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Manifestações neurologicas do hiperparatireoidismo: estudo de 120 casos

Neurologic manifestations of hyperparathyroidism


É feito um estudo retrospectivo de 120 pacientes internados para investigação de hiperparatireoidismo. Tendo em vista as manifestações neurológicas do hiperparatireoidismo primário realizamos também um confronto com os achados de outros autores.

The neurologic findings in 120 patients with possible diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism are reported and the world literature on this matter is reviewed. The neurologic signs and symptoms were divided in 3 categories: central, peripherical and miscelaneous. Headache, cramps weakness and depression where the most frequent complaints but with a so wide list of symptoms we expect mainly to salient the importance of calcium and phosphorus blood levels on neurologic patientes as well as the value of neurologic evaluation on hyperparathyroid patients.

Manifestações neurologicas do hiperparatireoidismo: estudo de 120 casos

Neurologic manifestations of hyperparathyroidism

Geraldo Nunes Vieira RizzoI; C. Warren OlanowII

INeurologista e Eletrencefalografista, ex-Rotary fellow na Divisão de Neurologia Duke University

IIProfessor of Neurology na Duke University


É feito um estudo retrospectivo de 120 pacientes internados para investigação de hiperparatireoidismo. Tendo em vista as manifestações neurológicas do hiperparatireoidismo primário realizamos também um confronto com os achados de outros autores.


The neurologic findings in 120 patients with possible diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism are reported and the world literature on this matter is reviewed. The neurologic signs and symptoms were divided in 3 categories: central, peripherical and miscelaneous. Headache, cramps weakness and depression where the most frequent complaints but with a so wide list of symptoms we expect mainly to salient the importance of calcium and phosphorus blood levels on neurologic patientes as well as the value of neurologic evaluation on hyperparathyroid patients.

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Full text available only in PDF format.

Trabalho realizado na Duke University Medical Center, Duke University, Durham. North Carolina, U.S.A.

Dr. Geraldo Nunes Vieira Rizzo - Rua Comendador Caminha 286 - apto. 502 - 90000 Porto Alegre, RS - Brasil.

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    16 Ago 2012
  • Data do Fascículo
    Set 1982
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