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Here is the last issue of 2015, and we are completing our third year managing Audiology - Communication Research.

During these three years we have been continuously working to fulfill all the goals that were established when we decided to assume the editorship of the Journal, and every day we reaffirm our commitment to put all of our efforts in improving it ever more.

In the course of this year, among the changes implemented, we highlight the complete migration of the journal's submission page for the ScholarOne system. It was not an easy task as we had to work almost year-round managing two completely different platforms. But now we finally managed to shut down the “Submission” system, and all submissions are being held by “ScholarOne” system, which facilitates the articles analysis giving greater flexibility to the editorial process.

The Journal now have its first impact index provided by SciELO, which is 0.1327, and now we may request indexing to better databases like MEDLINE and ISI - another of our management's priority.

We close the year with 52 published articles, just below the desired target for SciELO. We believe that this decrease is related to the fact that we have had many denied manuscripts due to the greater rigor from our field-editors who, for their expertise, help us maintaining the excellence level we seek for the Journal. Also, we have noticed that there was a decrease in the number of submitted articles. This, perhaps, is related to the political and economic situation our country is going through, which strongly impact the investment in Science - as we all know, investment has, indeed, decreased greatly this year and this fact is reflected in all indexes measuring these figures in the country. Of the 52 published articles, 45 are original articles, four are review articles, two are case studies and one is a brief communication. It should be noted that all the issues were completed within the proposed deadlines, without any delay.

Next, we present the fourth issue of Audiology - Communication Research (ACR), with important contributions in various fields of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. In this issue we are publishing an invited Editorial, nine Original Articles, and three Systematic Reviews in the fields of Language, Audiology, Swallowing, Voice and Public Health.

The invited editorial approaches the recrudescence of congenital syphilis.

The field of Audiology gives the biggest contribution to this issue. The articles are: Temporal ordering ability and level of specificity at different pure tone tests; Wideband acoustic immittance measures using chirp and pure tone stimuli in infants with middle ear integrity; Long-latency auditory evoked potentials in sound field in normal-hearing children; Audiological profile of agricultural drivers exposed to noise and hydrocarbons; Comparative analysis of postural balance by posturography in patients with isolated vertigo or associated with hearing loss; and Brazilian adaptation of the dizziness handicap inventory to pediatric population: reliability of the results.

Next, we have three articles from the fields of Public Health, Language and Voice, respectively: Household survey on self-declared communication disorders: study design and protocol; The effect of age in a task of stressed vowels identification in Brazilian Portuguese; and Voice Handicap Index check pre and post vocal intervention in patients with dysphonia.

Closing this issue, there are three Systematic Reviews: Screening tools for oropharyngeal dysphagia in stroke; The search for validity evidence in the development of instruments in speech therapy: a systematic review; and Middle Latency Responses (MLR) in Brazilian children and adolescents: systematic review.

We emphasize that changes will continue to be implemented in this Journal, always aiming its internationalization and equating to the best journals in the world. We believe this is an investment that is worthwhile and that will contribute to the advancement of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences in Brazil.

We take this opportunity to thank all our readers, reviewers, associate editors and collaborators who were with us this year, and we hope to continue to count on the support of you all in 2016.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Oct-Dec 2015
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil