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Profile of ostomy patients residing in Pouso Alegre city

Perfil dos pacientes estomizados residentes no município de Pouso Alegre

The objective was to characterize the clientele of ostomy patients living in Pouso Alegre, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Among the causes that led patients to acquire an ostomy, the most prevalent was neoplasia; the type of ostomy was a permanent colostomy. Most people were not told that they would be submitted to the stoma. In addition, individuals were not subject to stoma demarcation, and irrigation was not performed. Regarding the type of complication, 34 (48.60%) had dermatitis; 14 (20%), retraction; and 13 (18.60%), prolapse. With respect to stoma diameter, 34 (48.60%) had 20-40 mm and 23 (32.90%), 40-60 mm. With this study, we became aware of the profile of ostomized patients treated at the municipality of Pouso Alegre/MG; it is expected that, with these data, the improvement of care to this population can be subsidized. We suggest that nursing professionals think of health action strategies with respect to guidance on stoma manufacture and to measures aiming for the prevention of possible complications, promoting ways to help these patients to make decisions and to verbalize feelings, so that they feel supported in coping with changes in their body image, for the sake of survival.

Stoma; Colostomy; Nursing care

Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia Av. Marechal Câmara, 160/916, 20020-080, Tel.: (55 21) 2240-8927 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil