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Prosopografia: comparative study about anthropometric measures of pattern and questioned images in known subjects



: to compare the results of measurements of known faces in order to establish the foundations of existing measures and ratios in science concepts used by prosopography.


: the collection of this research consisted of 3 subjects. We collected photographs of Civil Identification documents, withdrew picture of the front face, it was computer-retired measurements and angles for comparison.


: there was the identification of known subjects in images at different ages; Conclusion: it was found that the proposed quantitative method presents effective to prove the compatibility of familiar faces.

Face; Anthropometric; Orthodontics; Biometric Identification


: comparar os resultados das medidas das faces conhecidas com a finalidade de comprovar os fundamentos das medidas e proporções existentes nos conceitos das ciências utilizadas pela Prosopografia.


: a coleta desta pesquisa foi composta por três sujeitos. Coletaram-se fotografias dos documentos de Identificação Civil, retirou-se fotografia da face frontal, tratou-se em computador, retiraram-se as medidas e ângulos para a comparação.


: realizou-se a identificação de sujeitos conhecidos em imagens em diferentes idades; Conclusão: constatou-se que o método quantitativo proposto apresenta-se efetivo para comprovar a compatibilidade de faces conhecidas.

Face; Antropometria; Ortodontia; Identificação Biométrica


Anthropometry is the science that studies the size measures, weight and proportions of the human body supplying data objectives of evaluation of the morphology craniofacial, through measures of the head and face 1. Farkas LG. Examination. In: Farkas, L.G. (Editor). Anthropometry of head and face. 2. Ed. New York: Raven Press,1994a; p. 3-56.,2. Ward RE. Facial morphology as determined by anthropometry: Keep it simple.J. Craniofac. Genet.Dev. Biol. 1989;9:45-60.. It Extols the quantitative analysis of the dimensions of the body and he/she offers countless advantages in the evaluation of the morphology of the compound craniofacial for being simple, non invasive, without risk for the subject and with low cost 3. Cattoni DM. O uso do paquímetro na avaliação da morfologia orofacial.R.Soc. Bras. Fonoaudiol. 2006;11(1):52-8.

. Cattoni DM. Avaliação quantitativa das estruturas orofaciais. Respirador Oral. São José dos Campos, Pulso, 2003; p.81-8.

. Julielynn YW, Albert K, Eiichi O, Rogers GF, Mulliken JB, Curtis KD. Validity and reliability of 3D craniofacial antropometric measurements.Cleft Palate – Craniofacial Journal. 2008;48(3):232-9.
-6. Farkas LG, Deutsch CK. Anthropometric determination of craniofacial morfhology. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 1996;65(1):1-4..

Na era romana, Vitrúvius via a ciência das proporções humanas como um princípio fundamental na concepção7. Santos R & Fujão C. Curso Pós – Graduação: Técnico Superior de HST. Universidade de Évora. 2003. do corpo humano, mas foi, provavelmente, Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) que marcou o início da ciência antropométrica, tentando categorizar a diversidade de tipos físicos humanos de acordo com uma observação sistemática e medição de um largo número de pessoas. No entanto, neste período renascentista, a teoria da estética permanecia a mais importante. O desenho de Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), no qual um homem é mostrado inscrito dentro de um quadrado e de um círculo, deriva diretamente de Vitruvios e é uma das imagens mais conhecidas7. Santos R & Fujão C. Curso Pós – Graduação: Técnico Superior de HST. Universidade de Évora. 2003..

In the Roman epoch, Vitrúvius through the science of the human proportions as a fundamental beginning in the conception7. Santos R & Fujão C. Curso Pós – Graduação: Técnico Superior de HST. Universidade de Évora. 2003. of the human body, but it was, probably, Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) that marked the beginning of the science anthropometry, trying to classify the diversity of human physical types in agreement with a systematic observation and measurement of a square number of people. However, in this period renaissance, the theory of the aesthetics stayed the most important. The drawing of Leonardo of Vinci (1452-1519), in which a man is shown enrolled inside of a square and of a circle, it flows directly of Vitruvios and it is one of the images more Known7. Santos R & Fujão C. Curso Pós – Graduação: Técnico Superior de HST. Universidade de Évora. 2003..

The science anthropometry developed in the century XIX and beginning of the century XX. In that time they were made attempts to subdivide and to classify the humanity in agreement with the physical dimensions. Bertillon was the first to use the labelling anthropometrical points in crimes8. Araújo MEC, Pasquali Luiz. DATILOSCOPIA – a determinação dos dedos, pg.11 e 12, primeira edição, 2006. resolution. It was also the creator of the term “ Spoken “ Picture, that the time was just a physical description of the person, being observed notions chromatic, morphologic and the complemental lines.

According to the dictionary of the Portuguese Language, Hoauis, PROSOPOGRAFIA is the description of the human features and he/she has for synonyms the following words: anthropometrical, appearance and morphologic. The PROSOPOGRÁFICO investigation is the comparison of the human features. The word “ prosopográfico “ comes from the Greek “ prosopongrafhein “ (prósopon = face + grafhein = to describe) 9. Houaiss A, Villar MS, Franco FMM. Míni dicionário Houaiss. Ed Objetiva, terceira edição, 2009..

Nowadays, the Prosopográfico Investigation is the description of the human face in a comparative way, evidencing likeness or differences among two pictures in the general and specific physical aspects, as the head’s format, the type and the positioning of the ears, the distance among the eyes, the type of brows, the forehead, the root of the nose, the size of the mouth, among others. The scientific and objective criteria of the exam seek to obtain information regarding human faces through measurements and comparisons with morphologic patterns adopted by the doctrine. With base in those information is possible to point likeness or divergences among faces that they are being compared, in way to constitute an useful conclusion to the development of the activity policial1. Farkas LG. Examination. In: Farkas, L.G. (Editor). Anthropometry of head and face. 2. Ed. New York: Raven Press,1994a; p. 3-56..

For middle of that process of human identification it is possible to compare and to establish if there are likeness or significant divergences among facial images. It is a comparison it aims at of the elements presented in the examined images, done by Forensic Speech Language (expert the doc) or for Fingerprint Policial that, with technical and scientific argument, it can provide to the investigation the necessary subsidies to the formation of a conviction 1010 . Carmo AHMB, Andrade CM, Melo DA, Tavares EJ, Silva LM. Manual de Orientações para a realização de Exames Prosopográficos. Departamento de Polícia Federal – MJ – Instituto Nacional de Identificação. No prelo 2010..

The objective of that work was to compare the results of the measures facial retreats of images denominated pattern and questioned to observe and to prove the foundations of the measures and existent proportions in the concepts of the sciences used in the prosopografia through images of known individuals.


This research was approved by the Committee of Ethics of CEFAC with seeming nº 185/12. For this traverse study, whose data were collected in an only moment, three individuals of the sex feminine randomly were selected. After signature of the free and illustrious term, a picture was removed of each one of them and selected the picture of the identity card for the comparison. The inclusion criteria contemplated individuals’ facial analyses supposedly known. As exclusion criterion was contemplated individuals to have accomplished any surgical intervention in the face.

The necessary material to apply this method is composed of a digital photographic camera it marks Kodak 7.1 pixels, three softwares developed for the collection of the measures starting from the images (Windows Seen, Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Radiocef Studio 2), and a computer (Pentium Intel Dual-Core).

The inherent methodology to the photometry follows some stages. In first place, they were scanned and saved the pictures of the document official-wallet of Identity of the State of Goiás (Pattern Image) and retreat a picture of the three individuals’ front face in the Institute of Identification of Goiás (Questioned Image) in posture previous pattern, demarcated the floor with a parallel line, 100 centimeters ahead of the individual photographed in position sat down, with leaning feet in the ground, with the head in natural position, with occluded lips and bite in occlusion centrical. In second place, with the help of the computer and of the software photoshop, it was proceded to the laser scanning and treatment of the images. And in third place, it was accomplished the demarcation of the points and the calculations of the lengths and angles intended under the analysis of the software Radiocef Studio 2, edited in millimeters for decision of computerized cephalometry.

The results will be presented in descriptive analysis (absolute numbers and measures of central tendency) and application of normality criterion, according to Suguino1111 . Suguino R, Ramos AL, Terada HH, Furquim LZ, Maeda L, Filho OGS. Análise Facial. R. Dental Press. Ortod. Ortop. Maxilar. 1996;1(1):86-107.

12 . Costa LAL, Fernandes GO, Kanazawa LS, Miranda JG, Pretti A. Análise Facial-revisão de literatura. J.Bras.Ortod. Ortop.Facial. 2004;9(50):171-6.

13 . Estudo Comparativo entre a análise facial subjetiva e a análise cefalométrica de tecidos moles no diagnóstico ortodôntico. R. Dental Press. Ortod. Ortop. Maxilar. 2009;14(2):81-8.

14 . Ferrario VF, Sforza C, Miani A, Tartaglla G. Craniofacial morphometry photographic evaluations. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial orthop.1993;103(4):227-37.
-1515 . Ramires RR, Ferreira LP, Marchesan IQ, Cattoni DM, Silva MAA.Relação entre cefalometria e análise facial na determinação do tipo de face. Rev Cefac. 2009;11(3):349-54. to verify possible associations among variables.

The used statistical test was it of association of the qui-square that allows to observe two groups they behave in a similar way or not. Such likeness is happened the differences between the observed frequencies and the expected ones, in each category, they go very small, close to zero.


Foram retiradas e analisadas as fotografias dos documentos de identificação oficial denominadas, neste trabalho, de imagem padrão (I.P) e as fotografias retiradas com câmera digital, denominadas imagem questionada (I.Q) de três indivíduos do sexo feminino com idade de 14 a 43 anos. Em seguida, realizou – se a digitalização e tratamento (nitidez e tamanho) das imagens no software Abobe Photoshop CS5 de forma a não alterar suas características fundamentais.

They were removed and analyzed the pictures of the documents of official identification denominated, in this work, of image pattern (I.P) and the retired pictures with digital camera, denominated questioned image (I.Q) of three individuals of the feminine sex with age from 14 to 43 years. Soon after it accomplished the laser scanning and treatment (clearness and size) of the images in the software Adobe Photoshop CS5 in way to not to alter your fundamental characteristics.

After the overlapping and measured exact interpupil, it inserted the images in the software Radiocef Studio 4 (Dentistry). The software accomplished the tuning. The demarcation of the points anthropometricals was accomplished manually in the own program and the distances calculated for this they were: Facial proportion (Table 1); Medium Facial Third (Table 2); Inferior Facial Third (Table 3). The values between image pattern and questioned image of each subject were compared.

Table 1
– Evaluation of the facial proportion
Table 2
– Evaluation of the medium thirds
Table 3
– Evaluation of the inferior third


In a general way, the Prosopográfica Expertise has the purpose of basing the compatibility attribution or incompatibility anthropometrical and appearance among an individual’s image whose identification is ignored or questionable, in relation to the image of other, whose identity is known1010 . Carmo AHMB, Andrade CM, Melo DA, Tavares EJ, Silva LM. Manual de Orientações para a realização de Exames Prosopográficos. Departamento de Polícia Federal – MJ – Instituto Nacional de Identificação. No prelo 2010..

The Prosopográfico Investigation is divided in three parts (morphologic anthropometrical and the overlapping). In this study the measures and proportions anthropometricals of known images were compared with the purpose that when gathered Prosopográfico’s Investigation three parts it can be affirmed that belong to the same individual.

It is important to point out that, instead of the picture, the video can be used, for which is requested a video camera, the markers and the computer evidently as for the photometrical, still, a plate of image acquisition to transfer the image for the software.

The first part of the exam happens observing the face as a whole (height and width), which in the group to the calculation of the Index of facial Proportion. When comparing the facial proportions (1A-1B; 2A-2B; 3A-3B) with the normality presented in the cephalometry, it is observed that all present similar values, and when comparing the facial proportions of Pattern Image in relation to the Questioned Image in each one of the subjects, likeness can also be observed sees that the statistical value came close of zero.

Figure 1A
- Computerized cephalometry / front facial analysis

Figure 1B
– Computerized cephalometry /frontal facial analysis

Figure 2A
– Computerized cephalometry / front facial analysis

Figure 2B
– Computerized cephalometry / front facial analysis

Figure 3A
- Computerized cephalometry / front facial analysis

Figure 3B
– Computerized cephalometry / front facial analysis

When comparing the values of Proportion of the thirds of the face1111 . Suguino R, Ramos AL, Terada HH, Furquim LZ, Maeda L, Filho OGS. Análise Facial. R. Dental Press. Ortod. Ortop. Maxilar. 1996;1(1):86-107.

12 . Costa LAL, Fernandes GO, Kanazawa LS, Miranda JG, Pretti A. Análise Facial-revisão de literatura. J.Bras.Ortod. Ortop.Facial. 2004;9(50):171-6.

13 . Estudo Comparativo entre a análise facial subjetiva e a análise cefalométrica de tecidos moles no diagnóstico ortodôntico. R. Dental Press. Ortod. Ortop. Maxilar. 2009;14(2):81-8.
-1414 . Ferrario VF, Sforza C, Miani A, Tartaglla G. Craniofacial morphometry photographic evaluations. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial orthop.1993;103(4):227-37.(vertical proportionality - balance of the thirds superior, medium and inferior of the face) with the normal1111 . Suguino R, Ramos AL, Terada HH, Furquim LZ, Maeda L, Filho OGS. Análise Facial. R. Dental Press. Ortod. Ortop. Maxilar. 1996;1(1):86-107.,1212 . Costa LAL, Fernandes GO, Kanazawa LS, Miranda JG, Pretti A. Análise Facial-revisão de literatura. J.Bras.Ortod. Ortop.Facial. 2004;9(50):171-6.,1414 . Ferrario VF, Sforza C, Miani A, Tartaglla G. Craniofacial morphometry photographic evaluations. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial orthop.1993;103(4):227-37.

15 . Ramires RR, Ferreira LP, Marchesan IQ, Cattoni DM, Silva MAA.Relação entre cefalometria e análise facial na determinação do tipo de face. Rev Cefac. 2009;11(3):349-54.
-1616 . Feres R, Vasconcelos MHF. Estudo comparativo entre a análise facial subjetiva e a análise cefalométrica de tecidos moles no diagnóstico ortodôntico.R. Dental Press. Ortodon. Ortop. Facial. 2009;14(2):81-8. it can be observed that the images 1A and 1B present tendency to the long face (inferior thirds come larger than the medium third); the images 2A and 2B present tendency to the medium face (proportional thirds) and the images 3A and 3B present tendency to the short face (smaller inferior third than the medium third). When the Pattern Image is compared with the Image Questioned in each one of the subjects, likeness of proportions is observed, because the statistical value came close of zero.

The second part of the exam happens when it is observed in the Medium Third the Ideal Proportion Frontal1111 . Suguino R, Ramos AL, Terada HH, Furquim LZ, Maeda L, Filho OGS. Análise Facial. R. Dental Press. Ortod. Ortop. Maxilar. 1996;1(1):86-107. (width of the base of the nose with the distance intercanthal and width of the mouth with distance interpupil). When comparing the front ideal proportions (1A-1B; 2A-2B; 3A-3B) with the normality1111 . Suguino R, Ramos AL, Terada HH, Furquim LZ, Maeda L, Filho OGS. Análise Facial. R. Dental Press. Ortod. Ortop. Maxilar. 1996;1(1):86-107.,1212 . Costa LAL, Fernandes GO, Kanazawa LS, Miranda JG, Pretti A. Análise Facial-revisão de literatura. J.Bras.Ortod. Ortop.Facial. 2004;9(50):171-6.,1414 . Ferrario VF, Sforza C, Miani A, Tartaglla G. Craniofacial morphometry photographic evaluations. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial orthop.1993;103(4):227-37.

15 . Ramires RR, Ferreira LP, Marchesan IQ, Cattoni DM, Silva MAA.Relação entre cefalometria e análise facial na determinação do tipo de face. Rev Cefac. 2009;11(3):349-54.
-1616 . Feres R, Vasconcelos MHF. Estudo comparativo entre a análise facial subjetiva e a análise cefalométrica de tecidos moles no diagnóstico ortodôntico.R. Dental Press. Ortodon. Ortop. Facial. 2009;14(2):81-8.(they should present close values) it is observed that all present similar values, and when comparing Pattern’s Image proportions ideal frontals in relation to the Questioned Image, in each one of the subjects, likeness can also be observed, because the statistical value came close to zero.

The third part of anthropometrical exam happens when it is analyzed the Proportions of the Inferior Third (vertical proportion of the subnasale to the stomion of the superior lip). When comparing those proportions with the normality 1111 . Suguino R, Ramos AL, Terada HH, Furquim LZ, Maeda L, Filho OGS. Análise Facial. R. Dental Press. Ortod. Ortop. Maxilar. 1996;1(1):86-107.,1212 . Costa LAL, Fernandes GO, Kanazawa LS, Miranda JG, Pretti A. Análise Facial-revisão de literatura. J.Bras.Ortod. Ortop.Facial. 2004;9(50):171-6.,1414 . Ferrario VF, Sforza C, Miani A, Tartaglla G. Craniofacial morphometry photographic evaluations. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial orthop.1993;103(4):227-37.

15 . Ramires RR, Ferreira LP, Marchesan IQ, Cattoni DM, Silva MAA.Relação entre cefalometria e análise facial na determinação do tipo de face. Rev Cefac. 2009;11(3):349-54.
-1616 . Feres R, Vasconcelos MHF. Estudo comparativo entre a análise facial subjetiva e a análise cefalométrica de tecidos moles no diagnóstico ortodôntico.R. Dental Press. Ortodon. Ortop. Facial. 2009;14(2):81-8. (they should present proportion of 1:2), it is observed that all present similar values, and when comparing Image Pattern’s proportions in relation to the Questioned Image, in each one of the subjects, she can also observe likeness, because the statistical value came close of zero.

In this study compatibilities were observed in all the individuals’ anthropometricals measures known analyzed, and it happened satisfactory correspondence when comparing the faces in the measures obtained through the cephalometry of soft fabrics, what corroborates with the scientific based of the Expert. When concluding that known individuals possess the same anthropometricals measures or you provide among the principal elements of the face, the Prosopográfico Investigation becomes I aim at. It is important to tell that the portrayed individuals possess difference of age and, by virtue of that, each one preserves inherent particularities to the development apprenticeship or aging. The analysis of the data should also take in consideration eventual factors that you/they influence the observed results, such as resolution and clearness of the images, differentiated conditions of brightness and eventual perspective differences and angulation of the face in the moment of execution of the photos1717 . Reche R, Colombo VL, Verona J, Moresca CA, Moro A, Análise do perfil facial em fotografias padronizadas. R. Dental Press. Odont. Ortop. Facial. 2002,7(1):37-45.

18 . Colombo VL, Moro A, Rech R, Verona J, Cosat GCA. Análise do perfil facial em fotografias padronizadas parte 1- avaliação em repouso. R. Dental Press. Odont. Ortop. 2004;9(3):47-58.

19 . Colombo VL, Moro A, Rech R, Verona J, Cosat GCA. Análise do perfil facial em fotografias padronizadas parte 2- avaliação durante o sorriso. R. Dental Press. Odont. Ortop. 2004;9(4):86-97.

20 . Scanavini MA, Trevisan F, Maltagliati LA, Santos JE, Martelli Filho JÁ. Novo dispositivo para obtenção de fotografias frontais e laterais padronizadas. J. Bras. Ortodon. Ortop. Facial. 2003;8(45):245-50.
-2121 . Hochman B, Castilho HT, Ferreira LM. Padronização fotográfica e morfométrica na fotogrametria computadorizada do nariz. Acta Cir Bras [serial online] 2002;17(4). Disponível em URL:
. Those factors were considered during the exam and they justify the likeness observed among the images.

It was not possible to compare those discoveries (Pattern Image in relation to the Questioned Image) in the literature, because it was not found, in the researched references, any study as that. The two analysis forms (picture and cephalometry) they should be used jointly. In that way, it is believed that this analysis should be one more tool to contribute with the Identification of subjects. Though, it should not be used of form isolated1515 . Ramires RR, Ferreira LP, Marchesan IQ, Cattoni DM, Silva MAA.Relação entre cefalometria e análise facial na determinação do tipo de face. Rev Cefac. 2009;11(3):349-54.. It is fundamental that the morphologic analysis, the analysis of the overlapping of the bony structures and the supreme analysis of the expert happen in way the power to affirm that the images compiled in the exam they refer to the same subject.

More researches are necessary due to the vast universe of the facial analysis. It is also necessary the study with individuals of the masculine sex. This study presents great progress for the development of new technologies to the Criminal Investigation.


In what refers to the conclusions of the present study it is observed that the facial analysis for the identification of subjects through picture and cephalometry was considered reliable sees that there was not it differentiates significant statistics between the measures anthropometrical and proportions orofacials of the known subjects.


  • 1
    Farkas LG. Examination. In: Farkas, L.G. (Editor). Anthropometry of head and face. 2. Ed. New York: Raven Press,1994a; p. 3-56.
  • 2
    Ward RE. Facial morphology as determined by anthropometry: Keep it simple.J. Craniofac. Genet.Dev. Biol. 1989;9:45-60.
  • 3
    Cattoni DM. O uso do paquímetro na avaliação da morfologia orofacial.R.Soc. Bras. Fonoaudiol. 2006;11(1):52-8.
  • 4
    Cattoni DM. Avaliação quantitativa das estruturas orofaciais. Respirador Oral. São José dos Campos, Pulso, 2003; p.81-8.
  • 5
    Julielynn YW, Albert K, Eiichi O, Rogers GF, Mulliken JB, Curtis KD. Validity and reliability of 3D craniofacial antropometric measurements.Cleft Palate – Craniofacial Journal. 2008;48(3):232-9.
  • 6
    Farkas LG, Deutsch CK. Anthropometric determination of craniofacial morfhology. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 1996;65(1):1-4.
  • 7
    Santos R & Fujão C. Curso Pós – Graduação: Técnico Superior de HST. Universidade de Évora. 2003.
  • 8
    Araújo MEC, Pasquali Luiz. DATILOSCOPIA – a determinação dos dedos, pg.11 e 12, primeira edição, 2006.
  • 9
    Houaiss A, Villar MS, Franco FMM. Míni dicionário Houaiss. Ed Objetiva, terceira edição, 2009.
  • 10
    Carmo AHMB, Andrade CM, Melo DA, Tavares EJ, Silva LM. Manual de Orientações para a realização de Exames Prosopográficos. Departamento de Polícia Federal – MJ – Instituto Nacional de Identificação. No prelo 2010.
  • 11
    Suguino R, Ramos AL, Terada HH, Furquim LZ, Maeda L, Filho OGS. Análise Facial. R. Dental Press. Ortod. Ortop. Maxilar. 1996;1(1):86-107.
  • 12
    Costa LAL, Fernandes GO, Kanazawa LS, Miranda JG, Pretti A. Análise Facial-revisão de literatura. J.Bras.Ortod. Ortop.Facial. 2004;9(50):171-6.
  • 13
    Estudo Comparativo entre a análise facial subjetiva e a análise cefalométrica de tecidos moles no diagnóstico ortodôntico. R. Dental Press. Ortod. Ortop. Maxilar. 2009;14(2):81-8.
  • 14
    Ferrario VF, Sforza C, Miani A, Tartaglla G. Craniofacial morphometry photographic evaluations. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial orthop.1993;103(4):227-37.
  • 15
    Ramires RR, Ferreira LP, Marchesan IQ, Cattoni DM, Silva MAA.Relação entre cefalometria e análise facial na determinação do tipo de face. Rev Cefac. 2009;11(3):349-54.
  • 16
    Feres R, Vasconcelos MHF. Estudo comparativo entre a análise facial subjetiva e a análise cefalométrica de tecidos moles no diagnóstico ortodôntico.R. Dental Press. Ortodon. Ortop. Facial. 2009;14(2):81-8.
  • 17
    Reche R, Colombo VL, Verona J, Moresca CA, Moro A, Análise do perfil facial em fotografias padronizadas. R. Dental Press. Odont. Ortop. Facial. 2002,7(1):37-45.
  • 18
    Colombo VL, Moro A, Rech R, Verona J, Cosat GCA. Análise do perfil facial em fotografias padronizadas parte 1- avaliação em repouso. R. Dental Press. Odont. Ortop. 2004;9(3):47-58.
  • 19
    Colombo VL, Moro A, Rech R, Verona J, Cosat GCA. Análise do perfil facial em fotografias padronizadas parte 2- avaliação durante o sorriso. R. Dental Press. Odont. Ortop. 2004;9(4):86-97.
  • 20
    Scanavini MA, Trevisan F, Maltagliati LA, Santos JE, Martelli Filho JÁ. Novo dispositivo para obtenção de fotografias frontais e laterais padronizadas. J. Bras. Ortodon. Ortop. Facial. 2003;8(45):245-50.
  • 21
    Hochman B, Castilho HT, Ferreira LM. Padronização fotográfica e morfométrica na fotogrametria computadorizada do nariz. Acta Cir Bras [serial online] 2002;17(4). Disponível em URL:

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Mar 2014


  • Received
    15 Aug 2012
  • Accepted
    02 Mar 2013
ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil