Open-access Performance and carcass traits of three commercial broiler genotypes fed different diets


This study aimed to evaluate performance and carcass traits of three commercial broiler genotypes from hatch to 35 days of age. A total of 2,970 sexed one day old chicks of three commercial broiler genotypes (Cobb 500, Hubbard Flex and Ross 308) were used. The nutritional programs were basal diet, diet with 10% more and 10% less amino acids than the basal diets. Birds were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design in a 3x3x2 (genotype x diet x sex) factorial scheme, with five replicates and 33 birds per experimental unit. Feed conversion, daily weight gain, diet intake and body weight at 35 days of age were recorded. Two birds from each experimental unit were sampled and slaughtered at 35 days of age to evaluate the following carcass traits: slaughter body weight, carcass weight and yield, and main cuts (breast, legs and wings) weight and yield. There was a significant interaction between genotype and sex for ADG and BW35. Males fed basal diets presented higher performance and carcass traits in comparison to females.

Keywords: cobb; feed conversion; Hubbard; carcass yield; Ross

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária Caixa Postal 567, 30123-970 Belo Horizonte MG - Brazil, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2041, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2042 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
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