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Potências médias emergentes e reforma da arquitetura financeira mundial?: Uma análise do BRICS no G20

In 2000, at the Okinawa Summit, the G8 started an outreach movement. In such process it was the first time that non-participants countries of G8 were involved in G8 summits as well as in pre-summit meetings. In such process the G8 Gleneagles summit, in 2005, was a point of reference, once it was the first time that a document made by Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Mexico (BICSAM) – the Outreach Five (O5) or Group of Five (+5). Such engagement between such countries focusing the G8 occurred until the G8 L’Aquila Summit, in 2009. Nevertheless, once the G20 starts to cope with such themes as a leader’s summit since 2008 and the BRIC(S) countries started to meet as a summit since 2009, such parallel engagement lost its relevance. In this context, a question that emerges concerns to the relationship between BRICS and the G20. How such bloc engages with this forum? what is its impact to decisions adopted in such forum? What is the relevance of China in such process? Questions like these are relevant once many approaches about G20 and emerging middle powers talks about the G20 legitimacy and responsiveness with little attention to emerging middle powers, their coalitions, blocs and engagement with the G20. Hence, the aim of the article is to point some of the principal questions concerning BRICS engagement with G20, its potentials and limitations.

BRICS; G20; global governance; FSB; G7/8

Universidade Federal do Paraná Rua General Carneiro, 460 - sala 904, 80060-150 Curitiba PR - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 41) 3360-5320 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil