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Adaptation of the inventory of ethical problems to the child health context



To describe the adaptation process of the “Inventory of Ethical Problems in Primary Health Care” (IPE-APS) to the child health context.


Methodological study, based on the universalist model. The following phases of equivalence were undertaken: conceptual, item, semantic and operational. Ten experts and 30 nurses from Family Health Services participated.


In the item and semantic equivalence developed by the judges, the first dimension of the IPE-APS presented the largest number of items with agreement <70 %, totaling five out of 18. In the pretest, the target population assessed the instrument as easy to understand, but suggestion a slight adjustment in the instruction and layout. The mean completion time was 15 minutes.


The adaptation of the IPE-APS to the child health context was developed successfully. The tool is feasible and the subsequent validation phases will permit its inclusion in professional nursing practice.

Validation studies; Problem solving; Child health; Family nurse practitioners; Bioethics



Descrever o processo de adaptação do “Inventário Problemas Éticos na Atenção Primária em Saúde” (IPE-APS) para o contexto da saúde da criança.


Estudo metodológico, baseado no modelo universalista. Seguiram-se as etapas de equivalência: conceitual, de itens, semântica e operacional. Realizado com a participação de 10 especialistas e de 30 enfermeiras de Unidades de Saúde da Família.


Na equivalência de itens e semântica, realizada pelos juízes, a primeira dimensão do IPEAPS apresentou maior número de itens com concordância <70 %, total de cinco entre 18. No pré-teste, a população-alvo avaliou o instrumento como de fácil compreensão, porém sugeriu pequeno ajuste na instrução e no layout. O tempo médio de preenchimento foi de 15 minutos.


A adaptação do IPE-APS para o contexto da saúde da criança foi realizada com sucesso. O instrumento é viável e a continuidade da validação possibilitará sua inclusão na prática profissional de enfermeiras.

Estudos de validação; Resolução de problemas; Saúde da criança; Enfermeiras de saúde da família; Bioética


In Primary Health Care (PHC) practice, different interactions exist, particularly the interactions the professionals experience with the user/family, with the team and with the health system itself. Therefore, it is associated with various ethical issues, such as the limit of these professionals' interventions in the context of the user's private life. As opposed to what happens at the tertiary level, however, they are more subtle, even if highly complex.(11. Sugarman J. Ethics in primary care. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2000. p.39-48.)

Thus, the health care delivered at Primary Health Care Services (UBS) needs to be considered in bioethical discussions, as ignoring it makes the circumscription of bioethics incomplete in view of the heterogeneous services and actions performed at this level of the Unified Health System (SUS).(22. Silva LT, Zoboli EL. Problemas éticos na atenção primária: a visão de especialistas e profissionais. Rev Bras Bioét. 2007; 3(1):27-39.)

In that sense, it can be affirmed that, in clinical practice, health professionals are confronted with Ethical Problems (EP) in the individual sphere, considered as the aspects, questions or ethical implications common in the practice of PHC, without fundamentally representing a dilemma.(11. Sugarman J. Ethics in primary care. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2000. p.39-48.) What distinguishes an EP from a Dilemma/Conflict is that, while the latter entails several admissible ways out, generating doubts on what to do, in the latter, the possible solutions are always dichotomous.(33. Zoboli EL. Bioética clínica na diversidade: a contribuição da proposta deliberativa de Diego Gracia. Rev Bioetikos. 2012; 6(1):49-57.)

These EPs can be experienced in the execution of the priority care lines of PHC. In this article, the singularity of Child Health (CH) is highlighted, justified by the peculiarity of going through the growth and development process.(44. Brasil. [Estatuto da criança e do adolescente (1990)]. Estatuto da criança e do adolescente e legislação correlata [recurso eletrônico]: Lei n. 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990, e legislação correlata. 12a ed. Brasília: Câmara dos Deputados, Edições Câmara; 2014.) In addition, the child population attended in the programs the Family Health Strategy (FHS) offers is mostly under two years of age, entailing limitations for the exercise of autonomy.

In the scarce production available in the literature, the most frequent ethical problems in pediatric practice can be described. In a literature review, Mendiola(55. Mendiola JJ, Gil GC, Barreiro MP, Sánchez NT. Dilemas éticos y bioéticos de la práctica pediátrica en la Atención Primaria de Salud. MediSur. 2010; 8(2):38-45.) identified EP in prenatal diagnosis, in the immunization program, in care programs for disabled children, in care delivery to child victims of violence, in care for children from religious families, with regard to drug prescriptions and in medical-scientific research. Guedert et al.,(66. Guedert JM, Grosseman S. Sugestões advindas da prática. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2011; 35(3):359-68.) in a qualitative study, acknowledged that the EP concerned the spheres of the physician-patient relationship (confidentiality and difficult personal relationships), of the health professionals' conducts (disagreements on therapeutic indications) and in the socioeconomic sphere and the public health policies (adverse economic conditions), inappropriateness of the health care network and work environment and violence against children).

In view of that perspective, a group of Brazilian researchers verified the need to acknowledge the ethical problems that occur in the daily work of PHC professionals to discuss them. Hence, along almost 12 years of study, they developed the Inventory of Ethical Problems in Primary Health Care (IPE-APS). This tool was theoretically based on Diego Garcia's deliberative bioethics and constructed through interviews with physicians and nurses, aiming to identify the EP the professionals experienced, with a view to improving the quality of care delivered at that care level.(77. Junges JR, Zoboli EL, Schaefer R, Nora CR, Basso M. [Validation of the comprehensiveness of an instrument on ethical problems in primary care]. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2014; 35(2):148-56. Portuguese.)

The IPE-APS is multidimensional and the following evidence of validity and reliability has been found: content validity, in a study involving 46 PHC professionals from São Paulo and 15 Bioethics experts;(44. Brasil. [Estatuto da criança e do adolescente (1990)]. Estatuto da criança e do adolescente e legislação correlata [recurso eletrônico]: Lei n. 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990, e legislação correlata. 12a ed. Brasília: Câmara dos Deputados, Edições Câmara; 2014.) validation of understandability, investigated in a group of nine PHC experts from São Leopoldo-RS;(77. Junges JR, Zoboli EL, Schaefer R, Nora CR, Basso M. [Validation of the comprehensiveness of an instrument on ethical problems in primary care]. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2014; 35(2):148-56. Portuguese.) construct validity and internal consistency in a study involving 237 PHC professionals from Porto Alegre-RS;(88. Junges JR, Zoboli EL, Patussi MP, Schaefer R, Nora CR. [Construction and validation of the instrument “Inventory of ethical problems in primary health care”]. Rev Bioét. 2014; 22(2):309-17. Portuguese.) besides a cross-cultural adaptation in the city of Porto-Portugal.(99. Neves-Amado J. Problemas éticos na comunidade. Rev Ordem Enferm. 2011; 37(1): 27-30.)

Thus, considering: the lack of instruments to identify ethical problems experienced in child health care in PHC in the investigated databases (Portal Capes, Pubmed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Cinahl); the availability of the IPE-APS, formulated in and for the reality of the Unified Health System (SUS)(88. Junges JR, Zoboli EL, Patussi MP, Schaefer R, Nora CR. [Construction and validation of the instrument “Inventory of ethical problems in primary health care”]. Rev Bioét. 2014; 22(2):309-17. Portuguese.) and the need to offer a measure of ethical issues associated with the child age range, we decided to adapt the IPEAPS to the CH context.

In view of the above, the objective was to describe the adaptation process of the “Inventory of Ethical Problems in Primary Health Care” to the child health context.


A methodological study was undertaken, which used systematic procedures to adapt the IPE-APS in the CH context (Figure 1). In view of the diverse methods to adapt an instrument, one had to be chosen: the universalist model by Herdman,(1010. Herdman M, Fox-Rushby J, Badia X. ‘Equivalence' and the translation and adaptation of health-related quality of life questionnaires. Qual Life Res. 1997; 6(3):237-47.1212. Regnault A, Herdman M. Using quantitative methods within the Universalist model framework to explore the cross-cultural equivalence of patient-reported outcome instruments. Qual Life Res. 2015; 24(1):115-24.) which includes the following equivalences: conceptual, item, semantic and operational.

Figure 1
Phases for adaptation of Inventory of Ethical Problems in Primary Health Care (IPE-APS)

The IPE-APS was applied in three Brazilian regions: in the Southeast,(1313. Silva LT, Zoboli EL, Borges AL. [Bioethics and primary care: an exploratory study of ethical problems experienced by nurses and physicians at the Family Health Program (FHP)]. Cogitare Enferm. 2006; 11(2):133-42. Portuguese.) Central-West(1414. Oliveira AM, Gouveia V, Nunes R. An Instrument for Perceiving Ethical Problems in Primary Healthcare: Psychometric Parameters and Ethical Components. Int J Clin Med. 2014; 5(6):1020-29.) and Northeast,(1515. Santos RM. A bioética vivenciada por equipes de saúde da família [dissertação]. Jequié: Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia; 2015.) and also in the city of Porto-Portugal.(99. Neves-Amado J. Problemas éticos na comunidade. Rev Ordem Enferm. 2011; 37(1): 27-30.) In its original version, the instrument consists of 38 items, distributed in three dimensions of the construct ethical problems: (1) EP in the relations with users and family, containing 18 items, refers to issues that happen in the health professionals' daily relation with the USF users; (2) EP in the team's relationships, containing eight items, involves the demands in the interpersonal relationships of the USF team; (3) EP in the relations with the organization and the health system, involving aspects of SUS management, consisting of 12 items. Each item is scored on a Likert scale from 0 to 3, considering how frequently the EP happens, in increasing order of agreement: 0-never, 1-rarely, 2-commonly and 3-always. In addition, a question is asked to assess the perception of whether or not the situation described is an ethical problem.(1313. Silva LT, Zoboli EL, Borges AL. [Bioethics and primary care: an exploratory study of ethical problems experienced by nurses and physicians at the Family Health Program (FHP)]. Cogitare Enferm. 2006; 11(2):133-42. Portuguese.)

I Phase - conceptual and item equivalence

This phase comprises the qualitative analysis for the adaptation of the context; the analysis of the target context, the assessment by an expert committee and the pretest; and is intended to identify if the construct, dimensions and items of the original tool are relevant to the new context.(1616. Reichenheim ME, Moraes CL. [Operationalizing the cross-cultural adaptation of epidemological measurement instruments]. Rev Saude Publica. 2007; 41(4):665-73. Portuguese.1818. Colluci MZ, Alexandre NM, Milani D. Construção de instrumentos de medida na área da saúde. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2015; 20(3):925-36.)

For the qualitative analysis, a broad literature review was undertaken, in with the base could be identified for the general theory of ethical problems, which is the bioethicist Diego Gracia's moral deliberation,(88. Junges JR, Zoboli EL, Patussi MP, Schaefer R, Nora CR. [Construction and validation of the instrument “Inventory of ethical problems in primary health care”]. Rev Bioét. 2014; 22(2):309-17. Portuguese.) but no specific theories were found for the CH context.

Next, a psychometric survey was undertaken of all versions of the IPE-APS, starting from its construction, carefully assessing each of the changes made in the items in the course of the validations, as well as the methods used to validate the instrument. To consolidate this analysis, two authors of the original instrument were asked to assess the relevance to the new context.

Then, the IPE-APS was analyzed by a committee of 10 experts(1717. Alexandre NM, Coluci MZ. [Content validity in the development and adaptation process of measurement instruments]. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2011; 16(7):3061-8. Portuguese.) knowledgeable in CH, PHC and bioethics, including: two bioethicists; two researchers in CH and two in PHC; two representatives of the target population (USF nurses), two professionals knowledgeable in psychometrics.

First, the experts were contacted by e-mail and telephone. The assessment took place in two rounds. After the experts agreed to participate, they received the instructions for completion and the assessment form. In the first round, the following question was asked: “Do you consider that this is an ethical problem that happens in child health care in the Family Health Strategy?”

For the quantitative analysis of this phase, the Agreement Percentage was calculated for each item.(1818. Colluci MZ, Alexandre NM, Milani D. Construção de instrumentos de medida na área da saúde. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2015; 20(3):925-36.,1919. Tilden VP, Nelson CA, May BA. Use of qualitative methods to enhance content validity. Nurs Res. 1990; 39(3):172-5.) Items with an agreement percentage superior to 70% were considered suitable, based on Brazilian(2020. Castro AV, Rezende MA. Técnica Delphi e seu uso na pesquisa de enfermagem: Revisão Bibliográfica. Rev Min Enferm. 2009; 13(3):429-34.) and international research findings.(2121. Akins RB, Tolson H, Cole BR. Stability of response characteristics of a Delphi panel: application of bootstrap data expansion. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2005; 5:37.)

The items that obtained agreements levels inferior to 70 % in the first round were resubmitted to a second round of expert assessment to obtain a higher agreement level.

In the second round, the question was asked whether the expert agreed with or disagreed from the context the item addressed, including room for justifications and new proposals.(1717. Alexandre NM, Coluci MZ. [Content validity in the development and adaptation process of measurement instruments]. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2011; 16(7):3061-8. Portuguese.)

II Phase - semantic equivalence

The goal of this phase is to look for adaptations of the items to the CH context and comprises the assessment by the expert committee and by the author of the original instrument, followed by the application of a pretest.(1616. Reichenheim ME, Moraes CL. [Operationalizing the cross-cultural adaptation of epidemological measurement instruments]. Rev Saude Publica. 2007; 41(4):665-73. Portuguese.)

The question the experts considered in the first round was “Does the wording need to be adapted for the child health context?”, providing rephrasing of the item that was not considered clear or appropriate to the context. In the second round, the items that did not reach appropriate agreement were presented, each item with the previous version and the version after the inclusions. Then, the understanding of the items was questioned, including space for suggestions.

After including all adjustments the experts proposed in the two rounds, the instrument was submitted to the primary author of the IPE-APS for assessment, culminating in the formulation of Pilot I.

The objective of the pretest was to assess some aspects of the instrument: the appropriateness of the items and expressions to the linguistics and context of CH. In addition, the acceptability and understanding were assessed. (15) Thirty nurses from the USF in Feira de Santana-Bahia participated in this phase. The data were collected during the meetings of the USF supervisors. After the presentation of the study proposal, they were invited to participate. The professionals who accepted received the Pilot I version, in which the clarity of the language and the need to rephrase the items were questioned, with a view to enhancing the semantic pertinence of the instrument.

III Phase - operational equivalence

This phase aimed to assess the structure, layout and instructions of the IPE-APS and includes the application of the pilot to the target-population.(1010. Herdman M, Fox-Rushby J, Badia X. ‘Equivalence' and the translation and adaptation of health-related quality of life questionnaires. Qual Life Res. 1997; 6(3):237-47.1212. Regnault A, Herdman M. Using quantitative methods within the Universalist model framework to explore the cross-cultural equivalence of patient-reported outcome instruments. Qual Life Res. 2015; 24(1):115-24.)

After assessing the layout of the instrument used in the most recent study,(1414. Oliveira AM, Gouveia V, Nunes R. An Instrument for Perceiving Ethical Problems in Primary Healthcare: Psychometric Parameters and Ethical Components. Int J Clin Med. 2014; 5(6):1020-29.) it could be observed that some changes were made in the original format. These changes were included in Pilot I to facilitate its completion.

During the application of the first pretest, when the nurse handed in the completed instrument, the researchers asked about the clarity of the instructions and layout. In addition, they asked what term would be more understandable for one of the options of the IPE-APS Likert scale: frequently or commonly.

After analyzing the operational aspects of this pre-test, slight adjustments were needed in the instructions and layout of the heading. Consequently, the researchers decided to apply the second pretest to five representatives of the target population, with a view to testing the suitability of the recommended adaptations.(2222. Sampaio PF, Moraes CL, Reichenheim M. [Conceptual, item, semantic, and operational equivalence of a Brazilian version of the s-EMBU for measuring parental rearing practices in adolescents]. Cad Saude Publica. 2014; 30(8):1633-8. Portuguese.)

After all of these phases, the operational version called Inventory of Ethical Problems in Primary Health Care-Child Health (IPE-APS-SC) was obtained.

The study complied with Brazilian and international ethical standards for research involving human beings and the adaptation of the IPE-APS started with the authorization of the instrument's primary author.


Assessment of conceptual and item equivalence

The literature review on ethical problems in the context of CH and the assessment by the authors of the IPE-APS revealed that the concepts related to the ethical problems of family health were relevant to the universe of CH, as they arose from the reality of the Unified Health System (SUS). Thus, it was concluded that the three dimensions of the instrument were appropriate to the new context.

Overall, the three dimensions of the IPE-APS obtained high item agreement ratios in the two rounds with the experts. The first dimension (EP in Professional-Child/Family Relationship), however, presented more items with agreement levels inferior to 70%: five out of 18 (Table 1).

Table 1
Inter-rater agreement on equivalences of IPE-APS

Item 1 stood out with a low agreement level of 30% (1st round) and 60% (2nd round). Thus, in line with experts' suggestion, the word “users” was replaced by “the child and the parents (or responsible caregivers)”, besides adding “clinical relationship within professional limits”. Despite the inclusion of these suggestions, however, the item did not reach a 70-percent agreement in the second round. The justification stated that “proximity and bonding” facilitate the maintenance of the clinical relationship.

In item 5, some experts suggested changes in the order of the phrase and the replacement of the word user by child/family, after which a consensus was reached (Chart 1).

Chart 1
Comparison between original version and adapted version of the IPE-APS

In item 8, the term “treatment” was replaced by “monitoring (consultations, vaccination, healthy eating)”, as the PHC perspective is prevention.

In the analysis of item 13, the phrase “[…] the health of one of the family members when that person is unable to manage self-care and is exposed to risks” was replaced by “[…] the health of the child to other family members when care neglect or the child's exposure to risks is identified”. The risks to CH are considered related to maltreatment.

In item 17, the inclusion of the nurse was suggested as a professional who also indicates tests for the children, considering the existence of municipal protocols permitting this conduct. Hence, the phrase “[…] to follow medical indications or to undergo tests” was changed to “[…] to follow medical indications or to undergo tests the doctors and nurses indicated to the children”. Nevertheless, the agreement on the item was borderline (Chart 1).

Assessment of semantic equivalence

Concerning the semantic pertinence, items were found with agreement levels inferior to 70% in the first dimension. The proposals to rephrase items 5,7,8,9,11,12,17,18 in the first round were associated with changing the term “user” to “child and/or parents (or responsible caregivers)”. After this change, the agreement level in the experts' second assessment was superior to 70%.

In this phase, the researchers also chose to replace some formal terms by other colloquial ones: “they feel impotent” by “they feel difficulties”; “reveals” by “tells”; “without their participation” by “without their inclusion”. Other items underwent slight grammatical changes, such as verbal flexion and the use of synonyms to enhance the understanding of the assertions (Chart 1).

Proceeding with the semantic assessment of the IPE-APS, the Pilot II version was applied to 30 USF nurses from the city of Feira de Santana. In the first pretest, the presence of women was predominant (93.3%), the majority working at USF located in the urban area (60%), holding a post-graduate degree (96.6%), a mean age of 36 years, mean time since graduation 21 years, mean length of experience at USF and in child care six years.

Despite the adjustments the experts suggested, two items remained doubtful according to the nurses: in Item I, they indicated that proximity and bonding facilitate instead of hampering the relationship; in Item 16, they questioned that children visit the service, affirming that the caregivers responsible for the children or adolescents do so.

Assessment of operational equivalence

During the application of the first pretest, participants proposed the inclusion of the heading on all pages of the instrument. The most indicated term for the Likert scale was frequently. In the analysis of the completed instruments, it could be observed that some nurses, considering that the item “is not an ethical problem”, continued by answering how frequently it occurs. After making these adjustments, the respondents reached a consensus in the second pretest on the layout and instructions of the IPE-APS.


The goal in this article is to describe the adaptation process of the IPE-APS, which departed from the understanding that, when one aims to adapt an instrument constructed in another context, even if it is adapted to the same language, the need to adapt measures is not limited to the conditions involving countries and/or other languages, but the same care is indicated in local and regional adjustments.(1616. Reichenheim ME, Moraes CL. [Operationalizing the cross-cultural adaptation of epidemological measurement instruments]. Rev Saude Publica. 2007; 41(4):665-73. Portuguese.)

The adaptation model chosen for this study has previously been used in other Brazilian studies and was successfully executed.(2222. Sampaio PF, Moraes CL, Reichenheim M. [Conceptual, item, semantic, and operational equivalence of a Brazilian version of the s-EMBU for measuring parental rearing practices in adolescents]. Cad Saude Publica. 2014; 30(8):1633-8. Portuguese.2424. Heitor SF, Estima CC, Neves FJ, Aguiar AS, Castro SS, Ferreira JE. [Translation and cultural adaptation of the questionnaire on the reason for food choices (Food Choice Questionnaire - FCQ) into Portuguese]. Cienc Saúde Colet. 2015; 20(8):2339-46. Portuguese.) The assessment phases of the conceptual, item, semantic and operational equivalence need to be strictly executed, followed by a pretest.(1010. Herdman M, Fox-Rushby J, Badia X. ‘Equivalence' and the translation and adaptation of health-related quality of life questionnaires. Qual Life Res. 1997; 6(3):237-47.1212. Regnault A, Herdman M. Using quantitative methods within the Universalist model framework to explore the cross-cultural equivalence of patient-reported outcome instruments. Qual Life Res. 2015; 24(1):115-24.,2222. Sampaio PF, Moraes CL, Reichenheim M. [Conceptual, item, semantic, and operational equivalence of a Brazilian version of the s-EMBU for measuring parental rearing practices in adolescents]. Cad Saude Publica. 2014; 30(8):1633-8. Portuguese.)

The item and semantic equivalence phases, using a ten-member expert committee, followed the orientations regarding the number of experts needed to validate the content of instruments like the IPE-APS.(1717. Alexandre NM, Coluci MZ. [Content validity in the development and adaptation process of measurement instruments]. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2011; 16(7):3061-8. Portuguese.,2525. Polit DF, Beck CT. The Content Validity Index: are you sure you know what's being reported: critique and recommendations. Res Nurs Health. 2006; 29(5):489-97.) This phase evidenced the complexity of the construct and the difficulty to work with professionals from diversified backgrounds and practices, which demanded two rounds to achieve the agreement level determined as acceptable.

The conceptual change made in item 8 is justified because, from the perspective of the USF, CH includes preventive actions that start in prenatal care and continue until the child reaches the age of five years.(2626. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Saúde da Criança: crescimento e desenvolvimento. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde; 2012.) In item 13, a broader change was needed because of the “vulnerability” construct, which is typical of this age range.(44. Brasil. [Estatuto da criança e do adolescente (1990)]. Estatuto da criança e do adolescente e legislação correlata [recurso eletrônico]: Lei n. 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990, e legislação correlata. 12a ed. Brasília: Câmara dos Deputados, Edições Câmara; 2014.)

In the item equivalence, item 1 maintained a low agreement level in the two rounds with the experts and the nurses also considered it confusing in the pretest. Therefore, we chose to maintain the wording of the version used in the first IPE-APS study,(1313. Silva LT, Zoboli EL, Borges AL. [Bioethics and primary care: an exploratory study of ethical problems experienced by nurses and physicians at the Family Health Program (FHP)]. Cogitare Enferm. 2006; 11(2):133-42. Portuguese.)considering that the language was clearer and more coherent with the practical reality of CH.

The changes made in the first semantic assessment round were executed to achieve the semantic equivalence of the instrument to the new context, as confirmed by the high agreement levels in the second round.(2222. Sampaio PF, Moraes CL, Reichenheim M. [Conceptual, item, semantic, and operational equivalence of a Brazilian version of the s-EMBU for measuring parental rearing practices in adolescents]. Cad Saude Publica. 2014; 30(8):1633-8. Portuguese.)

The sample of 30 nurses in the first pretest was appropriate to the orientations for methodological studies(1717. Alexandre NM, Coluci MZ. [Content validity in the development and adaptation process of measurement instruments]. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2011; 16(7):3061-8. Portuguese.,1818. Colluci MZ, Alexandre NM, Milani D. Construção de instrumentos de medida na área da saúde. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2015; 20(3):925-36.,2727. Beaton DE, Bombardier C, Guillemin F, Ferraz MB. Guidelines for the Process of Cross-cultural Adaptation of Self-Report Measures. Spine. 2000; 25(24):3186-91.) and this test was essential for the construction of pilot II, as it revealed the need for semantic adjustments in some words, the inclusion of the heading on all pages of the IPE-APS, rephrasing of the instructions and possible difficulties the target population could face to complete the instrument.(2222. Sampaio PF, Moraes CL, Reichenheim M. [Conceptual, item, semantic, and operational equivalence of a Brazilian version of the s-EMBU for measuring parental rearing practices in adolescents]. Cad Saude Publica. 2014; 30(8):1633-8. Portuguese.)

The operational equivalence was confirmed as the nurses positively assessed the instructions and layout of the instrument.(1616. Reichenheim ME, Moraes CL. [Operationalizing the cross-cultural adaptation of epidemological measurement instruments]. Rev Saude Publica. 2007; 41(4):665-73. Portuguese.)The application form (self-completion) was also maintained and the mean completion time was lower than in other studies that used the IPE-APS.(1414. Oliveira AM, Gouveia V, Nunes R. An Instrument for Perceiving Ethical Problems in Primary Healthcare: Psychometric Parameters and Ethical Components. Int J Clin Med. 2014; 5(6):1020-29.,1515. Santos RM. A bioética vivenciada por equipes de saúde da família [dissertação]. Jequié: Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia; 2015.)

Nevertheless, the lack of studies and measures of CH problems in PHC made it difficult to discuss and compare the adaptation of the IPE-APS. This problem is not restricted to the child population though. In a review on measures in the field of ethics, it was concluded that the development of instruments conceived to measure bioethical constructs in the assessment areas is just beginning.(2828. Redman BK. Review of Measurement Instruments in Clinical and Research Ethics. 1999-2003. J Med Ethics. 2006; 32(3):153-6.)

The need is highlighted to proceed with the validation in order to verify the psychometric properties of the instrument, with a view to expanding the knowledge production on the ethical issues involved in childcare. It should be kept in mind that adaptation and validation are different methods in the measuring process of measures, demanding methodological rigor and care.(2929. Epstein J, Santo RM, Guillemin F. A review of guidelines for cross-cultural adaptation of questionnaires could not bring out a consensus. J Clin Epidemiol. 2015; 68(4):435-41.)

The limitations of this study are associated with the impossibility of group assessment with the experts and the target population, justified by the geographical distance of the first and the lack of time of the nurses working in the FHS.

Nevertheless, it is considered that the IPE-APSSC can significantly contribute to the care practice of nurses working in childcare.


The conceptual, item, semantic and operational adaptation of the instrument was developed successfully, complying with the methodological rigor suggested in international and Brazilian psychometrics experts. The result was the publication of the adapted version of the IPE-APS for Child Health, named IPE-APS-SC. The lack of instruments that measure the occurrence of ethical problems in the context of CH puts forward the IPE-APS-SC as a pioneer in scientific production in this theme area.


To the State of Bahia Research Foundation (Fapesb, doctoral grant for Deisy Vital dos Santos).


  • 1
    Sugarman J. Ethics in primary care. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2000. p.39-48.
  • 2
    Silva LT, Zoboli EL. Problemas éticos na atenção primária: a visão de especialistas e profissionais. Rev Bras Bioét. 2007; 3(1):27-39.
  • 3
    Zoboli EL. Bioética clínica na diversidade: a contribuição da proposta deliberativa de Diego Gracia. Rev Bioetikos. 2012; 6(1):49-57.
  • 4
    Brasil. [Estatuto da criança e do adolescente (1990)]. Estatuto da criança e do adolescente e legislação correlata [recurso eletrônico]: Lei n. 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990, e legislação correlata. 12a ed. Brasília: Câmara dos Deputados, Edições Câmara; 2014.
  • 5
    Mendiola JJ, Gil GC, Barreiro MP, Sánchez NT. Dilemas éticos y bioéticos de la práctica pediátrica en la Atención Primaria de Salud. MediSur. 2010; 8(2):38-45.
  • 6
    Guedert JM, Grosseman S. Sugestões advindas da prática. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2011; 35(3):359-68.
  • 7
    Junges JR, Zoboli EL, Schaefer R, Nora CR, Basso M. [Validation of the comprehensiveness of an instrument on ethical problems in primary care]. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2014; 35(2):148-56. Portuguese.
  • 8
    Junges JR, Zoboli EL, Patussi MP, Schaefer R, Nora CR. [Construction and validation of the instrument “Inventory of ethical problems in primary health care”]. Rev Bioét. 2014; 22(2):309-17. Portuguese.
  • 9
    Neves-Amado J. Problemas éticos na comunidade. Rev Ordem Enferm. 2011; 37(1): 27-30.
  • 10
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Sep-Oct 2016


  • Received
    28 July 2016
  • Accepted
    30 Nov 2016
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil