A simple water-pump powered by a submerged Savoniuis rotor. was tested. Afiter one year, of continuous operation the pump was still functioning. However certain modific-ations were designed to reduce wear on the components. New drawings and a new list of materials are presented. A graph of pumping rate against current speed showed that for currents of 0,5 to 1,1 m.s-1 the. pumping rate (y liters/day) depends linearly on the currcnt speed (x meters/sec) for a given pumping height (a meters) according to the equation y = 7692 x - 1250 - 500a/3 . The pump is considered practical, cheap and to have a useful lifetime. However further developments of the technology are limited by the fact that the. rotor becomes much more expensive when it is no longer made. from α sawn-up oil drum.