Logomarca do periódico: Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Open-access Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Publication of: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária
Area: Agricultural Sciences ISSN printed version: 0102-0935
ISSN online version: 1678-4162
Previous title Arquivos da Escola Veterinária da Universidade Federal de MInas Gerais

About the journal


Basic information


The journal Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (Brazilian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science), is bimonthly published by the FEPMVZ Editora (Escola de Veterinária - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais). The journal publishes original scientific papers in the areas of veterinary medicine, animal science, technology and inspection of animal products and related areas.

The editorial board is formed by experience researchers of the areas. Its abmvzreviated title is Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.

The authors are entirely responsible for all data, concepts and information contained in the article.

Manuscripts will be submitted to reviewers and will be returned to the authors for final editing according to the reviewers suggestions. Accepted scientific papers become property of Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.




  • ISI - Institute for Scientific Information
  • AGRIS - Base de datos en agricultura de la FAO (Organización para la Agricultura y la Alimentación) - Food abd Agriculture Organization)
  • CAB - Base de datos en agricultura y ciencias de la vida (produzida por CABI Publishing)
  • CAS - Chemical Abstract Service
  • MEDLINE - MEDlars on line - base de datos creada y mantenida por la Biblioteca Nacional de los Estadis Unidos, National Library of Medicine - NLM)
  • Bibliografia Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
  • LILACS - Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud


Intellectual property


All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY. The online journal is free and open access.





Scientific Partnership:



Editorial Board





Scientific editor

  • Antônio de Pinho Marques Júnior, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais/MG, Brasil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail: ampinhojr@gmail.com



  • Adriane Pimenta da Costa Val Bicalho, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais/MG, Brasil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail: adriane@ufmg.br
  • Rafael Faleiros Resende, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais/MG, Brasil. Lattes, ORCID, E-mail: faleiros@ufmg.br


Editorial board




Instructions to authors


Editorial Policy


The journal Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (Brazilian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science), ISSN 1678-4162 (online), is published by FEPE Editora, CNPJ: 16.629.388/0001-24, and publishes scientific articles on topics of veterinary medicine, animal science, technology and inspection of animal products, aquaculture, and related areas. 

Articles submitted for publication are submitted to the Editorial Board for approval, with the advice of experts in the field (rapporteurs). Articles requiring revision or correction will be returned to the authors. Articles accepted for publication become the property of Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (ABMVZ) cited as Arq. Med. Vet. Zootec. The authors are responsible for the concepts and information contained in the articles. Originality, unpublished articles, and articles to be submitted exclusively to ABMVZ are required for publication. 

The ABMVZ accepts submission of articles registered in Preprints servers.



Reproduction of published articles


Reproduction of any published article is permitted provided it is properly referenced. Commercial use of the results of articles published in ABMVZ is not authorized.

The submission and processing of articles is carried out exclusively online, at the electronic address <http://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/abmvz-scielo>. 

Reprints will not be provided. Articles are available at www.scielo.br/abmvz.




  • ABMVZ receives article submissions in English only.
  • All manuscripts are processed exclusively through Scielo's online publishing system - ScholarOne, at http://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/abmvz-scielo. Authors are required to register on the system.
  • All communication between those involved in the evaluation and publication processes (authors, reviewers, and editors) will be done by electronic means only. The author responsible for the article will be automatically informed by e-mail of any change in its status. 
  • Photographs, drawings, and figures must be inserted into the text and, when requested by the editorial team, must also be sent separately, in a JPG file, in high quality (minimum 300dpi), zipped, inserted in "Figure or Image" (Step 2).
  • It is the sole responsibility of the person submitting the article to make sure that each author is aware and agrees with the inclusion of his or her name in the submitted text. 
  • ABMVZ will automatically notify each of the registered authors, via the Electronic System, of their participation in the article. If one of the registered authors does not agree, in writing, to participate as an author, the article will be considered as "Withdrawn" by one of the authors and its processing will be terminated. Omission cases will be analyzed by the Editor-in-Chief for deliberation.
  • The period for adaptation to the ABMVZ Guidelines is 30 days and, after this period, the article will be considered as "Withdrawal by the author".
  • ABMVZ encourages authors to deposit and share research data that support the publication of the article in a Preprint repository. Research data refers to any and all observations, experimental notes, reports, and other products that make it possible to generate the results of the research. An example of a repository is Scielo Data
  • The author responsible for submitting an article needs to inform about the deposit in a Preprints server and obligatorily forward the corresponding DOI to ABMVZ. The manuscript must inform the license that authorizes sharing the material in any medium or format (Creative Commons - CC-BY). Scielo Preprint and Emerging Researcher Information are examples of national servers and Medrxiv is an international server.
  • It is the responsibility of the author of an article accepted for publication to inform the Preprints server of the link to the ABMVZ publication.
  • Evaluators' opinions may eventually be published, if there is interest from the ABMVZ Editorial Board, always with the agreement of the authors and the evaluators.


Types of articles for submission:




Reference number suggestion

Author number suggestion

Page number suggestion

Scientific Article

It is the complete report of an experimental work. It is based on the premise that the results come after the research has been planned. 

Title (Portuguese and English), Authors and Affiliation (only on the “Title Page”), Resumo, Abstract, Highlights (optional), Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion), Conclusions, Acknowledgements (when applicable) and References.

It is recommended that the number of references does not exceed 20.

It is recommended that the number of authors does not exceed 10

It is recommended that the number of pages does not exceed 30, including tables and figures 


Manuscript, in the form of a Scientific Article deposited on Preprints servers

Title (Portuguese and English), Authors and Affiliation (only on the “Title Page”), Resumo, Abstract, Highlights (optional), Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion), Conclusions, Acknowledgements (when applicable) and References.

It is recommended that the number of References does not exceed 20

It is recommended that the number of authors does not exceed 10

It is recommended that the number of pages does not exceed 30, including tables and figures 

Case Report

Contemplates mainly medical areas where the result is prior to the interest of its disclosure, or the occurrence of the results is unplanned.

Title (Portuguese and English), Authors and Affiliation (only on “Title Page”), Resumo, Abstract, Highlights (optional), Introduction, Casuistry, Discussion e Conclusions (when applicable), Acknowledgements (when applicable) and References. 

It is recommended that the number of References does not exceed 12

It is recommended that the number of authors does not exceed 5

It is recommended that the number of pages does not exceed ten, including tables and figures 


It is the succinct report of partial results of an experimental work worthy of publication, although insufficient or inconsistent to constitute a scientific article.

Title (Portuguese and English), Authors and Affiliation (only on “Title Page”). Highlights (optional), Resumo (in Portuguese). This must be compact, with no distinction of sections in the text as specified for “Scientific Article”, although it follows that order.

It is recommended that the number of References does not exceed 12

It is recommended that the number of authors does not exceed 10

It is recommended that the number of pages does not exceed 10, including tables and figures 





  • Title. In Portuguese and in English. It should cover the essence of the article and not exceed 50 words.
  • Authors and Affiliation. (Title Page only). Authors' names are placed below the title, with the ORCID number (for all authors) and identification of the institution to which they belong. The author and his e-mail for correspondence should be indicated with an asterisk.
  • Highlights (optional). It is recommended that the author give a brief summary of the main points of his work, in no more than 5 lines.
  • Abstract (in English and Portuguese). It must be the same as the one presented in the registration containing up to 200 words in one paragraph. Do not repeat the title and do not add literature review. Include the objectives, the main numerical results, citing them without explaining them, when appropriate, and the conclusions. Each sentence should contain one complete piece of information.
  • Keywords (in English and Portuguese). No more than five and no less than two*.
    *In the submission, use only keywords (Step 3) and in the body of the article, use keywords (English) and palavra-chave (Portuguese).
  • Introduction. Concise explanation in which the problems will be established, as well as the pertinence, relevance, and objectives of the work, clearly emphasizing originality or uniqueness. It should contain few references, just enough to support it.
  • Material and Methods. Cite the experimental design, the material involved, the description of the methods used, or correctly reference methods already published. Work involving animals and/or genetically modified organisms must include the number of the Approval Certificate of the IACUCUC. (check the Ethics Committee Item). Work involving human beings must include the number of the Certificate of Approval of the Ethics Committee that analyzed the project.
  • Casuistry. Describe in detail the set of findings that constitute and justify the originality of the case study.
  • Results. Present the results found clearly and objectively. 
    • Table. Tables will only be accepted if presented in portrait format. A set of alphanumeric data arranged in rows and columns. Use horizontal lines to separate headings and at the end of the table. The table title initially receives the word Table, followed by the order number in Arabic numerals and period (e.g.: Table 1.). In the text, the table should be referred to as Tab followed by a period and the order number (e.g.: Tab. 1), even when referring to several tables (e.g.: Tab. 1, 2 and 3). It can be presented in single spacing and in a font size smaller than 12 (the smallest size accepted is eight). The table legend should contain only what is essential to its understanding but should be complete enough to be understood independently of the main text. Tables must be inserted in the body of the text, preferably after their first citation.
    • Figure. It comprises any illustration that presents lines and dots: drawing, photograph, graph, flowchart, scheme, etc. The legend initially receives the word Figure followed by the order number in Arabic numerals and a period (e.g. Figure 1.) and is cited in the text as Fig followed by a period and the order number (e.g. Fig.1), even if more than one figure is cited (e.g. Figs. 1, 2 and 3). In addition to being inserted into the text, photographs and drawings should also be sent in JPG format with high quality, in a zipped file, attached in the proper submission field, in the article's registration screen. Figures must be inserted into the body of the text preferably after their first citation.
    • Note: 
      Every table and/or figure that has already been published must contain, below the legend, information about the source (author, authorization for use, date) and the corresponding reference must appear in the References. 
  • Discussion. Discuss only the results obtained in the study. (Note: Results and Discussion sections may be presented together at the author's discretion, without prejudice to either part).
  • Conclusions. The conclusions should be based on the results of the research performed and be presented in an objective manner, WITHOUT literature review, discussion, repetition of results, and speculations. 
  • Acknowledgements. Optional. Should be expressed concisely.
  • References. References must be listed in alphabetical order, giving preference to articles published in national and international, indexed journals. Books and theses should be referenced as little as possible, therefore, only when indispensable. The general ABNT norms are adopted, adapted for the ABMVZ, according to examples. 




It is essential to attach a copy, in PDF file, of the Certificate of Approval of the Research Project that originated the article, issued by the Ethics Committee of your institution, in compliance with Law 11794/2008. The document must be attached under "Ethics Committee" (Step 2). The number of the Certificate of Project Approval must be mentioned in the body of the article and preferably in the Material and Methods section. Papers involving human beings must include the number of the Certificate of Approval of the Ethics Committee that analyzed the project.



FORMATTING – Preparing texts for publication


The articles must be written in English, impersonally. 

  • The text must NOT contain sub-items in any of the sections of the article and must be submitted in a Microsoft Word file and attached as a "Main Document" (Step 2), in A4 format, with 3cm margins (top, bottom, right and left), in Times New Roman font size 12, justified paragraph and with 1 line spacing, on all pages and sections of the article (from the title to the references).
  • Do not use footnotes. References to companies and products, for example, must come in parentheses in the body text in the following order: product name, substance, company, and country.



  1. Citations in the text 
  • The indication of the source in parentheses follows the quotation to avoid interruption in the sequence of the text, according to examples: 
    • Single author: (Silva, 1971) or Silva (1971); (Anuário..., 1987/88) or Anuário... (1987/88); 
    • Two authors: (Lopes and Moreno, 1974) or Lopes and Moreno (1974); 
    • More than two authors: (Ferguson et al., 1979) or Ferguson et al. (1979); 
    • More than one cited article: Dunne (1967); Silva (1971); Ferguson et al. (1979) or (Dunne, 1967; Silva, 1971; Ferguson et al., 1979), always in ascending chronological order and alphabetical for authors in articles from the same year. 
  • Citation of a citation. Every effort should be made to consult the original document. In exceptional situations the information cited previously by other authors can be reproduced. In the text, cite the last name of the author of the document not consulted with the year of publication, followed by the expression cited by and the last name of the author and year of the document consulted. In the References only the source consulted should be included.
  • Personal communication. Not included in the References. The citation must include the author's last name, the date of the communication, the name of the institution to which the author is affiliated. 
  1. Periodicals (up to four authors, city all of them. More than four authors, cite three et al.):

ANUÁRIO ESTATÍSTICO DO BRASIL. v.48, p.351, 1987-88. 

FERGUSON, J.A.; REEVES, W.C.; HARDY, J.L. Studies on immunity to alphaviruses in foals. Am. J. Vet. Res., v.40, p.5-10, 1979. 

HOLENWEGER, J.A.; TAGLE, R.; WASERMAN, A. et al. Anestesia general del canino. Not. Med. Vet., n.1, p.13-20, 1984. 

  1. Single publication (up to four authors, city all of them. More than four authors, cite three et al.):

DUNNE, H.W. (Ed). Enfermedades del cerdo. México: UTEHA, 1967. 981p. 

LOPES, C.A.M.; MORENO, G. Aspectos bacteriológicos de ostras, mariscos e mexilhões. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE MEDICINA VETERINÁRIA, 14., 1974, São Paulo. Anais... São Paulo: [s.n.] 1974. p.97. (Resumo). 

MORRIL, C.C. Infecciones por clostridios. In: DUNNE, H.W. (Ed). Enfermedades del cerdo. México: UTEHA, 1967. p.400-415. 

NUTRIENT requirements of swine. 6.ed. Washington: National Academy of Sciences, 1968. 69p. 

SOUZA, C.F.A. Produtividade, qualidade e rendimentos de carcaça e de carne em bovinos de corte. 1999. 44f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Medicina Veterinária) – Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte. 

  1. Electronic documents (up to four authors, city all of them. More than four authors, cite three et al.):

QUALITY food from animals for a global market. Washington: Association of American Veterinary Medical College, 1995. Disponível em: http://www. org/critca16.htm. Acessado em: 27 abr. 2000. 

JONHNSON, T. Indigenous people are now more combative, organized. Miami Herald, 1994. Disponível em: http://www.summit.fiu.edu/ MiamiHerld-Summit-RelatedArticles/. Acessado em: 5 dez. 1994. 

  1. Preprints documents

OLIVEIRA, D.C; AGUIAR, A.F. (2021). Aspectos biológicos. PsyArXiv. https://psyarxivcom/kzy7u/.





Only for NATIONAL ARTICLES (Brazilian authors)

  • Submission fee: A R$60.00 submission fee must be paid via bank slip issued by the Conveniar electronic system http://conveniar.fepmvz.com.br/eventos/#servicos (must fill out registration). Only articles with the paid submission fee will be evaluated. If the fee is not paid in up to 30 days it will be considered withdrawal by author.
  • Publication fee: A publication fee of R$150.00 is due per page upon final proof of article. The publication fee must be paid via bank slip, and information will be supplied upon article approval.

OBS.: When the data for invoicing is different from the contact information for the author, an email must be sent to abmvz.artigo@abmvz.org.br communicating such need.



  • Submission and Publication fee. The publication fee is US$ 50.00 (fifty American dollars per page, plus US$50.00 (fifty American dollars) per manuscript submission and will be billed to the corresponding author at the final proof of the article. The publication fee must be paid through a bank slip issued by the electronic article submission system. When requesting the bank slip the author must inform the date for invoice issuance.



  • In case the author forwards a response to the diligences requested by ABMVZ or an appeal document, the same must be attached in a Word file, in the "Justification" item (Step 2), and sent by e-mail, to the attention of the Editorial Committee, to abmvz.artigo@abmvz.org.br.
  • In the case of an article not being accepted, if the author considers it pertinent to appeal, this should be done via e-mail abmvz.artigo@abmvz.org.br.
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária Caixa Postal 567, 30123-970 Belo Horizonte MG - Brazil, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2041, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2042 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
E-mail: abmvz.artigo@gmail.com
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