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Evidence-based pediatric dental practice within the clinician's reach: the case of the esthetic effect of topical silver diamine fluoride for caries control in primary dentition

Prática odontopediátrica baseada em evidência científica ao alcance do clínico: o caso do efeito estético do uso tópico de diaminofluoreto de prata para o controle da cárie na dentição decídua



The aim of this paper was to demonstrate how a general dental practitioner tried to answer, based on scientific evidence, to the question: "Does the darkening of caries lesions caused by silver diamine fluoride treatment contribute to reducing parents' acceptance of such treatment?".


The dentist adopted the following approach: formulation of a specific question; bibliographic search using controlled vocabulary and free terms; selection of full-text articles for reading; reading and critical appraisal of selected articles; summary of the available evidence; translation of the evidence into clinical practice. The dentist identified 45 studies and selected 20 to be read in full, but only three could be used; two controlled trials from China and one from Brazil.


Results showed that the esthetic effect was neither a major issue nor a decisive factor for the indication of the proposed treatment. However, although there is robust scientific evidence on the effectiveness of silver diamine fluoride in arresting and preventing caries lesions, there is scarce information about its esthetic effect. Thus, the lack of studies assessing the impact of the darkening of caries lesions and the esthetic effect of the treatment on the quality of life of children and their parents must be emphasized.


The dentist concluded that there is insufficient evidence about the esthetic effect of silver diamine fluoride applications on primary teeth and opted to inform it to his/her patients' caregivers and to share with them the decision whether to use it or not in each specific case.

Indexing terms:
Cariostatic agents; Child; Dental caries

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil