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A New Biomimetic Model for the Active Site of Oxovanadium(IV)-Transferrins – [OV IV(tf)]


The synthesis, X-ray crystal structure, and spectroscopic properties of the new coordination compound [OV IV(HBIMETEN)], [H3BIMETEN = N , N' - (2-hydroxybenzil) -N-(1-methylimidazole-2-yl-methyl)-N'-hydroxyethil-ethylenediamine] are reported as V IV O2+ complex example containing phenolate and 1-methylimidazole coordinated simultaneously to the metal center. The EPR and UV-Vis properties of the title compound are similar to those observed in [OV IV(tf)].

VO2+ complex; crystal structure; EPR; vanadium transferrin

Reportamos neste trabalho, a síntese, a estrutura cristalina e propriedades espectroscópicas do novo complexo [OV IV(HBIMETEN)], [H3BIMETEN = N,N'-(2-hidroxibenzil)-N-(1-metilimidazol-2-il-metil)-N'-hidroxietil-etilenodiamina] como um exemplo de complexo V IV O2+ o qual contém grupos 1-metilimidazol e fenolato coordenados simultaneamente ao centro metálico. Este composto apresenta propriedades espectrais (EPR e UV-Vis) similares àquelas observadas na [OV IV(tf)].


A New Biomimetic Model for the Active Site of Oxovanadium(IV)-Transferrins – [OV IV (tf)]

Ademir Neves a* , Stela Maris de Moraes Romanowski b , Ivo Vencato a , and Antonio Salvio Mangrich b

a Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianópolis - SC, Brazil;

b Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 81531-970 Curitiba - PR, Brazil

Received: May 15, 1998

Reportamos neste trabalho, a síntese, a estrutura cristalina e propriedades espectroscópicas do novo complexo [OV












'-hidroxietil-etilenodiamina] como um exemplo de complexo V




o qual contém grupos 1-metilimidazol e fenolato coordenados simultaneamente ao centro metálico. Este composto apresenta propriedades espectrais (EPR e UV-Vis) similares àquelas observadas na [OV



The synthesis, X-ray crystal structure, and spectroscopic properties of the new coordination compound [OV








' - (2-hydroxybenzil) -




'-hydroxyethil-ethylenediamine] are reported as V




complex example containing phenolate and 1-methylimidazole coordinated simultaneously to the metal center. The EPR and UV-Vis properties of the title compound are similar to those observed in [OV




VO2+ complex, crystal structure, EPR, vanadium transferrin


Vanadium has an important role in many biological processes. Particularly it has been proposed that delivery of vanadium in higher organisms is performed by transferrin1. Transferrins are glycoproteins whose primary function is to bind and transport iron, but they also coordinate a wide variety of other metals including vanadium. They are a single polypeptide chain with two homologous lobes, denominated C- and N-terminal, each of which binds one metal ion2a. Despite the binding of iron(III)-transferrin has been established through crystallographic studies (NO3 coordination and CO32- as synergistic anion)3, the coordination environment around the vanadium centre in vanadium-transferrins is not yet entirely known. It is well known that in the +3, +4, and +5 oxidation states, vanadium binds tightly to transferrin4,5.In an attempt to gain insight into the biological roles of vanadium, many recent studies have focussed on the coordination chemistry of this metal, in the oxidation states +3, +4 and +5, with biologically relevant ligands6,7. In the +4 oxidation state, a vanadyl complex structure with octahedral geometry having an NO3 equatorial coordination (one tyrosinate, one aspartate, one histidine and one monodentate carbonate) has been proposed recently for vanadium human lactoferrin5. The coordination of histidine trans to the V=O bond has also been proposed6. This work is a continuation of a wide research program for the preparation and characterization of vanadium complexes of bioinorganic interest7.



H3BIMETEN, N,N'-bis-(2-hydroxybenzyl)-N-(2-methylimidazole)-N'-(2-hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine; H2BBIMEN, N,N'-bis-(2-hydroxybenzyl)-N, N’-(2-methylimidazole)ethylenediamine); H2BBPEN, N,N’-bis(hydroxybenzyl)-N,N’-bis(pyridyl- methyl)ethylenediamine); HIMETEN, N-(2-methylimidazole)--(2-hydroxyethyl) ethylenediamine; [OVIV(tf)], vanadium(IV)-transferrin.


The ligand H3BIMETEN was prepared in good yield (91.36%) by the condensation reaction of 1-methyl-2-imidazolecarboxyaldehyde8 with N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine, followed by reduction with NaBH4 and by alkylation of the diamine (HIMETEN) with 2-bromo-methylphenyl acetate9, by the route in Scheme 1. The complex [OVIV(HBIMETEN)] (1) was prepared by refluxing a methanolic solution of VOSO4.H2O (0.163 g, 1 mmol) and H3BIMETEN (0.410 g, 1 mmol) with stirring for 1 h. To the reaction was added Et3N (1 mL, 7.18 mmol), to yield a violet precipitate (0.32 g - 67.37%). Anal. Calc. for C23H30N4O5V: C, 55.98; H, 6.08; N, 11.35. Found: C, 55.63; H, 5.95; N, 10.96%. The precipitate was recrystallized in an acetonitrile-ethanol (1:1) solution at room temperature. After a few days crystals suitable for X-ray crystallography were filtered off, washed with 2-propanol and dried with ether.

X-ray crystallography

Crystal data for C23H28N4O4V . 1/2 C2H5OH, M = 498.47, monoclinic, P21/c, (nº14), Z = 4, a = 15.304(3), b = 12.329(3), c = 12.441(3) Å, b = 94.18(3)°, V = 2341.2(9) Å3, Dc = 1.414 g cm-3, F(000) = 1048, m = 0.465 mm-1 for Mo-Ka radiation (l = 0.71073 Å), crystal size 0.07 x 0.20 x 0.43 mm. Nonius CAD4 diffractometer, T = 293 K. Measured reflections: 4108, with 2971 unique reflections of which 1921 had I > 2s(I). The structure was solved by direct methods, full-matrix refinement on F2, anisotropic refinement for all non-H atoms. One ethanol molecule was found to be disordered near an inversion center, with occupation factor of 1/2. The number of refined parameters was 307, R1 = 0.0846, wR2 = 0.2465. Crystallographic calculations were performed using the MOLEN, SHELXS97, SHELXL97 and ZORTEP computer program packages10.

Results and Discussion

The structure and atomic numbering scheme of 1 are illustrated in Fig. 1. The vanadium (IV) ion lies in a distorted octahedral environment, in which two phenolate oxygen, one amine and one imidazole nitrogen atoms in cis positions form the equatorial plane. The other amine nitrogen atom of the ethylenediamine backbone, in the trans-position with respect to the terminal oxo group, and that oxo atom completes the coordination sphere of the vanadium center while the hydroxyl group remains uncoordinated. The VO distance is short [1.610(6) Å], indicating the double bond character typical of vanadyl (IV) complexes7c,d,e,f. This value is slightly longer compared to that [1.590(1) Å] in [OVIV(HBBIMEN]+7e. As expected, the V-N(amine) bond distance of 2.372(6) Å trans to the V=O bond in 1, is 0.157 Å longer than the V-N(amine) bond in the equatorial plane and is a consequence of the strong trans influence of the oxo group. The V-O(phenolate) [1.949(6) and 1.931(6) Å] bond distances in 1 are longer than that detected in [OVIV(HBBIMEN]+ [1.905(8) Å] due to a higher electronic density on the vanadium center in 1 – N3O3 coordination compared to [OVIV(HBBIMEN)+ - N4O2 coordination. The V-N(imidazole) [2.120(7) Å] bond distance in the equatorial plane of 1 is 0.040(8) Å longer than those found in [OVIV(HBBIMEN)]+ [av. 2.080(9) Å] and is a reflection of the weak trans influence caused by the phenolate bond in 1. The above results reveal that, at least to some extent, 1 is more distorted that [OVIV(HBBIMEN)]+.

The electronic spectra of 1 measured in DMF in the visible region reveals the following transitions at lmax/nm (e / dm3 mol-1 cm-1): 881 (20.08), 538 (76.28) and 441 (100.78). According to Ballhausen and Gray11, the weak absorption at 881 nm is attributed to the d-d transition dxy® dxz,yz whereas those at 538 and 441 nm involve the dx2 - y2 and the dz2 orbitals in compounds of C4v symmetry, as in [OVIV(HBBIMEN)]PF6 for which the corresponding transitions are observed at lmax/nm (e/ dm3 mol-1 cm-1): 826 (46), 537 (76) and 380 (462)12. In agreement with the X-ray crystal data previously described, 1 is a little more distorted than [OVIV(HBBIMEN)]PF6 but not enough to split the dxy® dxz,yz transitions as in [OVIV(tf)]4b and [OVIV (BBPEN)]7c.

The X-band EPR spectrum of a frozen solution of 1 in DMF together with the simulated spectrum is shown in Fig. 2. The Hamiltonian parameters obtained from the spectrum of 1, demonstrate the low symmetry geometric structure of the molecule, as can be observed in other vanadyl complexes previously reported in the literature2b. The pseudoaxial (because the parameters gx and gy are very similar) distortion is in agreement with X-ray diffraction data and the electronic absorption spectrum. However, this little in-plane observable anisotropy, |gx - gy| = 0.001, |ax - ay| = 0.5 x 10-4 cm-1, demonstrates that distortions in 1 are somewhat little more pronounced than those observed in [OVIV(HBBIMEN)]+, in which the in-plane anisotropy is not observable. The smaller values of the g parameters for an N2O2 equatorial coordination are consistent with the d ® d transitions with lower energy found in 1, compared to the values observed in [OVIV(HBBIMEN)]PF6 (gx = gy = 1.9925, gz = 1.9545) which has an N3O equatorial coordination, and consequently higher energy d ® d transitions. The corresponding parameters found in the ovotransferrin2c, a member of the family of the transferrins found in the white of eggs, are gz = 1.939, gx = 1.978, gy = 1.974, Az = 163.9, Ax = 52.3 and Ay = 59.2 x 10-4 cm-1.

In summary, a VIVO2+ complex containing a novel polyfunctional ligand has been prepared and characterized structurally and spectroscopically. In spite of the numerous VO2+ complexes with nitrogen and oxygen donor atoms described in the literature6,7, neither of these species exhibit all the characteristic spectral (UV-VIS and EPR) and structural properties found in [V(tf)]2b,4b. Recent studies on the transferrins5, show that the form of the bound vanadium(IV) ion is VO2+ (vanadyl).These studies also proposed that each vanadyl ion is coordinated to two tyrosine residues, one histidine residue, a monodentate carbonate ion and to an aspartic acid. The EPR and UV-Vis spectral properties of the coordination compound [O=VIV(HBIMETEN)] described here, are very similar to those found in the ovotransferrin2c, therefore we can propose that 1 is a very interesting model for the [OVIV(tf)] complex.


This work was supported by grants from PRONEX, CNPq, FINEP, and PADCT.

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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 Nov 2002
  • Date of issue
    Sept 1998


  • Received
    15 May 1998
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química - UNICAMP, Caixa Postal 6154, 13083-970 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel./FAX.: +55 19 3521-3151 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil