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Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity with laser: systematic review



Dentin hypersensitivity is an exacerbated response to a stimulus, causing acute and short-term pain. Over the years, several treatments for dentin hypersensitivity have emerged, including laser therapy. Thus, the objective of this work was to carry out a review about the available devices and the existing procedures of laser therapy in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity.


A systematic review of studies published from 2016 to 2020 was carried out through bibliographic search in the electronic databases Pubmed and the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - (Virtual Health Library), using the following descriptors: "Laser" And "Dentin Hypersensitivity". Of the total of 51 articles found in the search, 14 were eligible for a review. There was an evaluation of the possible risks of bias for each of the articles included.


As a result, a variety of devices available on the market and different protocols that prove to be effective for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity when compared to the initial pain situation (baseline) were found. When laser treatment is compared with other existing therapies, it's not so clear which would be the most effective, due to the wide variety of study methodologies. However, an association of therapies that act in the two mechanisms of pain interception (neural and blocker) seems to be an appropriate conduct in the control of dentin hypersensitivity, and this combination can happen through physical methods (High and low intensity laser) and chemical (neural and blocker agents).

Dentin desensitizing agents; Dentin sensitivity; Lasers



A hipersensibilidade dentinária é uma resposta exacerbada a um estímulo, causando dor aguda e de curta duração. Ao longo dos anos, diversos tratamentos para a hipersensibilidade dentinária têm surgido, incluindo a laserterapia. O objetivo foi realizar uma revisão acerca dos aparelhos disponíveis e dos protocolos do tratamento da hipersensibilidade dentinária com laser.


Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de estudos publicados de 2016 a 2020, por meio da busca bibliográfica nas bases de dados eletrônicos Pubmed e da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, utilizando os seguintes descritores: "Laser" e "Dentin Hypersensitivity". Do total de 51 artigos encontrados na busca, 14 foram elegíveis para a revisão. Foram analisados os possíveis riscos de viés para cada um dos artigos incluídos.


Diante da variedade de protocolos existentes quanto ao uso do laser, tanto alta (LAP) quanto de baixa potência (LBP), nadiminuição do desconforto causado pela HD, pode-se concluir de maneira geral que o emprego do laser tem se mostrado efetivo na grande maioria dos protocolos utilizados nos estudos, porém, ainda não é claro qual seria a estratégia mais efetiva a longo prazo. A associação de intervenções que atuem nos dois mecanismos de interceptação da dor (neural e obliterador) parece ser uma conduta apropriada no controle da HD, podendo essa combinação acontecer por meio de métodos físicos (laser de alta e baixa intensidade) e químicos (agentes neurais e obliteradores). A terapia mais adequada para HD depende de criteriosa anamnese e exame físico, enquanto o sucesso do tratamento dependerá da remoção dos fatores causais e de um plano de tratamento feito individualmente para cada paciente.

Dessensibilizantes dentinários; Lasers; Sensibilidade da dentina.


Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) is a powerful source of light, which allows numerous applications to be employed in various fields of health, including dentistry11 Srivastava VK, Mahajan S. Diode lasers: a magical wand to an orthodontic practice. Indian J Dent Res. 2014;25(1):78-82.. The use of photobiomodulation has resulted in great interest in various scientific fields due to the significant number of positive results achieved with the treatment22 Gomes Henriques AC, Ginani F, Oliveira RM, Keesen TS, Galvao Barboza CA, Oliveira Rocha HA, et al. Low-level laser therapy promotes proliferation and invasion of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Lasers Med Sci. 2014;29(4):1385-95.. The use of lasers as a method to treat dentin hypersensitivity (DH) dates back to 198033 Asnaashari M, Moeini M. Effectiveness of lasers in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity. J Lasers Med Sci. 2013;4:1-7.. Compared to other treatments, lasers are advantageous because they are simple to operate, safe, reliable, and have a rapid analgesic effect44 Carroll JD, Milward MR, Cooper PR, Hadis M, Palin WM. Developments in low level light therapy (LLLT) for dentistry. Dent Mater. 2014;30(5):465-75.

5 Whitters CJ, Hall A, Creanor SL, Moseley H, Gilmour WH, Strang R, et al. A clinical study of pulsed Nd: YAG laser-induced pulpal analgesia. J Dent. 1995;23(3):145-50.
-66 Rezazadeh F, Dehghanian P, Jafarpour D. Laser effects on the prevention and treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity: a systematic review. J Lasers Med Sci. 2019;10(1):1-11. doi:10.15171/jlms.2019.01.
, being able to modulate tissue responses and reduce pain77 Moraschini V, da Costa LS, Dos Santos GO. Effectiveness for dentin hypersensitivity treatment of non-carious cervical lesions: a meta-analysis. Clin Oral Investig. 2018;22(2):617-31..

DH is a common complaint in adult patients in dental clinics88 Ahmed TR, Mordan NJ, Gilthorpe MS, Gillam DG. In vitro quantification of changes in human dentine tubule parameters using SEM and digital analysis. J Oral Rehabil. 2005;32(8):589-97. and is often characterized as an exacerbated response to a chemical, thermal, tactile, evaporative or osmotic sensory stimulus, leading to fluid movement within the dentinal tubules exposed to the oral environment, causing acute and short-lasting pain99 Hypersensitivity CABoD. Consensus-Based Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Management of Dentin Hypersensitivity. J Can Dent Assoc. 2003;69(4):221-6.. Lasers used in the treatment of DH can be of two different types: low power lasers (LPL), such as Helium-Neonium (He-Ne) and Aluminum Gallium Arsenide (AsGaAl), and high power lasers (HPL), such as the Neodymium Yttrium Aluminum Granate (Nd:YAG) and carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers77 Moraschini V, da Costa LS, Dos Santos GO. Effectiveness for dentin hypersensitivity treatment of non-carious cervical lesions: a meta-analysis. Clin Oral Investig. 2018;22(2):617-31..

High intensity lasers, such as Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers cause an increase in the dentin surface temperature, leading to fusion and consequent obliteration of dentinal tubules1010 Lee SY, Jung HI, Jung BY, Cho YS, Kwon HK, Kim BI. Desensitizing efficacy of nano-carbonate apatite dentifrice and Er,Cr:YSGG laser: a randomized clinical trial. Photomed Laser Surg. 2015;33(1):9-14.,1111 Pourshahidi S, Ebrahimi H, Mansourian A, Mousavi Y, Kharazifard M. Comparison of Er,Cr:YSGG and diode laser effects on dentin hypersensitivity: a split-mouth randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig. 2019;23(11):4051-8.. Low intensity lasers, on the other hand, do not emit heat and present a low wavelength that stimulates the normality of cellular functions, acting in biostimulation due to the increased production of mitochondrial ATP, generating an increase in the excitability threshold of the free nerve endings that will result in actions with analgesic effect1212 Lopes AO, de Paula Eduardo C, Aranha ACC. Evaluation of different treatment protocols for dentin hypersensitivity: an 18-month randomized clinical trial. Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(5):1023-30.

13 Corona SA, Nascimento TN, Catirse AB, Lizarelli RF, Dinelli W, Palma-Dibb RG. Clinical evaluation of low-level laser therapy and fluoride varnish for treating cervical dentinal hypersensitivity. J Oral Rehabil. 2003;30(12):1183-9.
-1414 Oliveira FAM, Martins MT, Ribeiro MA, Mota PHA, Paula MVQ. Indicações e tratamentos da laserterapia de baixa intensidade na odontologia: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Hu Rev. 2018;44(1):85-96..

Despite the benefits and the frequent expansion of laser therapy in several dental fields, many professionals don't use it because they are unaware of the equipment, the interaction of the laser with the tissues, the therapeutic actions, and the appropriate doses that should be applied in several clinical conditions, missing the opportunity to improve their treatments1414 Oliveira FAM, Martins MT, Ribeiro MA, Mota PHA, Paula MVQ. Indicações e tratamentos da laserterapia de baixa intensidade na odontologia: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Hu Rev. 2018;44(1):85-96..

Thus, the objective of this study was to perform a systematic review of the literature on the effectiveness of different laser application protocols in the treatment of DH.


A systematic review of the literature with the following central question: "what is the effectiveness of different protocols for the use of laser in the treatment of DH"? In order to conduct the methodology, the PICOS (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome and Study) strategy was adopted. The following data was defined: population - patients with DH; intervention - different laser therapies; comparator - neural and obliterator desensitizing agents and placebo group; outcome - reduction of DH by stimulation and type of study - randomized clinical trials.

Search strategy

The publications selected for this review were collected from Pubmed and the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS - Virtual Health Library) from 2016 to 2020, containing the following descriptors in combination with the Boolean operator "and": "Laser" and "Dentin Hypersensitivity".

Inclusion of studies

The predetermined inclusion criteria for the articles were randomized clinical trial studies, in Portuguese and English, addressing the topic in relation to available laser therapy devices and existing protocols for the treatment of DH.

After the first stage of the search, duplicate articles were removed and then the titles, abstracts, and full texts of all the articles found were read. All articles that were not related to the theme in the title and/or abstract were excluded, such as the articles that dealt with laser therapy associated with tooth whitening and antimicrobial photodynamic therapy. Literature review articles, case reports and others that weren't clinical trials were also excluded.

Fifty-one publications were identified. After applying the described criteria, 14 articles were selected, read in full, and included in this review (Figure 1).

Figure 1.
Flowchart of study selection

Risk of bias

Since all studies are randomized clinical trials, they were analyzed regarding the potential risk of bias based on the RoB 2.0 tool (revised tool for Risk of Bias in randomized trials)1515 Tools RoB.
. This tool allows the identification of possible methodological biases through questions about the following aspects in each study: randomization process, intervention deviations, lost data, outcome assessment, selection of reported outcomes, and overall risk. For each item, a score of low risk, uncertain risk and high risk of bias is generated.

According to the researchers' evaluation, in general, there was a low risk of bias in the evaluated studies, and some items were scored as "uncertain risk" for not presenting sufficient information for the correct understanding of the methodological process. Figure 2 shows the distribution of potential risks in relation to the evaluated items. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the bias risk analysis categories for each study.

Figure 2.
Risk of bias assessment for the categories of analysis in all grouped studies

Figure 3.
Risk of bias assessment for each study included in the systematic review


Several laser devices were identified in the studies (Table 1) with different application protocols for the treatment of DH. Results are presented in table 2, containing the following information: title of the article, author, year, objective of the study, type of laser used, protocol for treating hypersensitivity and results found.

Table 1
Types of laser devices used in the included studies
Table 2
Studies evaluated in the review in order to identify the different protocols and efficacy of lasers in the treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity


There has been a significant reduction in tooth loss caused by caries and periodontal disease in recent years. However, changes in the lifestyle of the population have shown a significant increase in non-carious diseases and DH, the latter affecting approximately 1 in 3 adults2828 Banfield N, Addy M. Dentine hypersensitivity: development and evaluation ofamodel in situ to study tubulepatency. J Clin Periodontol. 2004;31(5):325-35.

29 Rosing CK, Fiorini T, Liberman DN, Cavagni J. Dentine hypersensitivity: analysis of self-care products. Braz Oral Res. 2009;23(Suppl 1):56-63.
-3030 Favaro Zeola L, Soares PV, Cunha-Cruz J. Prevalence of dentin hypersensitivity: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Dent. 2019;81:1-6.. The literature has been pointing out a strong relationship between non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) and DH, and these conditions are considered multifactorial and result from 3 main etiological factors: friction, tension and biocorrosion88 Ahmed TR, Mordan NJ, Gilthorpe MS, Gillam DG. In vitro quantification of changes in human dentine tubule parameters using SEM and digital analysis. J Oral Rehabil. 2005;32(8):589-97.,3131 Grippo JO, Simring M, Coleman TA. Abfraction, abrasion, biocorrosion, and the enigma of noncarious cervical lesions: a 20-year perspective. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2012;24(1):10-23.,3232 Peumans M, Politano G, Van Meerbeek B. Treatment of noncarious cervical lesions: when, why, and how. Int J Esthet Dent. 2020;15(1):16-42..

The relationship between DH and its impact on people's quality of life has also been investigated1616 Lima TC, Vieira-Barbosa NM, Grasielle de Sá Azevedo C, de Matos FR, Douglas de Oliveira DW, de Oliveira ES, et al. Oral health-related quality of life before and after treatment of dentin hypersensitivity with cyanoacrylate and laser. J Periodontol. 2017;88(2):166-72.. DH can affect the daily life of patients, leading them to changes in lifestyle habits such as not eating cold or hot foods, liquids, acids, and sweets, or even changes in hygiene habits such as tooth brushing, which is often impaired due to the presence of pain3333 Lopes AO, Eduardo Cde P, Aranha AC. Clinical evaluation of low-power laser and a desensitizing agent on dentin hypersensitivity. Lasers Med Sci. 2015;30(2):823-9.. Study1616 Lima TC, Vieira-Barbosa NM, Grasielle de Sá Azevedo C, de Matos FR, Douglas de Oliveira DW, de Oliveira ES, et al. Oral health-related quality of life before and after treatment of dentin hypersensitivity with cyanoacrylate and laser. J Periodontol. 2017;88(2):166-72. also highlights that, in addition to physical pain, the patient with DH can also present discomfort and psychological disabilities, in addition to social disability.

Different types of treatments are used in clinical practice to help reduce DH, and most of them try to reduce the movement of fluids within the dentinal tubules using materials such as desensitizers, oxalates, fluoride solutions, adhesive restorative materials and applications of HPL77 Moraschini V, da Costa LS, Dos Santos GO. Effectiveness for dentin hypersensitivity treatment of non-carious cervical lesions: a meta-analysis. Clin Oral Investig. 2018;22(2):617-31.. Another known mechanism is to increase the patient's pain threshold through neural action, which can be achieved with potassium nitrate-based products and low-intensity laser3434 Hu ML, Zheng G, Han JM, Yang M, Zhang YD, Lin H. Effect of lasers on dentine hypersensitivity: evidence from a meta-analysis. J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2019;19(2):115-30.,3535 Marto CM, Baptista Paula A, Nunes T, Pimenta M, Abrantes AM, Pires AS, et al. . Evaluation of the efficacy of dentin hypersensitivity treatments-a systematic review and follow-up analysis. J Oral Rehabil. 2019;46(10):952-90..

Although there are several treatments for DH, it's not yet possible to decide which is the gold standard, since most desensitizing agents and laser-based therapies have shown efficacy in the short term after the conclusion of treatment. The challenge then is in how to provide greater longevity in the current available treatments for DH.

According to study3636 Han SY, Kim JS, Kim YS, Kwon HK, Kim BI. Effect of a new combined therapy with nano-carbonate apatite and CO2 laser on dentin hypersensitivity in an in situ model. Photomed Laser Surg. 2014;32(7):394-400., in order for the DH treatment to be effective, desensitizing agents must resist acid challenges from acidic diets and also resist mechanical obstacles, such as tooth brushing, present in the oral cavity. As a result, many of these agents have no long-lasting effect. Therefore, the use of lasers for the treatment of DH becomes an effective alternative, since lasers seem to have an interesting long-term effect3434 Hu ML, Zheng G, Han JM, Yang M, Zhang YD, Lin H. Effect of lasers on dentine hypersensitivity: evidence from a meta-analysis. J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2019;19(2):115-30..

Lasers with different power ranges affect the DH through two mechanisms: HPL by fusion and resolidification of the peritubular dentin and LPL by anti-inflammatory effects and increased cellular metabolic activity of odontoblasts3737 Kara HB, Cakan U, Yilmaz B, Inan Kurugol P. Efficacy of diode laser and gluma on post-preparation sensitivity: a randomized split-mouth clinical study. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2016;28(6):405-11.. Authors2626 Praveen R, Thakur S, Kirthiga M, Narmatha M. Comparative evaluation of a low-level laser and topical desensitizing agent for treating dentinal hypersensitivity: a randomized controlled trial. J Conserv Dent. 2018;21(5):495-9. also addressed the biomodulatory effects of LPL, minimizing pain and reducing inflammatory processes due to its ability to block the depolarization of nerve fibers and the decrease of neural transmission.

Fourteen articles which met the selection criteria of this systematic review were selected. Of the analyzed studies, 5 used LPL, 6 used HPL, and 3 used lasers of both powers. Among the LPL, the most used were low power diode lasers and gallium aluminum arsenide lasers (GaAlAs). Among the HPL, the most used were: high power Diode lasers and Er, Cr:YSGG and Nd:YAG lasers.

All the studies in this review that used LPL showed a reduction in DH compared to baseline values, showing the effectiveness of these types of devices in the management of DH1111 Pourshahidi S, Ebrahimi H, Mansourian A, Mousavi Y, Kharazifard M. Comparison of Er,Cr:YSGG and diode laser effects on dentin hypersensitivity: a split-mouth randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig. 2019;23(11):4051-8.,1212 Lopes AO, de Paula Eduardo C, Aranha ACC. Evaluation of different treatment protocols for dentin hypersensitivity: an 18-month randomized clinical trial. Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(5):1023-30.,1616 Lima TC, Vieira-Barbosa NM, Grasielle de Sá Azevedo C, de Matos FR, Douglas de Oliveira DW, de Oliveira ES, et al. Oral health-related quality of life before and after treatment of dentin hypersensitivity with cyanoacrylate and laser. J Periodontol. 2017;88(2):166-72.,2020 Narayanan R, Prabhuji MLV, Paramashivaiah R, Bhavikatti SK. Low-level laser therapy in combination with desensitising agent reduces dentin hypersensitivity in fluorotic and non-fluorotic teeth - a randomised, controlled, double-blind clinical trial. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2019;17(6):547-56.,2222 Moura GF, Zeola LF, Silva MB, Sousa SC, Guedes FR, Soares PV. Four-session protocol effectiveness in reducing cervical dentin hypersensitivity: a 24-week randomized clinical trial. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2019;37(2):117-23.,2323 Guanipa Ortiz MI, Alencar CM, Freitas De Paula BL, Alves EB, Nogueira Araujo JL, Silva CM. Effect of the casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate fluoride (CPP-ACPF) and photobiomodulation (PBM) on dental hypersensitivity: A randomized controlled clinical trial. PLoS One. 2019;14(12):e0225501.,2626 Praveen R, Thakur S, Kirthiga M, Narmatha M. Comparative evaluation of a low-level laser and topical desensitizing agent for treating dentinal hypersensitivity: a randomized controlled trial. J Conserv Dent. 2018;21(5):495-9.,2727 Soares ML, Porciuncula GB, Lucena MI, Gueiros LA, Leao JC, Carvalho AA. Efficacy of Nd:YAG and GaAlAs lasers in comparison to 2% fluoride gel for the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. Gen Dent. 2016;64(6):66-70.. When this therapy is compared with chemical desensitizing agents, whether they use neural or obliterating action, the LPL showed similar results in terms of efficacy. Study1616 Lima TC, Vieira-Barbosa NM, Grasielle de Sá Azevedo C, de Matos FR, Douglas de Oliveira DW, de Oliveira ES, et al. Oral health-related quality of life before and after treatment of dentin hypersensitivity with cyanoacrylate and laser. J Periodontol. 2017;88(2):166-72. showed better performance in the first 24 hours of cyanoacrylate compared to LPL, but after 30, 60 and 120 days there was no difference between the two therapies. In the same way, LPL showed similar results to the varnish-type obliterating agent (Clinpro XT(r))2222 Moura GF, Zeola LF, Silva MB, Sousa SC, Guedes FR, Soares PV. Four-session protocol effectiveness in reducing cervical dentin hypersensitivity: a 24-week randomized clinical trial. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2019;37(2):117-23. and the chemical neural agent of the potassium nitrate alone2020 Narayanan R, Prabhuji MLV, Paramashivaiah R, Bhavikatti SK. Low-level laser therapy in combination with desensitising agent reduces dentin hypersensitivity in fluorotic and non-fluorotic teeth - a randomised, controlled, double-blind clinical trial. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2019;17(6):547-56. or potassium nitrate associated with sodium fluoride2222 Moura GF, Zeola LF, Silva MB, Sousa SC, Guedes FR, Soares PV. Four-session protocol effectiveness in reducing cervical dentin hypersensitivity: a 24-week randomized clinical trial. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2019;37(2):117-23.. Regarding the comparison with glutaraldehyde-based gels, authors1212 Lopes AO, de Paula Eduardo C, Aranha ACC. Evaluation of different treatment protocols for dentin hypersensitivity: an 18-month randomized clinical trial. Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(5):1023-30. found similar results between LPL at low or high dose with Gluma(r), while another study2626 Praveen R, Thakur S, Kirthiga M, Narmatha M. Comparative evaluation of a low-level laser and topical desensitizing agent for treating dentinal hypersensitivity: a randomized controlled trial. J Conserv Dent. 2018;21(5):495-9. found better performance of LPL when compared to this obliterator chemical desensitizer. The performance of LPL was also superior to 2% fluoride gel, but in a shorter evaluation period, one week after therapy2727 Soares ML, Porciuncula GB, Lucena MI, Gueiros LA, Leao JC, Carvalho AA. Efficacy of Nd:YAG and GaAlAs lasers in comparison to 2% fluoride gel for the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. Gen Dent. 2016;64(6):66-70..

There was a diversity of protocols regarding the use of LPL, with different power, energy density, number of sessions and application points in the tooth affected by DH. Study1212 Lopes AO, de Paula Eduardo C, Aranha ACC. Evaluation of different treatment protocols for dentin hypersensitivity: an 18-month randomized clinical trial. Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(5):1023-30. showed no difference between low dose LPL (three irradiation points in the buccal portion and an apical point of 30mW, 10J/cm², 9s per point with a wavelength of 810nm, in three sessions, with an interval of 72h) and high dose LPL, one point in the cervical area and one apical point 100mW, 40J/cm², 11s per point with a wavelength of 810nm in three sessions with an interval of 72h, showing the efficacy of both protocols in dentin desensitization.

Several studies have also employed HPL for the treatment of DH, either singly1111 Pourshahidi S, Ebrahimi H, Mansourian A, Mousavi Y, Kharazifard M. Comparison of Er,Cr:YSGG and diode laser effects on dentin hypersensitivity: a split-mouth randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig. 2019;23(11):4051-8.,1717 Maximiano V, Machado AC, Yoshida ML, Pannuti CM, Scaramucci T, Aranha ACC. Nd:YAG laser and calcium sodium phosphosilicate prophylaxis paste in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity: a double-blind randomized clinical study. Clin Oral Investig. 2019;23(8):3331-8.

18 Ozlem K, Esad GM, Ayse A, Aslihan U. Efficiency of lasers and a desensitizer agent on dentin hypersensitivity treatment: a clinical study. Niger J Clin Pract. 2018;21(2):225-30.
-1919 Bou Chebel F, Zogheib CM, Baba NZ, Corbani KA. Clinical comparative evaluation of Nd:YAG laser and a new varnish containing casein phosphopeptides-amorphous calcium phosphate for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity: a prospective study. J Prosthodont. 2018;27(9):860-7.,2121 Osmari D, Fraga S, Ferreira ACO, Eduardo CP, Marquezan M, Silveira BLD. In-office treatments for dentin hypersensitivity: a randomized split-mouth clinical trial. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2018;16(2):125-30.,2424 Femiano F, Femiano R, Lanza A, Lanza M, Perillo L. Effectiveness on oral pain of 808-nm diode laser used prior to composite restoration for symptomatic non-carious cervical lesions unresponsive to desensitizing agents. Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(1):67-71.,2727 Soares ML, Porciuncula GB, Lucena MI, Gueiros LA, Leao JC, Carvalho AA. Efficacy of Nd:YAG and GaAlAs lasers in comparison to 2% fluoride gel for the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. Gen Dent. 2016;64(6):66-70. or combined with a chemical agent1212 Lopes AO, de Paula Eduardo C, Aranha ACC. Evaluation of different treatment protocols for dentin hypersensitivity: an 18-month randomized clinical trial. Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(5):1023-30.,1818 Ozlem K, Esad GM, Ayse A, Aslihan U. Efficiency of lasers and a desensitizer agent on dentin hypersensitivity treatment: a clinical study. Niger J Clin Pract. 2018;21(2):225-30. or with LPL1212 Lopes AO, de Paula Eduardo C, Aranha ACC. Evaluation of different treatment protocols for dentin hypersensitivity: an 18-month randomized clinical trial. Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(5):1023-30.,1515 Tools RoB.
. The beneficial effect of HPL is due to the photothermal mechanism that melts and fuses the hard tissue in its surface layer, obstructing the dentinal tubules and consequently preventing the movement of fluids within these tubules2525 Tabibzadeh Z, Fekrazad R, Esmaeelnejad A, Shadkar MM, Khalili Sadrabad Z, Ghojazadeh M. Effect of combined application of high- and low-intensity lasers on dentin hypersensitivity: a randomized clinical trial. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2018;12(1):49-55.. As mentioned for the LPL, the isolated application of HPL also showed similar results to some chemical desensitizers, such as those based on glutaraldehyde1212 Lopes AO, de Paula Eduardo C, Aranha ACC. Evaluation of different treatment protocols for dentin hypersensitivity: an 18-month randomized clinical trial. Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(5):1023-30. or a prophylaxis paste containing 15% sodium calcium phosphosilicate (SCP) (NovaMin® or a new varnish (MI Varnish® containing the addition of casein phosphopeptides and amorphous calcium phosphate1919 Bou Chebel F, Zogheib CM, Baba NZ, Corbani KA. Clinical comparative evaluation of Nd:YAG laser and a new varnish containing casein phosphopeptides-amorphous calcium phosphate for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity: a prospective study. J Prosthodont. 2018;27(9):860-7.. The similarity in the results can be explained by the fact that the laser and the products cited act in a similar manner, i.e., occluding the dentinal tubules. This occlusive strategy leads to similar results also regarding the treatment duration. The dissolution speed of these occlusive materials also seems to be similar, which explains why the desensitizing effect and duration are almost the same when using hydroxyapatite-based products (such as MI Varnish® or when obtaining the so-called "stabilized fused dentin", caused by the "melting" effect of the Nd:YAG laser used to seal the exposed dentinal tubules1919 Bou Chebel F, Zogheib CM, Baba NZ, Corbani KA. Clinical comparative evaluation of Nd:YAG laser and a new varnish containing casein phosphopeptides-amorphous calcium phosphate for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity: a prospective study. J Prosthodont. 2018;27(9):860-7..

The Nd:YAG laser results were found to be superior to the 2% fluoride gel2727 Soares ML, Porciuncula GB, Lucena MI, Gueiros LA, Leao JC, Carvalho AA. Efficacy of Nd:YAG and GaAlAs lasers in comparison to 2% fluoride gel for the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. Gen Dent. 2016;64(6):66-70.. Study2121 Osmari D, Fraga S, Ferreira ACO, Eduardo CP, Marquezan M, Silveira BLD. In-office treatments for dentin hypersensitivity: a randomized split-mouth clinical trial. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2018;16(2):125-30. showed similar efficacy in the 60-day evaluation between diode laser and 5% fluoride varnish, 3% potassium oxalate, and a self-conditioning adhesive, but immediate improvement after application of the therapies was obtained with the use of fluoride varnish and potassium oxalate, the improvement with the laser being more pronounced after 15 days of application. Authors(24 )evaluated the use of diode laser prior to the restorative procedure of non-carious cervical lesions with DH that showed no improvement with prior desensitizing treatment. The results showed a more significant reduction in the degree of DH in cases where there was a previous application of the laser before the restoration was performed.

Despite the good results with the other HPL used in the evaluated studies, there seems to be a better effect when the Erbium laser is employed. Study1111 Pourshahidi S, Ebrahimi H, Mansourian A, Mousavi Y, Kharazifard M. Comparison of Er,Cr:YSGG and diode laser effects on dentin hypersensitivity: a split-mouth randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig. 2019;23(11):4051-8. compared the Er,Cr:YSGG with an LPL (GaAlAs), presenting a similar immediate and one-week effect between the groups, but at the one month evaluation the Erbium laser was superior. This could be explained by the effect of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser on the obstruction of dentinal tubules, which seems to be more durable than blocking the depolarization of afferent C fibers, an effect of the low-power diode laser3838 Kimura Y, Wilder-Smith P, Yonaga K, Matsumoto K. Treatment of dentine hypersensitivity by lasers: a review. J Clin Periodontol. 2000;27(10):715-21.. Similarly, it showed better efficacy of Er,Cr:YSGG when compared to Gluma® and Nd:YAG laser after 6 months of follow-up1818 Ozlem K, Esad GM, Ayse A, Aslihan U. Efficiency of lasers and a desensitizer agent on dentin hypersensitivity treatment: a clinical study. Niger J Clin Pract. 2018;21(2):225-30..

Given the positive results presented by various desensitizing protocols in relation to baseline data, there has been a tendency in the search for more efficient and lasting treatments, which seems to involve a combination of therapies. The benefit of combining therapies has been demonstrated2020 Narayanan R, Prabhuji MLV, Paramashivaiah R, Bhavikatti SK. Low-level laser therapy in combination with desensitising agent reduces dentin hypersensitivity in fluorotic and non-fluorotic teeth - a randomised, controlled, double-blind clinical trial. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2019;17(6):547-56., with the association of LPL and potassium nitrate being more effective than these two therapies alone after 12 weeks of follow-up. Study2323 Guanipa Ortiz MI, Alencar CM, Freitas De Paula BL, Alves EB, Nogueira Araujo JL, Silva CM. Effect of the casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate fluoride (CPP-ACPF) and photobiomodulation (PBM) on dental hypersensitivity: A randomized controlled clinical trial. PLoS One. 2019;14(12):e0225501. also showed better results for DH treatment with combined therapy of LPL with casein phosphopeptide- amorphous calcium phosphate and fluoride (CPP-ACPF) after the first application and maintaining improvement in the evaluation after one month. An association of LPL with HPL is also possible, since the mechanisms of action are different, the desensitizing effect could be enhanced by associating these two therapies2525 Tabibzadeh Z, Fekrazad R, Esmaeelnejad A, Shadkar MM, Khalili Sadrabad Z, Ghojazadeh M. Effect of combined application of high- and low-intensity lasers on dentin hypersensitivity: a randomized clinical trial. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2018;12(1):49-55.. This is because the pulpal effects of LPL, when used alone, are probably more reversible because of the continuous external stimulation. The protective layer formed on the dentinal tubules in the obliterating mechanism may also be eliminated due to friction and the action of microorganisms2525 Tabibzadeh Z, Fekrazad R, Esmaeelnejad A, Shadkar MM, Khalili Sadrabad Z, Ghojazadeh M. Effect of combined application of high- and low-intensity lasers on dentin hypersensitivity: a randomized clinical trial. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2018;12(1):49-55..

A factor that may influence the results in clinical trials is the so-called placebo effect, especially when new products and technologies are employed. The improvement in sensitivity reported by patients who were classified as negative controls, i.e., without any type of intervention presenting an active substance, may reach up to 60% according to previous studies1717 Maximiano V, Machado AC, Yoshida ML, Pannuti CM, Scaramucci T, Aranha ACC. Nd:YAG laser and calcium sodium phosphosilicate prophylaxis paste in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity: a double-blind randomized clinical study. Clin Oral Investig. 2019;23(8):3331-8.,3939 West NX, Addy M, Jackson RJ, Ridge DB. Dentine hypersensitivity and the placebo response. A comparison of the effect of strontium acetate, potassium nitrate and fluoride toothpastes. J Clin Periodontol. 1997;24(4):209-15.. The explanation for this effect can be the simple fact that the patient is participating in a research study with a wide variety of available resources and the opportunity for personalized and careful care4040 Gillam DG. Clinical trial designs for testing of products for dentine hypersensitivity--a review. J West Soc Periodontol Periodontal Abstr. 1997;45(2):37-46., or even the so-called "experimental subordination", which involves a positive response to all therapies involved by education on the part of the participants2121 Osmari D, Fraga S, Ferreira ACO, Eduardo CP, Marquezan M, Silveira BLD. In-office treatments for dentin hypersensitivity: a randomized split-mouth clinical trial. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2018;16(2):125-30.. It's worth mentioning the importance of the measures adopted in some studies evaluated in this review when the placebo group was adopted for comparison with the purpose of minimizing the placebo effect, for example, orienting the patients about the possible inefficacy of the treatments, the possibility of being allocated to a placebo group and the double-blind design of the study itself1717 Maximiano V, Machado AC, Yoshida ML, Pannuti CM, Scaramucci T, Aranha ACC. Nd:YAG laser and calcium sodium phosphosilicate prophylaxis paste in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity: a double-blind randomized clinical study. Clin Oral Investig. 2019;23(8):3331-8.,4040 Gillam DG. Clinical trial designs for testing of products for dentine hypersensitivity--a review. J West Soc Periodontol Periodontal Abstr. 1997;45(2):37-46.. However, due to ethical issues regarding some ethics committees, most of the studies in the present systematic review (11 out of 14 studies) did not use a placebo group as a comparison group, but an intervention already known as a positive control.

Lasers have arrived on the market as an innovative option with several applications in dentistry. For the treatment of DH, they can be of help in a single or combined protocol, and both high and low power lasers can be used for this purpose3434 Hu ML, Zheng G, Han JM, Yang M, Zhang YD, Lin H. Effect of lasers on dentine hypersensitivity: evidence from a meta-analysis. J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2019;19(2):115-30.,3535 Marto CM, Baptista Paula A, Nunes T, Pimenta M, Abrantes AM, Pires AS, et al. . Evaluation of the efficacy of dentin hypersensitivity treatments-a systematic review and follow-up analysis. J Oral Rehabil. 2019;46(10):952-90..

The limitations in establishing a "gold standard" desensitizing treatment are especially due to the fact that there are several studies in the literature showing effectiveness for various products and strategies, but it's difficult to compare the studies due to the lack of uniformity between the application protocols. Since the recurrence of DH is common after desensitizing treatment, patients with this condition should be carefully evaluated and a constant concern of the dental surgeon should be the control of etiological factors, which could increase the durability of therapy and improve the patient's quality of life77 Moraschini V, da Costa LS, Dos Santos GO. Effectiveness for dentin hypersensitivity treatment of non-carious cervical lesions: a meta-analysis. Clin Oral Investig. 2018;22(2):617-31.,1212 Lopes AO, de Paula Eduardo C, Aranha ACC. Evaluation of different treatment protocols for dentin hypersensitivity: an 18-month randomized clinical trial. Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(5):1023-30..


Considering the variety of existing protocols for laser usage, both high and low power, for the reduction of discomfort caused by DH, the general conclusion is that the use of laser has been effective in most protocols used in the studies, however, it's not yet clear which would be the most effective strategy in the long term. The association of interventions that act in both obliterator and neural pain interception mechanisms seems to be an appropriate conduct for controlling DH, and this combination can happen through physical methods (laser of high and low intensity), and chemicals (with neural agents and obliterators). The most appropriate therapy in DH is dependent on careful anamnesis and physical examination, while treatment success will depend on the removal of causal factors and a treatment plan made individually for each patient.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    11 June 2021
  • Date of issue
    Apr-Jun 2021


  • Received
    16 Aug 2020
  • Accepted
    30 Mar 2021
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