The effect of growth regulators (CCC, Alar, Giberelin and Ethephon) on the technological characteristics of tomatoes was studied. The regulators were sprayed only once over the whole plant, 38 days after seeding. The tomatoes were harvested twice, 60 and 100 days after the regulators were applied. Quality was evaluated through physical (soluble solids and color), chemical (pH, ascorbic acid content and pectinesterase activity) and sensory (color, flavor, external and internal aspects) analysis. Within the range of this esperiment the authors concluded that the growht regulators did not affect pH. color (both on physical and sensory evaluations), soluble solids and ascorbic acid contents. The PE activity was slightly affected, being significant in the interaction between treatment and time of harvest. Flavor was not affected but the tomatoes from the second harvest were significantly better than those from the first one. The internal and external aspects were significantly affected by the regulators, being Ethephon the worst and CCC the best. In terms of overall quality, the preference of the panel members rated treatment 2 (CCC) the best, followed by 5 (Ethephon) 1 (Control), 4 (Giberelin) and 3 (Alar).