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Acute citrulline oral supplementation induces greater post-exercise hypotension response in hypertensive than normotensive individuals

Suplementação oral aguda de citrulina induz maior resposta hipotensiva pós-exercício em indivíduos hipertensos do que normotensos



To investigate whether acute citrulline supplementation might influence post-exercise hypotension in normotensive and hypertensive individuals.


Following a randomized double-blind design, twenty normotensive (28±7 years, 74±17kg, 1.7±0.09m) and 20 hypertensive individuals (55±12 years, 76±15kg, 1.59±0.09m) were randomly assigned to one of the four experimental groups (Normotensive-Placebo; Normotensive-Citrulline; Hypertensive-Placebo; Hypertensive-Citrulline). The placebo groups ingested 6g of corn starch and the citrulline groups ingested 6g of citrulline dissolved in water. The participants performed 40 minutes of walking/running on a treadmill at 60-70% heart rate reserve. Blood pressure was measured immediately after a 60-min exercise session using an oscillometric device and 24-h ambulatory monitoring.


The post-exercise hypotension was more pronounced in hypertensives and the Hypertensive-Citrulline group showed a consistent systolic blood pressure reduction during the laboratorial phase, which can be seen by looking at the mean of 60 minutes (-15.01mmHg vs -3.14mmHg [P=0.005]; -4.16mmHg [P=0.009]; -6.30mmHg [P=0.033] in comparison with the Normotensive-Placebo, Normotensive-Citrulline, and Hypertensive-Placebo groups, respectively). During ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, the Hypertensive-Citrulline group showed a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure (-21.05mmHg) in the awake period compared with the Normotensive-Citrulline group (-3.17mmHg [P=0.010]).


Acute citrulline oral supplementation can induce greater post-exercise hypotension response in hypertensive than normotensive individuals.

Blood pressure; Citrulline; Dietary supplements; Exercise; Hypertension

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas Núcleo de Editoração SBI - Campus II , Av. John Boyd Dunlop, s/n. - Prédio de Odontologia, 13059-900 Campinas - SP Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 19 3343-6875 - Campinas - SP - Brazil