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Marcas de supermercado


O artigo analisa as marcas de propriedade de - ou controladas por - supermercados varejistas. Foram investigados os componentes do mix de marketing dos produtos sob essas marcas e as características socioeconômicas e comportamentais de compradores propensos ao consumo de tais marcas.

Marca própria; marca de distribuidor; marca de supermercado; supermercado; varejo

This article analyzes brands owned or controlled by retail supermarkets. It investigates the marketing mix elements of these store brand products as well as the social, economic and behavioral characteristics of their potential consumers.

Private label; private brand; own label; supermarket, retailing


Marcas de supermercado

Inês Pereira

Mestre e Doutora em Administração de Empresas pela FGV/EAESP e Professora do Departamento de Mercadologia da FGV/EAESP. E-mail:


O artigo analisa as marcas de propriedade de – ou controladas por – supermercados varejistas. Foram investigados os componentes do mix de marketing dos produtos sob essas marcas e as características socioeconômicas e comportamentais de compradores propensos ao consumo de tais marcas.

Palavras-chave: Marca própria, marca de distribuidor, marca de supermercado, supermercado, varejo.


This article analyzes brands owned or controlled by retail supermarkets. It investigates the marketing mix elements of these store brand products as well as the social, economic and behavioral characteristics of their potential consumers.

Key words: Private label, private brand, own label, supermarket, retailing.

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BELL, David E., SALMON, Walter J. Strategic retail management. Cincinnati : South Western College Publishing, 1995. p. 177-199.

BELLIZZI, Joseph A. et al. Consumer perceptions of national, private and generic brands. Journal of Retailing, v. 57, n. 4, p. 56-70, Winter 1981.

BOONE, Louis E., KURTZ, David L. Contemporary marketing plus. 8. ed. Texas : Dryden Press, 1995.

CHERNATONY, Leslie de. The impact of the changed balance of power from manufacturer to retailer in the UK packaged groceries market. In: PELLEGRINI, Luca, REDDY, Srinivas K. Retail and marketing channels. London : Routledge, 1989. p. 258-273.

CUNNINGHAM, Isabella C. M. et al. Generic brands vs. national brands and store brands. Journal of Advertising Research, v. 22, n. 5, p. 25-32, Oct./Nov. 1982. DAVIS, Tim. Private label promiscuity. Beverage World, v. 113, n. 1579, p. 36-40, Nov. 1994.

FENSHOLT, Carol. Electronic in-store media: a sign of the times? Supermarket Business, v. 46, n. 10, p. 38, Oct. 1991.

FINDINGS what works. Progressive Grocer, v. 73, n. 11, p. 59-64, Nov. 1994.

FITZELL, Philip. Private label marketing in the 90s. New York : Global Book, 1992.

GIBBONS, J. D. Non parametric statistical inference. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1971

JAIN, Subhash C. Marketing planning and strategy. 2. ed. Cincinnati : South-Western Publ., 1985.

JONES, Eugene, MUSTIFUL, Barry. Purchasing behaviour of higher- and lower-income shoppers: a look at breakfast cereals. Applied Economics, v. 28, n. 1, p. 131-37, Jan. 1996.

KEEGAN, W. J., MORIARTY, S. E., DUNCAN, T. R. Marketing. 2. ed. New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1995.

KHERMOUCH, Gerry. Wegmans builds its local base with private label. Brandweek, v. 34, n. 10, p. 23, Mar. 8, 1993.

LEVINE, Joshua. The child wind from Canada. Forbes, v. 143, n. 11, p. 308-310, May 29, 1989.

LIESSE, Julie. Private labels appear less omnipresent in GMA study. Advertising Age, v. 65, n. 18, p. 8, Apr. 25, 1994.

MATHEWS, Ryan. A competitive edge. Progressive Grocer, p. 10-14, Nov. 1995. Iss: Branding the Store.

MCGOLDRICK, Peter J. Prodotti senza marca: perché fanno paura. Il Marketing, v. 18, p. 24, Feb. 1985.

MCGOLDRICK, Peter J. (Ed.). Cases in retail management. London : Pitman Publishing, 1994.

MCQUILLEN, Daniel. Food fight! Incentive, v. 169, n. 11, p. 57-62, Nov. 1995.

MEYERS, Gerry. Another view on private labels. Advertising Age, v. 65, n. 18, p. 26, Apr. 26, 1994.

MITCHELL, Allan. Own-label steamroller rumbles on. Marketing Week, v. 19, n. 37, p. 22-23, Dec. 6, 1996.

MURPHY, Claire. Sleeping with the enemy. Marketing, v. 28, n. 1, p. 20-21, June 5, 1997.

MYERS, John G. Determinants of private brand attitude. Journal of Marketing Research, v. 4, p. 73-74, Feb. 1967.

ODY, P. The growth in private labels. Retail & Distribution Management, v. 15, n. 3, p. 9-11, May/June 1987.

OMAR, Ogenyi Ejye. Grocery purchase behaviour for national and own-label brands. Service Industries Journal, v. 16, n. 1, p. 58-66, Jan. 1996.

PRIVATE LABEL MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATION. Quality creates consumer loyalty for private labels. Marketing News, v. 21, n. 8, p. 33, Apr. 20, 1987.

RICHARDSON, Paul S., DICK, Alan S., JAIN, Arun K. Extrinsic and intrinsic cue effects on perceptions of store brand quality. Journal of Marketing, v. 58, n. 4, p. 28-36, Oct. 1994.

ROTHE, James T., LAMONT, Lawrence M. Purchase behavior and brand choice determinants for national and private brands major appliances. Journal of Retailing, v. 49, n. 3, p. 19-33, Fall 1973.

SCHUTTE, Thomas F. The semantics of branding. Journal of Marketing, v. 33, p. 5, Apr. 1969.

SCHUTTE, Thomas F., COOK, Vitor J. Branding policies and practices. In: HAAS, Raymond E. (Ed.). Science, technology and marketing. [S.l.] : AMA, 1966. p.197-213.

SHAPIRO, E. Price lure of private label products fails to hook many buyers. Wall Street Journal, New York, May 13, 1993.

SODERQUIST, D. Presidents’ roundtable: value-driven consumers. Discount Merchandiser, v. 33, n. 12, p. 61- 62, Dec. 1993.

SUNDEL, Harvey H. An experimental analysis of consumer attitudes toward grocery products under manufacturer’s brands, nationally distributed private brands, and locally distributed private brands. Dissert : St Louis University, 1974. 207 p.

UNCLES, Mark D., ELLIS, Katrina. Own labels: beliefs and reality. In: PELLEGRINI, Luca, REDDY, Srinivas K. Retail and marketing channels. London : Routledge, 1989. p. 274-286.

WEINSTEIN, Steve. A matter of balance. Progressive Grocer, v. 73, n. 3, p. 87-90, Mar. 1994.

WILENSKY, Dawn. Private labels success no secret at discount. Discount Store News, v. 33, n. 5, p. 23-44, Mar. 7, 1994.


Este artigo baseia-se em pesquisa financiada pelo NPP - Núcleo de Pesquisas e Publicações da FGV/EAESP intitulada “Marcas de supermercado”.

1. Admitiu-se como aceitável o uso desse tipo de análise uma vez que não mais que 20% das caselas apresentaram valores esperados inferiores a 1,5, que é o pressuposto básico apresentado em Gibbons (1971).

2. As marcas de cada empresa eram as seguintes:

• no Carrefour e no Sé, havia somente uma marca, com o mesmo nome da empresa;

• o Wal-Mart também trabalhava com um único nome de marca, a Great Value;

• o Paes Mendonça tinha três marcas: Paes Mendonça, Tio Mendonça e Prakasa

• o Pão de Açúcar trabalhava com 28 marcas: Alv, Antares, Asturia, Brasil, Chef, Choc, Club, Delié, Dupply, Family, Fazendão, Giggles, Gran Classic, Katty, Liss, Mr. Field, Nanny Baby, Nobile, Notabile, Pap’s, Pasta Gemma, Puress, Salato, Soft Care, Tejo, Teyk, Thor e Ultraclin.

Todos os produtos sob essas MSs tinham um selo de identificação, no qual se via a marca Qualità. Nos supermercados Extra, existia ainda uma MS de vestuário, a Summer Play.

Das cinco redes, apenas o Carrefour e o Sé associaram, para todos os itens comercializados sob sua MS, o nome dessa marca ao nome da empresa. A estratégia de um nome único e idêntico àquele da empresa, segundo os entrevistados, tinha como objetivo transferir os benefícios da imagem associada à empresa aos itens comercializados sob sua MS.

Já o uso de várias marcas pelo mesmo supermercado foi comentado como uma prática que oferece vantagens como:

• maior facing (isto é, número de frentes do produto na gôndola) para as MSs de um mesmo produto;

• a possibilidade de desenvolver nomes de marcas e embalagens mais atrativas e condizentes com cada categoria de produto;

• a possibilidade de posicionar diferentes MSs de um mesmo produto de forma a atingir diferentes segmentos de mercado.

De fato, o uso de mais de uma MS para o mesmo produto ocorria nos dois supermercados em que foram adotadas múltiplas MSs: no Paes Mendonça, três tipos de arroz e dois tipos de feijão eram oferecidos sob as MSs da rede.

O Pão de Açúcar também tinha mais de uma MS para produtos como arroz, vinagre e papel higiênico. Cada MS de um mesmo produto se diferenciava das demais em termos de qualidade e preço.

3. Nessas circunstâncias, obteve-se z = 4,16.

4. Utilizando-se p = 0,5 para o cálculo dos desvios das proporções das amostras, a diferença é significativa a um nível de 95,8 de confiança.

  • BELL, David E., SALMON, Walter J. Strategic retail management Cincinnati : South Western College Publishing, 1995. p. 177-199.
  • BELLIZZI, Joseph A. et al. Consumer perceptions of national, private and generic brands. Journal of Retailing, v. 57, n. 4, p. 56-70, Winter 1981.
  • BOONE, Louis E., KURTZ, David L. Contemporary marketing plus 8. ed. Texas : Dryden Press, 1995.
  • CHERNATONY, Leslie de. The impact of the changed balance of power from manufacturer to retailer in the UK packaged groceries market. In: PELLEGRINI, Luca, REDDY, Srinivas K. Retail and marketing channels London : Routledge, 1989. p. 258-273.
  • CUNNINGHAM, Isabella C. M. et al. Generic brands vs. national brands and store brands. Journal of Advertising Research, v. 22, n. 5, p. 25-32, Oct./Nov. 1982.
  • DAVIS, Tim. Private label promiscuity. Beverage World, v. 113, n. 1579, p. 36-40, Nov. 1994.
  • FENSHOLT, Carol. Electronic in-store media: a sign of the times? Supermarket Business, v. 46, n. 10, p. 38, Oct. 1991.
  • FINDINGS what works. Progressive Grocer, v. 73, n. 11, p. 59-64, Nov. 1994.
  • FITZELL, Philip. Private label marketing in the 90s. New York : Global Book, 1992.
  • GIBBONS, J. D. Non parametric statistical inference New York : McGraw-Hill, 1971
  • JAIN, Subhash C. Marketing planning and strategy 2. ed. Cincinnati : South-Western Publ., 1985.
  • JONES, Eugene, MUSTIFUL, Barry. Purchasing behaviour of higher- and lower-income shoppers: a look at breakfast cereals. Applied Economics, v. 28, n. 1, p. 131-37, Jan. 1996.
  • KEEGAN, W. J., MORIARTY, S. E., DUNCAN, T. R. Marketing. 2. ed. New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1995.
  • KHERMOUCH, Gerry. Wegmans builds its local base with private label. Brandweek, v. 34, n. 10, p. 23, Mar. 8, 1993.
  • LEVINE, Joshua. The child wind from Canada. Forbes, v. 143, n. 11, p. 308-310, May 29, 1989.
  • LIESSE, Julie. Private labels appear less omnipresent in GMA study. Advertising Age, v. 65, n. 18, p. 8, Apr. 25, 1994.
  • MATHEWS, Ryan. A competitive edge. Progressive Grocer, p. 10-14, Nov. 1995. Iss: Branding the Store.
  • MCGOLDRICK, Peter J. Prodotti senza marca: perché fanno paura. Il Marketing, v. 18, p. 24, Feb. 1985.
  • MCGOLDRICK, Peter J. (Ed.). Cases in retail management London : Pitman Publishing, 1994.
  • MCQUILLEN, Daniel. Food fight! Incentive, v. 169, n. 11, p. 57-62, Nov. 1995.
  • MEYERS, Gerry. Another view on private labels. Advertising Age, v. 65, n. 18, p. 26, Apr. 26, 1994.
  • MITCHELL, Allan. Own-label steamroller rumbles on. Marketing Week, v. 19, n. 37, p. 22-23, Dec. 6, 1996.
  • MURPHY, Claire. Sleeping with the enemy. Marketing, v. 28, n. 1, p. 20-21, June 5, 1997.
  • MYERS, John G. Determinants of private brand attitude. Journal of Marketing Research, v. 4, p. 73-74, Feb. 1967.
  • ODY, P. The growth in private labels. Retail & Distribution Management, v. 15, n. 3, p. 9-11, May/June 1987.
  • OMAR, Ogenyi Ejye. Grocery purchase behaviour for national and own-label brands. Service Industries Journal, v. 16, n. 1, p. 58-66, Jan. 1996.
  • PRIVATE LABEL MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATION. Quality creates consumer loyalty for private labels. Marketing News, v. 21, n. 8, p. 33, Apr. 20, 1987.
  • RICHARDSON, Paul S., DICK, Alan S., JAIN, Arun K. Extrinsic and intrinsic cue effects on perceptions of store brand quality. Journal of Marketing, v. 58, n. 4, p. 28-36, Oct. 1994.
  • ROTHE, James T., LAMONT, Lawrence M. Purchase behavior and brand choice determinants for national and private brands major appliances. Journal of Retailing, v. 49, n. 3, p. 19-33, Fall 1973.
  • SCHUTTE, Thomas F. The semantics of branding. Journal of Marketing, v. 33, p. 5, Apr. 1969.
  • SCHUTTE, Thomas F., COOK, Vitor J. Branding policies and practices. In: HAAS, Raymond E. (Ed.). Science, technology and marketing. [S.l.] : AMA, 1966. p.197-213.
  • SHAPIRO, E. Price lure of private label products fails to hook many buyers. Wall Street Journal, New York, May 13, 1993.
  • SODERQUIST, D. Presidents roundtable: value-driven consumers. Discount Merchandiser, v. 33, n. 12, p. 61- 62, Dec. 1993.
  • SUNDEL, Harvey H. An experimental analysis of consumer attitudes toward grocery products under manufacturers brands, nationally distributed private brands, and locally distributed private brands. Dissert : St Louis University, 1974. 207 p.
  • UNCLES, Mark D., ELLIS, Katrina. Own labels: beliefs and reality. In: PELLEGRINI, Luca, REDDY, Srinivas K. Retail and marketing channels London : Routledge, 1989. p. 274-286.
  • WEINSTEIN, Steve. A matter of balance. Progressive Grocer, v. 73, n. 3, p. 87-90, Mar. 1994.
  • WILENSKY, Dawn. Private labels success no secret at discount. Discount Store News, v. 33, n. 5, p. 23-44, Mar. 7, 1994.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    19 Set 2011
  • Data do Fascículo
    Mar 2001
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