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A MOBILIZAÇÃO DEMOCRÁTICA E O DESENCADEAMENTO DA LUTA ARMADA NO BRASIL EM 1968: notas historiográficas e observações críticas* * Versões preliminares deste texto foram expostas e discutidas na 40ª Reunião Anual da SBPC (São Paulo, julho de 1988) e no XII Encontro Anual da ANPOCS (Águas de São Pedro, outubro de 1988). Elaborei-o no âmbito de um esforço comum, que venho desenvolvendo juntamente com Irene Cardoso, Elizabeth Lobo e Marco Aurélio Garcia no sentido de trazer para o trabalho acadêmico o exame das diferentes dimensões da resistência anti-ditatorial durante os “anos de chumbo”, o sombrio drama político de nossa geração.

The important mass mobilizations that occurred in 1968, especially under the thrust of the student movement, were due to predominantly internal factors, as were also the first urban armed actions that took place in São Paulo in the same period (March-April 1968). While failing to display a causal link, the student demonstrations and the guerrilla groups can be referred to the same historical cause, the 1964 coup and military rule. To that extent, they were distinct forms of democratic resistance. This is not a reason, however, for us to overlook the international dimension of the 1968 events in Brazil, which is particularly evident in the prevailing theoretical views on revolutionary rural guerrilla strategy. Nevertheless, in practice armed struggle developed in urban centers and was eventually anihilated before it could overcome its "strategic impasse".

Brazil: armed struggle; student movement; history; event; process; strategy; tactics; revolucionary war

Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315, 05508-010, São Paulo - SP, Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil