São relatadas experiências com o micronutriente boro, seus sintomas de toxicidade, deficiência e correção. Foi observado que a sintomatologia de carência severa de boro assemelha-se à carência de cobre. Foi constatado que o nível de 0,5 ppm de boro disponível é tóxico à seringueira; sendo 0,1 ppm de boro disponível suficiente para promover o desenvolvimento da planta.
It is quite comon in brazilian rubber plantations the occorence of boron deficiency symptoms on the leaves associated with N, P, K, and Mg fertilizer programs. In a greenhouse experiment the daily aplication of five levels of boron (0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0 and 2.5 ppm) to the substract induced toxicity symptoms to the leaves of the young rubber trees. Tips and marginal necrosis of the leaves occured when the boron concentration in the subtract was between 1.0 and 2.5 ppm of boron. Recently in an experiment carried out in order to obtain the macro and Zn, Mn deficiencies on grafted plants with clone RRIM 600, the boron was withdraw from the nutrient solutions in order prevent toxic effects in the plants. After six months symptoms appeared which consisted of a halt on growth; the terminal buds die and an exudation of latex started. After the supply of 0.1 ppm of boron to the nutrient solutions the plants began to growth again and numerous branches started to appear in the plants.
Nutrição mineral de seringueira V. Deficiência e correção de boro em Hevea brasiliensis* (Nota prévia)
Mineral nutrition of rubber tree V. Deficiency and correction of boron in Hevea brasiliensis (Preliminary note)
N. BuenoI; J.P. PereiraI; H.P. HaagII
ICentro Nacional de Pesquisa de Seringueira e Dendê. Manaus, AM
IIE.S.A. "Luiz de Queiroz", USP, Piracicaba, SP
São relatadas experiências com o micronutriente boro, seus sintomas de toxicidade, deficiência e correção. Foi observado que a sintomatologia de carência severa de boro assemelha-se à carência de cobre. Foi constatado que o nível de 0,5 ppm de boro disponível é tóxico à seringueira; sendo 0,1 ppm de boro disponível suficiente para promover o desenvolvimento da planta.
It is quite comon in brazilian rubber plantations the occorence of boron deficiency symptoms on the leaves associated with N, P, K, and Mg fertilizer programs.
In a greenhouse experiment the daily aplication of five levels of boron (0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0 and 2.5 ppm) to the substract induced toxicity symptoms to the leaves of the young rubber trees. Tips and marginal necrosis of the leaves occured when the boron concentration in the subtract was between 1.0 and 2.5 ppm of boron.
Recently in an experiment carried out in order to obtain the macro and Zn, Mn deficiencies on grafted plants with clone RRIM 600, the boron was withdraw from the nutrient solutions in order prevent toxic effects in the plants. After six months symptoms appeared which consisted of a halt on growth; the terminal buds die and an exudation of latex started. After the supply of 0.1 ppm of boron to the nutrient solutions the plants began to growth again and numerous branches started to appear in the plants.
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Referências bibliográficas
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- ZHOGGEN, F. (s.d.). Trace elements in soil of rubber growing areas in China I. Boron. South China Academy of Tropical Crops: 69.
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20 Ago 2010 -
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