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In the Urban Texture1 77 I would like to thank FAPESP for funding the research that resulted in this article. : Rio de Janeiro and Havana in the urban woof (1816-1821)


This article aims to analyze how the state agencies responsible for the administration of Rio de Janeiro and Havana stitched the thin plot that enabled that in these two cities, that the significant increase of the slave population did not represent an danger on the security of both cities, which had unique importance in the political units that they were part. From the comparative analysis of documents produced between 1816 and 1820 by the authorities responsible for the good governance of these two cities, we intend to examine part of the dynamics experienced in the daily lives of those that have become the two largest slavery cities in the Americas.

urban slavery,Rio de Janeiro; Havana; control; slaves; America

Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP Estrada do Caminho Velho, 333 - Jardim Nova Cidade , CEP. 07252-312 - Guarulhos - SP - Brazil