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The circularity of the management team of the Ministry of Education of the Fernando Henrique Cardoso governments


This article analyzes the circularity of the Management Team of the Ministry of Education of the Fernando Henrique Cardoso governments (1995–2002). Its theoretical-methodological foundation is critical-documental analysis as in Marc Bloch, and it seeks, in Jean-François Sirinelli's theories, the understanding of intellectuals. It uses the Gephi software and takes as sources Lattes resumes and Google searches. The periodization was divided into two moments: until 2002, to understand the influence of circularity before and during the occupation of the place of power; and from 2003, to understand the spaces that began to circulate with the end of the FHC administration. The results point to a circularity consonant with a political culture based on the recommendations of multilateral organizations, as well as the continuity of this political culture after the end of the government and the influence of intellectuals on educational policies due to the spaces in which they began to circulate.

education; political culture; management team

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