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Nursing process in mental health: an integrative literature review



to identify evidences from the literature on the application of nursing process in care developed by the nurse in mental health.


integrative literature review between 1990 and 2013, in the PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL and LILCACS bases. Descriptors: nursing processes, mental health, nursing care.


19 papers were identified. Limited and partial usage of the nursing process in care established by a therapeutic relationship that respects the patient’s individuality. We observe care proposals systematized for patients that present pathological aspects in the limits between the physical and psychical, which might be a response to the influence of the practice based on evidences.


it was found an antagonistic movement between care based on the relationship and located in the standardization of diagnoses that respond to physical malaise. A lack of evidence was verified for the usage of the nursing process in mental health, and we point at the necessity for the creation of new possibilities for dialogue between relational and biological perspectives.

Nursing Research; Mental Health; Nursing Care; Nursing Processes; Search

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