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Structural changes of the phytoplankton and epiphyton in an urban hypereutrophic reservoir

Mudanças estruturais do fitoplâncton e do epifíton em um reservatório urbano hipereutrófico

Abstract: Aim

This study evaluated the temporal changes of phytoplankton and epiphyton structure and their relationships with limnological factors in an urban hypereutrophic reservoir (Rasgão Reservoir, Brazil).


We collected water sample and phytoplankton in different depths at two sites (dam and near tributary input) in summer and winter 2010. Epiphyton on Salvinia spp. was sampled only at site near the tributary input. We determined limnological variables and structural attributes (species composition, density, biovolume, descriptors species, diversity) for both communities.


Phytoplankton density and epiphyton density and biovolume were higher in the winter (dry season), which occurred the higher nutrient concentrations and lower water flow. Chlorophyceae was dominant in the phytoplankton in both period and Cyanobacteria was the second most abundant class in the winter. In the epiphyton, Bacillariophyceae was dominant in the summer and Cyanobacteria in the winter. The increase in light availability and water flow can have provided high species richness and diversity in the summer.


Temporal changes in the structure of phytoplankton and epiphyton on Salvinia were more related to increased nutrients availability (nitrogen and phosphorus) and flow variations in a hypereutrophic reservoir.

algae community; plankton; periphyton; seasonality; urban pollution

Associação Brasileira de Limnologia Av. 24 A, 1515, CEP: 13506-900 , Tel.:+55 (19) 3526-4225 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil