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Química Nova, Volume: 34, Número: 8, Publicado: 2011
  • 43º Congresso Mundial de Química (IUPAC 2011): fatos e reflexões Editorial

    Goulart, Marília Oliveira Fonseca; Zuin, Vânia Gomes
  • Influência das características físico-químicas dos solos no ciclo hidrobiogeoquímico do mercúrio na região do Rio Aracá - AM Artigo

    Oliveira, Luciana Camargo de; Botero, Wander Gustavo; Santos, Ademir dos; Cordovil, Mirela Cristina de Oliveira; Rocha, Julio Cesar; Silva, Heliandro Cordovil da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The region of Aracá River (Middle and Upper Rio Negro-AM) has peculiar characteristics, having soils with atypical profile and high organic matter contents in great deep. The levels of aluminum and iron in the soil samples increased as a function of depth and concentrations of mercury ranged from 0.097 to 0.964 µg g-1. Statistical analysis showed the degree of similarity between soil samples collected. The highest concentrations of mercury in soil samples are directly related to soil higher content of organic matter, directly influencing the fate and bioavailability of mercury species to the environment.
  • Filmes de amidos de mandioca modificados para recobrimento e conservação de uvas Artigo

    Vicentino, Suellen Laís; Floriano, Patrícia Aparecida; Dragunski, Douglas Cardoso; Caetano, Josiane

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this article, films were produced with six types of cassava's starch mixed with gelatin and plasticized with sorbitol. These films were used in covering of grapes 'Benitaka' (Vitis vinifera L.) as biodegradable packaging. The acetylated starch film showed the best results in solubility, thickness and homogeneity, besides the less water loss the fruit, resulting in better coverage, increasing the shelf life fruits in 12 days. These results demonstrate the great potential of using films in food conservation, adding value to agricultural activity and helping to reduce non-biodegradable plastics in the environment.
  • Descoloração e degradação do azo corante Vermelho GRLX-220 por ozonização Artigo

    Santos, Patrícia Kelly dos; Fernandes, Karla Carvalho; Faria, Luiz Antonio de; Freitas, Admildo Costa de; Silva, Leonardo Morais da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The discoloration and degradation of the textile dye RED GRLX-220 using the electrochemically generated ozone was investigated. Total discoloration was rapidly achieved in both acid and basic conditions. A pseudo-first order kinetics was observed for discoloration, influenced by pH and ozonation time. A considerable degree of mineralization (60%) was obtained after 30 min of ozonation in alkaline medium. The feasibility of organic matter oxidation during the ozonation process increased in both acidic and alkaline media. The toxicity decreased after the ozonation process, suggesting that the byproducts are less toxic than the parental compound.
  • Um exemplo de aplicação da Microscopia Raman na autenticação de obras de arte Artigo

    Faria, Dalva Lúcia Araújo de; Puglieri, Thiago Sevilhano

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the present work, Raman Microscopy was employed in the characterization of the pigments used in a drawing assigned to Tarsila do Amaral, one of the most important Brazilian artists. The work (colored pencil on paper), supposedly produced in the 1920 decade, is of a very simple composition, where blue, green and brown were the colors used. Prussian Blue was found as the blue pigment, whereas green was a mixture of copper phthalocyanine and a yellow dye, probably a diarylide; the brown pigment was a carbonaceous compound. Prussian Blue was replaced by phthalocyanine as pigment since the end of the 1930's and the possibility that it could have been used as pigment in the 1920's can be ruled out.
  • Avaliação geoquímica de óleos brasileiros com ênfase nos hidrocarbonetos aromáticos Artigo

    Heckmann, Jean Romei; Landau, Luiz; Gonçalves, Félix Thadeu Teixeira; Pereira, Ricardo; Azevedo, Débora de Almeida

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Aromatic compounds are still poorly evaluated in geochemical studies of Brazilian oil samples. For this reason, the objective of this work was to analyze and evaluate 26 oil samples from four Brazilian sedimentary basins. Aromatic hydrocarbon fractions have been analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The results were also compared with previously evaluated saturated hydrocarbon data. Maturation parameters obtained using the 4- and 1-methyl-dibenzothiophenes and trimethyl-dibenzothiophenes led to the best results because a better grouping was observed. For this correlation, the samples were grouped by maturity degree enabling the routine use of these parameters to evaluate oil maturity levels.
  • Methanol steam reforming over Cu/CeO2 catalysts: influence of zinc addition

    Tonelli, Franco; Gorriz, Osvaldo; Arrúa, Luis; Abello, Maria Cristina

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Methanol steam reforming reaction was studied over Cu(5 wt.%)/CeO2 with and without the presence of Zn. The Zn addition decreased the Cu+2 reducibility and increased the oxygen mobility of ceria. The main products were CO2 and H2 with small amount of CO. Selectivity to CO decreased with the Zn addition and it was lower at lower reaction temperatures and lower space velocities. At 230 ºC and W/F MeOH = 648 g min mol-1 selectivities to H2 and to CO2 were 100% on Zn/Cu/Ce. The catalytic results indicated that CO was mainly a secondary product formed from reverse water gas shift reaction.
  • Síntese da perovsquita do tipo LaNiO3 através do método dos precursores quelantes usando EDTA: otimização do teor de agente quelante Artigo

    Santos, Jose Carlos dos; Pedrosa, Anne Michelle Garrido; Mesquita, Maria Eliane; Souza, Marcelo José Barros de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The perovskites are strategic materials due their catalytic, electronic and magnetic properties. These properties are influenced by the calcination and synthesis conditions. In this work was carried out the synthesis of LaNiO3 perovskite-type by chelating precursor method using EDTA and also was studied the optimization of the EDTA content in the synthesis. The synthesized materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal gravimetric analysis (TG) and Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). In the optimization of the EDTA content the lowest ratio of metal / EDTA used was 1.0 / 0.1, where it was possible to obtain monophasic perovskite.
  • Materiais SiO2-TiO2 para a degradação fotocatalítica de diuron Artigo

    Bernardes, Arthur Alaím; Bulhosa, Maria Carolina S.; Gonçalves, Fábio Ferreira; D'Oca, Marcelo G. Montes; Wolke, Silvana I.; Santos, João Henrique Z. dos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SiO2-TiO2 materials prepared by sol-gel method were evaluated in the photocatalytic degradation of diuron. The materials were prepared with and without surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium chloride at different temperatures (25, 50 and 100 ºC). The samples were characterized by N2 adsorption-desorption measurements, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The results showed that the materials synthesized with the surfactant had higher surface areas and band-gap values similar to anatase. All materials were more active than the commercial catalyst P-25 and better performance was achieved using the surfactant in the material synthesis.
  • Spectrophotometric method for determination of atazanavir sulfate in capsule dosage form

    Behera, Anindita; Moitra, Swapan Kumar; Si, Sudam Chandra; Sankar, Dannana Gowri

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Two sensitive and simple spectrophotmetric methods were developed for determination of Atazanavir Sulfate in capsule dosage form. The first method was based on the oxidative coupling of ATV with 3-Methyl Benzothiazolin-2-one hydrazone (MBTH). The resulting green product had Λmax of 627.3 nm and was stable for 2 h. The second method was based on the reaction between diazotized drug with N-(1-napthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride (NEDA) in neutral medium to yield yellowish orange product which had Λmax of 517.1 nm. The product was stable for 4 h. Both methods were highly reproducible and had been applied to pharmaceutical preparations.
  • Enantioselective biotransformation of propranolol to the active metabolite 4-hydroxypropranolol by endophytic fungi

    Borges, Keyller Bastos; Bonato, Pierina Sueli; Pupo, Mônica Tallarico

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The enantioselective biotransformation of propranolol (Prop) by the endophytic fungi Phomopsis sp., Glomerella cingulata, Penicillium crustosum, Chaetomium globosum and Aspergillus fumigatus was investigated by studying the kinetics of the aromatic hydroxylation reaction with the formation of 4-hydroxypropranolol (4-OH-Prop). Both Prop enantiomers were consumed by the fungi in the biotransformation process, but the 4-hydroxylation reaction yielded preferentially (-)-(S)-4-OH-Prop. The quantity of metabolites biosynthesized varied slightly among the evaluated endophytic fungi. These results show that all investigated endophytic fungi could be used as biosynthetic tools in biotransformation processes to obtain the enantiomers of 4-OH-Prop.
  • Análise de pinturas rupestres do Abrigo do Janelão (Minas Gerais) por microscopia raman Artigo

    de Faria, Dalva Lúcia A.; Lopes, Francisco N.; Souza, Luiz Antônio Cruz; Branco, Helena David de Oliveira Castello

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Rock art paintings from Abrigo do Janelão (Minas Gerais, Brazil) were non-destructively investigated by Raman Microscopy, aiming at the identification of materials used, their interaction and degradation. This technique is particularly tailored for heterogeneous samples and allows unequivocal identification of the substances present in the investigated sample. Pigments, were identified together with products of microbiological degradation; no binders were detected. White pigment was identified as calcite (CaCO3), whereas charcoal was used as black, goethite (α-FeOOH) as yellow and hematite (α-Fe2O3) as red. Whewellite (CaC2O4.H2O) and weddelite (CaC2O4.2H2O) were detected and their origin was assigned to degradation products from microbiological activity.
  • Síntese, caracterização e estudo da atividade inibitória de novas dialquilfosforilarilidrazonas sobre o crescimento de tripanossomatídeos Artigo

    Nogueira, Andréa Janaina M.; Lima, Marco Edilson F. de; DaCosta, João Batista N.; Alves, Eliomara Sousa Sobral; Anjos, Danielle Oliveira dos; Vannier-Santos, Marcos André; Lanfredi-Rangel, Adriana

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A new series of dialkylphosphorylhydrazones was synthesized through the condensation of aromatic aldehydes with different phosphorylhydrazines. All synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, ¹H-NMR, 13C-NMR and 31P-NMR spectroscopies. The in vitro investigation of the activity of these compounds against Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes and epimastigotes of T. cruzi, showed an efficient inhibition of proliferation, at non toxic concentrations to mammalian cells. The results have shown some derivatives as potential antiparasitic agents against trypanosomatids.
  • Avaliação de processo oxidativo avançado pelo reagente de Fenton em condições otimizadas no tratamento de lixiviado de aterro sanitário com ênfase em parâmetros coletivos e caracterização do lodo gerado Artigo

    Moravia, Wagner Guadagnin; Lange, Liséte Celina; Amaral, Míriam Cristina Santos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An alternative for landfill leachate treatment are advanced oxidation processes by Fenton's reagent (AOP/Fenton). In this context, the aim of this paper was to evaluate, in a bench scale, the treatability of leachate pós-AOP/Fenton characterizing the supernatant and the sludge generated separately. Observed in optimal conditions, high removal efficiency of COD (76.7%), real color (76.4%) and humic substances (50%). Organic compounds were detected in the sludge (2.465 mg COD L-1) and high concentration of iron (1.757 mg L-1) as was expected. Finally, the sludge generated showed low settling hindering their separation by sedimentation (SVI = 321 mL g-1).
  • Sorção de atrazina e de mesotriona em latossolos e estimativa do potencial de contaminação Artigo

    Martinazzo, Rosane; Dick, Deborah Pinheiro; Hirsch, Mauro Mozael; Leite, Simone Benvenuti; Peralba, Maria do Carmo Ruaro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Following application herbicides usually reach the soil and undergo several dissipation processes which determine their effects on target organisms and on the environment. This work aimed to evaluate atrazine and mesotrione sorption in Oxisols and estimate their potential impact on the environment. We observed that atrazine sorption was influenced by soil organic matter content and its hydrophobic character. Clay fraction was the main factor influencing mesotrione sorption followed in a lesser extent by soil organic matter content. In contrast to atrazine, mesotrione retention was favored by the higher carboxylic substitution in the aliphatic chains of soil organic matter. Atrazine and mesotrione were considered compounds that are likely to pose an appreciable risk of causing deleterious effects on the environment.
  • Phenolic compounds from Sidastrum micranthum (A. St.-Hil.) fryxell and evaluation of acacetin and 7,4'-Di-O-methylisoscutellarein as motulator of bacterial drug resistence

    Gomes, Roosevelt A.; Ramirez, Rafael R. A.; Maciel, Jéssica Karina da S.; Agra, Maria de Fátima; Souza, Maria de Fátima Vanderlei de; Falcão-Silva, Vivyanne S.; Siqueira-Junior, José P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    From the aerial parts of Sidastrum micranthum (A. St.-Hil.) Fryxell (Malvaceae) were isolated m-methoxy-p-hydroxy-benzaldehyde, o-hydroxy-benzoic acid, acacetin, quercetin, 7,4′-Di-O-methylisoscutellarein, genkwanin and tiliroside. These compounds were identified by data analyses of spectroscopic methods. Although acacetin and 7,4′-Di-O-methylisoscutellarein did not display relevant antibacterial activity (MIC = 256 µg/mL), they modulated the activity of antibiotics, i.e. in combination with antibiotics at 64 µg/mL (¼ MIC), a two-fold reduction in the MIC was observed for norfloxacin and ethidium bromide; regarding tetracycline and erythromycin a two-fold reduction in the MIC was observed only with 7,4′-Di-O-methylisoscutellarein.
  • Quantificação de antimônio em garrafas de politereftalato de etileno (PET) brasileiras por fluorescência de raios-X e avaliação quimiométrica para verificar a presença de pet reciclado através do teor de ferro Artigo

    Shimamoto, Gustavo G.; Kazitoris, Bianca; Lima, Luis F. R. de; Abreu, Nathassia D. de; Salvador, Vitor T.; Bueno, Maria Izabel M. S.; Castro, Eustáquio V. R. de; S. Filho, Elói A.; Romão, Wanderson

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Antimony is a common catalyst in the synthesis of polyethylene terephthalate used for food-grade bottles manufacturing. However, antimony residues in final products are transferred to juices, soft drinks or water. The literature reports mentions of toxicity associated to antimony. In this work, a green, fast and direct method to quantify antimony, sulfur, iron and copper, in PET bottles by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is presented. 2.4 to 11 mg Sb kg-1 were found in 20 samples analyzed. The coupling of the multielemental technique to chemometric treatment provided also the possibility to classify PET samples between bottle-grade PET/recycled PET blends by Fe content.
  • Properties of silica from rice husk and rice husk ash and their utilization for zeolite y synthesis

    Saceda, Jan-Jezreel F.; Leon, Rizalinda L. de; Rintramee, Kamolwan; Prayoonpokarach, Sanchai; Wittayakun, Jatuporn

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study compared properties of silica (SiO2) from rice husk (RH) and rice husk ash (RHA) extracted by acid- and heat-treatment. The SiO2 from RH was in amorphous phase with nearly 100% purity while that from RHA was in crystalline phase with 97.56% purity. Both extracted SiO2 were used in the synthesis of zeolite NaY but that from RH was better due to the efficiency in product recovery and simplicity of extraction. After the NaY was exchanged to NH4Y and calcined to convert to HY, the product did not carry over the textural properties of the parent NaY and NH4Y.
  • Application of GA-PLS and GA-KPLS calculations for the prediction of the retention indices of essential oils

    Noorizadeh, Hadi; Farmany, Abbas; Noorizadeh, Mehrab

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Genetic algorithm and partial least square (GA-PLS) and kernel PLS (GA-KPLS) techniques were used to investigate the correlation between retention indices (RI) and descriptors for 117 diverse compounds in essential oils from 5 Pimpinella species gathered from central Turkey which were obtained by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The square correlation coefficient leave-group-out cross validation (LGO-CV) (Q²) between experimental and predicted RI for training set by GA-PLS and GA-KPLS was 0.940 and 0.963, respectively. This indicates that GA-KPLS can be used as an alternative modeling tool for quantitative structure-retention relationship (QSRR) studies.
  • Determination of cinnamic acid in human urine by flow injection chemiluminescence

    Fan, Xuemei; Wang, Shumin; Su, Zhikui; Chen, Fengying; Liu, Yanfeng; Liu, Ping; Zheng, Xingwang; Cui, Fengling

    Resumo em Inglês:

    It was found that cinnamic acid can react with potassium permanganate in the acidic medium and produce chemiluminescence, which was greatly enhanced by glyoxal. Under the optimum conditions, the linear range for the determination of cinnamic acid was 1.0×10-8 to 1.0×10-4 mol L-1 with a detection limit of 8.0×10-9 mol L-1, the relative standard deviation was 1.7% for 2.0×10-6 mol L-1 cinnamic acid solution in nine repeated measurements. This method was found to be novel0simple0fast and sensitive, it was successfully applied to the determination of cinnamic acid in human urine. Furthermore, the possible reaction mechanism was also discussed.
  • Metabolismo, oxidação e implicações biológicas do ácido docosahexaenoico em doenças neurodegenerativas Revisão

    Appolinário, Patricia Postilione; Derogis, Priscilla Bento Mattos Cruz; Yamaguti, Tatiana Harumi; Miyamoto, Sayuri

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6, n-3, DHA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) present in large concentrations in the brain and, due to the presence of six double bonds in its structure, is highly susceptible to oxidation by enzymes and reactive oxygen/nitrogen species. The peroxidation of PUFAs has been implicated in an increasing number of human disorders, including neurodegenerative diseases. Hence, a better understanding of the metabolism pathways of DHA should provide new insights about its role in neurodegenerative diseases. Here we review the main aspects related to DHA metabolism, as well as, the recent findings showing its association with neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Receptores A3 da adenosina: uma nova abordagem terapêutica no câncer Revisão

    Gaspar, Alexandra; Silva, Tiago; Borges, Fernanda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Cancer is a multi-factorial disease linked with different initiating causes, cofactors and promoters, and several types of cellular damage. Advancing knowledge on the cellular and molecular biology of the processes that regulate cell proliferation, cell differentiation and cellular responses to external signals, has provided a wealth of information about the cancer cell and how it differs from a normal one. These findings make available a number of potential targets for new therapeutic approaches. The Medicinal Chemistry artwork performed so far in the development of selective and potent adenosine receptor A3 ligands, a current cancer target, will be highlighted in this work.
  • Aplicações sintéticas do ácido mucobrômico e da 3,4-dibromofuran-2(5H)-ona Revisão

    Cunha, Silvio; Oliveira, Caio C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This review describes the use of two biomass-derivate butenolides as intermediates in organic synthesis, mucobromic acid and its reduced derivative 3,4-dibromofuran-2(5H)-one. The ambiphilic and ambident character of such butenolides make them versatile starting materials in the synthesis of natural and/or bioactive compounds. Thus, the reactions of mucobromic acid with C-nucleophiles and heteronucleophiles are described, as well as the nucleophilic addition to carbonyl reactions of 3,4-dibromofuran-2(5H)-one. Besides, both compounds are active in diverse metal cross-coupling reactions, manly with palladium in Suzuki and Sonogashira reactions.
  • Avaliação da eficiência das técnicas ESI-MS e ATR/FTIR na determinação de adulteração de BX com querosene e óleo residual Nota Técnica

    Soares, Itânia Pinheiro; Russo, Renato Monteiro de Oliveira; Prates, Ravi Govinda Dardot; Augusti, Rodinei; Fortes, Isabel Cristina Pereira; Pasa, Vânya Márcia Duarte

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Direct infusion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in the negative ion mode, ESI(-)-MS and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used together with partial least squares (PLS) as a tool to determine B3 adulteration (B3 - mixture of 3% v/v of biodiesel in diesel) with kerosene and residual oil.
  • Comparison of USEPA 3050B and ISO 14869-1: 2001 digestion methods for sediment analysis by using FAAS and ICP-OES quantification techniques

    Navarro, Elvira Maria Galí; Tagle, Margarita Edelia Villanueva; Marín, Maria Teresa Larrea; Alfonso, Mario Simeón Pomares

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A study of the partial USEPA 3050B and total ISO 14869-1:2001 digestion methods of sediments was performed. USEPA 3050B was recommended as the simpler method with less operational risk. However, the extraction ability of the method should be taken in account for the best environmental interpretation of the results. FAAS was used to quantify metal concentrations in sediment solutions. The alternative use of ICP-OES quantification should be conditioned by a previous detailed investigation and eventual correction of the matrix effect. For the first time, the EID method was employed for the detection and correction of the matrix effect in sediment ICP-OES analysis. Finally, some considerations were made about the level of metal contamination in the area under study.
  • Optimization of a HPLC procedure for simultaneous determination of cisplatin and the complex cis,cis,trans-diamminedichlorodihydroxoplatinum(IV) in aqueous solutions

    Ramos, Yalexmi; Hernández, Carlos; Fernandez, Lidia Asela; Bataller, Mayra; Veliz, Eliet; Small, Renny

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A RP-HPLC procedure for the simultaneous determination of cisplatin and the complex cis,cis,trans-diamminedichlorodihydroxo-platinum(IV), was development. The developed procedure was validated in terms of linearity, accuracy, precision, limits of detection (LOD), limits of quantification (LOQ) and specificity. The limits of detection (LOD) were 0.47 x 10-4 and 0.53 x 10-4 mol L-1 and the limits of quantification (LOQ) were 1.57 x 10-4 and 1.75 x 10-4 mol L-1, for cisplatin and cis,cis,trans-diamminedichlorodihydroxopla-tinum(IV), respectively. The average recoveries of cisplatin and cis,cis,trans-diamminedichlorodihydroxoplatinum(IV) was 100.6% ± 1.4 and 101.2% ± 1.1, respectively. Intermediate (inter-day) precision, repeatability and specificity of the procedure for hydrolysis products of cisplatin were studied. The results of the study showed that the proposed RP-HPLC procedure is simple, rapid, precise, accurate and specific.
  • Construção de uma câmara para monitoramento in situ do processo de secagem de geis e sólidos porosos Nota Técnica

    Passos, Aline R.; Martins, Leandro; Pulcinelli, Sandra H.; Santilli, Celso V.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present work deals with the design and construction of an equipment for studying the drying process of gels and solids. The equipment was built using mainly a commercial oven and others peripherals for programmed control of temperature, humidity and data acquisition. The system allows the in situ monitoring of the gel drying, registering the weight loss, and the shrinkage of sample and the oven temperatures. This set of allowed parameters makes possible to establish the main steps involved in the drying of meso and nanostructured porous materials.
  • Validação de método analítico por espectrofotometria UV para sistema emulsionado lipídico contendo benznidazol Nota Técnica

    Streck, Letícia; Santos, Kátia Solange Cardoso Rodrigues dos; Fernandes-Pedrosa, Matheus de Freitas; Silva-Júnior, Arnóbio Antônio da; Oliveira, Anselmo Gomes de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A validation study of an UV spectrophotometric method was conducted for quantitative analysis of benznidazol (BZN) in a lipid. The analytical determinations were performed at 315 nm at 25 ºC. The emulsion components did not interfere on drug analyses, demonstrating the specificity of the methodology. A good linearity (r = 0.99995) and precision (RSD < 5.0%) for intra and inter-day studies, including the reproducibility test were observed. The accuracy ranged of 102.1 + 2.8 e 103.8 + 1.7%. The statistical analysis demonstrates a linear, precise, accurate and robust method for BZN quantification from the lipid emulsion system.
  • Validação de método analítico por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para doseamento do adapaleno em suspensões de nanocápsulas Nota Técnica

    Barrios, Jerusa Goi; Farias, Gabriela D'Avila; Roggia, Isabel; Peixoto, Sandra Cadore; Pons, Flábio R.; Bruschi, Márcia; Raffin, Renata Platcheck; Alves, Marta Palma

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Adapalene is a retinoid drug often used for disorders of the skin, mainly acne. In this work, an analytical method for the quantification of adapaleno in suspensions of nanocapsules by HPLC was developed and validated. The method was linear in the range of 10-30 µg mL-1, with a good correlation coefficient (r = 0.994). Precision and accuracy analysis showed low relative standard deviation (< 4.6%) and a good recovery percentual (98.2-106.9%). The procedure was specific, linear, precise, exact and robust so that the method can be applied in quantification of adapalene in suspensions of nanocapsules.
  • Tratamento de resíduos de corante por eletrofloculação: um experimento para cursos de graduação em química Educação

    Aquino Neto, Sidney de; Magri, Thiago Cavalheiro; Silva, Gláucia Maria da; Andrade, Adalgisa Rodrigues de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper describes the use of a simple experiment of electroflocculation for classroom in Chemistry. Parameters such as electrode material, current density and temperature direct influence the process efficiency. Due to the process low cost and efficient color removal, the methodology proposed has shown good potential for use in wastewater treatment. In addition, the proposed experiment allows discussion about environmental electrochemistry, introduction to concepts of water contamination by industry and university, and also about different alternatives in wastewater treatment used nowadays. Finally, the very easy operation make possible to easy adapt this experiment for high school and elementary school.
  • Avaliação do efeito de gases poluentes na corrosão metálica: um experimento para o ensino da corrosão Educação

    Bidetti, Bárbara Bidoia; Balthazar, Priscila Aoki; Acciari, Heloisa Andréa; Codaro, Eduardo Norberto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work one proposes a didactic experience to simulate atmospheric corrosion of copper and nickel, due to sulfur dioxide presence. This is an opportunity to understand some basic aspects of atmospheric corrosion, by using fundamental concepts in chemistry, reactions of extraction and characterization of pollutants, as well as their participation in corrosion process. This subject opens a space for discussion about necessity of pollutant gases emissions control for preservation of materials and the environment.
  • Concepções sobre currículo de formadores de professores: o curso de licenciatura em Química do Instituto de Química da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Educação

    Massena, Elisa Prestes; Monteiro, Ana Maria Ferreira da Costa

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper, we discussed the conceptions of curriculum of teachers' trainers from de course of Chemistry from de Chemistry Institute and from the Education School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. We understand that the curriculum results from a social construction, so, we intent to comprehend how happen the constitution of the course's curriculum, based on documents and interviews with the subjects of the research. The study showed that there were competitions for status, resources and territories between the Chemistry Institute and the Education School when the course was created, as well as there were internal competitions in the creation of the disciplines depending on the department of origin of the teachers.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil