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Genetic profile of Holstein and Jersey dairy bull lines available in Brazil

Perfil genético das linhagens de touros leiteiros Holandês e Jersey disponíveis no Brasil

The Holstein and Jersey dairy cattle breeds are among the most prevalent in Brazil. To evaluate differences among the PTAs (predicted transmitting abilities) of these breeds and their lines, data were collected on 385 Holstein bulls and 82 Jersey sires with semen commercially available from nine Brazilian companies. Three different sire lines for each breed were found. The general linear models method was used for the comparison among lines and between breeds. The two most prevalent lines of Holstein breed presented higher average PTAs for milk yield (1,061.04 pounds and 975.32 pounds) and lower PTAs for percentage of milk solids (from -0.05% to -0.0003%) (P<0.05). These results indicate the supply of sires that mostly increase the milk yield in the Brazilian market. The Jersey breed presented a higher inbreeding coefficient (6.62%) than the Holstein breed (5.14%) (P<0.05). Although the Holstein breed presented higher PTAs for milk yield and lower PTAs for percentage of milk solids (P<0.05), the productive life of the Jersey breed (1.17 months) was longer than it was in the Holstein breed (0.40 months) (P<0.05). We identified the existence of an important variability of the available genetic profiles, what allows the Brazilian producers to choose the most adequate semen for their production system. It is necessary to consider the genetic profiles of sires' lines offered for artificial insemination in Brazil to understand and direct the genetic pattern of Brazilian dairy cattle.

animal breeding; dairy cattle; semen

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil