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Comparison between the effects of the compound gelatin-resorsin-formaldeide and the N-butil-2-cianoacrilate in the suture of the external jugular veins in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

PURPOSE: To compare the effects of two surgical adhesives, Colagel® and Histoacryl®, coadjutors to the classical vein suture technique, in the reinforcement of the suture line. METHODS: The procedures, conducted in 18 rabbits of the New Zealand breed, seeked to investigate the clinical evolution of the animals, as well as the evolution of healing of surgical wounds, macroscopically and microscopically. RESULTS: The results obtained showed, clinical and macroscopically, prevalence of higher inflammatory reaction in the sutures covered by Colagel® compared to the ones maintained as control and protected by Histoacryl®. CONCLUSION: There was healing delay in the surgical wounds that received Colagel® and similar results between the control group and the sutures covered by Histoacryl®.

Vein suture; Rabbits; Cianoacrylate; Surgical adhesives

Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia - São Paulo - SP - Brazil