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Changes of wood anatomical characters of selected species of Araucaria- during artificial charring - implications for palaeontology


Charcoal is widely accepted as evidence of the occurrence of palaeo-wildfire. Although fossil charcoal remains have been used in many studies, investigation into the anatomical changes occurring during charring are few. The present study analyses changes in selected anatomical characters during artificial charring of modern wood of three species of the genus Araucaria (i.e. Araucaria angustifolia, Araucaria bidwillii and Araucaria columnaris). Wood samples of the studied species was charred under controlled conditions at varying temperatures. Measurements of anatomical features of uncharred wood and artificial charcoal were statistically analysed. The anatomical changes were statistically correlated with charring temperatures and most of the parameters showed marked decreases with increasing charring temperature. Compared to the intrinsic variability in anatomical features, both within and between growth rings of an individual plant, the changes induced by temperature account only for a comparatively small percentage of the observed variability. Regarding Araucaria charcoal, it seems possible that at least general taxonomic and palaeoenvironmental implications can be drawn from such material. However, it is not clear so far whether these results and interpretations based on only three taxa, can be generalized for the entire family and anatomically similar fossil taxa or not.

anatomy; Araucariaceae; Araucaria angustifolia; Araucaria bidwillii; Araucaria columnaris; charcoal; wood


Fossil plants represent excellent proxies for reconstructing and understanding environmental changes through time (e.g. Beerling 2007Beerling D. 2007. The emerald planet: how plants changed Earth’s history. Oxford, Oxford University Press.). A number of anatomical and morphological characters of plants can be used to reconstruct selected aspects of local and global climate change (Gastaldo et al. 1996Gastaldo RA, DiMichele WA, Pfefferkorn HW. 1996. Out of the icehouse into the greenhouse: A Late Paleozoic analogue for modern global vegetational change. GSA Today 10: 1-7.; Chaloner & McElwain 1997Chaloner WG, McElwain J. 1997. The fossil plant record and global climatic change. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 95: 73-82. ). In many cases the information which can be gathered from fossil plant remains strongly depends on the preservation of plant remains (e.g. Uhl 2006Uhl D. 2006. Fossil plants as palaeoenvironmental proxies - some remarks on selected approaches. Acta Palaeobotanica 46: 87-100.). One mode in which plant remains can be preserved for very long geological, as well as short time scales, is charcoal, as charred plant material is almost unsusceptible to most forms of chemical and biological degradation (Scott 2000Scott AC. 2000. The Pre-Quaternary history of fire. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 164: 281-329. ).

The ignition and spread of wildfires is controlled by a number of climatic and environmental parameters, and fires are important sources of disturbance in many ecosystems (Bowman et al. 2009Bowman DMJS, Balch JK, Artaxo P, et al. 2009. Fire in the Earth System. Science 324: 481-484.; Scott et al. 2014Scott AC, Bowman DJMS, Bond WJ, Pyne SJ, Alexander M. 2014. Fire on Earth: an introduction. Hoboken, Wiley Blackwell.). It is known through the fossil record of charcoal that fires occurred more or less regularly, ever since the invasion of the continents by the first embryophytic plants during the Silurian (Glasspool et al. 2004Glasspool IJ, Edwards D, Axe L. 2004. Charcoal in the Silurian as evidence for the earliest wildfire. Geology 32: 381-383. ; Scott et al. 2014Scott AC, Bowman DJMS, Bond WJ, Pyne SJ, Alexander M. 2014. Fire on Earth: an introduction. Hoboken, Wiley Blackwell.).

Charcoal is easily and frequently preserved in the fossil record and represents direct evidence for the occurrence of wildfires during Earth history (e.g. Scott 1990Scott AC. 1990. Anatomical preservation of fossil plants. In: Briggs DEG, Crowther P. (eds.) Palaeobiology, a synthesis. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications. p. 263-266.; 2000Scott AC. 2000. The Pre-Quaternary history of fire. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 164: 281-329. ; 2010Scott AC. 2010. Charcoal recognition, taphonomy and uses in palaeoenvironmental analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 291: 11-39.; Scott et al. 2014Scott AC, Bowman DJMS, Bond WJ, Pyne SJ, Alexander M. 2014. Fire on Earth: an introduction. Hoboken, Wiley Blackwell.). Qualitative characters of the original plant anatomy remain mostly unmodified in charcoal (cf. Scott 2000Scott AC. 2000. The Pre-Quaternary history of fire. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 164: 281-329. ; Schweingruber 2007Schweingruber FH. 2007. Wood structure and environment. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag. ), and even quantitative parameters (e.g. as cell diameter, cell-wall thickness, diameter of tracheids and cross-field pitting, rays high and width) of charred wood have repeatedly been used for taxonomical and palaeoecological interpretations (e.g. Prior & Gasson 1993Prior J, Gasson P. 1993. Anatomical changes on charring six African hardwoods. Iawa Journal 14: 77-86. ; Süss & Schultka 2001Süss H, Schultka S. 2001. First record of Glyptostroboxylon from the Upper Jurassic of Tendaguru, Tanzania. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 135: 421-429. ). However, the latter is at least questionable, as it has repeatedly been demonstrated that a number of anatomical parameters may change during charring.

Such modifications of wood anatomy induced by charring can include cell wall homogenization (e.g. McGinnes et al., 1971McGinnes JREA, Kandeel SA, Szopa PS. 1971. Some structural changes observed in the transformation of wood into charcoal. Wood and Fiber 3: 77-83.; Prior & Alvin 1983Prior J, Alvin KL. 1983. Structural changes on charring woods of Dichrostachys and Salix from southern Africa. Iawa Bulletin 4: 197-206.; Scott & Jones 1991a Scott AC, Jones TP. 1991a. Fossil charcoal: a plant-fossil record preserved by fire. Geology Today 7: 214-216. ; bScott AC, Jones TP. 1991b. Microscopical observations of recent and fossil charcoal. Microscopy and Analysis 24: 13-15. ), formation of diagonal cracks crossing tracheid bordered pits (e.g. Jones 1993Jones TP. 1993. New morphological and chemical evidence for a wildfire origin for fusain from comparison with modern charcoal. In: Collinson M, Scott AC. (eds.) Studies in palaeobotany and palynology in honour of Professor Chaloner WGFRS, special papers in palaeontology. Vol. 49. London, Palaeontological Association. p. 113-123.), changes of tracheid dimensions (e.g. Cutter et al. 1980Cutter BE, Cumbie BG, McGinnes EA. 1980. SEM and shrinkage analyses of Southern Pine wood following pyrolysis. Wood Science and Technology 14: 115-130. ) and expansion (and even bursting) of rays (e.g. Harris 1958Harris TM. 1958. Forest fire in the Mezozoic. Journal of Ecology 46: 447-453.). Other authors reported changes of the dimensions of intervessel pits (e.g. Elder et al. 1979Elder TJ, Murphey KW, Blankenhorn PR. 1979. A note on the thermally induced changes of intervessel pits in black cherry (Prunus serotina EHRN). Wood and Fiber 11: 179-183. ), as well as changes in the appearance of cross-field pits (e.g. Gerards et al. 2007Gerards T, Damblon F, Wauthoz B, Gerrienne P. 2007. Comparison of cross-field pitting in fresh, dried and charcoalified softwoods. Iawa Journal 28: 49-60. ) during charring.

To help to fill out the gap of information about the potential changes on anatomical structures that might be affected by fire, the present study analyses quantitative alterations occurring in Araucaria wood during artificial charring and investigates the influence of temperature on taxonomically significant anatomical details. Three species of the genus Araucaria have been chosen as living models for the fossil wood genus Agathoxylon, which is anatomically similar to the wood of modern Araucariaceae. Agathoxylon has a long stratigraphic record, dating as far back as the Devonian, it is globally distributed, but wood assignable to this genus has been produced by a variety of extinct gymnosperm groups systematically not closely related to Araucariaceae (e.g. Dutra & Stranz 2003Dutra T, Stranz A. 2003. História das Araucariaceae: a Contribuição dos fósseis para o entendimento das adaptações modernas da família no Hemisfério Sul, com vistas a seu manejo e conservação. In: RonchI LH, Coelho OGW. (eds.) Tecnologia diagnóstico e planejamento ambiental. São Leopoldo, Editora Unisinos. p. 293-351. ; Philippe 2011Philippe M. 2011. How many species of Araucarioxylon? Comptes Rendus Palevol 10: 201-208.; Rößler et al. 2014Rößler R, Philippe M, Konijnenburg-van Cittert JHA, et al. 2014. Which name(s) should be used for Araucaria-like fossil wood? Results of a poll. Taxon 63: 177-184.). From an anatomical point of view, most species traditionally assigned to Agathoxylon fall well within the xylological variability of one or two modern species of the Araucariaceae (e.g. Seward & Ford 1906Seward AC, Ford SO. 1906. The Araucariece, recent and extinct. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 198: 305-411.; Greguss 1955Greguss P. 1955. Identification of living gymnosperms on the basis of xylotomy. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. ; Gondran et al. 1997Gondran M, Woltz P, Gajardo R, Marguerier J. 1997. Xylologie des conifères endémiques des Andes méridionales au microscope électronique à balayage. II Araucariaceae-Cupressaceae. Revue de Cytologie et de Biologie Végétales, Le Botaniste 20: 3-13.; Dutra & Stranz 2003Dutra T, Stranz A. 2003. História das Araucariaceae: a Contribuição dos fósseis para o entendimento das adaptações modernas da família no Hemisfério Sul, com vistas a seu manejo e conservação. In: RonchI LH, Coelho OGW. (eds.) Tecnologia diagnóstico e planejamento ambiental. São Leopoldo, Editora Unisinos. p. 293-351. ; Philippe 2011Philippe M. 2011. How many species of Araucarioxylon? Comptes Rendus Palevol 10: 201-208.).

Materials and methods

Wood samples were collected from trees growing in different areas of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samples of native Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze were collected in the municipality of São José dos Ausentes (28º47'06.56"S 49º58'50.85"W). Samples of Araucaria bidwillii Hooker (native to Australia) were collected in the municipality of Novos Cabrais (29º47'3.48"S 52º58'14.59"W) and samples of Araucaria columnaris (Forst.) Hooker (native to New Caledonia) in the municipality of Colinas (29º32'28.84"S 51º50'28.35"W) (Fig. 1). The later two taxa have been introduced into Rio Grande do Sul for horticultural purposes in the 20th century.

Figure 1
Map of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, and the localities where the Araucaria samples have been collected: Araucaria angustifolia (native) - São José dos Ausentes (28º47'06.56"S 49º58'50.85"W), Araucaria bidwillii (planted) - Novos Cabrais (29º47'3.48"S 52º58'14.59"W) and Araucaria columnaris (planted) - Colinas (29º32'28.84"S 51º50'28.35"W).

The samples have been obtained in the form of “trunk-discs” located at 1.50 m height above ground. The discs were 8.0 cm thick, with a diameter varying between 18.0 and 35.0 cm. From each of these discs, cubic samples of 1.0 cm³ were cut out, weighed and then placed in a porcelain pot (Chiarotti A-37), covered with sand (10 g, Merck®) and charred in a muffle furnace (SP Labor SP-1200) at temperatures varying from 50 °C to 1000 ºC, for 1 hour, with temperature increments of 50 ºC. In total, samples from each species were charred at 20 different temperatures, and 6 replicate samples of each taxon were charred at each temperature.

After charring, the samples were cooled down to room temperature in a desiccator and the charcoal was reweighed with a precision balance (Polimate PL2000). Charcoal weight loss is expressed as percentage of the weight of the original, uncharred wood cubes.

The colour of the samples was analysed for each charring temperature with naked eye, before and after charring. After charring the pieces were fractured (under a stereomicroscope) to reveal the three structural planes of the wood for anatomical analyses (transverse, tangential and radial section), before they were mounted on aluminium stubs using double-sided adhesive tape and analysed under a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM - Zeiss EVO LS15) at the Parque Científico e Tecnológico do Vale do Taquari (Tecnovates) at UNIVATES.

Measurements of uncharred wood and charcoal were done in accordance with recommendations of the IAWA list of microscopic features for softwood identification (IAWA Committee 2004Iawa Committee. 2004. Iawa list of microscopic features for softwood identification. Iawa Journal 25: 1-70. ). The determination of quantitative anatomical features was based on 25 measurements of 7 parameters: (a) tangential tracheid diameter [μm], (b) intracellular width of tracheids in cross section (lumen diameter) [μm], (c) ray width [μm], (d) ray height [μm], (e) pit diameter on cross-field [μm], (f) pit diameter in radial section [μm] and (g) pit diameter in tangential section [μm]. These qualitative anatomical structures of wood are the same as those used in the description of the wood of Araucariaceae reported by previous authors (e.g. Greguss 1955Greguss P. 1955. Identification of living gymnosperms on the basis of xylotomy. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. ; Esteban et al. 2002Esteban LG, Palacios P, Casasús AG, et al. 2002. Anatomía e identificación de maderas de coníferas a nivel de especie. Madrid, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar.; Booi et al. 2014Booi M, Waveren I, Konijnenburgh-van Cittert JHA. 2014. Wood anatomical variability in Early Permian ‘araucarioids’. IAWA Journal 35: 307-331.). All measurements were taken from calibrated images with the aid of the software package ImageJ (Rasband 1997-2014Rasband WS. 1997-2017. ImageJ, U. S. Bethesda, National Institutes of Health. Mar. 2016.

Statistical analyses were performed using the software package PAST (Hammer et al. 2001Hammer Ø, Harper DAT, Ryan PD. 2001. PAST: Paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis. Palaeontologia Electronica 4: 9-10. ). Correlations between anatomical changes and charring temperatures were tested with bivariate linear, polynomial, quadratic and exponential regressions. Although for some variables polynomial regressions of higher order (4-5) produced good results, it appeared that bivariate linear regression commonly provided more reliable results. This was probably due to the relatively small number of measurements which resulted in a considerable scatter of the data, most likely caused by the intrinsic variability of anatomical parameters within and between growth rings.


Anatomical description of the studied taxa

Araucaria angustifolia exhibits growth rings of variable width. In cross section rays are inconspicuous, with thin and unpitted horizontal walls. Walls of tracheids are smooth and without spiral thickenings. Tangential tracheid walls, predominantly in latewood, exhibit bordered pits. These are few in number, mostly detached, or in rows of two or three. Theoutline of the pit borders are rather indistinct. The apertures are circular or short-elliptic, but most frequently long-elliptic or lenticular. On radial tracheid walls bordered pits occur in 1-3 rows. Here pit apertures are predominantly elliptic, in the widest earlywood tracheids they are sometimes circular. The pits in the cross fields are fairly large and vary in number. When few, they are circular; when more and touching, they usually occupy the entire area of the field. Their number ranges from 1 to 9; when 9, they are arranged in threes in superposed rows. Their apertures are lenticular or slit-like, in the earlywood sometimes elliptic. Apertures of horizontal or nearly horizontal orientation have only been encountered in pits that have arisen from the fusion of two pits radially next to each other (Greguss 1955Greguss P. 1955. Identification of living gymnosperms on the basis of xylotomy. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. ).

Araucaria bidwillii specimens studied here, have growth rings which are quite indistinct; their delimitation is marked only by the thicker walls of the latewood tracheids. Tracheids in cross section are mostly rounded, occasionally tetra- or polygonal. Horizontal walls of ray cells are smooth, without pitting. Rays are comparatively narrow and not more than 1 - 6 - 8 cells high. Tangential walls of tracheids are generally smooth, very rarely with 1 - 2 solitary, bordered pits. Horizontal and tangential walls of rays are smooth. In cross fields 1 - 4 (5) pits occur, mostly in horizontal rows; in the marginal cells 4 - 6, irregularly arranged, pits occur. The pits on tracheid walls are sometimes arranged in longitudinal rows (cf. Greguss 1955Greguss P. 1955. Identification of living gymnosperms on the basis of xylotomy. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. ).

Araucaria columnaris has very indistinct growth rings, marked solely by the late terminal tracheids being slightly smaller. Tracheids in cross section are commonly rounded, tetra- or pentagonal, occasionally irregular in shape. Wood parenchyma cells are absent. On tracheid walls bordered pits are irregularly arranged, sometimes in two, very exceptionally in three, rows and alternating. In cross section ray cells look barrel-shaped. In radial section tracheid walls are smooth, occasionally with uniseriate, more frequently with biseriate alternating pitting. Pits in three rows are quite rare, occurring only in earlywood tracheids. Parenchyma was not observable in radial sections. In crossfields 4-12 pits with clearly defined borders and slit-like or short-elliptic, slightly inclined or vertical apertures can be observed, which do not extend to anywhere near the pit annulus (cf. Greguss 1955Greguss P. 1955. Identification of living gymnosperms on the basis of xylotomy. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. ).

Anatomical comparison with literature data

To test whether our method for the analysis of wood anatomical parameters is suitable for taxonomic purposes, we compared our measurements of uncharred wood samples from all three taxa with data from the literature (e.g. Greguss 1955Greguss P. 1955. Identification of living gymnosperms on the basis of xylotomy. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. ; Esteban et al. 2002Esteban LG, Palacios P, Casasús AG, et al. 2002. Anatomía e identificación de maderas de coníferas a nivel de especie. Madrid, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar.) (Tab. 1). All parameters presented here are in agreement with data previously published by various authors for the three species investigated. This demonstrates that our preparation and measurement methods are suitable for the purpose of this study.

Table 1
Comparative overview on the measurements taken from the three species of Araucaria: A - Average of 25 measurements from uncharred wood. B - Values published by Greguss (1955Greguss P. 1955. Identification of living gymnosperms on the basis of xylotomy. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. ). C - Values published by Esteban et al. (2002Esteban LG, Palacios P, Casasús AG, et al. 2002. Anatomía e identificación de maderas de coníferas a nivel de especie. Madrid, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar.).

Changes of size and form

The cubic wood samples remained intact in size and form up to 150 ºC. After 200 °C the width and height of the pieces decreased, the cubes becoming increasingly smaller in all dimensions. All specimens underwent such shrinkage with increasing charring temperatures. Above 600 °C, samples became more and more fragile and frequently fragmented if touched even slightly. At 850 ºC the samples of Araucaria bidwillii and Araucaria columnaris were completely destroyed, with only ash remaining. The same occurred with Araucaria angustifolia at 900 ºC.


The samples changed colour from light to dark brown below 250 ºC and then to black at 300 °C as observed visually (Fig. 2). Brittleness increased with temperature, the largest changes occurring between 250 °C and 300 °C for Araucaria angustifolia and Araucaria bidwillii, and between 300 °C and 350 °C for Araucaria columnaris wood, based on visual analysis. Also a silky sheen developed between these temperatures.

Figure 2
Colour changes observed in Araucaria angustifolia samples during charring. Temperatures are indicated on the top; uncharred material, measuring 1.0 cm³, is the first from the left. Please see the PDF file for colour reference.

Weight loss

Weight loss during experimental charring in the muffle furnace was around 10 % up to 150 °C and varied from 20 % in Araucaria columnaris to approximately 60 % in Araucaria angustifolia and Araucaria bidwillii at 300 °C. Weight loss increased significantly at 300-350 ºC in all species. After charring at 500 °C, all species lost approximately 80 % of their initial weight, and 90 % at 650 °C (Fig. 3).

Figure 3
Percentage weight loss of samples from Araucaria angustifolia, Araucaria bidwillii and Araucaria columnaris after charring for 60 minutes at the 20 temperatures used in this study. For original data see Table S1 in supplementary material.

Cell wall

Homogenization of the cell wall, which is, besides other parameters, frequently used for identification of fossil charcoal (e.g. Scott 2000Scott AC. 2000. The Pre-Quaternary history of fire. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 164: 281-329. ), occurs at 300 °C in Araucaria angustifolia (Fig. 4), Araucaria bidwillii (Fig. 5) and Araucaria columnaris (Fig. 6).

Figure 4
Anatomical details of Araucaria angustifolia. Scale bar = 10 µm. A-F - transversal section in different temperatures, from 300 °C upwards the cell wall is homogenized. G - detail from not yet homogenized tracheid cell wall in radial section. H - homogenized tracheid cell wall in tangential section. I - detail of the pits in tangential section. J - pits in radial section. K-M - cross-field pitting, showing the preservation of the features in different temperatures. N - ray with detail of the pitting inside the ray and on the tracheid walls. O - rays after charring at 550 °C.

Figure 5
Anatomical details of Araucaria bidwillii. Scale bar = 20 µm. A-F - transversal section in different temperatures, above 300°C the cell wall is homogenized. G-I - cross-field with cross-field pitting in different temperatures, showing that this feature is preserved. J-L - radial section, with tracheids with 2 to 3 rows of pits, in j the tracheid cell walls are not homogenized, but in k and l they are. M - radial section, showing the pits with apertures and the cell walls well homogenized. N, O - tangential section, with rays preserved in high temperatures, in o showing one burst ray.

Figure 6
Anatomical details of Araucaria columnaris. Scale bar = 20 µm. A-E, - transversal section at different temperatures, above 300°C the cell wall is homogenized. F-H - cross-field with cross-field pitting in different temperatures, showing that this feature is preserved. I - tangential section, tracheids with pitting and cell wall homogenized. J-L - radial section, with tracheids with bi- to triseriate pits. M - radial section, showing a ray with pits inside the ray and on the tracheid. N, O - tangential section, with rays preserved in high temperatures, in o showing burst rays.

Correlation between temperature and anatomical changes

The results of the statistical analysis are presented in three charts, one for each species, with separate graphics for each of the seven parameters analysed here.

For Araucaria angustifolia (Fig. 4) p values indicate that the temperature has a statistically significant influence on the measured parameters. All measurements for this species have a negative correlation with temperature, except width of rays. As the charring temperature increases, the dimensions of the anatomical parameters decrease, the opposite occurs with the width of the rays, which increases with increasing temperature, resulting in a positive correlation (Fig. 7).

Figure 7
Bivariate linear regression analysis for Araucaria angustifolia charred at different temperatures. The values of r, r² and %r² for 7 anatomical features are shown in individual graphs. Measurements were replicated 25 times in fresh wood and the 20 charcoal fragments produced at the different charring temperatures. The line represents the linear trendline. For original data see Table S2 in supplementary material.

For Araucaria bidwillii (Fig. 5), the values of p are below 0.05 for all parameters measured, indicating that the temperature has a statistically significant influence on the variables. The only exception is the width of the rays, with p = 0.70 and the correlation with variable is positive and not statistically significant. For the other parameters, the correlations are negative (Fig. 8).

Figure 8
Bivariate linear regression analysis for Araucaria bidwillii charred at different temperatures. The values of r, r² and %r² for 7 anatomical features are shown in individual graphs. Measurements were replicated 25 times in the fresh wood and the 20 charcoal fragments produced at the different charring temperatures. The line represents the linear trendline. For original data see Table S3 in supplementary material.

In Araucaria columnaris (Fig. 6) p values are below 0.05 for all parameters measured, indicating that also in the species temperature has a statistically significant influence on the variables. The only exception is the height of rays with p = 0.816, where the correlation is positive and not statistically significant (Fig. 9).

Figure 9
Bivariate linear regression analysis for Araucaria columnaris charred at different temperatures. The values of r, r² and %r² for 7 anatomical features are shown in individual graphs. Measurements were replicated 25 times in the fresh wood and the 20 charcoal fragments produced at the different charring temperatures. The line represents the linear trendline. For original data see Table S4 in supplementary material.

The r² values have the highest values in Araucaria angustifolia (19.1 %) and Araucaria bidwillii (39.9 %) for the lumen diameter, and in Araucaria columnaris for the ray width (34.1 %). Table 2 presents all p, r, and r² values from bivariate linear regressions for the three species.

Table 2
Values of p, r and r² for the anatomical features analysed in this study for all three species of Araucaria.


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Comparison of cross-field pitting in fresh, dried and charcoalified softwoods. Iawa Journal 28: 49-60. ; Scott & Glasspool 2005Scott AC, Glasspool IJ. 2005. Charcoal reflectance as a proxy for the emplacement temperature of pyroclastic flow deposits. Geology 33: 589-592. ; Kim & Hanna 2006Kim NH, Hanna RB. 2006. Morphological characteristics of Quercus variabilis charcoal prepared at different temperatures. Wood Science and Technology 40: 392-401. ; McParland et al. 2007McParland LC, Collinson ME, Scott AC, Steart DC, Grassineau NV, Gibbons S. 2007. Ferns and fires: experimental charring of ferns compared to wood and implications for paleobiology, paleoecology, coal petrology, and isotope geochemistry. Palaios 22: 528-538. ; Braadbaart & Poole 2008Braadbaart F, Poole I. 2008. Morphological, chemical and physical changes during charcoalification of wood and its relevance to archaeological contexts. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 2434-2445. ; Kwon et al. 2009Kwon SM, Kim NH, Cha DS. 2009. An investigation on the transition characteristics of the wood cell walls during carbonization. Wood Science and Technology 43: 487-498. ; Gonçalves et al. 2012Gonçalves, TAP, Marcati CR, Scheel-Ybert R. 2012. The effect of carbonization on wood structure of Dalbergia Violacea, Stryphnodendron Polyphyllum, Tapirira Guianensis, Vochysia Tucanorum, and Pouteria Torta from the Brazilian Cerrado. Iawa Journal 33: 73-90. ; 2014Gonçalves TAP, Ballarin AW, Nisgoski S, Muñiz GIB. 2014. A contribution to the identification of charcoal origin in Brazil: anatomical characterization of Corymbia and Eucalyptus. Maderas Ciencia Y Tecnologia 16: 323-336. ; Muñiz et al. 2012aMuñiz GIB, Nisgoski S, França R, Schardozin F. 2012a. Anatomia comparativa da madeira e carvão de Cedrelinga catenaeformis Ducke e Enterolobium schomburgkii Benth. para fins de identificação. Scientia Forestalis 40: 192-297. ; bMuñiz GIB, Nisgoski S, Shardosin FZ, França RF. 2012b. Anatomia do carvão de espécies florestais. Cerne 18: 471-477. ; Nisgoski et al. 2014Nisgoski S, Muñiz GIB, Batista FRR, Mölleken RE. 2014. Influence of carbonization temperature on the anatomical characteristics of Ocotea porosa (Nees et Mart. Ex Nees) L. Barroso. Wood Science and Technology 48: 301-309. ; Afonso et al. 2015Afonso CMI, Gonçalves TAP, Muñiz GIB, Matos JLM, Nisgoski S. 2015. Mozambique’s charcoals: anatomy of nine native species. Bosque 36: 105-112. ). Although these studies present a wide taxonomic coverage, only a few have so far utilized Araucariaceae wood samples (i.e. Gerards et al. 2007Gerards T, Damblon F, Wauthoz B, Gerrienne P. 2007. Comparison of cross-field pitting in fresh, dried and charcoalified softwoods. Iawa Journal 28: 49-60. : Araucaria araucana; Muñiz et al. 2012bMuñiz GIB, Nisgoski S, Shardosin FZ, França RF. 2012b. Anatomia do carvão de espécies florestais. Cerne 18: 471-477. : Araucaria angustifolia).

Previous studies have demonstrated that during charring of wood, physical and chemical processes occur, which lead to changes in the dimensions of cellular structures, but generally the overall anatomical microstructure of the wood remains largely unchanged in a wide variety of different taxa (e.g. Schweingruber 2007Schweingruber FH. 2007. Wood structure and environment. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag. ). As our new data show, this is also true for the three species of Araucaria analysed in the present study. Qualitative anatomical data did not change significantly during charring and are in good agreement with data from uncharred wood observed here or published earlier (e.g. Greguss 1955Greguss P. 1955. Identification of living gymnosperms on the basis of xylotomy. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. ; Esteban et al. 2002Esteban LG, Palacios P, Casasús AG, et al. 2002. Anatomía e identificación de maderas de coníferas a nivel de especie. Madrid, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar.). Thus, it seems to be possible to discriminate between different Araucaria species based on charcoalified wood, insofar as such qualitative wood anatomical characters can be used for such a purpose (cf. Greguss 1955Greguss P. 1955. Identification of living gymnosperms on the basis of xylotomy. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado. ; Esteban et al. 2002Esteban LG, Palacios P, Casasús AG, et al. 2002. Anatomía e identificación de maderas de coníferas a nivel de especie. Madrid, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar.). There are, however, some qualitative as well as quantitative changes of anatomical changes which occur during charring of the three species.

In addition, anatomical changes occur, depending on taxonomic affiliation, chemical and physical features of the wood, size of a charred specimen and intensity and dynamics of combustion/heating. Although experiencing weight loss (70-80 %), fragment shrinking (7-13 % in length and 12-25 % radially and tangentially), the taxonomic affiliation can usually be determined after charring (e.g. Schweingruber 1978Schweingruber FH. 1978. Mikroskopische Holzanatomie, Formenspektren mitteleuropäischer Stamm-und Zweighölzern zur Bestimmung von rezentem und subfossilem Material. Bimensdorf, Eidgenössische Anstalt für das forstliche Versuchswesen. ). The same can be observed in the present study for the species of Araucaria, as even after heating at elevated temperatures, the overall anatomical structure has not changed significantly, and the charred samples still exhibit taxon-specific anatomical details. Nevertheless, it is possible to deduce a statistically significant effect of charring temperatures on several quantitative parameters of the wood of all three species of Araucaria analysed here. In all cases, except the widening of rays, increasing charring temperatures led to a dimensional decrease of measured anatomical details. This observation suggests that such changes should be considered carefully whenever quantitative data from fossil charcoal are used for taxonomic or palaeoecological purposes (e.g. Prior & Gasson 1993Prior J, Gasson P. 1993. Anatomical changes on charring six African hardwoods. Iawa Journal 14: 77-86. ; Süss & Schultka 2001Süss H, Schultka S. 2001. First record of Glyptostroboxylon from the Upper Jurassic of Tendaguru, Tanzania. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 135: 421-429. ). Especially taxonomic interpretations or even erection of new taxa which are solely based on quantitative differences between different pieces of (charred and/or uncharred) wood seem to be highly problematic in the light of our data. The charring of wood leads to differential degradation of wood components and their recombination into a carbon-enriched structure during thermal degradation from hemicelluloses, followed by cellulose and finally lignin (e.g. Slocum et al. 1978Slocum DH, McGinnes EA, Beall FC.1978. Charcoal yield, shrinkage, and density changes during carbonization of oak and hickory woods. Wood Science 11: 42-47. ; Wiedemann et al. 1988Wiedemann HG, Riesen R, Boller A, Bayer. 1988. From wood to coal: a compositional thermogravimetric analysis. In: Earnest CM. (ed.) From wood to coal: a compositional thermogravimetric analysis. Philadelphia, American Society for Testing and Materials. p. 227-244.). During charring, hemicelluloses degrade between 170-300 ºC, cellulose above 240 °C and lignin above 280 °C (e.g. Beall & Eickner 1970Beall FC, Eickner HW. 1970. Thermal degradation of wood components: a review of the literature. Madison, Forest Products Laboratory, US Department of Agriculture. ; Fengel & Wegener 1989Fengel D, Wegener G. 1989. Wood: chemistry, ultrastructure, reactions. Berlin, De Gruyter.; Zeriouh & Belkbir 1995Zeriouh A, Belkbir L. 1995. Thermal decomposition of a Moroccan wood under a nitrogen atmosphere. Thermochimica Acta 258: 243-248.; Byrne & Nagle 1997Byrne CE, Nagle DC. 1997. Carbonization of wood for advanced materials applications. Carbon 35: 259-266. ). However, the pyrogenic decomposition of wood is not evident until the temperature reaches about 275 °C (e.g. Kollmann & Sachs 1967Kollmann FFP, Sachs IB. 1967. The effects of elevated temperature on certain wood cells. Wood Science and Technology 1: 14-25. ) and thus charring of wood can usually not be observed below 300 °C (e.g. Kwon et al. 2009Kwon SM, Kim NH, Cha DS. 2009. An investigation on the transition characteristics of the wood cell walls during carbonization. Wood Science and Technology 43: 487-498. ). During charring wood experiences several changes: (a) colour - darkening of the wood, which at the end of the process becomes black; (b) physical properties - considerable mass losses, contraction, possible anatomical distortions resulting from charring and loss of many volatile substances; (c) chemical properties - continuous and gradual conversion of the three main chemical components of wood (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) forming a new product, rich in carbon and chemically altered (e.g. Shafizadeh 1982Shafizadeh F. 1982. Introduction to pyrolysis of biomass. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 3: 283-305. ; Boon et al 1994Boon JJ, Pastorova I, Botto RE. 1994. Structural studies on cellulose pyrolysis and cellulose chars by PYMS, PYGCMS, FTIR, NMR and by wet chemical techniques. Vol. 7. Oxford, Biomass and Bioenergy. ; Braadbaart & Poole 2008Braadbaart F, Poole I. 2008. Morphological, chemical and physical changes during charcoalification of wood and its relevance to archaeological contexts. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 2434-2445. ).

Significant weight losses result from the fact that the principal chemical constituents of cell walls are pyrolized (Wiedemann et al. 1988Wiedemann HG, Riesen R, Boller A, Bayer. 1988. From wood to coal: a compositional thermogravimetric analysis. In: Earnest CM. (ed.) From wood to coal: a compositional thermogravimetric analysis. Philadelphia, American Society for Testing and Materials. p. 227-244.; Treusch et al. 2004Treusch O, Hofenauer A, Tröger F, Fromm J, Wegener G. 2004. Basic properties of specific wood-based materials carbonised in a nitrogen atmosphere. Wood Science and Technology 38: 323-333. ; Paris et al. 2005Paris O, Zollfrank C, Zickler GA. 2005. Decomposition and carbonisation of wood biopolymers - a microstructural study of softwood pyrolysis. Carbon 43: 53-66.). The data observed by us demonstrate that at 300 °C the charring process is still incomplete for the three taxa analysed, as weight loss still increased with higher charring temperatures. Not surprisingly Lara et al. (2017Lara DM, Bresciani L, Osterkamp IC, et al. 2017. Avaliação de fragmentos de lenhos carbonizados de Araucariaceae por meio de análise por termogravimetria e infravermelho associado à análise multivariada. Química Nova 40: 895-901.) observed similar weight losses for the three taxa investigated here, by means of thermogravimetric analysis.

In many cases the qualitative features of the original wood remain intact, whereas quantitative parameters such as cell size and wall thickness change. Quantitative features are particularly critical when attempting to distinguish between closely related species or when drawing ecological inferences (e.g. Prior & Gasson 1993Prior J, Gasson P. 1993. Anatomical changes on charring six African hardwoods. Iawa Journal 14: 77-86. ; Gonçalves 2012Gonçalves, TAP, Marcati CR, Scheel-Ybert R. 2012. The effect of carbonization on wood structure of Dalbergia Violacea, Stryphnodendron Polyphyllum, Tapirira Guianensis, Vochysia Tucanorum, and Pouteria Torta from the Brazilian Cerrado. Iawa Journal 33: 73-90. ). Thus, it seems problematic to use charcoal for delimitation between different species of closely related taxa, as such taxa often differ only slightly in the dimensions of anatomical features (e.g. Jones et al. 1991Jones TP, Scott AC, Cope M. 1991. Reflectance measurements and the temperature of formation of modern charcoals and implications for studies of fusain. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 162: 193-200.; McParland et al. 2007McParland LC, Collinson ME, Scott AC, Steart DC, Grassineau NV, Gibbons S. 2007. Ferns and fires: experimental charring of ferns compared to wood and implications for paleobiology, paleoecology, coal petrology, and isotope geochemistry. Palaios 22: 528-538. ).

A number of previous studies reported that the disappearance of discrete cell-wall layers as well as the development of black colour and a silky sheen depended on the heating rate and the charring temperature and in general such homogenized cell walls together with the black colour and the silky sheen are frequently used for the identification of fossil charcoal (e.g. Scott 2000Scott AC. 2000. The Pre-Quaternary history of fire. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 164: 281-329. ; 2010Scott AC. 2010. Charcoal recognition, taphonomy and uses in palaeoenvironmental analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 291: 11-39.). Our results agree very well with these previous studies, as the cell walls lost the distinctive layering at around 300 °C. From this temperature onwards, there was no distinction between the middle lamella and the cell wall layers but the charcoal retained all other anatomical features. Additionally, a black colour and silky sheen developed between 300 °C and 350 °C, which is also in agreement with data from the literature (cf. Scott 2000Scott AC. 2000. The Pre-Quaternary history of fire. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 164: 281-329. ; 2010Scott AC. 2010. Charcoal recognition, taphonomy and uses in palaeoenvironmental analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 291: 11-39. and citations therein).

Although our analysis demonstrates that different parameters changed statistically significant with increasing charring temperatures, it became evident, that most of the variability observed for the three Araucaria species comes from the variability of the parameters within and between growth rings (thus is largely controlled by climatic and ecological factors at the growing locality). In many cases only up to 35 % of the overall variability of measured parameters can be explained by the charring temperature.

For six anatomical features the tendency is negative, only ray width is positively correlated in Araucaria angustifolia and Araucaria columnaris. In high temperatures, the rays burst (Fig. 5), and when these features are measured, the values are higher at higher temperatures than at lower temperatures. One reason for this could be that the rays were bursting due to fast heating of remnant water within the rays.

All in all, our data suggest that, despite some quantitative changes occurring during charring, it seems possible to use charcoal to differentiate between the three Araucaria species analysed here. The question remains, whether this can also be done for the dozens and hundreds of fossil wood taxa assignable to Agathoxylon. Although a study on only three taxa of Araucaria is far from comprehensive with regard to the entire family Araucariaceae, it seems very likely that this could also be possible for this taxon, as the results obtained for the three Araucaria species are in agreement with previous data from a large number of systematically not really closely related taxa. Thus, it seems at least possible that these observations can be generalized, although one should always keep in mind that so far, the database for Araucariaceae (and other palaeontologically relevant families) is still far from comprehensive and potential exceptions from previous observations are never impossible.


Our data are in good agreement with previous charring studies on systematically unrelated taxa.

Despite some minor changes, qualitative anatomical features of the wood, commonly used for taxonomic purposes, remain unchanged during charring.

With increasing charring temperatures, the wood experienced an increasing weight loss.

Small quantitative changes of the dimensions of several anatomical parameters occur, and these changes depend on charring temperatures.

These changes are, however, smaller than the intrinsic variability of these parameters within and between growth rings in our samples.

Above a charring temperature of 300 °C cell walls of all three taxa became homogenized, colour changed to black and a silky sheen developed, comparable to observations from previous studies on different taxa.

Despite the changes, it seems possible to use charcoal from the three Araucaria species analysed here to differentiate between these three taxa.

It is likely that fossil charcoal assignable to Agathoxylon can also be used to differentiate between different taxa, as long as the source taxa exhibit anatomical differences which can be observed in fossil charcoal.


The authors thank Martha Beatriz Horn (UNIVATES) for help with SEM-facilities and acknowledge the financial support by, CAPES (A072/2013), and CNPq (444330/2014-3), Brazil. I.C. Osterkamp acknowledges FAPERGS/CAPES (015/2012). T.A.P. Gonçalves acknowledge sponsorship of Programa de Capacitação Institucional (MPEG/MCTIC) of CNPq Brazil (PCI-DB 313161/2016-0). A. Jasper acknowledges CNPq (305436/2015-5), CAPES (Brazil - 8107-14-9) and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany BRA 1137359 STPCAPES).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 Nov 2017
  • Date of issue
    Apr-Jun 2018


  • Received
    12 Oct 2017
  • Accepted
    06 Nov 2017
Sociedade Botânica do Brasil SCLN 307 - Bloco B - Sala 218 - Ed. Constrol Center Asa Norte CEP: 70746-520 Brasília/DF. - Alta Floresta - MT - Brazil