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Química Nova, Volume: 34, Número: 3, Publicado: 2011
  • É plágio: e daí? Editorial

    Torresi, Susana I. Córdoba de; Pardini, Vera L.; Ferreira, Vitor F.
  • Spectrophotometric determination of catecholamine using vanadium and eriochrome cyanine r

    Nagaraja, Padmarajaiah; Shrestha, Ashwinee Kumar; Shivakumar, Anantharaman; Al-Tayar, Naef Ghallab Saeed; Gowda, Avinask K.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A highly sensitive spectrophotometric method for the analysis of catecholamine drugs; L-dopa and methyldopa, is described. The analysis is based on the reaction of drug molecules with vanadium (V) which is reduced to vanadium (IV) and form complex with eriochrome cyanine R to give products having maximum absorbance (lmax) at 565 nm. Beer's law is obeyed in the range 0.028-0.84 and 0.099-0.996 mg mL-1 for L-dopa and methyldopa, respectively. The statistical analysis as well as comparison with reported methods demonstrated high precision and accuracy of the proposed method. The method was successfully applied in the analysis of pharmaceutical preparations.
  • Bioconcentração e biomagnificação de metilmercúrio na baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro Artigo

    Kehrig, Helena A.; Malm, Olaf; Palermo, Elisabete F. A.; Seixas, Tércia G.; Baêta, Aída P.; Moreira, Isabel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Methylmercury was determined in water and aquatic biota from Guanabara Bay. Trophic transfer of methylmercury was observed between trophic levels from prey (microplankton, mesoplankton and fish with different feeding habits) to top predator (pelagic demersal fish). Top predator fish presented the highest methylmercury concentrations (320.3 ± 150.7 mg kg-1 dry wt.), whereas microplankton presented the lowest (8.9 ± 3.3 mg kg-1 dry wt.). The successive amplification of methylmercury concentrations and its bioconcentration factor with increasing trophic levels from base to top indicate that biomagnification may be occurring along the food web. Results suggest the importance of feeding habits and trophic level in the bioaccumulation of methylmercury by aquatic biota.
  • Utilização do acetato de celulose produzido a partir da celulose extraída do caroço de manga como matriz para produção de sistemas microparticulados Artigo

    Cruz, Alisson Costa da; Meireles, Carla da Silva; Ribeiro, Sabrina Dias; Rodrigues Filho, Guimes; Assunção, Rosana Maria Nascimento de; Cerqueira, Daniel Alves; Zeni, Mara; Poletto, Patrícia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Cellulose acetate produced from mango seed fibers cellulose was used as a matrix for preparation of microparticles empty and load with acetaminophen (Paracetamol) in order to evaluate the incorporation of an active agent during the formation of microparticles. The microparticles are characterized by Fourier Transformed Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The incorporation of paracetamol can be confirmed by the change in value of glass transition temperature (Tg). The formation of microparticles spherical was observed by SEM and showed an average diameter of 1.010 and 0.950 mm for empty and load microparticles respectively.
  • Generación de estados superficiales durante la formación electroforética catódica de películas de TiO2 sobre ito

    Acevedo-Peña, Próspero; González, Ignacio; Vázquez, Gerardo; Manríquez, J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the present work TiO2 films were formed over Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) employing cathodic electrophoretic deposition (Cathodic-EPD) and Dr. Blade Technique. The films were characterized by electrochemical techniques in order to compare their electronic properties; as well as, their photoelectrochemical behavior. The electrochemical performance showed by the films, allowed to relate the modification occurring during the Cathodic-EPD, with the partial reduction of TiO2 nanoparticles, generating Ti3+ defects. These trapping states are modifying the electronic properties of the film, and diminishing the transport of the photoelectrogenerated electrons toward ITO.
  • Caracterização espectroscópica multivariada do potencial antioxidante de vinhos Artigo

    Gallice, Wellington César; Messerschmidt, Iara; Peralta-Zamora, Patricio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work the antioxidant capacity of red wine samples was characterized by conventional spectroscopic and chromatographic methodologies, regarding chemical parameters like color, total polyphenolic and resveratrol content, and antioxidant activity. Additionally, multivariate calibration models were developed to predict the antioxidant activity, using partial least square regression and the spectral data registered between 400 and 800 nm. Even when a close correlation between the evaluated parameters has been expected many inconsistencies were observed, probably on account of the low selectivity of the conventional methodologies. Models developed from mean-centered spectra and using 4 latent variables allowed high prevision capacity of the antioxidant activity, permitting relative errors lower than 3%.
  • Determination of aluminum in food samples after preconcentration as aluminon complex on microcrystalline naphthalene by spectrophotometry

    Fathi, Mohammad Reza; Pourreza, Nahid; Ardan, Zeinab

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A sensitive preconcentration procedure for spectrophotometeric determination of aluminum was developed. Aluminum as aluminon complex is adsorbed on microcrystalline naphthalene. The naphthalene containing the complex is dissolved in 3 mL of acetone and its absorbance is measured at 544 nm. The effect of various factors on the preconcentration of aluminum was investigated. The calibration graph was linear in the range of 1-60 mg L-1. The limit of detection was 0.52 mg L-1 and relative standard deviation for the determination of 5 mg L-1 was 2.65%. The proposed solid phase extraction procedure was applied to determination of aluminum in food samples.
  • Preparação e caracterização de suspensões coloidais de nanocarreadores lipídicos contendo resveratrol destinados à administração cutânea Artigo

    Nemen, Daiane; Lemos-Senna, Elenara

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN), nanoemulsions (NE), and microemulsions (ME) were prepared by the hot solvent diffusion method, using tristearin or castor oil as oily phase, and soy lecithin and Solutol HS 15 as surfactants. Mean particle sizes ranged from 20 to 215 nm and negative zeta potentials were obtained for all nanocarriers. A HPLC method used to determine resveratrol was specific, linear, exact and precise. The entrapment efficiency was high for all formulations. However, resveratrol content was significantly varied among the lipid nanocarriers. Lipid nanocarrier containing hydrogels exhibiting pseudoplastic behavior were obtained after incorporation of hydroxyethylcellulose in the colloidal dispersions.
  • Aumento da resposta analítica por meio da otimização do sistema de injeção sem divisão de fluxo em cromatografia gasosa empregando a lei dos gases ideais Artigo

    Sabin, Guilherme Post; Prestes, Osmar Damian; Martins, Manoel Leonardo; Adaime, Martha Bohrer; Zanella, Renato

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper reports the development of an easy, fast and effective procedure for the verification of the ideal gas law in splitless injection systems in order to improve the response. Results of a group of pesticides were used to demonstrate the suitability of the approach. The procedure helps establish experimental parameters through theoretical aspects. The improved instrumental response allowed extraction with lower sample volumes, the minimization of time and costs and the simplification of sample preparation.
  • Avaliação da composição mineral do chá da folha senescente de Montrichardia linifera (arruda) schott (araceae) por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama (FAAS) Artigo

    Amarante, Cristine Bastos do; Silva, Jesiel Cardoso Furtado da; Müller, Regina Celi Sarkis; Müller, Adolfo Henrique

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Levels of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn were determinated by FAAS in the tea and dry matter from senescent leaf from Montrichardia linifera, plant used in folk medicine Amazon. The content of these metals that are transferred of the leaf to the infusions have presented significant reductions, however, the Mn values in the infusion may exceed the tolerable daily intake (11 mg) if consumption of this tea is greater than 1.0 L per day. So the tea of senescent leaves of M. linifera may be considered as a toxic beverage and thus its use is not advised.
  • Estudo da influência dos particulados no fenômeno de agregação dos asfaltenos por espectrometria de varredura óptica Artigo

    Henriques, Claudete Bernardo; Winter, Alessandra; Koroishi, Erika Tomie; Maciel Filho, Rubens; Bueno, Maria Izabel Maretti Silveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The processing of national petroleums causes many operational problems due to the asphaltene aggregation phenomena. To evaluate the behavior of these phenomena, a study based on optical scan technique was carried out to understand the behavior of pure oils and their mixtures. The evaluation according to criteria established by ASTM D7061-06¹ gives a result of asphaltene flocculation of according to the separability number. In this study, the aspects related to the existence of colloidal forms of peptized asphaltenes in distinct solvents present in petroleums can cause changes in the kinetics of asphaltene flocculation.
  • Leaf and root volatiles produced by tissue cultures of Alpinia zerumbet (pers.) Burtt & Smith under the influence of different plant growth regulators

    Victório, Cristiane Pimentel; Kuster, Ricardo Machado; Lage, Celso Luiz Salgueiro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Volatiles produced by plantlets of Alpinia zerumbet were obtained by means of simultaneous distillation-extraction (SDE). The effects of indole-3-acetic acid, kinetin, thidiazuron and 6-benzylaminopurine on leaf and root volatile composition obtained by tissue cultures were investigated. A higher content of b-pinene and a lower content of sabinene were observed in leaf volatile of plantlets cultured in control, IAA and IAA+ TDZ media, as compared with those of donor plants. In vitro conditions were favorable to increase caryophyllene content. Volatile compounds from the root were characterized mainly by camphene, fenchyl-acetate and bornyl acetate; which constitute about 60% of total volatile.
  • Síntese hidrotermal assistida por micro-ondas como metodologia sintética eficiente para obtenção da rede metalorgânica [ZN(BDC)(H2O)2]n Artigo

    Wanderley, Kaline A.; Alves Júnior, Severino; Paiva-Santos, Carlos de Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work presents the optimization of the microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of [Zn(BDC)(H2O)2]n . The reactions were carried out at the fixed temperature of 120 ºC for 10, 20, 30 and 40 min. Pure crystalline [Zn(BDC)(H2O)2]n was obtained in high yield (ca. 90%) with a reaction time of 10 min. The phase obtained and its purity was confirmed by Rietveld refinement, with a final value for Rwp/Rexp equal to 1.48. Increased reaction times (20, 30 and 40 min) favored the formation of unwanted by products, resulting in mixtures of several crystalline phases.
  • Electrochemical study about zinc electrodeposition onto GCE and HOPG substrates

    Granados-Ner, Madai; Huizar, Luis Humberto Mendoza; Rios-Reyes, Clara Hilda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We carried out an electrochemical study about zinc electrodeposition onto GCE and HOPG substrates from an electrolytic plating bath containing 0.01M ZnSO4 + 1M (NH4)2SO4 at pH 7. Under our experimental conditions the predominant chemical species was the complex [ZnSO4(H2O)5]. The chronoamperometric study showed that zinc electrodeposition follows a typical 3D nucleation mechanism in both substrates. The average dG calculated for the stable nucleus formation was 6.92 x 10-21 J nuclei"1 and 1.35 x 10-20 J nuclei"1 for GCE and HOPG, respectively. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images showed different nucleation and growth processes on GCE and HOPG substrates at same overpotential.
  • Determinação de bifenilos policlorados em soro de cordão umbilical através de extração por hidrólise ácida seguida de cromatografia a gás acoplada a um microdetector de captura de elétrons Artigo

    Mohr, Susana; Schwanz, Thiago Guilherme; Wagner, Roger; Soldatelli, Leandra; Costabeber, Ijoni Hilda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present work describes the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in 123 umbilical cord serum samples by liquid-liquid extraction method with acid hydrolyze step and analysis by GC-mECD. The analytical method was evaluated with following figures of merit for all PCBs: linearity (>0.997); precision (<12.55%); recoveries (73-119%); limit of detection (0.1 ng mL-1); limit of quantification (0.25-0.5 ng mL-1). The results showed high contamination in the analyzed samples. PCB more frequent was 138 (66.7%), followed by 180 (55.3%) and 52 (51.3%).
  • Chemical stability of enalapril maleate drug substance and tablets by a stability-indicating liquid chromatographic method

    Diego, Marta de; Godoy, Gloria; Mennickent, Sigrid; Godoy, Ricardo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The chemical stability of enalapril drug substance and tablets was studied by a stability-indicating liquid chromatographic method. Stress testing was performed on drug substance under various conditions. Accelerated stability testing was carried out for different formulations of enalapril tablets. Chromatographic separation was achieved on a RP-18 column, using a mobile phase of methanol phosphate buffer at 1.0 mL min"1 and UV detection. Degradation of the drug substance was greater under hydrolytic conditions. After 180 days of accelerated stability testing most enalapril tablets showed more than 10% of degradation. Enalapril drug substance and tablets showed instability under stress and accelerated testing respectively, with possible implications on the therapeutic activity.
  • Estabelecimento de condições para ensaio de dissolução de cápsulas de cinarizina empregando planejamento fatorial Artigo

    Gehring, Patrícia Alves Franco; Santos, Olímpia Maria Martins; Pereira, Gislaine Ribeiro; Araújo, Magali Benjamim de; Bonfilio, Rudy

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work describes the establishment of dissolution test conditions for 75 mg cinnarizine capsules using a multivariate approach. A 2³ full factorial design was carried out to achieve the best conditions and HCl 0.1 mol L-1 as dissolution medium, basket as apparatus at 100 rpm and collect time at 30 min were considered adequate. The quantification was carried out by spectrophotometry at 251 nm. Both dissolution procedure and analytical method were validated and all parameters were within the acceptable limits. Since there is no official monograph for this pharmaceutical product, this dissolution test could be applied for quality control routine.
  • Pré-concentração de Cr(III) e análise de especiação de cromo empregando montmorilonita saturada com íons potássio Artigo

    Frois, Sérgio Ribeiro; Grassi, Marco Tadeu; Fernandes, Tatyane Caruso; Barreto, Ronaldo Adriano dos Santos; Abate, Gilberto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The clay mineral montmorillonite-K10 (MT), treated under acidic medium and saturated with potassium ions (MTK), was employed in sorption and desorption studies aiming the preconcentration of Cr(III) and the speciation analysis of chromium. The sorption process of Cr(III) was close to 100%, suggesting that MTK was a good material for Cr(III) preconcentration, although, the maximum recovery in HNO3 solution was near 89%. On the other hand, Cr(VI) practically was not retained in MTK, suggesting this material as an appropriate mineral phase to be used in speciation analysis of chromium in aqueous medium.
  • Flotação da mistura argila-quartzo com surfactantes e estudos de pilarização Artigo

    Piasson, Janaina; Wittee, Christian; Bertella, Francine; Penha, Fábio G.; Pergher, Sibele B. C.; Lengler, Helio C. M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Clay is often employed as a catalyst, but quartz impurities can decrease the catalytic efficiency. Fine particles of clay can be purified by flotation. We examined the cationic surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB), the anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and the non-ionic TRITON X-100 for separating the quartz impurities from clay. Using X-ray diffraction, the separation was monitored for changes in the peaks corresponding to clay and quartz. Cationic surfactant HTAB was most effective in separating the quartz-clay mixture and the selectivity can be explained by internal adsorption of the surfactant onto the clay and external adsorption onto the quartz.
  • Estimation of surface area and pore volume of activated carbons by methylene blue and iodine numbers

    Nunes, Cleiton A.; Guerreiro, Mário C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Data of methylene blue number and iodine number of activated carbons samples were calibrated against the respective surface area, micropore volume and total pore volume using multiple regression. The models obtained from the calibrations were used in predicting these physical properties of a test group of activated carbon samples produced from several raw materials. In all cases, the predicted values were in good agreement with the expected values. The method allows extracting more information from the methylene blue and iodine adsorption studies than normally obtained with this type of material.
  • Catalisadores heterogêneos para a produção de monoésteres graxos (biodiesel) Revisão

    Cordeiro, Claudiney Soares; Silva, Fabiano Rosa da; Wypych, Fernando; Ramos, Luiz Pereira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The recent increase in the world biodiesel demand, along with the need to reduce costs while improving the environmental sustainability of the entire biodiesel production chain, have led to the search for heterogeneous catalysts that would be efficient and highly amenable to recycling. Many classes of materials have been tested for these purposes. Among these are zeolites, ion-exchange resins, inorganic oxides, guanidines, metal complexes, layered compounds and ionic liquids. This review article describes the structure, properties, synthesis and performance of compounds that are catalytic active in both esterification and transesterification reactions.
  • Utilização de eletrodos sólidos de amálgama para a determinação analítica de compostos orgânicos e inorgânicos Revisão

    Souza, Djenaine de; Melo, Luisa Célia; Correia, Adriana Nunes; Lima-Neto, Pedro de; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando; Mascaro, Lucia Helena

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This review reports the use of solid amalgam electrodes in the electroanalytical determination of organic and inorganic compounds. The different types of amalgam electrodes are presented, and attention is paid to solid amalgam electrode, and here is presented details about the pre-treatment for activation and renovation and also possible modifications in its surface. The wide potential range, higher signal-to-noise ratio, mechanical stability enabling their application in flowing systems, and principally their resistance toward passivation, indicate that the solid amalgam electrodes are environmentally friendly alternatives to mercury electrodes, without loss in the sensitivity and reproducibility in voltammetric responses.
  • Irradiação de micro-ondas aplicada à síntese orgânica: uma história de sucesso no Brasil Revisão

    Souza, Rodrigo Octavio M. A. de; Miranda, Leandro Soter de M. e

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This review article shows the publications in the field of microwave irradiation published by Brazilian researchers over the past 10 years. In South America, Brazil leads the publication of articles with the use of microwave irradiation possessing a large advantage in number of articles published over the others countries. The works were divided into four major areas: Catalysis, Reactions without Solvent, Heterocycles Chemistry, Natural Products and Other, and some could be classified in more than one category.
  • Estudo das condições de estocagem do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar por análise térmica Nota Técnica

    Santos, Moacyr L. dos; Lima, Omar J. de; Nassar, Eduardo J.; Ciuffi, Katia J.; Calefi, Paulo S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An evaluation was made of the properties of sugarcane bagasse during the storage process for subsequent burning in a boiler. Samples of bagasse were collected over a period of 150 days from the Caeté sugar mill (MG) at various points of the stockpile soon after the sugarcane was pressed to extract its juice, as well as from natural bagasse, dry and damp. Thermal analyses of the samples were carried out and the results indicated that, during the storage of bagasse, dry or damp, the biomass loses up to 32% of its calorific power, due to decomposition of the hemicellulose.
  • Uso da técnica HRICP-MS na avaliação dos isótopos de boro em eucalipto Nota Técnica

    Mattiello, Edson Marcio; Ruiz, Hugo Alberto; Silva, Ivo Ribeiro da; Sarkis, Jorge Eduardo de Souza

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The 10B isotope tracer technique is essential to study the B mobility in plants. Factors that can influence the quality of measured B isotope ratios were optimized experimentally using High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (HRICP-MS). An isotopically certified standard (NIST SRM-951) was used. The best combination was obtained using a resolution of 400, a RF power of 1250 W, followed by 15 measurements over a 10-s integration period each (15*10). Utilizing this approach it was possible to obtain a precision of 0.3 % in standard material and 2z % in the experimental samples. The results show the importance of establishing optimized work conditions before carrying out the analytical series.
  • Desenvolvimento e validação de método analítico para determinação do teor de sinvastatina em cápsulas magistrais Nota Técnica

    Polonini, Hudson Caetano; Santos, Felipe Cerqueira dos; Vaz, Urias Pardócimo; Brandão, Marcos Antônio Fernandes; Raposo, Nádia Rezende Barbosa; Ferreira, Anderson de Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Simvastatin is an oral anti-hyperlipidemic that has been widely used to reduce the cardiovascular disease risk. There isn't any pharmacopoeic method to assay this drug in capsules. It was proposed and validated a method for determining the content of simvastatin in capsules by UV/visible spectrophotometry (l = 237 nm), a more affordable method for the compounding pharmacy. The method was validated for linearity, specificity, range, accuracy, precision, performance, robustness, and limits of detection and quantification.
  • Development and validation of a dissolution test for diltiazem hydrochloride in immediate release capsules

    Mendonça, Taciane Ferreira; Barros, Eliézer Giannini de; Pereira, Gislaine Ribeiro; Araújo, Magali Benjamim de; Bonfilio, Rudy

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work describes the development and validation of a dissolution test for 60 mg of diltiazem hydrochloride in immediate release capsules. The best dissolution in vitro profile was achieved using potassium phosphate buffer at pH 6.8 as the dissolution medium and paddle as the apparatus at 50 rpm. The drug concentrations in the dissolution media were determined by UV spectrophotometry and HPLC and a statistical analysis revealed that there were significant differences between HPLC and spectrophotometry. This study illustrates the importance of an official method for the dissolution test, since there is no official monograph for diltiazem hydrochloride in capsules.
  • A importância do método de Hartree no ensino de química quântica Educação

    Monte, Silmar A. do; Ventura, Elizete

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Hartree's original ideas are described. Its connection with electrostatics can be explored in order to decrease the gap between teaching of Physics and Chemistry. As a consequence of its simplicity and connection with electrostatics, it is suggested that Hartree's method should be presented before the Hartree-Fock method. Besides, since the fundamental concepts of indistinguishibility of electrons along with the antissimetry of the wave function are missing in the Hartree's product, the method itself can be used to introduce these concepts. Despite the fact that these features are not included in the trial wavefunction, important qualitatively correct results can be obtained.
  • Da génese ao ensino da química verde Educação

    Machado, Adélio A. S. C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An analysis of the activities that contributed to the birth of Green Chemistry (GC) about twenty years ago has shown that it emerged in response to the problems of pollution and wastes felt by the Chemical Industry. This close connection between GC and the Chemical Industry is similar to that found earlier between Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry before they separated. It was also found that since its very beginning the Chemical Industry has occasionally practiced GC. Broad implications of these findings to the teaching of GC are discussed.
  • Luz: um raro produto de reação Assuntos Gerais

    Bartoloni, Fernando Heering; Ciscato, Luiz Francisco Monteiro Leite; Peixoto, Mônica Melchioretto de Medeiros; Santos, Ana Paula Fileno dos; Santos, Cerize da Silva; Oliveira, Sandro de; Augusto, Felipe Alberto; Pagano, Ana Paula Eskildsen; Baader, Wilhelm Josef; Bastos, Erick Leite

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The production of visible light by chemical reactions constitutes interesting and fascinating phenomena and several reaction mechanisms are discussed to rationalize excited state formation. Most efficient chemiluminescence reactions are thought to involve one or more electron transfer steps and chemiexcitation is believed to occur by radical annihilation. A brief introduction to the general principles of light production and the main known chemiexcitation mechanisms will be given here. Subsequently, recent results on the mechanistic elucidation of efficient chemiluminescence systems, as the peroxyoxalate reaction, the induced decomposition of phenoxy-substituted 1,2-dioxetanes and the catalyzed decomposition of new a-peroxylactones will be discussed.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil