This experiment was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of different supplementation of vitamin E (VE) levels in diet on broilers performance during 42 days of age and on the alpha-tocoferol (AT) concentration in the breast meat of broilers at 45 days of age. Thus, 480 one-day Ross chicks were distributed in 16 floor pens, containing 30 birds of both sexes in each one. Broilers had free access to feed and water at all time. The birds were fed start diet (1-to-21 day), containing 21,2% CP and 2934kcal ME/kg, and growing diet (22-to-42 day), with 18,6% CP and 3035kcal ME/kg. Both diets were supplemented with four VE levels: 25, 250, 500 and 750mg/kg. The experimental design had four treatments (VE levels), and each one was represented by four repetitions, with 30 birds in each one. The body weight, body weight gain and feed conversion at 42 days of age were significant effected (P<0,05) by the VE levels used in the diet, showing linear increases (P<0.05) for these parameters with the increase of VE supplementation in the diet. The feed intake and viability were not affected (P>0,05) by VE levels in the diet. Quadratic effect (P<0,05) of diet was observed on the AT deposition in breast meat of broilers, showing no difference between sexes. Greater AT concentration was detected in breast meat of broilers witch were fed with diet containing 500mg VE/kg. Thus, it can be concluded that from each increase in the diet of 25mg VE/kg, it can be expected an increase of 5,49g on body weight, an amelioration of 0,0038 on feed conversion, and an increase of 8,57mug AT/g of breast meat at slaughter age.
Broiler; vitamin E; alpha-tocoferol