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Química Nova, Volume: 30, Número: 6, Publicado: 2007
  • Editorial

    Pinto, Angelo C.; Mangrich, Antonio S.; Andrade, Jailson B. de; Pardini, Vera L.
  • Sociedade Brasileira de Química: 30 years on

    Campbell, Simon
  • O programa NAS/CNPq: avaliação de um participante

    Brocksom, Timothy John

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The NAS/CNPq programme in Chemistry ran from 1969 to 1974, and brought recent PhD and post-doctoral chemists to the Chemistry Institutes at the University of São Paulo and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The purpose was to create and direct new research topics in selected areas of chemistry, and participate in the post-graduate programmes. As a participant in this programme, I present my personal views, some background information, and an evaluation of this programme for the advance of synthetic organic chemistry in Brazil.
  • o impacto do acordo CNPq/NAS na evolução da química no Brasil

    Senise, Paschoal
  • O impacto do acordo NAS/CNPq na evolução da Química no Brasil: o setor de polímeros

    Mano, Eloisa Biasotto
  • Impacto do acordo de cooperação do Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (CNPq) com a National Academy of Sciences - (NAS)

    Espinola, Aïda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the beginning of the 1960's, the university education in chemistry, in Brasil, represented only a professional preparation, with no official post-graduate teaching and research, as yet. The name Federal University Rio de Janeiro, evolved, since January 30, 1959, from University of Brazil, RJ, to Federal University of Guanabara, which, on August 20, 1965, became the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. With the Resolution nº 4, of the University direction, the first Institute of Chemistry was created, to include the Centers of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, and the Medical Sciences. The strictu sensu's system was established only in 1961.
  • Planejamento participativo no subprograma QEQ do PADCT

    Paniago, Eucler B.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The development of the Brazilian chemistry sector, during the last 30 years, is nowadays being attributed to PADCT (Science and Technology Development Program). Since the seventies, the Government took notice of the importance of research in chemistry for the Brazilian economy, therefore creating PADCT to support chemistry and chemical engineering among other areas of science and technology. Planning and implementation of the second phase of this program represented a real joint strategic planning. Since then, academic research and human resources education have experienced significant improvements. However, in the chemical trade, the deficit continues to grow, in spite of an almost constant ratio between importation costs and export revenues. Continued investments for research in the area remain necessary.
  • Indústria química: evolução recente, problemas e oportunidades

    Galembeck, Fernando; Santos, Ádamo César Mastrângelo dos; Schumacher, Heloisa Cajon; Rippel, Márcia Maria; Rosseto, Renato

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Chemical industry underwent a significant upturn in the past few years. In Brazil, the position of this industry has been continuously strengthened as the second largest industrial sector. Current circumstances are discussed, especially the need for increased innovation, the impacts of nanotechnology, biotechnology and information technologies. Some misconceptions on the Brazilian chemical industry are criticized and recent improvements are described, including those related to environmental protection, to conclude that its prospects are very good, considering both the availability of basic raw materials (oil, natural gas, agribusiness products and minerals), the growing demand and increased competitiveness.
  • Políticas públicas e o empreendedorismo em química no Brasil: o caso da Microbiológica

    Rabi, Jaime A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Microbiológica is a science-based Brazilian Company with its core competence focused on nucleoside process chemistry. This article describes its origin and contributions as well as comments on public policies which impact the Brazilian industrial development.
  • Graduação em química: avaliação, perspectivas e desafios

    Zucco, César

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Poor standards in schools and the increase in the number of institutions of higher education - frequently without the due control - have adversely affected the quality of university level education in Brazil. On the other hand, evaluation of undergraduate courses, which has been carried out regularly since the min 1990's allow, within certain limits, a description of the quality Brazilian higher education courses in general, and Chemistry courses in specific. This paper evaluates the results of the national examinations (2000 and 2003's ENC, and 2005's ENADE), attrition rates for the 1990's and for the 2000-2005 period, as well as the perceptions of students and instructors that took part in those exams. Furthermore, the paper also analyzes the opinions of academics and of private sector professionals about the educational system's capacity to meet the job market's demand for skilled labor force. The actual profile of Chemistry graduates is then compared to what is demanded from them by the market, revealing deficiencies in the educational system. The expected essential curricula changes that would introduce an innovative and advanced approach in the undergraduate courses have become great challenges. In this sense, the paper seeks to reflect on questions such as: How to give informative courses a formative emphasis? Which programs should be included in the curricula to involve students in activities that require initiative and decision-making, thus fostering both learning and interest in Chemistry? How to prepare instructors for schools and for higher education? How to increase instruction in related areas without expanding the curricula excessively? How to introduce entrepreneurship in the curricula and further awareness of the professional non-academic careers in the area?
  • A contribuição da SBQ à pós-graduação em química

    Cadore, Solange; Andrade, Jailson B. de
  • As secretarias regionais e as divisões científicas da Sociedade Brasileira de Química

    Moro, Celso Camilo; Lopes, Norberto Peporine; Rocha-Filho, Romeu C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article offers an overview on the historical facts and the recent state of the Regional Secretaries and the Scientific Divisions in the course of 30 years of SBQ.
  • A inserção internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Química

    Mangrich, Antonio S.; Viertler, Hans; Vieira, Paulo C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper presents some aspects involved in the internationalization of SBQ. The importance of journals, meetings and agreements in this process is discussed.
  • Biologia química: uma estratégia moderna para a pesquisa em produtos naturais

    Pupo, Mônica Tallarico; Gallo, Margareth Borges Coutinho; Vieira, Paulo Cezar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper presents an overview of the Natural Products Research in Brazil in the last five years (2002-2006), and also discusses how some relevant aspects of the Chemical Biology area could create new research opportunities and challenges for the natural product chemists. In addition, some aspects of the scientific policies and their impact on current projects are discussed.
  • Química Medicinal Moderna: desafios e contribuição brasileira

    Lima, Lídia M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The main aspects of the modern Medicinal Chemistry, among the classic and industrial paradigms, used in the drug discovery process will be treated. The contribution of the Brazilian science in the knowledge generation in Medicinal Chemistry will be demonstrated, with base in searches accomplished in the portal Web of Science® 7.10 and in the directory of groups of research of CNPq.
  • Química de (nano)materiais

    Zarbin, Aldo J. G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An overview of different aspects related to Materials and Nanomaterials Chemistry is presented and discussed. The insertion of this field in Brazil is evaluated on the basis of the communications presented on the 30th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ). The importance of the Materials Chemistry Division of SBQ for the growth and consolidation of Materials Chemistry in Brazil is also discussed.
  • Publicações na área de catálise envolvendo instituições brasileiras: uma comparação entre os periódicos especializados e os da SBQ

    Santos, Eduardo Nicolau dos; Lago, Rochel Montero
  • Estratégia supramolecular para a nanotecnologia

    Araki, Koiti

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Brazilian science is evolving rapidly and steadly in the last 10 years, reaching the 15º place in the international ranking. Research in nanotechnology is following a similar way generating new scientific and technological knowledge in several frontiers but specially in the interfaces of two or more areas, where Chemistry is consolidating itself as a central science. In this context, the supramolecular approach is a very promissing one because it allows the build-up of a chemical inteligence using all the sistematized knowledge for the design and development of new nanomaterials and products. The great challenge of Chemistry is not decrease the dimensionality of the materials but instead find ways to increase the dimensionality and structural complexity keeping strict control on the interactions between the components, in order to generate materials with new properties and functionalities. Unfortunately, the current vigorous advancement of scientific research has not been followed by the transformation of such know-how into patents and produts. Therefore much efforts should be devoted to build a national science and technology program, joining all the segments of the society involved in the technological development (university, institutes of technological research, industry and government) in order to promote the furtherance of the Brazilian technological base. Only in this way it is possible to evolve to a technological society capable to transform the scientific knowledge into wealthy, thus sustaining the socioeconomic development of the country.
  • A importância das revistas Química Nova e Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society no crescimento da área de química no Brasil

    Torresi, Susana I. Córdoba de; Pardini, Vera L.; Dias, Luiz C.; Pinto, Angelo C.; Andrade, Jailson B. de; Magalhães, Maria Elizabeth A.; Gil, Pricila Esteves de Almeida

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Quimica Nova and the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society are two examples of successful initiatives taken by the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ - Sociedade Brasileira de Química), and may serve as models for the scientific societies of developing countries. Pillars of the SBQ, these two periodicals are undeniable demonstrations that idealism, utopia and dignity are the essential ingredients for transforming dreams into reality. Few believed that the Brazilian chemical community would one day have, as it does today, two scientific research periodicals indexed in the principal international data banks.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil