PURPOSE: To evaluate subjects submitted to supracricoid laryngectomy concerning vocal self-assessment, auditory-perceptual and acoustic analysis, and the impact of dysphonia on the quality of life. METHODS: Twelve male subjects, who underwent supracricoid laryngectomy for carcinoma resection, mean age of 59.3 years, took part in this prospective observational study. The auditory-perceptual analysis was performed through GRBASI scale in double blind. The acoustic analysis used the VOXMETRIA® software to obtain the fundamental frequency (f0), jitter, shimmer, glottal to noise excitation ratio and phonatory deviation diagram. The self-assessment and the impact of organic dysphonia on the quality of life of these subjects was observed through Voice-Related Quality of Life V-RQOL and Voice Handicap Index (VHI) protocols. RESULTS: f0 ranged between 91.59 Hz and 260.05 Hz, shimmer and/or jitter measures were fairly altered confirming the results of the auditory-perceptual analysis that revealed a vocal deviation degree from moderate to intense, despite the subjects having considered their voices as good or reasonable. However the V-RQOL results showed 50.0% of the subjects presenting gross scores consistent with dysphonic voices. The Voice Handicap Index showed highest scores for the organic domain. CONCLUSION: The vocal deviation degree of subjects varied from moderate to intense, corroborating the acoustic analysis; nevertheless, subjects classified their voices as reasonable and good. Scores of V-RQOL and VHI revealed predominance of the physic and organic domains respectively, compatible with dysphonic voices. Further studies are necessary for a better understanding of the relation between vocal self-assessment and impact on quality of life of subjects with dysphonia resulting from laryngeal carcinoma.
Dysphonia; Quality of life; Voice; Laryngectomy; Laryngeal Neoplasms