantitative appraisal. New Harven: Vale University Press, 1979.411 p.
  • 194. WORONOFF, Jon. Japan: tne coming economic crisis. Westerville: Lotus Press, 1979. 316 p.
  • 195. *VOSHINO, Michael V. The Japanese marketing system: adaptations and innovations. 2. ed. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1979. 319 p.
  • 196. *TSURUMI, Voshi. Japanese business: a research guide with annotated bibliography. New Vork: Praeger Publishers, 1978. 163 p.
  • 197. VOSHIHARA, Kunio. Japanese investment in Southeast Asia. Honolulu : University of Hawai Press, 1978. 243 p.
  • 198. *TSURUMI, Voshi. Multinational management: business strategy and govemment policy. Cambridge: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1977. 604 p.
  • 199. CAVES, Richard E., UEKUSA, Masu. Industrial organization in Japan. Ann Arbor: Bks. Demand UMI, 1976.
  • 200. DENISON, Edward F., CHUNG, William K. How Japan's economy grew so fast: the sources of Postwar expansion. Washington: Brooking Institution, 1976. 267 p.
  • 201. HAITANI, Kanji. The Japanese economic system. Lexington: Heath, 1976. 190 p.
  • 202. MARSH, Robert M., MANNARI, Hiroshi. Modemization and the Japanese factory. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976. 560 p.
  • 203. *PATRICK, Hugh, ROSOVSKY, Henry (eds.). Asia's new giant: how the Japanese economy works. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1976. 943 p.
  • 204. SAXONHOUSE, Gary, PATRICK, Hugh. Japan and the United States: bilateral tensions and multilateral issues in the economic relationship. In: HELLMAN, Donald C. (ed.). China and Japan: a new balance of power. Lexington: Heath, 1976. p.95-157.
  • 205. TSURUMI, Voshi. The Japanese are coming: a multinational interaction of firms and politics. Cambridge: Ballinger Pub., 1976. 333 p.
  • 206. VOSHINO, Michael V. Japan's multinational enterprises. Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1976. 191 p.
  • 207. BOLTHO, Andrea. Japan: an economic survey 1953-1973. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975.
  • 208. DOWER, John W. (ed.). Origins of the modem Japanese state. New Vork: Pantheon, 1975.
  • 209. HAVAMI, Vujiro et aI. A century of agricultural growth in Japan: its relevance to Asian devetooment. Tokyo : University of Tokyo Press, 1975.248 p.
  • 210. RAPP, William V. Japan's industrial policy. In: FRANK, Isaiah (ed.), the Japanese economy in intemational perspective. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1975. p. 37-66. (supplementary paper of the Committee for Economic Development)
  • 211. NOH, Toshio, GORDON, Douglas H. (eds.). Modem Japan: land and mano Tokyo: TeikokuShoin, 1974. 146 p.
  • 212. ROHLEN, Thomas P. For harmony and strength: Japanese white-collar organization in anthropological perspective. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.
  • 213. *DORE, Ronald Philip. British factory, Japanese factory: the origins of national diversity in industrial relations. Berkeley: University of Cal ifornia Press, 1973. 432 p.
  • 214. * HALLIDAV, Jon, McCORMACK, Gavan. Jepanese imperialism today: co-prosperity in greater East Asia. New Vork: Monthly Review Press, 1973.279 p.
  • 215. *OHKAWA, Kazushi, ROSOVSKV, Henry. Japanese economic growth: trend acceleration in the twentieth century. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1973. 327 p.
  • 216. OKOCHI, Kazuo, Karsh, Bernard, Levine, Solomon B. Workers and employers in Japan: the Japanese employment relations system. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1973. 538 p.
  • 217 * OECD. Ttte industrial policy of Japan. Paris: OECD, 1972. 195 p.
  • 218. PATRICK, Hugh. Finance, capital markets and economic growth in Japan. In: SAMETZ, Arnold W. (ed.). Financiai development and eco nomie growth. New Vork: New Vork University Press, 1972.
  • 219. *COLE, Robert E. Japanese blue collar: the changing tradition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. 300 p.
  • 220. *KOJIMA, Kiyoshi. Japan and a Pacific free trade area. London: MacMillan, 1971. 195 p.
  • 221. BIEDA, K. The structure and operation of the Japanese economy. Australia: John Wiley and Sons, 1970.
  • 222. *HADLEV, Eleanor M. Antitrust in Japan. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970. 529 p.
  • 223. *ISHIKAWA, Kaoru. DC cucle koryo, general principies of the DC circle. Tokyo: QC Circle Headquarters, Juse, 1970. 86 p.
  • 224. MIZOGUCHI, Toshiyuki. Personal savings and consumption in postwar Japan. Tokyo: Kinokuniya, 1970.
  • 225. HOLLERMAN, Leon. Japan's dependence on the world economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967.
  • 226. *NAKAMURA, James. Agricultural production and the economic development of Japan 1873-1922. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1966. 257 p.
  • 227. LOCKWOOD, William Wirt (ed.). State and economic enterprise in Japan: essays in the political economy of growth. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965. 753 p.
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  • 297. *HAMILTON, Gary, BIGGARD, Nicole Woolsey. Market, culture, and authority: a comparative analysis of management and organization in the Far East. American Journal of Sociology, Chicago, v. 94, p. S52-S94, 1988. (supplement)
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  • 307. *OTSUBO, Mayumi. A guide to Japanese business practices. Calífornia Management Review, Berkeley, v. 28, n. 3, p. 28-42, Spring 1986.
  • 308. *REITSPERGER, Wolf D. Japanese management: coping with british industrial relations. Journal of Management Studies, Oxford, v. 23, n. 1,p. 72-87,Jan. 1986.
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