Logomarca do periódico: Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology

Open-access Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology

Publication of: Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar
Area: Multidisciplinary ISSN printed version: 1516-8913
ISSN online version: 1678-4324
Previous title Arquivos de Biologia e Tecnologia

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Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Volume: 62, Published: 2019
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Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Volume: 62, Published: 2019

Document list
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Enhanced Production Of Streptokinase By Chemical Mutagenesis Of Streptococcus agalactiae EBL-20 Arshad, Arooj Zia, Muhammad Anjum Asghar, Muhammad Joyia, Faiz Ahmad

Abstract in English:

Abstract Streptokinase (SK) is an enzyme that is used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The current study focused on the enhanced production of SK by inducing mutation in Streptococcus agalactiae EBL-20 and optimization of medium components and culture conditions for the maximum growth of mutant derived strain. S. agalactiae EBL-32 was selected as a potent mutant after exposure of S. agalactiae EBL-20 to EMS for 180 minutes. SK activity obtained from mutant derived strain was found to be 1.6 fold higher as compared to the activity achieved by wild strain. Nutritional requirements of the mutated strain were optimized by single factor analysis method suggesting glucose as the optimum carbon source; yeast extract and peptone as a suitable nitrogen sources and corn steep liquor (CSL) as an appropriate substrate for the maximum SK production. The culture conditions determined by response surface methodology (RSM) suggested that a temperature value of 37.5⁰C and pH 7 of the fermentation medium with 2.50 mL inoculum size for 36 hours of incubation was optimum for maximum yield of SK. Hence the optimization studies resulted into 1.92 fold increase in the yield of SK suggesting the new isolate suitable for commercial scale production of SK.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
In Silico Characterization of Meloidogyne Genus Nematode Cellulose Binding Proteins Menezes, Alana Manoela Fraga Cavalcanti Junior, Edilton de Albuquerque Martins, Luiza Suely Semen Moraes Filho, Rômulo Maciel de

Abstract in English:

Abstract Root-knot nematodes are a group of endoparasites species that induce the formation of giant cells in the hosts, by which they guarantee their feeding and development. Meloidogyne species infect over 2000 plant species, and are highly destructive, causing damage to many crops around the world. M. enterolobii is considered the most aggressive species in tropical regions, such as Africa and South America. Phytonematodes are able to penetrate and migrate within plant tissues, establishing a sophisticated interaction with their hosts through parasitism factors, which include a series of cell wall degradation enzymes and plant cell modification. Among the parasitism factors documented in the M. enterolobii species, cellulose binding protein (CBP), a nematode excretion protein that appears to be associated with the breakdown of cellulose present in the plant cell wall. In silico analysis can be of great importance for the identification, structural and functional characterization of genomic sequences, besides making possible the prediction of structures and functions of proteins. The present work characterized 12 sequences of the CBP protein of nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne present in genomic databases. The results showed that all CBP sequences had signal peptide and that, after their removal, they had an isoelectric point that characterized them as unstable in an acid medium. The values of the average hydrophilicity demonstrated the hydrophilic character of the analyzed sequences. Phylogenetic analyzes were also consistent with the taxonomic classification of the nematode species of this study. Five motifs were identified, which are present in all sequences analyzed. These results may provide theoretical grounds for future studies of plant resistance to nematode infection.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Biochar and Trichoderma harzianum for the Control of Macrophomina phaseolina Araujo, Alyson Silva de Blum, Luiz Eduardo Bassay Figueiredo, Cícero Célio de

Abstract in English:

Abstract This study is based on the importance of biological control methods and the lack of information on the effect of biochar (BCH) from sewage sludge associated or not with Trichoderma harzianum on the control of Macrophomina phaseolina in the bean crop (Phaseolus vulgaris, cv. BRS Estilo). Biochar from sewage sludge, pyrolyzed at 500 ºC and used in low concentration (0.5%), has a direct effect on the in vitro control of M. phaseolina. However, higher BCH concentrations stimulated the growth of the pathogen. In culture medium with or without BCH, T. harzianum (strain 1306) inhibited the mycelial growth of M. phaseolina. The addition of BCH + T. harzianum reduced the deleterious effects caused by M. phaseolina on bean plants. This study demonstrated that joint application of BCH from sewage sludge + T. harzianum considerably increased the fresh and dry mass of bean plants, inoculated or not with M. phaseolina.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Population Changes of Eubacteria, Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria and Methanogenic Archaea in an Anaerobic Reactor Processing Ethanol Distillery Vinasse Brown, Adis Ivonne Terry Pozzi, Eloisa Damianovic, Marcia Helena Rissato Zamariolli Briones, Homero Enrique Urrutia Ortiz, Leslie Ester Abarzúa Pires, Eduardo Cleto

Abstract in English:

Abstract The microbiological characterization by molecular techniques (DGGE and quantitative PCR) of Archaea, Bacteria domain and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) from a laboratory scale Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) processing sugar cane vinasse was performed during the operational phase with increasing organic loads. The organic load removal efficiency was between 97% and 75% for volumetric organic loads (VOL) in the range of 0.6 to 15.4 kgCOD.m-3.d−1 and for higher VOL (until 27.0 kgCOD.m-3 .d−1) the removal efficiency decreased to 48%. Archaea represented the majority of the estimated population (107 copies of 16S RNA ribosomal gene. mL-1) followed by bacteria (106 copies of 16S RNA ribosomal gene. mL-1) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) (105 copies of dsrB gene. mL-1). There was a significant difference between the populations of Archaea and SRB with increasing VOL. DGGE profiles show differences among populations with increasing VOL, especially with respect to sulfate-reducing bacteria. The presence of SRB together with a high sulfate removal percentage (97%) of about 15 kgCOD.m-3d-1h, indicates the establishment of a sulfidogenic process.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Effects of pH, Temperature and Agitation on the Decolourisation of Dyes by Laccase-Containing Enzyme Preparation from Pleurotus sajor-caju Bettin, Fernanda Cousseau, Francine Martins, Kamila Zaccaria, Simone Girardi, Viviane Silveira, Mauricio Moura da Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro

Abstract in English:

(1) Background: In this study, the effects of different pH values ​​(2.4, 3.2, 4.4 and 5.0), temperatures (30, 35, 40, 45 and 50°C) and agitation (100 rpm) on the enzymatic decolourisation of twenty-two dyes belonging to the chromophore groups anthraquinone, azo and triphenylmethane were assessed. (2) Methods: In all conditions, it was used a crude enzyme broth containing 30 U mL-1 laccases produced by Pleurotus sajor-caju PS-2001 in submerged process. (3) Results: Regarding the effects of pH values, the best results were obtained at pH 3.2 and 30°C, in which bleaching was observed for all dyes evaluated. In assays conducted at different temperatures, highest levels of decolourisation were observed at 35°C and pH 3.2 for nineteen of the dyes assessed. Thirteen dyes presented colour reduction exceeding 50% after the enzymatic treatment, including all acid and all disperse dyes evaluated. The reciprocal agitation of 100 rpm promoted negative effect on decolourisation. (4) Conclusion: From the results achieved, one can conclude that the laccase-containing preparation of P. sajor-caju PS-2001 has potential for the decolourisation of some dyes widely used in different industrial sectors, especially in the textile industry, and therefore could be used in future strategies for the biotreatment of coloured wastes.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Maize Productivity, Mycorrhizal Assessment, Chemical and Microbiological Soil Attributes Influenced by Maize-Forage Grasses Intercropping Méndez, Daniel Fernando Salas Paula, Alessandra Monteiro de Ramos, Maria Lucrécia Gerosa Busato, Jader Galba

Abstract in English:

Abstract Mycorrhizae are important components of agroecosystems and the diversification of crops stimulates the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the participation of symbiosis in plant growth. This experiment examined mycorrhizal assessment, chemical and microbiological soil attributes in a maize-forage grasses intercropping compared to a maize-monocropping system. A complete randomized block design was used with crop systems installed under no-till management with three replicates, as follow: Maize (Zea mays L.); Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Aruana; Urochloa humidicola (Rendle.) Schweickerdt.; Maize-P. maximum intercropping and Maize-U. humidicola intercropping. In 2015/2016 season, intercropping maize with Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Aruana or Urochloa humidicola (Rendle.) Schweickerdt. promoted similar effects (Tukey test, p<0.05) to monocropped maize under no-till system on soil chemical and biochemical parameters related to carbon cycling in the soil surface layer, as well as the dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in tropical soils, managed for a period of more than six years. Similar grain yield was verified among maize crop systems. This result indicates that intercropping maize-tropical forage grasses represents an alternative for monocropped grains, a very common practice that is used in intensive management, being able to guarantee equivalent productivities and to combine grain production with crop-livestock systems. As a result, intercropping promotes the diversification of the property's income source, adding environmental gains, such as more efficient land use by cultivated plants, keeping soil constantly cultivated, storing carbon and contributing to minimize the impact of climate change on agricultural systems and the sustainability of food production.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Population Structure and Genetic Diversity of Sweet Cassava Accessions from the Midwestern, Southeastern and Southern Regions of Brazil Ortiz, Alex Henrique Tiene Vidigal Filho, Pedro Soares Rocha, Vanesca Priscila Camargo Ferreira, Rebecca Caroline Ulbricht Gonçalves, Tiago Maretti Gonçalves-Vidigal, Maria Celeste

Abstract in English:

Abstract The objective of this work was to screen sweet cassava accessions collected in smallholding areas in the Midwestern, Southeastern and Southern regions of Brazil, using 15 SSR molecular markers, to determine population structure and genetic diversity. Polymorphism was detected in every loci analyzed, with mean of 6.33 alleles per locus, and mean polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.6057, pointing out that the primers were highly informative. The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.0709 (SSRY 101) to 0.9398 (GA 12), with a mean of 0.6511, and mean genetic diversity of 0.6578, ranging from 0.3592 (GA 136) to 0.8116 (SSRY 21). The most dissimilar combinations observed were BGM526PR-BGM596MS, BGM526PR-BGM622MS and BGM526PR-BGM629MS. The traditional cassava cultivars assessed were divided into four distinct groups: two with cultivars from the South, one from the Southeast and one from the Midwestern region of Brazil. The variances among and within groups determined by the analysis of molecular variance were 44 and 56%, respectively. The PhiPT parameter (analogue to Fst) of 0.44 indicates high differentiation among groups. Broad genetic diversity was found among the traditional sweet cassava cultivars assessed, and the most divergent groups were formed by cultivars from the South and the Midwestern regions of Brazil.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Endophytic Actinomycetes as Potential Producers of Hemicellulases and Related Enzymes for Plant Biomass Degradation Robl, Diogo Mergel, Carla Montanari Costa, Patricia dos Santos Pradella, José Geraldo da Cruz Padilla, Gabriel

Abstract in English:

Abstract Tailor made enzymatic preparation must be design to hydrolyze efficiently plant biomass, once that each plant biomass possesses a distinct cell wall composition. Most of actinomycetes used for plant cell wall degradation are focused on the cellulases and xylanases production. However, a wide range of enzymes must be produced for an efficient degradation of lignocellulose materials. During the last decade several unusual environments were studied to obtain strains that produce glycohydrolases with innovator characteristics. In this context, the present work concerned the selection of endophytic actinomycetes as producers of hemicellulases and related enzymes with different enzymatic profiles, for use in the deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass. A total of 45 Brazilian actinomycetes previously isolated from plants (endophytics) and soil were prospected for hemicellulases and β-glucosidase production. Four strains highlighted for hemicellulase production (DR61, DR63, DR69 and DR66) and were selected for cultivation under other inductors substrates (xylan and pectin). All strains belong to Streptomyces genera and have their extracts tested for degradation of several hemicellulolytic substrates. The strains presented different glicohydrolyse enzymes profiles mainly for xylans and glucans that can be used for specific formulations of enzymes applied on the biomass deconstruction, principally on sugar cane bagasse.
Article- Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Comparative Analysis of C-repeat Binding Factors (CBFs) in Tomato and Arabidopsis Heidari, Parviz

Abstract in English:

Abstract Cold stress is one of the limiting factors of plant production that plants use different mechanisms for cold tolerance. CBF genes play critical role to regulate the cold responsive genes. To better understand of CBF gene functions, the tomato-CBFs and Arabidopsis-CBFs were evaluated using bioinformatics tools, and finally the expression patterns of SlCBF1 gene were analyzed under 10 and 4˚C in two contrasting tomato species (Solanum lycopersicum and S. habrochaites). The different cis regulatory elements were observed in promoter region of SlCBF1 and AtCBF1 genes, and ICE1, COR and HOS1 proteins exhibited high interaction with CBFs. The results of Real time PCR of SlCBF1 exhibited that under 10 and 4 ˚C, SlCBF1 was down regulated in cold sensitive tomato genotype while it was slightly up-regulated in cold tolerant genotype at 4 ˚C. The results showed that the SlCBF1 and AtCBF1 genes have differential expression in cold stress.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Microbial Synthesis and Characterization of Biodegradable Polyester Copolymers from Burkholderia Cepacia and Cupriavidus Necator Strains Using Crude Glycerol as Substrate Rodrigues, Plínio Ribeiro Silvério, Tatiane Aparecida Barroso Druzian, Janice Izabel

Abstract in English:

Abstract Polymers are materials of pronounced importance in the modern world, since they are massively present in everyday life, especially in the form of packaging. However, most of these materials are derived from non-renewable sources and their disposal generates large volumes of waste, which is extremely damaging to natural environments. In this context, microbial biopolymers appear as a powerful alternative in the substitution of several applications of synthetic plastics, causing less harm to the environment, as they are biodegradable and produced from renewable sources. In this study, evaluation and characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) produced by Cupriavidus necator (IPT 026 and IPT 027) and Burkholderia cepacia (IPT 119 and IPT 400), using crude glycerol as substrate, were carried out (crude glycerol 15 g L-1, pH 7.0, 150 rpm, 72h). The substrate chemical composition was determined and all microorganisms tested were able to utilize it to synthesize PHA. C. necator IPT 026 exhibited the highest polymer production (1.52 ± 0.03 g L-1). B. cepacia strains produced low crystallinity PHA. All polyesters synthesized exhibited long chain length polymers with low polydispersity and initial thermal degradation temperatures superior to 300°C. The microorganism strains and the substrate composition highly affected PHAs synthesis, composition and thermochemical characteristics.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Combining Ability for Resistance to White Mold in a Diallel Cross of Soybean Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro Vello, Natal Antonio Rocha, Gabriela Antônia de Freitas Nekatschalow, Marcos Custódio

Abstract in English:

Abstract The white mold, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, is one of the most important diseases of soybean. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the soybean reaction to the fungus S. sclerotiorum, which causes white mold, in a partial diallel with 50 crosses. The Group I of parents was composed of ten experimental lines with high grain yield and the group II consisted in five genotypes with possible resistance to white mold. Ten plants of each cross in the F4 generation and the parents were evaluated for reaction to fungus infection using the method of inoculation in detached leaves in order to assess the severity of the disease and to later estimate the combining abilities. Estimates of the specific combining ability (SCA) was a significant reaction to S. sclerotiorum, indicating that there is variability for fungus resistance due to non-additive genes action.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Effect of Thymol on Soybean Seeds Germination: Physiological and Biochemical Analysis Lima, Eduarda Lee Ferreira Macedo, Willian Rodrigues Silva, Geraldo Humberto

Abstract in English:

Abstract Higher levels of reactive species of oxygen are harmful to plant tissues. This study evaluated the action of different doses of thymol on soybean seed germination, biometric analysis and enzymatic parameters; both involved in germination process. High doses of thymol affected the plantlet growth, but not hampered the germination.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Seasonal Variation of Plant Mineral Nutrition in Fruit Trees Cruz, André Freire Almeida, Glicia Maria de Wadt, Paulo Guilherme Salvador Pires, Marcio de Carvalho Ramos, Maria Lucrecia Gerosa

Abstract in English:

Abstract This research evaluated the monthly variation of plant mineral nutrition in six species of fruit trees over a year. Leaf samples were taken from the fruit trees and nutritional status (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Mo) was determined in the leaves in a month basis from April until November for apple, persimmon and peach. Mandarin mineral nutrition was monitored for one year, and grape and fig from May to November. Using this data, the Diagnosis Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) was also calculated to evaluate the nutrient balance in the plants. The concentration of N and P had seasonal differences, especially in apple and peach, which reached the peak during the summer. Apple, fig, and grape trees had large ranging on their mineral contents over the year, especially with the P and K levels reaching the minimum during the harvesting season. However, the seasonal changes in leaf micronutrient concentrations were not uniform and not affected by phenological stage. The DRIS data demonstrated that mandarin had the best nutrient balance compared to others and that K was the most limiting element among the fruit trees. In summary, the current data suggest the occurrence of a significant seasonality in mineral nutrition in these six fruit trees, especially in temperate ones.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Hydraulic System Onboard Monitoring and Fault Diagnostic in Agricultural Machine Gupta, Saurabh Khosravy, Mahdi Gupta, Neeraj Darbari, Hemant Patel, Nilesh

Abstract in English:

Abstract Agricultural Machinery as an off-road vehicle is the backbone of the World agricultural industry. Its main function is to operate as a prime mover and support the power requirements to function the various type of draft implements. In this regards, the hydraulic system is an important part and is controlled by the propagated oil which is cleaned by impurities and debris using a filter system. Once it blocks, the bypass opens to avoid any pressure burst of the system, and the particles find their way into the hydraulic system and get lodged in the gears, pumps, valves, and drive train to hinder the performance of the Agricultural Machinery. This research presents an onboard Multiple Signal Classification Algorithm (MUSIC) and pseudo-spectrum analysis as a computational tool used by cellphones to analyze the particle pollution level of the hydraulic filter. This analysis is carried out on the soundtracks recorded from different cell phones in different incremental stages of fluid contamination to the particles until it being choked, based on the standard of ISO4406.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Lipase Production by Aspergillus niger C by Submerged Fermentation Lima, Laisy Garcia Ribeiro Gonçalves, Márcia Monteiro Machado Couri, Sonia Melo, Verônica Ferreira Sant’Ana, Gizele Cardoso Fontes Costa, Antônio Carlos Augusto da

Abstract in English:

Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effects of variables on the process of lipases production by Aspergillus niger C by submerged fermentation (SmF). The production assays were performed in shake flasks for 72 hours at 150 rpm and 32°C. First, a fractional factorial design 25-1 (FFD) was carried out to evaluate the effect of the following process variables: sucrose, ammonium sulphate, soybean oil, yeast extract concentration and pH. After the selection of the variables that significantly influenced the lipase production, a central composite rotational design 22 (CCRD) was used, aiming to find the most favorable operational conditions. The selected assay condition (15.0 g.L-1 sucrose, 4.0 g.L-1 ammonium sulphate, 4.0 g.L-1 soybean oil and 1.0 g.L-1 yeast extract at pH 5.0) was the one that presented a lipase activity of 27.46 U.mL-1. It was very close to that best assay (30.76 U.mL-1), but using half of the inducer concentration, consequently reducing process cost. The kinetics of lipase production showed that the highest specific activity was 57.17 U.mg-1. The pH and temperature effects on lipase activity produced in this study was investigated. The optimum activity was found in a more acidic pH (5.0-6.0) and 55°C.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Phenotypic Characterization and Genetic Diversity of Sugarcane Varieties Cultivated in Northern Karnataka of India based on Principal Component and Cluster Analyses Tawadare, Rakesh Thangadurai, Devarajan Khandagave, Rayappa Bharamappa Mundaragi, Abhishek Sangeetha, Jeyabalan

Abstract in English:

Abstract: Sugarcane is a major commercial crop grown in India and across the world. Hence, several elite varieties have been developed now-a-days to overcome many obstacles including abiotic stresses and diseases. The present study was undertaken to screen genetic variation among twenty four sugarcane varieties that are commonly cultivated across Northern Karnataka, India with reference to physicochemical characters. Experiment was conducted in triplicate following randomized complete block design (RCBD) at S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institute, Belagavi, Karnataka, India during February 2016-17. Physiological parameters such as internode length, stalk height, plant height, stalk girth, number of internodes, single cane weight, single cane volume of juice, cane yield and recovery were investigated. Further, statistical techniques such as principal component analysis and agglomerative hierarchical clustering were performed to characterize the twenty four varieties. Among twenty four sugarcane varieties studied, Co 86032 and CoC 671 were found to be elite varieties with respect to sugar recovery and cane yield, whereas varieties such as Co 86032 and Com 0265 were found to be best with respect to cane yield only. Based on the results obtained, eight varieties, viz., Co SNK 09232, Com 0265, Co 86032, Co SNK 09293, Co SNK 07680, CoC 671, Co 13006 and Co 2001-15 were found to be good with respect to overall qualities. Further studies need to be involved with molecular marker that would help in identification of elite varieties which could substantially contribute to construction of genetic resources library that may in turn find maximum use in molecular breeding.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Phenotypic Characterization and Synthesis of Extracellular Catecholase from a Newly Isolated Bacterium Pseudomonas sp. BSC-6 Lugani, Yogita Kauldhar, Baljinder Singh Kaur, Navneet Sooch, Balwinder Singh

Abstract in English:

Abstract Catecholase (EC, an oxidoreductase enzyme is a key member of polyphenol oxidase family which catalyze the degradation of catechol. This enzyme possesses vast applications in diverse areas and is found in bacteria, fungi, mushrooms, higher plants, arthropods, amphibians and mammals. Catechol, a phenolic compound, is used as a starting material in the synthesis of various industrial compounds such as inhibitors, antioxidants, pesticides etc. The release of this phenolic compound in the environment causes toxicity to both flora and fauna. In the present studies, emphasis has been laid on isolation, screening and characterization of catechol degrading bacterium coupled with synthesis of catecholase enzyme. Further, the selected isolated strain was phenotypically characterized and was found to be member of genus Pseudomonas. Among all the isolates, BSC-6 was found as best isolate with maximum extracellular catecholase activity of 152.32 IU/L obtained after scale up studies. The herein synthesized bacterial catecholase may be employed for wide applications particularly in bioremediation of phenol enriched polluted sites.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Antibacterial Activity of Polygonum Orientale Extracts Against Clavibacter Michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, the Agent of Bacterial Canker of Tomato Disease Cai, Jin Gao, Yichen Wang, Mengliang Zhang, Jing Zhang, Yongbin Wang, Qi Liu, Jiquan

Abstract in English:

Abstract Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm), which is a Gram positive bacterium, causes the bacterial canker of tomato disease. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Polygonum orientale extracts against Cmm. In this study, firstly, effects of three extracting parameters (extractive time, extractive temperature, and solid to liquid ratio) of orthogonal experiment design L27 (313) were conducted. Secondly, survival rate was determined and inhibition zone of Cmm rescued post-stress was monitored. Finally, extracellular OD260nm value, extracellular protein content, conformational structure of membrane protein, extracellular alkaline phosphatase (AKP) activity, and ATPase activity were measured to investigate the antibacterial mechanism. Results of orthogonal experiment revealed that extractive time and extractive temperature had highly significant (P<0.01) effects on the antibacterial activity of P. orientale extracts. The optimum conditions were as follows: 10h of extractive time, 60°C of extractive temperature, and 1:20 (g:mL) of solid to liquid ratio. This study also demonstrated that the living cells of each sample from survival rate test had almost no resistance or adaptability, and rescued Cmm cells were much easier to be inhibited by P. orientale extracts. The results of antibacterial mechanism indicated that cell membrane and cell wall of Cmm were seriously damaged by P. orientale extracts, and P. orientale extracts reduced the intracellular ATPase activity dramatically. All these findings suggested that P. orientale extracts had a strong antibacterial activity to inhibit Cmm, and could be used for the ecological management of the bacterial canker of tomato disease.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Characterization of a Chrysodeixis includens nucleopolyhedrovirus Isolate from Brazilian Cerrado and Assessment of its Co-Infection with Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus Sanches, Márcio Martinello Sihler, William Silva, Cláudia Efigênia Pereira Guimarães, Giovana Curcio Benito, Norton Polo Sosa-Gómez, Daniel Ricardo de Souza, Marlinda Lobo

Abstract in English:

Abstract Chrysodeixis includens has become the major Lepidopteran pest of soybean crops, especially in the Brazilian Cerrado (savanna) region. A native isolate of Chrysodeixis includens nucleopolyhedrovirus (ChinNPV) from this region, Buritis, MG, was assessed for its biological and molecular features. In addition, in vitro co-infection with Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV), another virus of an important soybean pest, was tested. The ChinNPV-Buritis isolate presented an average LC50 of 7,750 occlusion bodies (OBs)/ml of diet in C. includens larvae. Analysis of restriction endonuclease profiles of viral DNA revealed similarities with previously described ChinNPV isolates IE, IF, and IG from Brazil, although the presence of submolar bands indicates genetic heterogeneity. Optical microscopy analysis in conjunction with quantitative PCR (qPCR) demonstrated in vitro infection of this isolate in IPLB-SF-21AE, Sf9, and BTI-Tn-5B1-4 cell lines, but the amount of ChinNPV tends to decrease through serial passages. The qPCR method developed in this study successfully detected both AgMNPV and ChinNPV from cell culture and from infected larvae. The cell line Tn-5B1-4 is indicated for future development of in vitro production and co-infection studies.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
A Rapid and Reliable Method for Molecular Detection of Fusarium guttiforme, the Etiological Agent of Pineapple Fusariosis Carnielli-Queiroz, Lorena Fernandes, Patricia Machado Bueno Fernandes, Antônio Alberto Ribeiro Ventura, José Aires

Abstract in English:

Abstract Pineapple (Ananas comosus var. comosus) fusariosis is an economically important fungal disease affecting the plant and its fruit. A rapid and reliable diagnosis is the base of integrated disease management practices. Fusariosis has resulted in quarantines for pineapple products in Central America, Africa and Asia. Difficulties diagnosing and correctly identifying the fungus Fusarium guttiforme, agent of the pineapple fusariosis, have led to the search for new methodologies, and for this we developed a new reliable molecular method to detect it. For diagnostic purposes, real-time PCR of elongation factor gene 1-α (ef1) was used to rapidly, specifically and sensitively diagnose F. guttiforme. A pathogenicity test was conducted with slips of the pineapple cultivar Pérola, a multiplex PCR was run, and the results compared with those obtained with real-time PCR. The real-time PCR assay with its specific primer set could readity distinguish F. guttiforme from other Fusarium species known to occur on pineapple. The real-time PCR test had 95% sensitivity and 100% specificity with a significance level p<0.0001. For field samples the test had 100% sensitivity and specificity. Thus, this new test is fit for use in serial analyses of pineapples, and may have application in the evaluation of propagation materials and making quarantine decisions. The ability to rapidly and specifically detect F. guttiforme in plant samples will facilitate monitoring of the pathogen and improve disease management.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Co-production of Proteases and Bioactive Protein Hydrolysates from Bioprocessing of Feather Meal Bernardo, Bernardete da Silva Ramos, Rodrigo Ferraz Callegaro, Kelly Daroit, Daniel Joner

Abstract in English:

Abstract: Feather meal conversion through submerged cultivations with Bacillus strains (CL33A, CL14) yielded proteases and protein hydrolysates. After 4-day (CL33A) and 10-day (CL14) cultivations, protease activities reached 461 U/mL; hydrolysates presented antioxidant (radicals-scavenging, 57-77%; Fe2+-chelation, 14-28%; Fe3+-reduction) and antidiabetic (dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibition, 49-52%) potentials. The obtained bioproducts present prospective commercial/industrial applications.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Floral Diversity in Different Types of Honey Haidamus, Susana Linhares Lorenzon, Maria Cristina Affonso Koshiyama, Adriano Soares Tassinari, Wagner de Sousa

Abstract in English:

Abstract Many different types of honey are available in the Brazilian market. They vary in color, flavor, smell, thereby increasing interest in honey characterization relating to botanical origin. A total of 155 honey samples belonging to Brazilian flora were examined on the pollen analysis; sampling is made in a span of one year. The preparation followed melisso palynological analysis based on the specific botanical variety. The pollen spectra revealed 60 pollen types belonging to 27 plant families and Myrtaceae, Fabaceae and Asteraceae were the dominant plant families. Few pollen types were found in most samples of honey. The families that showed major richness of pollen types were Fabaceae and Asteraceae. Only six floral sources of pollen plants and three floral sources of nectar plants appeared in the category of predominant pollen. The unifloral honeys were slightly more frequent than polyfloral, and wild floral species dominated most of the honey samples. These floral sources, even in minor parts in the honeys samples, are also part of the biological feature of theses honeys. The honeys from natural fields cannot be completely accounted by the term unifloral honeys.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
β-Glucanase Addition in Brewing Malt Produced by Reduced Time of Germination Brazil, Crislane Oliveira, Débora Francielly de Duarte, Rafael Augusto Galo, Juliana Minardi Lucchetta, Luciano Santos, Eder da Costa dos Hashimoto, Elisabete Hiromi

Abstract in English:

Abstract The β-Glucans content has straight influence on the quality of malt and beer, mainly during the filtration step. Barley presenting high β-Glucan content demands longer germination time at malting. The application of commercial β-Glucanase is an alternative to accelerate the process and preserve the quality of malt. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of commercial β-Glucanase addition in malt produced within reduced germination time (64 h). Micro-malting was conducted with BRS-Caue and Elis barley cultivars at germination time 64 h and 96 h. The β-Glucanase concentration applied were 0, 25, 50 and 100 mg.kg-1. Barley, malt and wort samples were analyzed to check their physical-chemical features. Beers were produced with BRS-Caue malt and the physical-chemical and sensory attributes were analyzed. The commercial enzyme addition in BRS-Caue and Elis (64 h), at concentration 25 and 50 mg.kg-1, resulted in wort presenting proper β-Glucan content (≤ 178 mg.L-1). The beer produced with malt germinated for 64 h and added with 50 mg.kg-1 of β-glucanase was the one showing the largest number of physical-chemical and sensory parameters similar to the beer made with malt germinated for 96 h (conventional process). Commercial β-glucanase application in malt allowed accelerating the malting process without affecting the quality of the malt for beer production.
Article - Agriculture, Agribusiness and Biotechnology
Use of Coffee Capsules as Support Material in Upflow Anaerobic Fixed Bed Reactors Souza, Gabriela Rezende de Oliveira, Luiz Fernando Coutinho de Bello, Italoema Pinheiro Siniscalchi, Luciene Alves Batista Fia, Ronaldo Gandia, Rômulo Marçal

Abstract in English:

Abstract The aim of this work is to evaluate the performance of upflow anaerobic fixed bed reactors filled with espresso coffee capsules to treat sanitary sewage. Three reactors (R1, R2 and R3) were constructed in blue PVC pipes measuring 30 cm height and 150 mm diameter and filled with coffee capsules made of aluminum and plastic. The sewage from the pre-treatment phase of the wastewater treatment plant of the Federal University of Lavras fed the system. Temperature, pH, alkalinity and volatile acids concentration, COD, TS, TVS and TSS of the influent and effluent were analyzed to evaluate the reactors performances. Statistics tests were run in the software Statistica 10. Changes occurred in the organic loading rates caused two different operating phases, one at an OLR of 2.1 kg COD m-3d-1 and another at 4.0 kg COD m-3d-1. The average temperature during the monitoring period was 18°C. In spite of the operating conditions variations, the reactors showed satisfactory performances, presenting COD efficiency removals up to 80% in both phases. The capsules characteristics were similar to other materials used as support. Hence, it is possible to utilize coffee capsules as support material in anaerobic reactors, providing satisfactory pollutants removal efficiencies.
Article - Human and Animal Health
Area Triangulation Method for Automatic Detection of Venous Emptying Maneuvers Sánchez-Gendriz, Ignacio Hernández-Seoane, D. Sóñora-Mengana, A. Pascau-Simón, A.

Abstract in English:

Abstract Venous refilling time (VRT) can diagnose the presence of venous diseases in lower limbs. In order to calculate VRT it is necessary to determine the End of the Emptying Maneuvers (EEM). First Derivative Method (FDM) can be employed for automatic detection of the EEM, but its sensitivity to artifacts and noise can degrade its performance. In contrast, studies report that Area Triangulation Method (ATM) evinces effectiveness in biosignals point finding. This work compares the exactness of ATM and FDM for recognition of the EEM. The annotations made by 3 trained human observers on 37 photoplethysmography records were used as a reference. Bland-Altman graphics supported the analysis of agreement among human observers and methods, which was complemented with Analysis of variance and Multiple Comparisons statistical tests. Results showed that ATM is more accurate than FDM for automatic detection of the EEM, with statistically significant differences (p-value < 0.01).
Article - Human and Animal Health
The Anti-melanogenesis Activities of Some Selected Brown Macroalgae from Northern Coasts of the Persian Gulf Namjooyan, Foroogh Farasat, Massoumeh Alishahi, Mojtaba Jahangiri, Alireza Mousavi, Hamideh

Abstract in English:

Abstract Melanogenesis is a biological process which led to the synthesis of melanin pigment. Abnormal melanin production results in melasma, solar lentigo, post inflammatory melanoderma, etc. In this study, we examined the potential inhibitory effects of 17 brown macroalgae from Persian Gulf on melanogenesis. The effects of various concentrations (100, 250 and 500 µg/mL) of methanolic extracts of macroalgae belonging to four genera (including: Padina, Colpomonia, Cystoseira and Sargassum) were studied on oxidation of L-Dopa by mushroom tyrosinase. Subsequently, the activity of macroalgae with high inhibitory effect on monophenolase activity of mushroom tyrosinase and zebrafish was investigated using L-tyrosine as a substrate. Anti-melanogenesis effects of algae extracts were studied on zebrafish as an alternative in vivo model. Kojic acid was used as a positive control. All the tested macroalgae showed inhibitory effect on activities of diphenolase and monophenolase (of mushroom tyrosinase). P. boergesinii exhibited the most in vivo anti-tyrosinase activity compared with other samples. P. boergesenii inhibited zebrafish tyrosinase more potent than kojic acid (83% vs 50% inhibition for kojic acid). Moreover, it reduced melanin synthesis in zebrafish 42% (kojic acid: 50%).
Article - Human and Animal Health
Antineoplastic Effect of Procyanidin-rich Extract of Lafoensia Pacari in Lung Carcinoma Cells Cordeiro, Yonara de Gouveia Rochetti, Arina Lázaro Souza, Vinicius Castro Silva, Edson Roberto da Scatolini, Antônio Márcio Genovese, Maria Inés Yasui, George Shigueki Fukumasu, Heidge

Abstract in English:

Abstract Lafoensia pacari A. St. Hill has been used in traditional medicine as an anti-ulcerogenic and anti-inflammatory. Although there is an ethnopharmacological indication for cancer treatment, only a few studies have demonstrated its possible anticancer activity. Thus, the aims of this study were: (1) to evaluate the antineoplastic effect of L. pacari ethanolic extract (LPE) in lung carcinoma cells, (2) to determine the mode of action of LPE and (3) to identify the substances present in LPE. Human and murine lung cancer cell lines were grown in vitro and treated with different concentrations of LPE. Cell cycle and caspase-3 activity assays were performed in order to verify the mode of action. LC-ESI-MS screening was performed to detect the compounds present in LPE. LPE showed a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect, where neoplastic cells were more sensitive than non-neoplastic. The LPE induced sub-G1 cell cycle arrest in cancer cells suggesting cell death, which was confirmed as apoptosis by the activation of caspase-3. The LC-ESI-MS analysis indicated a high level of procyanidins, which could be responsible for the antineoplastic effect of LPE. Thus, we concluded that a Lafoensia pacari extract, rich in procyanidins, is cytotoxic against lung cancer cells through activation of caspase-3-dependent apoptosis.
Article - Human & Animal Health
A Histopathological, Immunohistochemical and Biochemical Investigation on the in vitro Antioxidant, Myeloprotective, Hematoprotective and Hepatoprotective Effects of Hypericum triquetrifolium Seed Extract Against Cyclophosphamide-Induced Toxicity Yildiz, Songul Cetik Keskin, Cumali Sahintürk, Varol Ayhanci, Adnan

Abstract in English:

Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate in vitro antioxidant properties and in vivo protective effects of the methanol extract of the Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra (HT) seed against acute hepatotoxicity, myelotoxicity and hematotoxicity in rats induced by cyclophosphamide (CP). In order to investigate in vivo protective effects of the HT extract on rat tissues, the rats were divided into nine groups. The toxic effects of CP and the protective effects of HT extract on nucleated cells that are produced by bone marrow, serum alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and oxidative stress index (OSI) levels were investigated biochemically. Additionally, liver tissue samples were examined for histopathological changes and apoptosis by Bcl-2, Bax and caspase-3 immunohistochemistry. The results of this study show that HT seed methanol extract has high total phenolic content (179.52 μg GAE/mg) and antioxidant activity (87.48% in 500 μg/mL concentration). CP administration caused hepatotoxicity, myelotoxicity and hematotoxicity in the rats. Whereas, the groups of rats that were injected with different concentrations of HT (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) and CP (150 mg/kg) showed significant protective effects on bone marrow nucleated cells and important decreases on serum ALT, ALP, LDH and OSI levels were observed when compared with the CP injected group.
Article - Human and Animal Health
Ameliorative Effects of Thymoquinone on Sperm Parameters and Testosterone Level of Nicotine-Treated Sprague Dawley Rats Rosli, Farah Dayana Hashim, Noor Hashida Osman, Khairul Ibrahim, Siti Fatimah Kabir, Nurul

Abstract in English:

Abstract Thymoquinone (TQ), the main constituent of the volatile oil derived from Nigella sativa has shown pharmacological benefits against various diseases while nicotine is an active component in cigarette that is known to be detrimental. This study was conducted to assess the ameliorating effects of TQ on sperm count, membrane, mitochondria and testosterone of nicotine-treated rats. Rats were randomized into four groups: control, nicotine, TQ, and nicotine with TQ. Nicotine (5 mg/kg bwt/day) was subcutaneously injected for 30 days to induce damaging effects on sperm and testosterone level. Rats were force-fed with TQ (5 mg/kg bwt/day) for the following 30 days. Sperm count was reduced in the nicotine group (26.72 ± 1.64 106/mL) but showed a significantly higher number in the nicotine+TQ group (30.97 ± 0.88 106/mL; p<0.05). Results of sperm membrane integrity test and number of MitoTracker positive sperm also showed a significantly lower percentage in the nicotine group (47.34 ± 0.69 % and 75.68 ± 0.90 %, respectively) but a notable improvement in the nicotine+TQ group (52.58 ± 1.14 % and 79.08 ± 0.74 %, respectively). Testosterone concentration showed elevation in the nicotine+TQ group (7.61 ± 0.51 ng/mL) compared to the nicotine group (5.71 ± 0.15 ng/mL). TQ demonstrated ameliorative potential against the detrimental effects of nicotine towards sperm count, membrane, mitochondria and testosterone level.
Article- Human & Animal Health
Association Between Exercise and Treatment with Liraglutide in Obese Rats by Cafeteria Diet Didek, Daiane Cordeiro, Maiara Mikuska Xavier, João Lucas de Paula Ribeiro, Paulo Roberto Rentz, Thiago Franco, Gilson Cesar Nobre Kanunfre, Carla Cristine Emilio, Henriette Rosa de Oliveira Scomparin, Dionízia Xavier

Abstract in English:

Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of liraglutide, an analog of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) in association with physical exercise, on the metabolic and biochemical parameters of rats induced to obesity with a cafeteria diet. Male Wistar rats, aged 21 days, were randomly divided into: Controls (CON) receiving standard feed and water ad libitum; and obese (OBESE) receiving cafeteria diet ad libitum, added to the standard diet. Groups were then subdivided into: Liraglutide animals that received subcutaneous injections of liraglutide from 80 to 90 days of life; exercised (EXE) animals submitted to swimming sessions, three days a week (15 min); and liraglutide + EXE animals that received liraglutide in association with physical exercise. Treatment with liraglutide reduced deposits of mesenteric and periepididymal fat, HOMA-IR, triglycerides, glucose and insulin in obese group. It is important to note that the association of the two treatments reduced the body weight in animals, deposits of mesenteric and periepididymal fat, HOMA-IR, blood triglyceride levels, glucose and insulin in obese rats. As such, the association of liraglutide with exercise potentiated the effects of the drug and ameliorated obesity pathology more effectively. retirar
Article - Human & Animal Health
Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Modulate PAF-stimulated Equine Alveolar Macrophages Michelotto, Pedro Vicente Bastos, Fernanda Zettel Barussi, Fernanda Cristina Mendes Senegaglia, Alexandra Cristina Nishiyama, Anita

Abstract in English:

Abstract Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a potent proinflammatory mediator that is produced in increased amounts in the lungs of asthmatic humans and horses. The present pilot study, shows that mesenchymal stromal cells can modulate alveolar macrophage function in asthma, interfering in the activity of PAF, being another potential pathway for mesenchymal stromal cells benefits in asthma.
Article - Human & Animal Health
Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Regulate Coagulation and Inflammation Together in Methotrexate Induced Lung Injury Rat Model Haggag, Nawal Zakaria El-Shinnawy, Nashwa Ahmed Abd-Elhalem, Sahar Sobhy Rashed, Laila Ahmed

Abstract in English:

Abstract Clinical research has shed the light on the relation between coagulation and inflammation. Coagulation cascade is activated in lung injury resulting in thrombotic and fibrotic lesions. Such a cascade is initiated by inflammation, then the two systems intense each other. New therapies that modulate coagulation and inflammation will be more successful than therapies targeting only one of them. Mesenchymal stem cells showed anti-inflammatory functions in animal models. The role of mesenchymal stem cells in methotrexate induced lung injury model was evaluated, but no studies scoped on the role of stem cells in coagulation associated with inflammation in such models. This study focuses on the therapeutic role of mesenchymal stem cells against the development of clotting in methotrexate induced lung injury rat model. Results showed that mesenchymal stem cells treatment for 4 weeks caused a decrease in lung activated coagulation factors; protease activated receptor-1, fibrinogen, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and platelet count with a decrease in inflammatory factors; tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon- γ, interleukin-8, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and total leukocyte count. Thus, mesenchymal stem cells have anti-inflammatory potency against clotting risk in methotrexate induced lung injury model. This opens the outlook for stem cells as a new therapy that moderates coagulation associated with inflammation.
Article - Human & Animal Health
Biologically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles for Enhancing Tetracycline Activity Against Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae Hussein, Elsayed Alsaied Masoud Mohammad, Ali Al-Hajry Harraz, Farid Abourageh Ahsan, Mohd Faisal

Abstract in English:

Abstract Phytochemical content of plant extracts can be used effectively to reduce the metal ions to nanoparticles in one-step green synthesis process. In this study, six plant extracts were used for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). Biologically synthesized AgNPs was characterized using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The individual and combined effects of AgNPs and tetracycline against S. aureus and K. pneumoniae were assessed. Ginger, onion and sidr extracts supported AgNPs formation while arak, garlic and mint extracts failed to convert the silver ions to AgNPs. The present findings revealed significant differences between the tested plant extracts in supporting AgNPs synthesis. AgNPs synthesized by ginger showed the highest individual and combined activity against tested strains followed by AgNPs prepared by sidr then that synthesized by onion. AgNPs significantly enhanced tetracycline activity (p≤0.05) against S. aureus and K. pneumoniae. The results of this study demonstrated that the combination of tetracycline and biologically synthesized AgNPs presented a useful therapeutically method for the treatment of bacterial infection and counterattacking bacterial resistance.
Article – Human & Animal Health
Bubaline Diaphragm Matrix: Development and Clinical Assessment into Cattle Abdominal Hernia Repair Vora, Shruti Dineshbhai Kumar, Vineet Asodiya, Foram Arvindbhai Singh, Vivek Kumar Fefar, Dhaval Tribhovanbhai Gajera, Harsukh Popatbhai

Abstract in English:

Abstract The purpose of the study was to develop a xenogenic bubaline diaphragm matrix (BDM) for abdominal hernia repair. A fresh diaphragm was decellularized using aqueous sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solutions (0.5-4% w/v) over a period. Acellularity was confirmed histologically and characterized by Masson’s trichrome staining, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), DNA quantification, agarose gel electrophoresis, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The BDM was used for clinical abdominal hernia repair in six cattle. Clinical, hemato-biochemical and antioxidant parameters were evaluated to assess biocompatibility of xenogenic BDM. Histologically, the diaphragm treated with 2% SDS for 48 h showed complete acellularity and orderly arranged collagen fibers. The SEM confirmed preservation of collagen structure and integrity. The DNA content was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in BDM (33.12 ± 5.40 ng/mg) as compared to the native diaphragm (443.96 ± 162.60 ng/mg). DNA extracts from BDM show considerable removal of DNA material, with absence of DNA band in agarose gel. The FTIR spectrum of BDM has shown all characteristic transmittance peaks of bovine skin collagen indicating preserved collagen structure. Six cattle with BDM implant recovered uneventfully and remained sound at least upto 6 months. Hemato-biochemical and antioxidant findings were unremarkable. Bubaline diaphragm matrix shows excellent repair efficiency and biocompatibility for abdominal hernia repair in cattle without complications.
Article - Human and Animal Health
Investigation of mad honey use as an alternative treatment in patients admitted to the pulmonary clinic: Ordu, Turkey example Ugur, Hacer Gok Sıralı, Recep Tekgul, Ahmet Talha Efe, Burcin

Abstract in English:

Abstract This study assessed mad honey use in alternative treatments. The universe of this descriptive study was patients admitted to the pulmonary disease clinic located in the Ordu province of the Black Sea region between 15 December 2014 and 15 February 2015. We did not use a sampling method and patients who agreed to participate were included in the study (n=353). In order to collect the data, we used a questionnaire prepared by the researchers. In this study, 77% of the participants stated that mad honey was beneficial to health, 44.5% used mad honey, and 53.5% consumed it daily. Furthermore, 28.7% used mad honey for asthma, 6.4% for cough, 12.1% for gastrointestinal diseases, and 3.2% for hypertension. There was a significant relationship between the gender, family structure, age, and chronic disease status of participants and the status of consuming mad honey (p<0.05). In this study, participants used mad honey for asthma, gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension, and cough. Health professionals should provide training and counseling on the health effects and risks of mad honey to improve public health.
Article - Human & Animal Health
Cardioprotection of Rosuvastatin Pre-conditioning on Myocardial Ischemia / Reperfusion Injury in a Rat Model Zhang, Pei-Xi Zhang, Hong-Xia Hou, Dai-Liang Xiao, Zhi-Chao Zhou, Cheng-Yun

Abstract in English:

Abstract This study aimed to investigate the cardioprotection of rosuvastatin pre-conditioning (R-Pre) in a rat model of myocardial ischemia / reperfusion (I/R). Male SD rats were assigned into three groups: sham group, I/R group and R-Pre group. Rats in I/R group and R-Pre group received ischemia for 30 min and reperfusion for 2 h. In R-Pre group, rats received intragastrical administration with rosuvastatin at 5 mg/kg once daily for 1 week. After 2-h reperfusion, the cardiac function was detected by ultrasonography; the blood was collected for biochemical analysis; the heart was collected for the TUNEL staining and immunohistochemistry for Bcl-2 and Bax. Our results showed rosuvastatin pre-conditioning for 1 week could significantly reduce the infarct ratio and improve the cardiac function after myocardial I/R injury, in which attenuation of oxidative stress and cell apoptosis played an important role. Our study provides evidence on the cardioprotection of rosuvastatin pre-conditioning and highlight the use of rosuvastatin before cardiopulmonary bypass.
Article - Human and Animal Health
The Psychophysiological Responses of the Chronic Ischemic Stroke Patients to the Acute Stress were Changed Mirzaee, Omid Saneian, Mojtaba Vani, Javad Rasouli Shahrivar, Kamyab Peyravi, Mahmoodreza Shariat, Abdolhamid Hatef, Boshra

Abstract in English:

Abstract: Mood disorder is one of the complications of stroke. The inability to cope with stress is also a prognosis of depression and anxiety. The aim of this study is to assess the response of stress system in the post stroke patients. Twelve healthy controls (HC) and twelve post-stroke patients after filling in the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory completed the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) which induces acute stress. Salivary samples were collected to determine salivary cortisol levels and ECG record were taken in four times (before, right after stress, after two recoveries: 20 and 40 minutes after stress). ECG was also recorded during TSST and then the linear and non-linear features of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) were analyzed. The results showed that trait anxiety score and baseline salivary cortisol level were higher in post stroke than HC group (P-value <0.05). The increase of cortisol level after stress was only observed in HC that returned to baseline after the second recovery time. The stress increased the relative low frequency of HRV in both groups, however it was significantly lower in the stroke than HC group (P-value < 0.005). There was also a significant difference between alpha 1 DFA measures in stroke group and HC group (P-value <0.05). It is concluded that the impairment of the hormonal axis of stress system in the post-stroke patients that until now was not reported.
Article - Human & Animal Health
International and Brazilian Versions of WHOQOL-DIS: (in)adequacy to its Underpinnings Cantorani, José Roberto Herrera Pedroso, Bruno Vargas, Leandro Martinez Picinin, Claudia Tania Pilatti, Luiz Alberto Gutierrez, Gustavo Luis

Abstract in English:

Abstract: The present article aims to analyze the WHOQOL-DIS (World Health Organization Quality of Life - Disabilities) structure to verify this instrument’s adequacy to the theoretical principles underlying its construction. The methodology consists in an analysis of the WHOQOL-DIS underlying theory, prompting questions about the adequacies of this theoretical model. The procedure is complemented by a syntax analysis in order to verify the relevant questions for the score calculation. The obtained results show that the subjects “participation” and “autonomy” are not objectively present in the international version, although they are considered in the theories as justifying elements for the instrument’s creation. In the Brazilian version, there are questions addressed to the themes. However, these questions are also not factored into the score calculation. In conclusion, the presence of autonomy and participation in the Brazilian version of WHOQOL-DIS represents a proximity with the theoretical assumptions underlying its creation. However, because they do not compose the score calculation, this adequacy is still limited.
Article - Human & Animal Health
Protective Effects of Geraniol on Long Term Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats Can, Senanur Canbek, Mediha

Abstract in English:

Abstract Possible protective effects of geraniol, known as antioxidant properties, were analyzed biochemically and histologically on experimental long-term renal ischemia/reperfusion I/R injury in rats. This study used 3-4 months old male Wistar albino rats and were divided into 4 groups (n = 7) by random selection: Group I (Sham Group), Group II (I/R+SF), Group III (I/R+50 mg/kg geraniol), and Group IV (I/R+100 mg/kg geraniol). A right nephrectomy was performed in all groups under anesthesia. Groups I and II were inoculated with SF (1 ml/kg) and Groups III and IV were inoculated with 50 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg of geraniol, injected intraperitoneally. For Groups II, III, and IV, I/R durations were determined to be 60 mins ischemia and 24 hours reperfusion. At the end of the experiment, Urea (BUN), Creatinine (CRE) activities in the blood serum and the catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and Superoxide dismutases (SOD), enzyme activities in kidney tissue were measured. Histologic sections were examined by light microscopy using Hematoxylin & Eosine. As a result, it was determined that 100 mg / kg geraniol against renal I/R injury shows more antioxidant effect and protection than 50 mg / kg geraniol.
Article - Human and Animal Health
BMP4 Induces Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Through the Activation of ERK 1/2 Signaling Pathway in H9c2 Cells Yuan, Yu Tao, Yezheng Deng, Yongzhi Ye, Qunhui Lin, Bin Wu, Lin

Abstract in English:

Abstract Bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP4) is a member of the bone morphogenetic protein family which plays an important role in bone formation, inflammation and cardiac hypertrophy. The aim of this study was to investigate the underlying molecular mechanism that BMP4-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. H9c2 cells were used to measure cell surface area and protein synthesis. Western blot was used to examine hypertrophic marker brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) protein expression and phosphorylation of ERK1/2. The results exhibited that cell surface area, protein synthesis and BNP protein expression were increased with BMP4 treatment. While PD98059 inhibited these effects of BMP4. In addition, BMP4 treatment increased phosphorylation of ERK1/2 in a time- and dose-dependent manner. PD98059 treatment decreased phosphorylation of ERK1/2 that was increased by BMP4. These results suggest that BMP4 induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through the activation of ERK1/2 cell signaling pathway.
Article - Human & Animal Health
Enhancing Antitumor Efficacy of Cisplatin Low Dose by EDTA in Ehrlich Ascetic Carcinoma Bearing Mice El-Naggar, Sabry Ali El-Said, Karim Samy Mobasher, Maysa Elbakry, Mohamed

Abstract in English:

Abstract In a recent study, the treatment of different human cancer cell lines in vitro with ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) showed a promising anticancer activity which could be a novel promising approach for cancer treatment. The aim of this study is to address the ability of EDTA to enhance the antitumor efficacy of the low dose of cisplatin (Cis) treatment in Ehrlich ascetic carcinoma (EAC) bearing mice. Sixty female albino mice were divided into six groups. The 1st group of mice was served as a negative control. 2nd - 6th groups were inoculated intraperitoneal (i.p) with 2×106 EAC cells/mouse. After one day of inoculation, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups were injected daily for 6 days (early treatment) with phosphate buffer saline, low dose of Cis and Cis/EDTA, respectively. After six days, the 5th and 6th groups were injected with the low dose of Cis and Cis/EDTA for 6 consecutive days (late treatment), respectively. At day 14, all groups of mice were sacrificed, sera were collected for biochemical assessment, then tumor volumes, counts, live and dead cells were determined from all groups. The results showed that EDTA co-treatment enhanced the efficacy of low dose of Cis at early and late time points. In addition, EDTA co-treatment potentially ameliorated the Cis-induced side effects on liver and kidney functions. In summary, co-therapy with EDTA could enhance the chemotherapeutic efficacy of low dose of Cis.
Article - Human & Animal Health
Effects of Oral Oxytetracycline-Therapy on Wound Progression and Healing Following Aeromonas caviae Infection in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) Roy, Anwesha Abraham, Thangapalam Jawahar Namdeo, Meshram Supradhnya Singha, Jasmine Julinta, Roy Beryl Boda, Satyanarayana

Abstract in English:

Abstract The effects of oral oxytetracycline (OTC)-therapy against Aeromonas caviae infection as well as the wound progression and healing in intramuscular (IM) and abrasion-immersion (AI) challenged Nile tilapia juveniles were evaluated. The IM challenge caused significantly (p < 0.05) high mortalities (90%) compared to AI challenge (40%). The mortalities recorded in 10 days OTC-fed (72% in IM group and 30% in AI group) and untreated Nile tilapia were significantly (p < 0.05) high compared to positive (5-10%) controls. The reduction in mortalities in OTC-fed Nile tilapia was significant (p < 0.05) with no further mortalities during the post-OTC therapy period. In IM group, the black scar disappearance, re-growth of dermal fibrous tissue and skin growth at the ulcerated region were seen on day 10 OTC-therapy. In contrast, the disappearance of wound scar and growth of skin and scales at the abraded area were noted on day 1-4 post-OTC therapy. On day10 post-OTC therapy, complete disappearance of wound scar with a mild spot at the abraded area was noted. The degree of wound healing was faster only initially with OTC- therapy. Nevertheless, the wounds were healed completely even in the surviving untreated tilapia in 30 days with no scars left behind. The extent of mortalities observed in Nile tilapia during the OTC-therapy period is a serious cause for concern, which require prudent planning on its suitability in tropical aquaculture.
Article - Human and Animal Health
Fertility Enhancing Potency of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Male Rats Nnamonu, Emmanuel Ikechukwu Mgbenka, Bernard Obialor Mbegbu, Edmund Chidiebere

Abstract in English:

Abstract Cases of some grave side effects of some allopathic medicines used in treatment of infertility has caused a global need for alternatives with minimal or no side effect, hence the demand to evaluate the fertility enhancing potential of omega-3 fatty acids (O3FA) in male rats. This study evaluated the fertility enhancing potential of omega-3 fatty acids (O3FA) in male rats. Seventy-two sexually mature male albino rats 11-13 weeks of age, weighing between 171 - 180 g were assigned into six groups (I - VI) fed graded doses of O3FA. Administration of O3FA lasted twenty-eight days at 48 hour intervals. At the end of the treatment, organosomatic index of testes, testicular and epididymis sperm cells counts and testicular histology were assessed following standard methods. The actual and relative testicular weights, testicular and epididymis sperm counts of all O3FA treated rats were significantly increased (p < 0.05) when compared with the control group rats. The photomicrographs of testes in O3FA treated rats showed normal spermatogonial cell layers and active spermatogenesis with appearance of spermatids in the lumen of some tubules. The findings of this study depicts that O3FA possesses the potency of enhancing various fertility indices in male rats with regards to absolute and relative testicular weights as well as sperm counts.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
In vitro Antiproliferative and inhibition of oxidative DNA damage activities of n-butanol extract of Limonium bonduelli from Algeria Amrani, Amel Lahneche, Amina Maya Benaissa, Ouahiba Boubekri, Nassima Demirtaş, Ibrahim Benayache, Fadila Benayache, Samir Zama, Djamila

Abstract in English:

Abstract Plants are the main sources of natural antioxidants in the form of phenolic compounds, which help human beings to deal with oxidative stress, caused by free radical damage. For this reason, the present study was carried out to evaluate the antiproliferative, antioxidant and inhibition of oxidative DNA damage activities of n-butanol extract obtained from aerial parts of Limonium bonduelli. The antioxidant potential was determined using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging and inhibition of lipid peroxidation assay. Antiproliferative activity was evaluated using xCELLigence RTCA instrument on two tumor cell lines; HT-29 (human colon adenocarcinoma) and HeLa (human cervix carcinoma). DNA damage inhibition was evaluated using photolyzing 46966 plasmid. Also, total phenolic and total flavonoid contents were determined using a spectrophotometric method. Total phenolic (343 ± 0.05 µg/mg) and flavonoid (220.5 ± 0.04 µg/mg) were indicated as gallic acid and quercetin equivalents respectively. The extract exhibited significant IC50 values in lipid peroxidation (IC50= 181.18 ± 0.65 µg/mL) and DPPH radical scavenging assays (IC50= 14.92 ± 0.032 µg/mL). The extract also partially protected 46966 plasmid DNA from free radical-mediated oxidative stress in a DNA damage inhibition assay and showed concentration-dependent antiproliferative effects. n-butanol extract of L. bonduelli is a rich source of natural antioxidants and anticancer agents.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Microscale direct transesterification of microbial biomass with ethanol for screening of microorganisms by its fatty acid content Sorgatto, Vanessa Ghiggi Carvalho, Julio Cesar de Sydney, Eduardo Bittencourt Medeiros, Adriane Bianchi Pedroni Vandenberghe, Luciana Porto de Souza Soccol, Carlos Ricardo

Abstract in English:

Abstract We present an improved method of direct transesterification suitable for the quantitative analysis of multiple dry samples for its fatty acid content, using a minimal amount of biomass and reactants. The method features an acid-catalyzed direct alcoholysis of microgram samples of dry biomass; the rationale behind the solvent and reagent proportions chosen is discussed. The method was validated using seven microbial strains with diverse lipid content (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces boulardii, Candida tropicalis, Haematococcus pluvialis, Chlorella vulgaris, Spirulina platensis and Schizochytrium limacinum), and compared with a macroscale direct transesterification method, and with gravimetric analysis of lipids extracted with solvents. The microscale method showed a conversion of 98.06 ± 0.87% of the lipids, using approximately 3 mg of dry biomass, 1mL of 0.2M H2SO4 dissolved in anhydrous ethanol (the acid is the catalyzer and ethanol the reactant)). The mixture was maintained at 70 °C for 20 h with periodic mixing, and then extracted with 2mL n-heptane and analyzed by GC-FID. The lipid content was then calculated considering dilution and sample mass. This method is effective, reliable, and technically attractive for analytical and comparative purposes.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Eugenia Klotzschiana O. Berg Fruits as New Sources of Nutrients: Determination of their Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidant Activity and Chemical Composition Carneiro, Nárgella Silva Alves, Cássia Cristina Fernandes Cagnin, Caroline Belisario, Celso Martins Silva, Marco Antônio Pereira da Miranda, Mayker Lazaro Dantas Oliveira Filho, Josemar Gonçalves de Alves, José Milton Pereira, Paulo Sérgio Silva, Fabiano Guimarães Egea, Mariana Buranelo

Abstract in English:

Abstract: The Cerrado is one of the world's biodiversity hotspots and Brazil’s second largest biome. Many native species of the Brazilian Cerrado provide fruits that have unique sensory characteristics and high nutritional value. This study aimed at characterizing the pulp of Eugenia klotzschiana O. Berg, concerning its proximal composition, bioactive compound content and antioxidant activity. The pulp under study had high moisture (89.47 g kg-1) and caloric (96.07 kcal kg-1) values whereas its contents of protein (0.59 g kg-1) and lipids (2.35 g kg-1) were low. The cerrado pear pulp also had high iron content (16.5 mg kg -1) and dietary fiber (6.45 g kg-1), besides 0.034-0,055 mg kg-1 carotenoids, 8.66 mg kg-1 ascorbic acid and 0.66 mg kg-1 total chlorophyll. Total phenolic compounds (333.41-566.33 mg EAG kg-1) and flavonoids (225-50 mg EQ kg-1) were found by extraction methods named Method 1 (water) and Method 2 (acetone+methanol), respectively. Thus, the cerrado pear can be an alternative to improving nutrient intake and to providing sustainable use of the native flora in the Cerrado.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Protective Effect of Rosa Canina Extract Against Doxorubicin-induced Testicular Toxicity in Mice Nowrouzi, Fatemeh Azadbakht, Mehri Kalehoei, Eshrat Modarresi, Masoud

Abstract in English:

Abstract The present study was aimed to investigate the in vivo effects of Rosa canina extract on doxorubicin-induced testicular toxicity in mice for the first time. Male NMRI mice were randomly divided into six treatment groups (10=per group) as follows: (I) vehicles, (II) doxorubicin alone (3 mg/kg, i.p. on days 7, 14 and 21), (III and IV): Rosa canina extract alone (100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg per day, i.p. for 28 days), (V and VI) Rosa canina extract plus doxorubicin (each dose given 1 h post Rosa canina). Doxorubicin-treated mice displayed smaller body and testicular weights, decreased serum levels of testosterone, loss in the number of germ cells and Sertoli cells, and reduced sperm count, viability, morphology and motility. Doxorubicin treatment significantly decreased the mean testis diameter, seminiferous tubular diameter and seminiferous epithelial height and increased seminiferous luminal diameter. However, Rosa canina pretreatment could effectively improve all of these abnormalities in doxorubicin- treated mice. The treatment with a higher dose of the extract (200 mg/kg) was more effective compared to doxorubicin and the lower dose of the extract. These findings suggested that the Rosa canina extract has protective effects against doxorubicin-induced reproductive toxicity.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Use of Inert Gases for the Preservation of Nuclear Blood Cells Khudyakov, Andrey Nikolaevich Polezhaeva, Tatyana Vitalyevna Zaitseva, Oksana Olegovna Sergushkina, Marta Igorevna Solomina, Olga Nurzadinovna

Abstract in English:

Abstract The subject of the study was the stability of human white blood cell membranes subject to noble gases (xenon ad krypton, 0.6 mPa) clathrate cryoanabiosis (‒80°C). A unique portable stainless steel low pressure container with a compartment for flexible plastic container was designed to ensure that the cells are saturated with gases. The samples were warmed after 1 and 30 days in a water bath (+38°C) for 35-50 sec, while the container was being tilted (2-3 times per second), until the temperature of the biological object reached +3±1°C. It was demonstrated that after 30 days of clathrate anabiosis (-80°C) over 95% (of the original number) of leukocytes remain viable, and cell membranes of 54.5±3.4% of them is resistant to trypan blue; granulocyte survival rate is 73.5±2.7%, original lipid peroxidation rate and antioxidant activity are retained. Biological object cryopreservation in noble gases environment is a promising trend in biology and medicine.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
In Vitro Organogenesis from Root Explants of Passiflora miniata Mast., an Amazonian Species with Ornamental Potential Carvalho, Paula Pinheiro de Antoniazzi, Camila Aparecida Faria, Rodrigo Brito de Carvalho, Ilio Fealho de Rocha, Diego Ismael Silva, Maurecilne Lemes da

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The present study reports a shoot organogenesis-based system for in vitro regeneration of Passiflora miniata, an Amazonia passion fruit species. Root segments were cultured in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations (range 2-9 µM) of 6-benzyladenine (BA); thidiazuron (TDZ) or kinetin (KIN). Plant growth regulators were not added to the control treatment. Root explants have showed a high regenerative potential. After 30 days of in vitro culture, the root explants showed several shoots formed direct and indirectly. TDZ provided the best response in the differentiation adventitious shoots, mainly in the presence of 6.8 µM. The cytokinins BA and KIN responded producing a reduced number of shoots. After 120 days, rooted regenerated plants were transferred to a greenhouse for acclimatization. This regeneration system opens new perspectives for micropropagation and conservation of this wild Amazonic passion fruit species.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Effect of Salicylic Acid, 2,4-D and 2i-P on the Production of Secondary Metabolites in Garcinia brasiliensis Mart. Callus Teixeira, Maria Gessi Carvalho, Marília Leite, Marco Aurélio Barbosa, Sandro Santos filho, Plinio Rodrigues dos Santos, Breno Régis

Abstract in English:

Abstract The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of Salicylic acid, 2,4-D and 2-iP on the production of total phenolic and flavonoids as well in the levels of fukugetin and 7-epiclusianone in callus of Garcinia brasiliensis zygotic embryos. For this, Bacupari callus were exposed to different concentrations (0.0; 0.1; 1; 10; 100 µM) of Salicylic acid (SA) in the presence or in the absence of 72 μM 2-iP and 28.73 μM 2,4-D. The highest concentration of total phenolic occurred in the treatment with 100 μM SA in callus subcultured in the absence of 2,4-D and 2-iP, and with 10 μM SA in callus subcultured in the presence of these regulators. Concerning flavonoids, 2,4-D and 2-iP supplementation without the presence of the SA was sufficient for the highest levels. Additionally, it was possible to identify the fukugetin and 7-epiclusianone. However, the variation in the levels was very high, especially for the fukugetin. Therefore, in most treatments, there was no statistically difference. Except for the treatment with 10 μM SA + 2,4-D and 2-iP, where there was a significant increase in 7-epiclusianone.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Influence of Silver Nitrate on Somatic Embryogenesis Induction in Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Rojas-Lorz, Laura Arrieta-Espinoza, Griselda Valdez-Melara, Marta Pereira, Luiz Filipe Protasio Gatica-Arias, Andrés

Abstract in English:

Abstract The influence of silver nitrate (AgNO3), benzyladenine (BAP), and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) on low frequency somatic embryogenesis (LFSE) induction in Caturra and Catuaí arabica coffee was evaluated. For the Caturra cultivar, the production of somatic embryos was significantly increased by adding AgNO3 to the semisolid culture medium. The highest average number of somatic embryos for this cultivar was obtained using 6.6 μM BAP, 2.85 μM IAA, and 40 μM AgNO3. In contrast, for the Catuaí cultivar, the highest average number of somatic embryos was obtained using semisolid medium supplemented with 8.8 μM BAP, and 2.85 μM IAA. Using these protocols, somatic embryos were directly induced using leaf sections of in vitro plants of both coffee cultivars within 8 weeks. The somatic embryos developed into rooted plants with a 100% survival rate upon transfer to the greenhouse.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Infestation of Mangroves by the Invasive Moth Hyblaea puera (Cramer, 1777)(Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae) Faraco, Luiz Francisco Ditzel Ghisi, Conrado Locks Marins, Marina Ota, Sueli Schühli, Guilherme Schnell

Abstract in English:

Abstract We report the first known infestation of mangroves by the invasive moth Hyblaea puera in Paraná, Southern Brazil. The infestation caused massive defoliation of Avicennia schaueriana trees, affecting approximately 20,000 hectares of mangroves. We discuss the implications for conservation and management, focusing on protected areas, the ecology of mangroves, and local livelihoods.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Immunomodulation of Juvenile Pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, by Different β(1-3)(1-6)-D glucan Products Sabioni, Rafael Estevan Zanuzzo, Fábio Sabbadin Cyrino, José Eurico Possebon

Abstract in English:

Abstract Stress in intensive fish farming hamper immune function of fish and cause losses by disease outbreaks, a situation that can be minimized, but cannot be completely circumvented, by the use of immunomodulators. Addition of immunomodulators to aquafeeds has thus become a common practice. β-glucan (BG) is one of most studied and effective immunomodulators, aquaculture purposes included. Extracted from cell walls of bacteria, fungi and selected cereals, BG activity depends on the source and extraction methods. This study evaluated effects of two BG products (BG1 and BG2), extracted from Saccharomyces cerevisiae under varying extraction methods and with different immune activity, on the feeding of pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus juveniles. BG1 provided higher leukocytes respiratory activity when fed at 0.5% inclusion for 10 days and 0.1% inclusion for 15 days. Both products seems to cause negative effect on lysozyme concentration and monocytes profile when fed to pacu for 15 days at 0.5% inclusion. Although the results for BG2 did not differ from control (diet devoid of BG), the proximity with the BG1 behavior is a indicative that a commercial product with smaller BG concentration can be effective when more refined technology is used in extraction process.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Leaves of Endemic and Native Isatis spp in Turkey Comlekcioglu, Nazan

Abstract in English:

Abstract This study was undertaken to evaluate the health-promoting potentials of Isatis aucherii, Isatis buschiana, Isatis candolleana, Isatis tinctoria subsp. corymbosa and Isatis tinctoria. I. aucherii and I. candolleana are endemic, I. buschiana, I. tinctoria subsp. corymbosa are native in Turkey. While I. tinctoria is a well studied species, there is insufficient information about other endemic and native species. Therefore, this study is focused to reveal the bioactive compounds of poorly studied endemic and native species. In this context, protein, ash, glucosinolates, fatty acids, total phenolic and flavonoid content, and antioxidant activities were determined in leaf extracts. The highest protein and fatty oil contents were observed in I. tinctoria and I. buschiana. Arachidic acid was predominant inI. tinctoria subsp. corymbosa, I. buschiana and I. aucherii, while predominant fatty acids were arachidonic and oleic acids inI. candolleana and I. tinctoria. Glucobrassicin was the main glucosinolate in I. tinctoria, while the others contained gluconapin as the main glucosinolate. Antioxidant activities were correlated with phenolic and flavonoid content, the highest and lowest antioxidant activities were observed in I. buschiana and I. aucherii, respectively. According to results, I. buschiana leaves were high in contents of bioactive compounds; it could be a promising plant with its health- promoting effects.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Antiproliferative Effect of Urera baccifera Leaves Against Ovarian Carcinoma Cell Line (OVCAR-3) Benvenutti, Régis Carlos Gomes, Denise B. Zanchet, Barbara Locateli, Gelvani Vechia, Cristian Alex Dalla Zanotelli Serpa, Patrícia Lutinski, Junir Rodrigues Junior, Sinval Adalberto Schönell, Amanda Patrícia Diel, Kriptsan Abdon Poletto Miorando, Daniela Ernetti, Jackeline Alves, Bianca de Oliveira Zilli, Gabriela Adriany Lisboa Banzato, Thais Petrochelli Ruiz, Ana Lúcia Tasca Gois Vidal Gutiérrez, Max Vilegas, Wagner Roman Junior, Walter Antônio

Abstract in English:

Abstract Natural products, especially phytochemicals, have been extensively studies and have exhibited important antiproliferative effects. The American native species Urera baccifera (L.) Gaudich. ex Wedd. (Urticaceae) is widely distributed in Brazil, where it is known as urtiga-vermelha or urtigão. The leaves are popularly used as anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic and in the treatment of gastric disorders. However, the antiproliferative potential of this plant against human tumor cells remain to be elucidated. In this study, we evaluated the antiproliferative effects of U. baccifera leaves extracts and fractions against a panel of human tumor cell lines in vitro besides a chemical evaluation of the most active sample by mass spectrometry (ESI-IT-MSn). The hydroalcoholic extract was inactive while dichloromethane extract showed moderate cytostatic activity against ovarian carcinoma cell line (OVCAR-3, GI50 = 1.5 μg/mL). More, the ethyl acetate and n-butanol fractions did not show important activity against tumour cell while the dichloromethane and hexane fractions showed moderate cytostatic activity against ovarian tumor cell line (OVCAR-3, GI50 = 12.7 and 9.4 μg/mL, respectively). Finally, the chemical profile evaluated by mass spectrometry (ESI-IT-MSn) allowed the detection of flavonoids in the HEU and hydroxylated fatty acid in DEU that can explain partially the biological effects observed. This is the first report of the antiproliferative effects of U. baccifera, and DEU has shown potential as a promising source of bioactive compounds.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Heavy Metals and 2,4-Dinitrophenol Impact on Some Physiological and Biochemical Parameters in Capsicum Species Todirascu-Ciornea, Elena Dumitru, Gabriela

Abstract in English:

Abstract The accumulation of heavy metals and of pesticides in the soil have a negative impact on Capsicum chinense var. Aji Mochero and Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum Bishop's Crown species, the present work highlighting the exerted influence on the superoxid-dismutase activity, catalase and peroxidase - as enzymes implied in the removal of H2O2, of O2- radical and of ion HO- that have devastating effects on the vegetable cell, on the Krebs cycle’s dehydrogenases - as main way to produce energy, respectively of the chlorophyll a, b and carotenes - as photoassimilatory pigments, but also as biologic antioxidants.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Sampling Methodology of Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleptera: Tenebrionidae) Population in Poultry Houses Oliveira, Daian Guilherme Pinto de Miguel, Rafael Freire Bonini, Andrea Kusumota Alves, Luis Francisco Angeli

Abstract in English:

Abstract This paper describes a methodology to evaluate Alphitobius diaperinus (Darkling beetle) population in order to estimate the effectiveness of control methods, consisting of direct sample collections from the poultry litter in 18 points, counting of adults and larvae, and subsequent comparison of the values obtained before and after of control strategies. It allows estimating the total population, population in a known area, as well to analyze the variations in different points all over the aviary. The method has shown to be very versatile, being indicated for population studies and efficacy evaluations, once it has already been validated in different experimental conditions.
Article- Biological and Applied Sciences
Biomonitoring of Heavy Metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Cd and Cr) in Oysters: Crassostrea rhizophorae of Mangrove Areas of Alagoas (Brazil) Azevedo, Joaquim Alexandre Moreira Barros, Alexandre Bomfim Miranda, Paulo Rogério Barbosa de Costa, João Gomes da Nascimento, Velber Xavier

Abstract in English:

Abstract Mangroves are tropical and subtropical flooded forests that generally develop in estuarine areas over unstable sediments protected from the action of waves in the intertidal zone with an environment characterized by a great diversity of fauna and flora. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the levels of heavy metals that are absorbed by mangrove oysters, in estuarine systems in the Alagoas coast by determining the concentrations of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cd and Cr. Two areas, which consisted of both a collection during the rainy season and the dry season, were selected for sampling of mangrove oysters. In each collection, seven samples were collected, at seven different points, where each sample contained four oysters. In the laboratory the oysters were dried at 105°C for 72 hours and then macerated. It was then digested with 10 ml of a solution comprising a combination of 4:1 nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, initially in 1h at 40°C, followed by 3 hours at 140°C. In General, the medians followed the order Zn > Fe > Mn > Cu > Cr > Cd in MMELC and Zn > Cu > Fe > Mn > Cr > Cd in Meirim River. It is concluded that the Crassostrea rhizophorae oysters from the studied environments presented concentrations of all the metals proposed in the research and demonstrates its accumulating and bioindicator character.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Development of an Extraction Protocol for Fetal Sexing from the Fourth Week of Gestation by Real Time PCR Oliveira, Edwin José Torres de Rabacow, Ana Paula Maluf Figueiredo, Bruno Pereira de Ishikawa, Raíssa Borges Pessatto, Lucas Roberto Pelizaro, Bruno Ivo Figueiredo, Helder Pereira de Oliveira, Rodrigo Juliano

Abstract in English:

Abstract Low number of fetal cells in maternal blood limited the use of fetal materials in diagnostic and clinical applications. This research developed a technology which allowed the extraction of fetal DNA by a non-invasive method that offers no risk to the mother or fetus. A total of 132 pregnant women participated in this inquiry. The DNA extraction was performed employing an in-house method based on guanidine thiocyanate and magnetic bead. For the amplification it was used the Quantifier Y Kit™. The fetal sexing analysis of the 132 pregnant women were 100% in agreement with the ultrasound. Sensitivity and specificity for detection of Y chromosome sequences was possible using Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction since the 4th week of gestation. This non-invasive early determination could be employed in fetal gender and also to be extended to detection of genetic diseases in the shortest possible time avoiding invasive methods that puts the fetus at risk.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Investigation of Mode of Action of Anti Bacterial Activity of Salacia Oblonga Extract Against Drug Resistant Pathogen Musini, Anjaneyulu Giri, Archana

Abstract in English:

Abstract Salacia oblonga Wall belonging to family Celastraceae contains vital phytoconstituents and has been used since long for the treatment of diabetes, inflammation and burn wounds. S. oblonga ethyl acetate root extract was evaluated for antibacterial activity towards drug resistant pathogens Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Further 260 nm absorbing material was estimated in the control and treated cells. Interestingly 260 nm absorbance material is higher in the Staphylococcus aureus. Further the effect of the plant extract on drug resistant pathogen S. aureus was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM results have shown that treated bacterial cells have changed in morphology, size and reduced in number. Based on these results it can be concluded that S. oblonga extract acts on membrane of the drug resistant pathogen S. aureus.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Food Preference of Cavia magna (Rodentia: Caviidae) on a Subtropical Island in Southern Brazil Veiga, Kelen Rodrigues da Hefler, Sônia Marisa Colares, Elton Pinto Colares, Ioni Gonçalves

Abstract in English:

Abstract This study aimed to link the plants consumed by Cavia magna and their availability in the environment, (Ilha dos Marinheiros) determining its food preference. In the environment, 96 species were recorded. Twenty-four plant species were identified in the fecal samples. There wasn’t significant difference in the composition of plant species among seasons, although the variation was significant between the island’s northern and southern areas concerning the fecal samples. Mantel test’s results supported that the availability of vegetation has significant influence on the species consumed. Being that the most consumed species (present on the feces) were distant to their distribution areas, we propose that C. magna of Ilha dos Marinheiros actively search and select items to eat, showing food preference for some species.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Cichorium intybus from India: GC-MS Profiling, Phenolic Content and in vitro Antioxidant Capacity of Sequential Soxhlet Extracted Roasted Roots Singh, Ravinder Chahal, Khushminder Kaur

Abstract in English:

Abstract Research on the bio-activities and chemical composition of roasted C. intybus roots from India is very little. In present studies GC-MS analysis of volatile components of roasted C. intybus roots, phenolics and flavonoid content estimation and antioxidant potential of roasted C. intybus roots was carried out. Antioxidant potential was also evaluated using FRAP, DPPH, hydroxyl radical, nitric oxide and superoxide free radical scavenging method. Extracts were prepared by sequential Soxhlet extraction. GC-MS analysis of volatile components of roasted C. intybus root extracts revealed that 5-hydroxymethyl furfural was major volatile component in dichloromethane and methanol extract whereas lupeol and its derivative compounds were major constituents of hexane extract. Quantitative estimation for total phenols and flavonoids showed that the methanol extract of C. intybus roots contained highest phenolic and flavonoid content as compared to other extracts and also showed strong radical scavenging activities which were comparable with ascorbic acid used as standard. All extracts showed IC50 values less than 0.6 mg/mL furthermore, extracts of roasted C. intybus showed the high total antioxidant potential for the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+. The C. intybus roots possess good antioxidant capacity even after roasting and all the extracts showed good activities.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Characterization and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles Produced with Aqueous Extract of Lavandula dentata L. in Relation to K-562 Cell Line Justus, Barbara Arana, Andrés Fernando Montenegro Gonçalves, Melissa Marques Wohnrath, Karen Boscardin, Patrícia Mathias Döll Kanunfre, Carla Cristine Budel, Jane Manfron Farago, Paulo Vitor Paula, Josiane de Fátima Padilha de

Abstract in English:

Abstract Metallic nanoparticles have great potential as a chemotherapeutic agent. The aim of this study was to develop and characterize silver and gold nanoparticles using a simple method, as well as evaluating the potential cytotoxic activity in relation to the K-562 cell line. For the synthesis, a solution containing the metallic ions was subjected to magnetic stirring with the aqueous extract of Lavandula dentata L. and a change of colour was observed. With the data obtained from the analyses we concluded that the nanoparticles were successfully obtained by a simple and green method using the aqueous extract of L. dentata. The obtained nanoparticles presented a reduced size, a low level of polydispersion, and a homogenous spherical shape. The nanoparticles presented intense and characteristic diffraction peaks, which could be correlated to the planes of the centred cubic structure of the silver and gold. The two formulations presented predominantly crystalline characteristics. The infrared analysis suggested that the amides and alcohols present in the samples may have been responsible for the reduction and limitation of the size and dispersion of the silver and gold nanoparticles. The cytotoxic assay showed that the nanoparticles demonstrated great potential to reduce the cell viability of the K-562 cell line, especially the gold nanoparticles.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Water Quality of The Paranhana River, Southern Brazil Dalzochio, Thaís Souza, Mateus Santos de Simões, Leonardo Airton Ressel Silva, Gláucia Joselaine Herbert Rodrigues, Gabriela Zimmermann Prado Andriguetti, Natália Bordin Silva, Luciano Basso da Gehlen, Günther

Abstract in English:

Abstract: The Paranhana River, located in Southern Brazil, is one of the major tributaries of the Sinos River basin and receives mainly industrial and domestic effluents. In the present study, water physicochemical and microbiological analyses, condition factor, micronucleus test, gill histopathology and metal bioaccumulation in the muscle of the native fish Bryconamericus iheringii collected at two sites (S1 and S2) of the Paranhana River under different degrees of anthropogenic pressures were assessed in four sampling campaigns. Data from water quality parameters, condition factor, mucous cells proliferation in fish gills and bioaccumulation of chromium and manganese in muscle evidenced higher impacts at S2, whereas a higher genotoxic potential was observed at S1. Gill histopathological alterations were found in fish captured at both sampling sites. Temporal variations in all biomarkers analyzed and bioaccumulation of manganese and nickel were observed at S1, whereas only variations in condition factor, gill alterations and bioaccumulation of manganese and aluminum were found at S2. Our study evidences that S1 is under minor anthropogenic impacts and that the high urbanization at S2 reflects in a poor water quality. Nonetheless, the human consumption of fish from the Paranhana River should be avoided given the high concentrations of cadmium, chromium and lead.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Genome-Wide Assessment of Putative Superoxide Dismutases in Unicellular and Filamentous Cyanobacteria Prajapati, Rajesh Yadav, Shivam Mitra, Sonali Rai, Priya Mishra, Rajeev Atri, Neelam

Abstract in English:

Abstract Cyanobacteria are photoautotrophic prokaryotes capable to grow in diverse ecological habitats, originated 2.5-3.5 billion years ago and were first to produce oxygen. Since then superoxide dismutases (SOD) acquired great significance due to their ability to catalyze detoxification of byproducts of oxygenic photosynthesis i.e. superoxide radicals. In the present study, we extracted information regarding SODs from species of sequenced cyanobacteria and investigated their diversity, conservation, domain structure, and evolution. 144 putative SOD homologs were identified. Unlike other protein families (ex. serine-threonine kinases) SODs are present in all cyanobacterial species reflecting their significant role in survival. However, their distribution varies fewer (0.01%-0.09%) found in unicellular marine strains whereas abundant (0.02%-0.07%) in filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. They were classified into three major subfamilies according to their domain structures: Fe/MnSOD, Cu/ZnSOD and NiSOD. Interestingly, they lack additional domains as found in proteins of other families however motifs and invariant amino acids typical in eukaryotic SODs were conserved well in these proteins indicating similar catalytic mechanism as eukaryotic SODs. Phylogenetic relationships correspond well with phylogenies based on 16S rRNA and clustering occurs on the basis of structural characteristics such as domain organization. Gene gain-and-loss is insignificant during SOD evolution as evidenced by the absence of additional domain. This study has not only examined an overall background of sequence-structure-function interactions for the SOD gene family but also revealed variation among SOD distribution based on ecophysiological and morphological characters.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Use of Frozen Leaves for Morpho-anatomical Characterization of Nectandra megapotamica (Spreng.) Mez., Lauraceae Costa, Leonardo Severo da Reiniger, Lia Rejane Silveira Trindade, Helena Heinzmann, Berta Maria Bianchini, Nadia Helena

Abstract in English:

Abstract Nectandra megapotamica (Spreng.) Mez. it is a native tree species of the Atlantic Forest, commonly known as canela-preta. The species has some anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antirheumatic properties among others. In this work the use of frozen plant material for microscopy analysis was tested. In addition, the leaf morpho-anatomy of the species was characterized which allowed to perform a structural description and to identify structures of secretion and storage of essential oil. The plant material was prepared for analyzes in optical, fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy. The leaf anatomy shows glabrous epidermis, unistratified, paracytic stomata, absence of trichomes, polyhedral epidermal cells. Some typical family characteristics were observed as a closed arc-shaped bicollateral bundle vascular system and dorsiventral mesophyll. The structures of secretion and storage of essential oil were identified as secretory cavities.
Article- Biological and Applied Sciences
Anti-Helicobacter pylori and Anti-inflammatory Properties of Eugenia uniflora L. Monteiro, Jessica Raquel Borges Ardisson, Juliana Santa Athaydes, Brena Ramos Gonçalves, Rita de Cássia Ribeiro Rodrigues, Ricardo Pereira Kuster, Ricardo Machado Kitagawa, Rodrigo Rezende

Abstract in English:

Abstract Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that reaches half of the world population and it’s recognized as the main cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer. In this study, we evaluated the anti-H. pylori, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activities of the methanolic (MeOH) extract of Eugenia uniflora leaves and chemical profile. Anti-H. pylori activity was evaluated by spectrophotometric broth microdilution technique by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC), in addition to the evaluation of the effect on the urease enzyme. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by capturing O2 •-, HOCl e NO• radicals. The immunomodulatory effect was evaluated on the cytokines TNF-α, IL-6 and on nitric oxide through inhibition in LPS-stimulated macrophages. The chemical profile was performed by total phenolic, tannin and flavonoid contents and mass spectrometry analysis by ESI-FT-ICR MS. In the anti-H. pylori assay the extract showed MIC of 128 μg/mL, however it did not obtain MBC. The extract also showed ability to inhibit the urease enzyme about 20%. The antioxidant activity of the MeOH extract showed EC50 values of 29.77 µg/mL, 15.71 µg/mL and 442.10 µg/mL to O2 •-, HOCl and NO•, respectively. The extract also showed influence on the release of TNF-α, IL-6 and NO in LPS-stimulated macrophages, ranging from 39% to 97% inhibition. Flavonoids, phenylpropanoids, tannins, triterpenoids and carbohydrates were the major classes of compounds present in the MeOH extract as identified by (-)-ESI-FT-ICR MS. The results indicate important anti-H. pylori, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activities from Eugenia uniflora highlighting its importance in the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by H. pylori infection.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Expression Analysis of Pyrenophora teres f. maculata-Responsive Loci in Hordeum vulgare Habachi-Houimli, Yosra Cherif, Mejda Gharsallah, Charfeddine Sébéi, Abdennour Makni, Mohamed Bouktila, Dhia

Abstract in English:

Abstract Pyrenophora teres f. maculata is the causal agent of barley spot form net blotch (SFNB), a major stubble-borne disease in many barley-growing areas worldwide. In plants, the Nucleotide-Binding Site-Leucine-Rich Repeat (NBS-LRR) gene family functions in immunity against a variety of pathogens and pests. From a pre-established set of NBS-type resistance gene candidates, we have selected three candidate genes, HvNBS10, HvNBS72 and HvNBS85, to analyze their possible involvement in P. teres f. maculata resistance. The studied genes were mapped on chromosomes 5H and 7H. Expression profiles using qRT-PCR, 48 hours after infection by P. teres. f. maculata, revealed that the transcription of all genes acted in the same direction (down-regulation) in both resistant and susceptible cultivars, although they showed a variation in transcript dosage. This result suggests that coordinated transcriptional responses of multiple barley NBS genes would be required to an efficient response against P. teres f. maculata. Moreover, the phylogenetic analysis revealed that the studied barley candidate R genes were characterized by a high homology with the barley Nbs2-Rdg2a gene conferring resistance to the fungus Pyrenophora graminea, suggesting a common origin of P. graminea and P. teres resistance genes in barley, following pathogens evolution. The genes characterized in the present study hold potential in elucidating the molecular pathways and developing novel markers associated with SFNB resistance in barley.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Influence of High Light Intensity and Nitrate Deprivation on Growth and Biochemical Composition of the Marine Microalgae Isochrysis galbana Mishra, Neha Prasad, Sheo Mohan Mishra, Neetu

Abstract in English:

Abstract Isochrysis galbana is a brown microalgae widely used as a feed for marine organism in aquaculture. The aim of present study is to investigate the growth, biochemical composition, fatty acid profile, photosynthetic parameters and antioxidant activity (radical scavenging activity) of Isochrysis galbana cells cultivated under different levels (sub-optimum; 50 ± 1.5,optimum; 125 ± 2.5 and supra-optimum; 325 ± 3.5 µmol photons m-2 s -1) of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), and subsequently treated with different concentration of nitrate deprivation (8mM, 2mM and 0.5mM). The experiment was carried out under controlled conditions utilizing a factorial design 3x3 (light intensity and nitrate concentration). The result depicts that PAR positively influences the growth of Isochrysis galbana which is maximum under supra-optimum PAR. Nitrate deprivation (2mM & 0.5mM) induced decline in growth in terms of dry weight is observed as 60.1% & 61.9% in suboptimum and 26.5% and 34.9% in supra-optimum respectively over the values recorded in their respective controls. Supra-optimum PAR decreased primary photosynthetic pigment Chl a and Chl c by 15.7% and 8.5%, whereas carotenoid content increased by 45.9% in supra-optimum PAR which displays potential interest as antioxidant agent in addition to total phenolic content and radical scavenging activity. The results suggest that combined stress of high light and nitrogen deprivation shifts the metabolic physiology from protein synthesis to energy reserve (carbohydrate and lipid) and accumulation of saturated fatty acid on expense of unsaturated fatty acid except docosahexaenoic acid. These valuable compounds exhibit potential applications in mariculture, nutraceutical and biofuel industry.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
The Effect of Water Parameters and Dissolved Minerals on the Hematological Parameters of during Breeding Period Catfish (Silurus glanis) Küçükgül, Azime Yüngül, Mücahit Kahraman, Zuhal Dörücü, Mustafa

Abstract in English:

Abstract In this study, the blood parameters of catfish (Silurus glanis Linnaeus, 1758) inhabiting Çelik Lake (Adıyaman, Turkey) were investigated. The study was conducted between April 2013 and October 2013. After obtaining a blood sample from each catfish has been hematologically analyzed. Then, the water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, calcium, magnesium and nitrate values were determined at before breeding (April), breeding period (June - July) and after breeding of fish (October) and the impacts of these data on hematological values were investigated. According to this study, it was observed that the hematological values obtained at before breeding period, breeding and after the breeding period were affected by the water quality parameters.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Evaluation of Reference Genes for Quantitative PCR in Four Tissues from Rabbits with Hypercholesterolaemia Zhang, Zhen Wen, Bin Xu, Yuan Jiang, En-ze Liu, Jia-yu Zhu, Ke-li Ning, Fang-yong Du, Zhi-Heng Bai, Xiu-Juan

Abstract in English:

Abstract Rabbit with hypercholesterolaemia is an important model for studying cholesterol metabolism disease. This study aimed to evaluate the expression stability of nine reference genes for quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis in adrenal gland, liver, spleen, and kidney tissue from rabbits with hypercholesterolaemia. In total, 30 male Harbin Large White (HLW) rabbits were fed a normal feed (n = 15) or a high cholesterol feed (n = 15) for 8 weeks to induce hypercholesterolaemia. Nine reference genes were verified by qPCR using cDNA extracted from rabbit tissue samples. For qPCR analysis, reference genes were evaluated using the RefFinder and GeNorm algorithms. Overall, seven rabbits with hypercholesterolaemia were identified based on body weight and total cholesterol measurements. Combining the results of the RefFinder and GeNorm algorithms, the most stable reference genes were hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1 (Hprt1) and eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (Eef1a1) in the adrenal gland, β-2-microglobulin (B2m) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gapdh) in the liver, tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein zeta (Ywhaz) and Gapdh in the spleen, and peptidylprolyl isomerase (Ppia), β-actin (Actb), succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit A flavoprotein (Sdha), and B2m in the kidney. Taken together, our results confirmed that Hprt1 and Eef1a1, B2m and Gapdh, Ywhaz and Gapdh, and Ppia, Actb, Sdha, and B2m were the best reference genes for qPCR analyses in adrenal gland, liver, spleen, and kidney tissue, respectively, of rabbits with hypercholesterolaemia.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Diversity of Endophytic and Epiphytic Bacteria From Sugarcane in Khuzestan, Iran Rezamahalleh, Hossein Moazzen Khodakaramian, Gholam Hassanzadeh, Nader

Abstract in English:

Abstract Diverse microorganisms are living as endophytes in plant tissues and as epiphytes on plant surfaces in nature. Commercial formulations of bacteria antagonist to plant pathogenic microbes and ice nucleation active bacteria have been utilized as an environmentally safe method to manage plant disease and to prevent frost damage respectively. Bacteria were isolated from the leaf and sheath of sugarcane (CP69-1026 CP57-614, CP48-103, CP73-21, and CP70-1143 cultivars) verities grown in the field in Khuzestan province, Iran. Bacteria were found in both sheaths and leaves of sugarcane plants which they were significantly higher in density in leaves and which most were endophytic. The bacterial strains were 10 groups on the basis of the biochemical characteristic, which their 16S rRNA encoding gene from representatives were amplified and subjected to sequencing. Results of sequences analyze using blast software from the NCBI website and phylogenetic analysis showed that the representative strains belonged to a wide variety of phylogenetic groups. These results indicated that they were closely related to Burkholderia and Ralstonia from β-Proteobacteria, Mesorhizobium, Ochrobactrum, Sphingomonas from α-Proteobacteria, Microbacterium, Curtobacterium and Leifsonia from Actinobacteria and Xanthomonas from γ-Proteobacteria. This is the first report of the presence of endophytic and epiphytic bacteria from sugarcane in Khuzestan, Iran.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Relationship Between Parameters of Development and Functional Compounds of Yacon Leaves Ferreira, Bruna Mayara Roldão Dagostin, João Luiz Andreotti Andrade, Eriel Forville de Takashina, Thiago Atsushi Ellendersen, Luciana de Souza Neves Masson, Maria Lucia

Abstract in English:

Abstract Yacon is a tuberous root from the Andean region being increasingly grown across the world due to the low caloric values of their roots and the functional properties of extractions of its leaves. However, there is still a gap in the knowledge of how the plant develops, and if physical and chemical changes are noticed regarding maturity. The subject of this work was to investigate the dynamics of a group of parameters and to establish correlations across them. To achieve this goal, leaves collected from three different parts of the plant in three months were assessed regarding size (plant height and leaf area), color and the presence of sesquiterpene lactones. Different methods of extraction were also studied and the total phenolic content was analyzed. The analysis of the results revealed different patterns in the quantity, size and leaf distribution according to the age of the plant. From three different methods of extraction studied, decoction seems to be the most appropriate one to obtain phenolic compounds with greater yield and safety. Besides, the greenness of yacon leaves showed a linear correlation to the total phenolic content, being a simple and promising estimator of the corresponding bioactive group. Sesquiterpene lactones were identified in all extracts, indicating the ease of their extractability even in simple procedures of tea-making.
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
In Silico Target Identification and Validation for Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Selective Phytochemicals. Rana, Shikha Dixit, Savita Mittal, Alok

Abstract in English:

Abstract Phytochemicals present in plant extract include a number of biological active compounds which have shown promising antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities in many animal studies. Present knowledge about the biochemical interactions of these compounds present in phytochemical extracts and target enzymes or proteins responsible for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity is limited. Present work is an attempt to identify and validate possible biological targets as enzymes or proteins involved in these targeted studies using molecular docking as computational method. IMPPAT: Indian Medicinal Plants, Photochemistry and Therapeutics (a curated database) has been used to retrieve various phytochemicals derived from selected plants which includes Carica papaya, Citrus limon, Curcuma longa, Dalbergia sissoo and Punica granatum. These phytochemicals are further evaluated using molecular docking against three enzymes involved in antioxidant activity which includes Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and Catalase (CAT). Cyclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) has been tested for anti-inflammatory activity of these phytochemicals. Gliadin (Triticum aestivum), Tea Extract (Punica granatum), Hesperidin (Citrus limon), Terrestribisamide (Triticum aestivum), Vitamin P (Carica papaya) and 1,2,6-Trigalloylglucose (Punica granatum) are few phytochemicals which has shown promising binding affinities towards target proteins or enzymes Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and Catalase (CAT) and cyclooxigenase-2 (COX-2).
Article - Biological and Applied Sciences
Growth and Immune Response of Pangasius hypophthalmus Fed Diets Containing Seaweed Extracts as Immunostimulant Baleta, Francis Nuestro Bolaños, Jonathan Mallillin

Abstract in English:

Abstract Growth and immune response of Pangasius hypophthalmus were evaluated after feeding the fish with diets containing hot-water extracts (HWE) of Sargassum oligocystum as immunostimulant at 100, 300, and 500 mg kg-1 diet. Basal diet for P. hypophthalmus served as the control. The experimental diets were administered for 12 weeks. At the end of the feeding experiment, growth and haematological profile of fish were evaluated. Result showed that final weight, weight gain, daily growth rate and feed conversion ratio were significantly increased in the fish that received 300 and 500 mg kg-1 HWE of S. oligocystum. Evaluation of the haematological profile showed that white blood cells red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelet of P. hypophthalmus that received the HWE of S. oligocystum were significantly higher than the control group. Overall, our results indicate that the use of S. oligocystum HWE improves growth and haematological profile in P. hypophthalmus.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Effects of gamma radiation on the stability and degradation kinetics of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity during storage of (Oryza sativa L.) black rice flour Ito, Vivian Cristina Zielinski, Acácio Antônio Ferreira Demiate, Ivo Mottin Spoto, Marta Nogueira, Alessandro Lacerda, Luiz Gustavo

Abstract in English:

Abstract The effects of gamma radiation (0, 1, 2 and 3 kGy) were used to evaluate the stability and thermal degradation kinetics of anthocyanins, as well as the stability of total phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant activity at different temperatures (4, 25, 35 and 45 °C) during the storage (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days) of black rice flour. This flour can be used as ingredient for gluten-free cereal products with higher nutritional value. For this it is necessary to preserve the anthocyanin content during thermal processing and shelf-life periods. At time 0, the dose of 3 kGy provided all of the most available bioactive compounds, raising their antioxidant potential, except for TPC. During the storage at different temperatures up to 120 days, gradual losses occurred in all the analysed parameters. Regarding the total anthocyanin content and TPC, the sample irradiated with a 1 kGy dose remained most stable. The analysis of kinetic data indicated a first-order reaction for the degradation of anthocyanins. The combination of irradiation with different temperatures may improve the shelf-life of black rice flour.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Pellet Method of Semen Cryopreservation: Effect of Cryoprotectants, Semen Diluents and Chicken Lines Shanmugam, Murugesan Mahapatra, Ramkrishna

Abstract in English:

Abstract The present study evaluated the effect of cryoprotectants, semen diluents and chicken lines during pellet method of semen cryopreservation. Three different experiments were conducted; Experiment 1 - semen was cryopreserved using dimethylformamide (DMF) at 6% and 9% concentrations in two semen diluents (Lake and Ravie diluent and TES/NaCl diluent), Experiment 2 - semen was cryopreserved using dimethylacetamide (DMA) at 6% and 9% with or without sucrose (100mM), Experiment 3- semen from two chicken lines (PD1 and PD6) was cryopreserved using DMA (6% and 9%). Semen was evaluated pre and post cryopreservation for progressive motility, live and abnormal sperm. Semen pellets were stored in cryovials for at least seven days before examination and insemination. Thawed semen was inseminated intravaginaly to study fertility. All the parameters studied were significantly lower (p<0.05) in cryopreserved semen. DMF in Lake and Ravie diluent gave very low fertility and TES/NaCl diluent no fertile eggs. DMA as cryoprotectant gave fertility up to 9.22 %. Addition of sucrose along with DMA produced fertility similar to other cryopreservation treatment groups. No difference in in vitro semen parameters between chicken lines was observed. There is difference in cryopreservation outcome due to semen diluent and type of cryoprotectant.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Detection of Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in Bovine Meat in the Northern Region of Paraná State, Brazil Pelayo, Jacinta Sanchez Elias Junior, Antonio Roberto Lima, Nicole Ribeiro de Navarro, Armando Rocha, Sérgio Paulo Dejato da

Abstract in English:

Abstract Ground bovine meat is commonly consumed by the population of Brazil. However, it constitutes an excellent medium for the multiplication of microorganisms due to available nutrients and handling practices prior to consumption. Here, we examined 100 samples of ground beef for the presence of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) pathotypes by PCR, and characterized isolates by analyzing their adherence to HEp-2 cells, serotype, antimicrobial susceptibility, and phylogeny. Enteroaggregative E. coli was detected in five (5%) meat samples, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli in three (3%), and atypical enteropathogenic E. coli in two (2%). According to the phylogeny, six isolates (60%) were classified in group A, two (20%) in group B1, and two (20%) in group E. The detected serotypes were O3:H2, O93:H9, O93:H46, O105ab:H7, O152:H8, O156:H10, and O175:H7. The antimicrobial susceptibility testing showed that one sample (10%) was resistant to ampicillin, two (20%) to sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, and two (20%) to cephalothin. Based on these results, bovine ground meat for human consumption can serve as a reservoir of DEC, which emphasizes the importance of appropriate hygienic-sanitary conditions during handling at every stage from slaughter to table.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Biochemical and Utralmicroscopic Evaluation of Myofibril Proteins and Collagen during Ageing in Broiler Chicken PSE (Pale, Sof, Exudative) Meat Marchi, Denis Fabrício Beteto, Flávia Maria Almeida, Gleice Rocha dos Santos Soares, Adriana Lourenço Hernandez-Blazquez, Francisco Javier Ida, Elza Iouko Shimokomaki, Massami

Abstract in English:

Abstract The aim of this work was to study the myofibril proteins and collagen fraction changes in broiler chickens PSE (pale, soft, exudative) meat during ageing and their relationship to meat quality. The results presented an increase of myofibril proteins and collagen solubility promoted by the enhanced proteases activities during storage. Ultramicroscopically, the PSE meat samples revealed intracellularly a sarcomere super contraction and lacunas within the A and I bands while Z-lines appeared very dense and fragmented in comparison to normal samples. This observation was noticed already at 4h storage while extracellularly collagen fibrils decreased visually within the endomysium only after 24h of conditioning. These results influenced the quality as the PSE meat presented better functional properties at the first hours of conditioning before further proteins degradation by proteases. Thereafter, at the later ageing stage a further disintegration of the abnormal meat structure would affect the meat functional properties.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Production of Hydrolysate of Okara Protein Concentrate with High Antioxidant Capacity and Aglycone Isoflavone Content Figueiredo, Vitória Ribeiro Garcia de Justus, Ariana Pereira, Dafne Garcia Georgetti, Sandra Regina Ida, Elza Iouko Kurozawa, Louise Emy

Abstract in English:

Abstract This work aimed to evaluate the enzymatic hydrolysis of okara protein concentrate with respect to degree of hydrolysis (DH) in order to obtain a protein hydrolysate with high antioxidant capacity and aglycones isoflavone content. A central composite rotatable design was carried out to evaluate the influence of temperature (40 to 70°C), enzyme:substrate ratio (0.5 to 5.0%, g/100g protein) and pH (7.0 to 9.0) on DH. The optimal condition was 55°C, pH 9 and enzyme:substrate ratio of 5.0%, resulting a DH value of 35.5%. After protein hydrolysis at optimal condition, the antioxidant capacities of hydrolysate increased from 58.29 to 383.49 μM Trolox equivalent/g solids (ABTS method) and 2.41 to 15.32 μM Trolox equivalent/g solids (FRAP method) when compared with protein concentrate. The higher radical scavenging ability of hydrolysate was due to great amount of hydrophobic amino acids (34.92 g/100g protein). Moreover, the protein hydrolysate obtained under optimal condition had 3 times higher aglycone isoflavone content than non-hydrolyzed sample. These results showed that protein hydrolysis of okara could be an alternative approach to increase antioxidant activity and enrich aglycones isoflavone in this byproduct generated from soymilk industry.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Characterization of Seed Oils of Pterodon emarginatus Vogel (Sucupira) Obtained by Different Extraction Methods Costa-Singh, Tainara Jorge, Neuza

Abstract in English:

Abstract The present study aims to evaluate the influence of extraction methods on the quality of bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity in Pterodon emarginatusVogel (sucupira) oils. The oils were extracted from the sucupira seeds by Soxhlet and by the extraction system of Bligh & Dyer. The oils were analyzed as to fatty acid profile, tocopherols, phytosterols, carotenoids, total phenolics, and total antioxidant capacity. The extraction by Soxhlet showed better yield of total lipids and was more efficient to extract tocopherols, phytosterols, and carotenoids, besides presenting better antioxidant activity by DPPH•. However, this method showed insufficient capacity to extract the polar lipid components of the sample, as evidenced by the low results of total phenolic compounds. On the other hand, the Bligh & Dyer method preserved the fatty acid profile and was also effective to extract higher phenolic compounds content and presented superior antioxidant activity when assessed by FRAP, ABTS•+, and oxidative stability index.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Physicochemical Characterization, Antioxidant Potential and Sensory Quality of Wine from Wild Edible Fruits of Flacourtia montana J. Graham Mundaragi, Abhishek Thangadurai, Devarajan Appaiah, Konerira Aiyappa Anu Dandin, Chethan Jambanna Sangeetha, Jeyabalan

Abstract in English:

Abstract The objective of the present study was to produce wine from wild edible fruits of Flacourtia montana J. Graham. The various physicochemical attributes including total phenolic content and total flavonoid content were analyzed. Further, the prepared wine was evaluated for the antioxidant potential using four different assays, viz., 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS), 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), reducing power assay and total antioxidant activity. Finally, the wine was subjected for the sensory evaluation. Experimental results revealed that wine had an alcohol content of 7.20%, total phenolic content of 0.776±0.032 mg GAE/ml and total flavonoids of 0.121±0.012 mg QE/ml. High performance liquid chromatography analysis revealed the presence of four major phenolic acids, viz., gallic acid (0.009±0.0005 mg/ml), chlorogenic acid (0.623±0.091 mg/ml), catechin (0.063±0.011 µg/ml) and epicatechin (0.060±0.009 mg/ml). In vitro antioxidant analysis of wine was able to successfully scavenge the free radicals in a dose dependent manner. Sensory scores indicated wine to be good in overall acceptability. Thus, present study highlighted the therapeutic nature of wine prepared from this underutilized fruit which could provide possibilities for enhancing socio-economic benefits among rural communities.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Antioxidant Activities of Chicken Egg White Hydrolysates Obtained by New Purified Protease of Aspergillus avenaceus URM 6706 Silva, Anna Carolina da Queiroz, Alana Emilia Soares de França Oliveira, João Tiago Correia Medeiros, Erika Valente Souza-Motta, Cristina Maria de Moreira, Keila Aparecida

Abstract in English:

Abstract Protein hydrolysates originating from egg white have already been reported to be bioactive and, among their biological activities, possess the antioxidant property that protects the body from early ageing and diseases linked to oxidation. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of hydrolysates obtained by the hydrolysis of egg white from hen poultry. The protease produced by Aspergillus avenaceus URM 6706 was purified and subsequently applied to hydrolysate the egg white, and the degree of hydrolysis was verified during the protease exposure time (4-24 h). The hydrolysis was intensified over time of exposure to the protease. It was possible to detect the antioxidant activities of eliminating the 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) radical (ABTS•+) from 97% to 99% and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) up to 27%, as well as the chelation of Cu2+ metal ions up to 62% and Fe2+ up to 54%. The elimination of ABTS•+ radical had a positive correlation with the degree of hydrolysis; however, all the other activities tested showed a negative correlation with the degree of hydrolysis. The results obtained suggest that the egg white of hen chicken represents a food source of animal origin with potential application in the functional food industry.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Application of an Enzymatic Extract from Aspergillus niger as Coagulant for Cheddar Cheese Manufacture Lombardi, Julia Ciocia, Felicia Uniacke-Lowe, Thérèse Boeris, Valeria Risso, Patricia McSweeney, Paul L. H.

Abstract in English:

Abstract The coagulation of milk by a serin protease from Aspergillus niger NRRL3 was studied by rheology. Cheddar-type cheese was manufactured using 3.5% (v/v) of fungal enzymatic extract and fermentation-produced chymosin was used as control coagulant. Full composition and ripening of both kinds of Cheddar cheese were studied. Differences in the proteolysis of caseins, not only during cheese manufacture but also during ripening, affected cheese composition, texture and peptide profile. Microbial development during ripening was not affected by the coagulant used.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Some Quality Parameters of Powdered Soups Prepared from Different Fish Species Öztürk, Fatma Kalkan, Selin Elmas, Ercan Elmas, Sercan Bariş, Pelin Demir, Özlem

Abstract in English:

Abstract In this study, we aim to determine the shelf life of dried and ready to use-powdered soup samples obtained from different types of fish species such as Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), sea bream (Sparusaurata L.) and sea bass (Dicentrarchuc labrax). For this purpose, the chemical (moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash, pH, Thiobarbituric acid (TBA), Total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), microbiological (total mesophilic aerobic bacteria, total yeast and mold, total coliform, Staphylococcus spp. and Salmonella spp.) and sensory properties of fish soup samples were determined during 6-month storage period. The pH, TBA and TVB-N values of all samples increased during the storage period, but these values were within the consumption limits. Additionally, the microbiological properties of all fish soup samples were found within the consumption limits during storage. As a result, a product has been obtained with high nutritional value and rich with regard to protein, oil, and minerals by adding the fish meat to soup samples. It has been determined that the product quality and shelf life significantly increased by using the boiled product for the production of soup samples.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Tucum-do-Pantanal (Bactris setosa Mart.): Physicochemical Characterization of Almonds, Press Cake and Crude Oil Aydos, Leonardo Recena Amaral, Luane Aparecida do Souza, Gabriel Henrique Oliveira de Cavalheiro, Leandro Fontoura Vargas, Márcio Olívio Figueiredo Rafacho, Bruna Paola Murino Nazário, Carlos Eduardo Domingues Oliveira, Rodrigo Juliano Macedo, Maria Ligia Rodrigues Santos, Elisvânia Freitas dos

Abstract in English:

Abstract Brazil has high diversity of native fruits with high nutritional and biochemical value. Bactris setosa Mart. (tucum-do-Pantanal) stands out by its oil-rich almond. This study aimed to determine the physicochemical characteristics of tucum-do-Pantanal almond and its by-products: press cake and crude oil. The almond of tucum-do-Pantanal had total weight of 0.81g, lager diameter 10.87mm, small diameter 8.21mm, height 12.50, weight of almond 0.38g, weight of endocarp 0.25g. In relation to the chemical analysis, the cake had higher ash, protein and carbohydrate contents than the almond. On the other hand, the content of moisture, lipids and calories were higher in the almond. The press cake showed 636.80 g kg-1 of total fiber. The fatty acids that predominated in tucum-do-Pantanal oil were lauric (58.48), myristic (12.59) and oleic (10.15%) acids. The oil of tucum-do-Pantanal had an acid index of 3.01 KOH / g, peroxide index of 4.84 meq / kg, saponification index of 140.91 mg KOH / oil g, iodine index of 3.72 gI2 / 100 g, refractive index of 1.46, density of 0.92 g / mL, water content of 493.11 ppm and oxidation stability of 32.01 h. The results suggest that tucum-do-Pantanal almond as an important source of oil, calories and fibers, with potential use in the food industry.
Article- Food/Feed Science and Technology
Influences of Different Coating Materials on the Quality Changes of Hardboiled Salted Duck Eggs under Ambient Storage Venkatachalam, Karthikeyan Lekjing, Somwang Noonim, Paramee

Abstract in English:

Abstract The present study investigated the influences of selected coatings (paraffin wax (PW), chitosan (CH), whey protein isolate (WPI), and soy protein isolate (SPI)) on the quality changes of hardboiled salted duck eggs when kept under ambient temperature (30±2 oC). At 5-day intervals for 15 days, samples were tested for color (L*, C*, and h˚), shell strength, weight loss, microbial analysis, water activity, moisture, pH, salt content, TBARS, and sensory analysis. L*, C* and h˚ gradually decreased in egg white, whereas C* and h˚ gradually increased in egg yolk. Shell strength gradually decreased in all cases, and weight loss similarly increased throughout the storage. PW and WPI coatings gave the best shell strengths and the least weight loss. The aw was not significantly different between the treatments. WPI and PW retained the most moisture. A slight decrease in pH was observed in all the samples (P ≥ 0.05). On the other hand, salt content gradually increased with storage time, and the WPI and SPI treatments gave < 2% salt accumulation. TBARS steadily increased throughout storage, and the WPI samples had the least lipid oxidation. TPC, mold, and yeast at the end of storage were the least with the WPI treatment. Both the storage period and coating material choice significantly influenced the sensory scores that declined throughout the storage. Overall, the WPI coating treatment gave the best results.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Pentoses Used in Cultures of Synechococcus nidulans and Spirulina paracas: Evaluation of Effects in Growth and in Content of Proteins and Carbohydrates Freitas, Bárbara Catarina Bastos de Cassuriaga, Ana Paula Aguiar Morais, Michele Greque de Atala, Daniel Ibraim Pires Costa, Jorge Alberto Vieira

Abstract in English:

Abstract The biological assimilation of the sugars present in lignocellulosic residues has gained prominence since these residues are the most abundant and economic residues in nature. Thus, the objective of this work was to determine whether the use of D-xylose and L-arabinose as sources of carbon in Synechococcus nidulans and Spirulina paracas cultures affects the growth and production of proteins and carbohydrates. Kinetic growth parameters, pentose consumption, protein content and carbohydrates were evaluated. Synechococcus nidulans and Spirulina paracas consumed all concentrations of pentose used. The highest cellular concentration (1.37 g.L-1) and the highest protein productivity (54 mg.L-1.d-1) were obtained for Spirulina paracas, which was submitted to the addition of 38.33 mg.L-1 D-xylose and 1.79 mg.L-1 L-arabinose. The use of pentose promoted the accumulation of proteins for the studied microalgae. This is one of the first works to report protein bioaccumulation as a result of pentose addition.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Oral Administration of Citrus Extracts in Suckling Piglets Pereira, Lidiane Pescke Hilgemberg, João Otávio Primieri, Charlise Mass, Anna Paula Holzmann Lehnen, Cheila Roberta

Abstract in English:

Abstract An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of suckling piglets subjected to oral administration of citrus extracts (CE). Twenty sows were used with ten sucking piglets on average initial weight of 1.26 kg (± 0.32) for 21 days. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with two treatments: Negative Control (without antimicrobials) and Citrus Extracts (ascorbic acid + flavonoids, oral administration of 0.3 mg kg of BW via pigdoser) with ten repetitions each. The number of live-born piglets in females PO5 was 21% higher than in PO3 sows. Sows where piglets received CE showed a 10% higher (P <0.05) feed intake in the last week of lactation. From 8 to 21 days, the feed conversion of NC sows was 23 and 38% lower (P <0.05) than sows where piglets received CE. Piglet mortality was 13.4% in NC group and 3.9% in CE group in a single dose on the third day of life. The villous length in the duodenum was 24% higher (P <0.01) in piglets receiving CE. The administration of CE increased 19% (P = 0.02) the villous length of the ileum region of suckling piglets. Frequency of normal feces was higher (P<0.05) in piglets CE group. Oral administration of CE containing flavonoids and ascorbic acid to suckling piglets not improves the piglet growth. However, it alters the gut morphology, and reduces the frequency of diarrhea during suckling period. Parity order interferes on feed intake, feed conversion of sows and performance of litters.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Growth and Differentiation Factor-9 Supplementation Affects Viability and Morphology of Preantral Follicles in Equine Ovarian Fragments During Short-term in vitro Culture Marino, Polyana Carolina Bizarro-Silva, Camila Búfalo, Isabela Rosa, Camila Oliveira Gonçalves, Gustavo Romero Lisboa, Livia Aires Seneda, Marcelo Marcondes

Abstract in English:

Abstract This study aimed to evaluate different concentrations of growth and differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) on the development and maintenance of equine preantral follicle morphology during short-term in vitro culture. Ovaries (n=5) from five mares were collected from a local slaughterhouse and transported to the laboratory, where nine fragments (5x5x1mm) were procured from each ovary. One fragment from each was immediately fixed and submitted for histological analysis (control group; D0). The other eight fragments were cultured in situ for two (D2) or six (D6) days in MEM+ or MEM+ supplemented with GDF-9 at different concentrations (i.e., 50, 100 and 200 ng/mL the GDF-9). After culturing with different concentrations of GDF-9 for 2 or 6 days, the fragments were processed for histological analysis. After two days of cultivation, we observed an increase in the percentage of developing follicles for 0 (MEM+), 50, 100 and 200 ng/mL GDF-9 compared to control (D0; P<0.05). When we evaluated all treatments that preserved follicular integrity, the GDF-9 concentration of 100 ng/mL presented results superior to those of the other cultures (P<0.05). While, at six days of culture, the concentration of 200 ng/mL of GDF-9 appeared to be more efficient in providing development compared to MEM+ (P<0.05). The percentage of morphologically intact follicles in the 6 days culture samples treated with 50 ng/mL of GDF-9 indicated that this concentration was effective in maintaining the integrity of the follicle (P<0.05). We conclude, therefore, that graduated GDF-9 addition to the medium ensure follicular development and is sufficient maintain the architecture.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Physicochemical, Thermal, Structural and Pasting Properties of Unconventional Starches from Ginger (Zingiber officinale) and White Yam (Dioscorea sp.) Oliveira, Cristina Soltovski de Bisinella, Radla Zabian Bassetto Bet, Camila Delinski Beninca, Cleoci Demiate, Ivo Mottin Schnitzler, Egon

Abstract in English:

Abstract Ginger and white yam starches were investigated and compared with maize starch. Proximal composition, thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, microscopy, colourimetry, X-ray powder diffractometry and pasting profile were analysed. The unconventional starches presented higher protein and ash contents than the maize starch, that had the highest thermal stability. Higher gelatinisation temperatures were reported for ginger starch, and the enthalpy of the unconventional starches were similar. The maize starch presented the lowest gelatinisation values. For the corn starch the granules were polygonal and smaller than the unconventional starches, and oval shapes and larger diameters were found for the ginger and yam starches. The unconventional starches presented less brightness and a greater tendency to red and yellow. The maize and ginger starches had A-type diffraction patterns, while the white yam starch had a C-type pattern. The highest relative crystallinity was observed for the ginger starch and there were small differences between the yam and maize starches. Higher peak viscosity and final viscosity and lower pasting temperature were observed for the yam starch. Ginger starch showed the highest shear and stability of heating glue, so may be used in products processed under high temperatures; and yam starch can be used in acidic foods that require high viscosities.
Article - Food/Feed Science and Technology
Potentiality of Using Mechanically Separated Meats of Nile Tilapia in Fishburgers: Chemical, Physical and Sensory Characterization Costa, Denise Pinheiro Soncini da Gonçalves, Tania Maria Vinturin Conti-Silva, Ana Carolina

Abstract in English:

Abstract Fishburgers were made with washed mechanically separated meat (MSM) from carcass and filleting by-product (both washed and unwashed) of the Nile tilapia. The proximal composition of fishburgers was different and varied according to the raw material used, as well the color parameters. Fishburgers with MSM from filleting by-product had lower hardness and springiness, and fishburger with MSM from unwashed filleting by-product had higher yield and lower reduction in thickness. The fishburgers containing MSM from filleting by-product had better sensory acceptance, due to higher color intensities (sensory), fish odor, tenderness, succulence, cohesiveness and fish flavor. The fishburger with MSM from washed carcass was the least acceptable, because of surface uniformity. This study shows the potentiality of using MSM from tilapia filleting by-product for burgers, while the formulation of fishburgers with smaller amounts of MSM from washed carcass or with added condiments can result in improved sensory acceptance and potentiality of use.
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
Açai juice as contrast agent in MRCP exams: qualitative and quantitative image evaluation Pinho, Kátia Elisa Prus Pinho, Antonio Carlos Pisani, Julio Cesar Goedert, Carlos Alberto Gusso, Andreia Magri Gewehr, Pedro Miguel

Abstract in English:

Abstract This works aims to assess images obtained with administration of açai juice as compared to a manufactured standard iron oxide-based contrast employed as negative oral agents in Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), employing qualitative and quantitative evaluation. The research was developed with 64 patients submitted to MRCP exams (on 2 days) in a clinic of Curitiba city (Brazil). First (day 1), a manufactured iron oxide-based contrast (A) was offered and later (day 2), açai juice (contrast B) was given to patients. Radiologists (R1 and R2) evaluated the images, classifying them by a score (1-4). In order to have a quantitative assessment, Image J free software was employed generating plots of gray levels against distance of a chosen area of the bile duct interest region. Evaluating images for contrast A, R1 furnished an average score of 3.52 and R2 of 3.27. For contrast B, R1 provided 3.44 and R2 3.38. Both evaluators considered image quality with contrast A adequate for 62 patients. R1 considered adequate for 62 and R2 for 60 patients when using açai juice. By taking same images for all patients with Image J, a quantitative analysis was obtained, resulting correlation coefficient of 0.986 between average curves of contrasts A and B. Thus, açai juice is an adequate alternative as contrast agent in MRCP exams. Image J was employed as a new method for quantitative investigation of image quality, presenting good agreement with medical opinion.
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
Development and Psychometric Properties of TQWL-42 to Measure the Quality of Work Life Pedroso, Bruno Pilatti, Luiz Alberto Gutierrez, Gustavo Luis Picinin, Claudia Tania

Abstract in English:

Abstract The objective of this study was to construct and validate an instrument that evaluates the Quality of Work Life (QWL) globally, following the WHOQOL instruments and founded in QWL's classical theoretical models, directed to the contemporary society. The psychometric properties tested were content validity, face validity, internal consistency, criterion validity, concurrent validity and test-retest reliability in an application to 283 individuals. The final version of the instrument is constituted by 47 questions, being five to sample knowledge and 42 divided in five spheres that contemplate QWL's dimensions. For the results calculation a SPSS syntax and a tool in Microsoft Excel that perform the automated calculation after the data tabulation were developed. The psychometric properties tested were satisfactory. We conclude that the goal of validating a global instrument for evaluation of QWL from the contemporary society culture with satisfactory psychometrical characteristics was reached.
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
Bioethanol from Microalgal Biomass: A Promising Approach in Biorefinery Silva, Carlos Eduardo de Farias Bertucco, Alberto

Abstract in English:

Abstract The development of new technologies which increase the production of biofuel without directly compete with food production is required. Microalgal biomass has recently been in the highlight. The role of this biomass is here discussed within the concept of biorefinery and industrial sustainability of bioethanol production. The process of cultivation in order to accumulate around 50% of carbohydrates in the biomass (dry weight) and the importance of water and nutrient recycling are reviewed. Saccharification of biomass using enzymes or acids and alternative processes such as hydrothermal liquefaction and flash hydrolysis are addressed. Since the main monosaccharide in microalgal biomass is glucose, high rates of hydrolysis and fermentation were, generally, achieved (more than 80% of the efficiency as a sum of these two processes). Anaerobic digestion to treat vinasse and the recycling of CO2 from the ethanolic fermentation and biogas could increase the process sustainability. Alternative techniques for the concentration of bioethanol from fermentation broth and for the optimization of fuel transportation are mentioned. Finally, the advantage of using microalgae rather than other sources is estimated with reference to the production rate, even though the cultivation costs are still high.
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
Use of Adsorbent Biochar from Pequi (Caryocar Brasiliense) Husks for the Removal of Commercial Formulation of Glyphosate from Aqueous Media Borba, Lana Lima Cuba, Renata Medici Frayne Terán, Francisco Javier Cuba Castro, Martha Nascimento Mendes, Thiago Augusto

Abstract in English:

Abstract This study evaluated the capacity of adsorbent biochar derived from pequi husks to remove glyphosate (commercial formulation) in aqueous medium under three pH conditions (5.5, 7.0 and 8.0). This biochar presented a mean yield of 33.1% ± 2.66% and a high amount of surface particles of small dimensions endowing it with high surface area. The results showed that removal is proportional to pH increase in the range of 5.5 to 8.0. Adsorption assays performed at pH 7 and 8 fitted better to the Langmuir pseudo-first order kinetics model with fast adsorption in the first 15 to 30 minutes. The results for the acidic pH range fit none of the adopted models satisfactorily. The results obtained suggest that adsorbent can be used as an efficient and inexpensive alternative for the adsorption of glyphosate present in commercial formulations from aqueous matrices.
Article- Biological and Applied Sciences
Phenolic Profile, Essential Oil Composition and Bioactivity of Lasia spinosa (L.) Thwaites Rahman, Atiqur Siddiqui, Shah Alam Oke-Altuntas, Feyza OKAY, Sezer GÜL, Fatih Demirtas, Ibrahim

Abstract in English:

Abstract Lasia spinosa (L.) Thwaites is a widely used ethnomedicinal plant in Bangladesh. In this study, we investigated phenolic contents, volatile compounds and fatty acids, and essential oil components of extracts prepared from aerial parts of the plant. The main volatile compounds were methyl ester of oleic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid as determined by GC/MS. Phenolic contents of the extracts were determined qualitatively and quantitatively by HPLC/TOF-MS. Six phenolic compounds (syringic acid, morin, gentistic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, cinnamic acid, and apigenin) were found in the extracts. GC/MS analysis of steam distilled essential oil showed camphor, α-pinene and δ-3-carene as the main constituents. In DPPH radical scavenging assay, the highest free radical scavenging activity was observed for the methanol extract with an IC50 value of 0.48 ± 0.04 mg/mL, whereas, in metal chelating activity on ferrous ions (Fe2+) assay, the highest chelating activity was observed for hexane extract (IC50 = 0.55 ± 0.08 mg/mL). The extracts and essential oil were tested against five severe human pathogenic bacteria using disc diffusion assay and subsequent MIC values were also determined. All the extracts (except methanol extract) and the essential oil were found to possess potential antimicrobial activity with corresponding inhibition zone and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ranging from 9-23 mm and 62.5-500 µg/mL. This study has been explored the plant Lasia spinosa can be seen as a potential source of biologically active compounds.
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
Viability Assays of PLLA Fibrous Membranes Produced by Rotary Jet Spinning for Application in Tissue Engineering Ciocca, Bárbara Etruri Munhoz, André Luiz Jardini Cardoso, Guinea Brasil Camargo Rodigues, Ana Amélia Pattaro, Ana Flávia Kaasi, Andreas Maciel Filho, Rubens

Abstract in English:

Abstract Tissue engineering suggests different forms to reconstruct tissues and organs. One of the ways is through the use of polymeric biomaterials such as poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA). PLLA is a recognized material in tissue engineering due to its characteristics as biocompatibility and bioresorbability. In this work PLLA fibrous membranes were produced by a simple technique known as rotary jet spinning. The rotary jet spinning consists of fibrous membranes production, with fibers of scale nano/micrometric, from a polymeric solution through the centrifugal force generated by the equipment. The membranes formed were subjected to preliminary in vitro assays to verify the cytotoxicity of the membranes made in contact with the cells. Direct cytotoxicity assays were performed through the MTT, AlamarBlue® and Live/Dead® tests, with fibroblastic and osteoblastic cells. The results obtained in this study showed that PLLA membranes produced by rotary jet spinning showed promising results in the 24-hours contact period of the cells with the PLLA fibrous membranes. The information presented in this preliminary study provides criteria to be taken in the future procedures that will be performed with the biomaterial produced, aiming at its improvement.
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
X-ray Microtomography to Quantify Morphological Sandstones Properties Pires, Luiz Fernando Melo, Mário Sérgio de Borges, Jaqueline Aparecida Ribaski Heck, Richard John Facin, Paulo Cesar

Abstract in English:

Abstract The sandstones of the Furnas Formation in the State of Paraná, south of Brazil, are located in regions with great importance due to the natural heritage found in the rocky forms and associated flora and fauna. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the internal structure of diverse sandstones of the Furnas Formation. X-ray microtomography allowed 3D characterization of the number, pore size and shape distributions of the sandstones. Images with voxel size of 603 µm3 were utilized to evaluate the sandstone’s macroporosity. The main results obtained indicate that higher macroporosities were observed in coarser and some types of silicified sandstones. In general, fine sandstones were characterized by the largest number of pores. As a general conclusion the size and shape distribution of pores seem to have a variable relation with genetic factors as grain size and cement (siliceous and/or ferruginous).
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
Microhardness and Ultrastructure of Demineralized Gamma-Irradiated Human Enamel after Diode Laser (980 nm) and Fluoride Surface Treatment Bakr, Mostafa AbdAllah Saafan, Ali Mohamed Maghraby, Eman Mohamed Fathy El Rouby, Dalia Hussien El Ahmed, Salwa Farid

Abstract in English:

Abstract Quality of life drastically diminished after radiotherapy due to radiation induced oral complications. Fluoride was found to be helpful in decreasing the incidence of radiation caries; however it has not led to elimination of dental caries. Thus, new techniques containing low fluoride concentration or not containing fluoride at all, as laser irradiation, have been studied to prevent the beginning or progression of caries. So the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of laser surface treatment with or without fluoride on microhardness and ultrastructure of demineralized gamma irradiated enamel; Thirty enamel slabs were allocated into three groups (n=10): G slabs were subjected to gamma irradiation only; GL slabs were subjected to gamma irradiation followed by diode laser and GFL slabs were subjected to gamma irradiation followed by fluoride then diode laser. Slabs were then exposed to demineralizing solution for 72 hours. Examination of slabs was performed using vickers microhardness test and scanning electron microscope; The lowest microhardness was recorded in group G, while inGL and GFL groups it significantly increased. Scanning electron microscope revealed a pronounced loss of central prism core and retention of prism peripheries in group G. Confluence of prismatic and interprismatic structures in GL slabs and irregular rough surface with prismatic boundaries conservation in GFL slabs were detected. Applying laser improved the microhardness and counteracted the adverse effect of gamma radiation. Adding fluoride before laser irradiation had a marked effect on microhardness..
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
Indoor Air Quality in the Hospital: The Influence of Heating, Ventilating and Conditioning Systems Božić, Jelena Ilić, Predrag ilić, Svetlana

Abstract in English:

Abstract Clean, fresh air is the most important requirement for good indoor air quality (IAQ) in all buildings, but it is especially important with regard to the environments within hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The literature indicates that buildings with heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems may have an increased risk of sick building syndrome (SBS) and building-related illness (BRI) if they are not well maintained. Microorganisms are brought into hospitals by people, air currents, water, construction materials and equipment. The main objective of this study was to assess the degree of fungal and bacterial contamination in the University Clinical Centre in Banja Luka, which is directly connected to the HVAC system. Airborne bacteria and fungi in the indoor hospital environment were assessed experimentally. Air samples were collected during the winter season. This paper presents the results related to the concentration of microorganisms expressed in colony forming units per cubic metre of air sampled (in CFU/m3) together with the microclimatic parameters temperature and relative humidity. The results of monitoring indicate the effectiveness of HVAC systems in reducing microbiological contamination.
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
A Novel Run-length based wavelet features for Screening Thyroid Nodule Malignancy Haji, Salih Omer Yousif, Raghad Zuhair

Abstract in English:

Abstract: Thyroid nodules are cell growths in the thyroid which might be for in one of two categories benign or malignant. Nodular thyroid disease is common and because of the associated risk of malignancy and hyper-function; these nodules have to be examined thoroughly. Hence diagnosing thyroid nodule malignancy in the early stage can mitigate the possibility of death. This paper presents an intelligent thyroid nodules malignancy diagnosis using texture information in run-length matrix derived from 2- level 2D wavelet transform bands (approximation and details). In this work, ANOVA test has been used to for feature selection to reduce for feature selection about 45 run-length features with and without wavelet generated, before feeding those features which clinical importance to the Support Vector Machine(SVM) and Decision Tree (DT) classifier to perform the automated diagnosis. The validation of this work is activated using 100-thyroid nodule images spliced equally between the two categories (50 Benign and 50 Malignant). The proposed system can detect thyroid nodules malignancy with an average accuracy of about 97% using SVM classifier for the run- length matrix, features derived from spatial domain while the average accuracy is increased to 98% in case of hybrid feature derived from spatial domain and 2-level wavelet decomposition. For the other proposed classifier (DT), the average accuracy in case of spatial domain based features is 93% whereas the average accuracy of the hybrid features system is 97%. Hence the proposed system can be used for the screening of thyroid nodules.
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
Global and Local Oriented Gabor Texture Histogram for Person Re-identification Poongothai, Elango Suruliandi, Andavar

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT: Automated person re-identification is a key process in global distributed camera systems. This paper proposes a new feature, the Global and Local-Oriented Gabor Texture Histogram (GLOGTH), for person re-identification. GLOGTH is a combination of the local texture and global structure information of a given input image. This feature aims at representing the human appearance traits with low-dimensional feature extraction. The proposed feature extracts the texture information of input images based on the orientation of the weighted gradient from the global representation. In GLOGTH, the principal orientation is determined by the gradient of the pixels. Based on the principal orientation, the Gabor feature is extracted and imbues GLOGTH with the strong ability to express edge information, apart from making it robust to lighting variances. The experimental results acquired from the databases demonstrate that the proposed GLOGTH framework is capable of achieving notable improvements, in many cases reaching higher classification accuracy than traditional frameworks.
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
Visual FTBL Generator: Visual Generation Tool for 13C-FLUX File Yu, Guojun Rui, Bin Fan, Xinyue Xie, Xiaoyao

Abstract in English:

Abstract 13C metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) has achieved increasing significance in quantitative metabolic system analysis in recent years. In 13C metabolic flux analysis, 13C-FLUX software is a major analytical tool. The software’s input script is primarily expressed in textual form without visual presentation of the structure of the entire metabolic network, thus error-prone in manual input. To solve this problem, we have developed a visual FTBL generator (VFG, available at in a Google or Firefox browser)for MFA that eliminates the tedious, error-prone text entry mode and provides a user-friendly graphical interface and simple visual reaction generation functions.
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
Breast Cancer Prediction Using Dominance-based Feature Filtering Approach: A Comparative Investigation in Machine Learning Archetype Atrey, Kushangi Sharma, Yogesh Bodhey, Narendra K. Singh, Bikesh Kumar

Abstract in English:

Abstract Breast cancer is the most commonly witnessed cancer amongst women around the world. Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) have been playing a significant role in early detection of breast tumors hence to curb the overall mortality rate. This work presents an enhanced empirical study of impact of dominance-based filtering approach on performances of various state-of-the-art classifiers. The feature dominance level is proportional to the difference in means of benign and malignant tumors. The experiments were done on original Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset (WBCD) with total nine features. It is found that the classifiers’ performances for top 4 and top 5 dominant-based features are almost equivalent to performances for all nine features. Artificial neural network (ANN) is come forth as the best performing classifier among all with accuracies of 98.9% and 99.6% for top 4 and top 5 dominant features respectively. The error rate of ANN between all nine and top 4 &5 dominant features is less than 2% for four performance evaluation parameters namely sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and AUC. Thus, it can be stated that the dominance-based filtering approach is appropriate for selecting a sound set of features from the feature pool, consequently, helps to reduce computation time with no deterioration in classifier’s performance.
Article - Engineering, Technology and Techniques
Silymarin-Laden PVP-Nanocontainers Prepared Via the Electrospraying Technique for Improved Aqueous Solubility and Dissolution Rate Yousaf, Abid Mehmood Malik, Usman Rashid Shahzad, Yasser Hussain, Talib Khan, Ikram Ullah Din, Fakhar Ud Mahmood, Tariq Ahsan, Hafiz Muhammad Syed, Ahmed Shah Akram, Muhammad Rouf

Abstract in English:

Abstract The aim of the present research was to develop a silymarin-laden PVP-nanocontainer providing ameliorated aqueous solubility and dissolution of the drug. Several silymarin-laden formulations were formed with varying quantities of PVP and SDS via the solvent evaporation method using the electrospraying technique. The influence of the hydrophilic carriers on solubility and dissolution was explored. The solid-state characterization was carried out by particle-size analysis, PXRD, DSC, FTIR and SEM. All of the formulations demonstrated better solubility and dissolution than did silymarin plain powder. Both the SDS and PVP had positive effects on solubility and dissolution of silymarin in the aqueous media. An increased solubility was attained as the drug/PVP ratio was 1/4; however, further increase in PVP did not provide significant improvement. In particular, a nanocontainer formulation prepared with silymarin, PVP and SDS (1/4/0.5, w/w/w) exhibited the best solubility (26432.76 ± 1749.00 μg/mL) and an excellent dissolution (~92 % in 20 min) than did silymarin plain powder. Also, it demonstrated similar dissolution profiles compared to a commercial product; therefore, might be bioequivalent to the commercial product (f 1 = 3 and f 2 = 69). Moreover, cumulative undersize distribution values as represented by X10, X50 and X90 were 201 ± 21.01 nm, 488 ± 36.05 nm and 392 ± 48.10 nm, respectively. The drug existed in the amorphous state in the PVP-nanocontainers with no strong chemical bonding with other excipients. Thus, this formulation might be used for more effective administration of silymarin via the oral route.
Article - Environmental Sciences
Biosurfactant Production by Bacillus strains isolated from sugar cane mill wastewaters Santos, Elane Cristina Lourenço dos Miranda, Daniele Alves dos Reis Silva, Amanda Lys dos Santos López, Ana Maria Queijeiro

Abstract in English:

Abstract Biosurfactants possess diverse chemical properties and provide important characteristics to the producing microorganisms, which can act as surface-actives and emulsifiers of hydrocarbon and others water insoluble substances. Most of them are lipopeptides synthetized by Bacillus. This study evaluated the biosurfactant production by strains of Bacillus previously obtained from liquid residues of sugar-alcohol industry. The bacterial isolates LBPMA: BSC, BSD, J1, J2 and L1 were cultivated in medium that induces production of biosurfactants (Landy medium). During 48 h of incubation, at intervals of 12 h, the total contents of proteins, reducing carbohydrates and surfactant activity of the filtrated growth media free of cells were evaluated. The results showed that these strains use glucose as a source of carbon, energy and for synthesis of surfactant. In this medium (24 h), the best producer of biosurfactant was the strain LBPMA-J2, molecularly identified as Bacillus thuringiensis. Once the supernatant free of cells of this microorganism disperses the oil phase in the water, this strain has potential for being utilized on bioremediation processes.
Article - Environmental Sciences
Consortium of Microalgae for Tannery Effluent Treatment Pena, Aline de Cassia Campos Bertoldi, Crislaine Fabiana Fontoura, Juliana Tolfo da Trierweiler, Luciane Ferreira Gutterres, Mariliz

Abstract in English:

Abstract Wastewater generated in tanneries have essential elements for microalgae growth, but it has also some toxic compounds that may hinder or restrain the growth of microalgae in this environment. This work tested microalgae consortium growth originating from a deactivated effluent treatment decanter of a complete tannery (beamhouse to finished leather) for the treatment of wastewater of a tannery processing wet-blue leather to finished leather. It was initially evaluated the growth of the microalgae consortium in the three effluents diluted in 50% distilled water: raw effluent (50RE50W), effluent after primary coagulation/flocculation (50PE50W), and effluent after primary and secondary biological treatment (50BE50W). After 16 days of cultivation, the 50PE50W presented the highest biomass concentration (1.77 g L−1). The highest removal values for effluents 50RE50W, 50PE50W and 50BE50W were 51.02%, 99.90%, 82.88%, and 91.75% for chemical oxygen demand (COD), N-NH3, TKN, and P-PO4-, respectively. It was verified low levels of nutrient removal in the raw effluent (100RE), since the consortium was not able to grow in this medium. Finally, at concentrations of 25RE75BE (25% raw effluent diluted with 75% effluent after the biological treatment) and 50RE50B (50% raw effluent diluted with 50% effluent after the biological treatment), effective removal values were reached. Biomass growth concentration up to 1.3 g L-1 and removal values for N-NH3, TKN, P-PO4, COD, total organic carbon (TOC) and biological oxygen demand (BOD5), of 99.90%, 79.36%, 87.82%, 14.26%, 35.82%, and 42.86%, respectively, were reached in 50RE50B.
Article - Environmental Sciences
Production of Propionic Acid by Propionibacterium acidipropionici from Agroindustrial Effluents Teles, Jéssica Cristine Stolle, Elaine Macedo Koloda, Stela Aparecida Barana, Ana Claudia

Abstract in English:

Abstract The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the production of propionic acid from the fermentation of agroindustrial effluents using a Propionibacterium acidipropionici culture. The composition of the substrates was determined by using an experimental design of mixtures, resulting in 10 trials. The substrates were fermented in batch borosilicate glass reactors at a temperature of 35°C, initial pH of 6.5, and 20 mL.L-1 of inoculum suspension. The highest yield of propionic acid production, 0.79 g of product per g of substrate, was obtained with a substrate composed only of corn steep liquor, which showed a productivity of 5.20 mg.L-1h-1 and production of 0.40mL.L-1. These results showed that the corn steep liquor positively influenced performance and productivity. Although the production of acid did not reach high values, the results indicate that it is possible to produce propionic acid by a biotechnological route; however, further studies are required to adapt and optimise these results.
Article - Environmental Sciences
Determination of the potential of Pistia stratiotes L. in removing nickel from the environment by utilizing its rhizofiltration capacity LEBLEBİCİ, Zeliha DALMIŞ, Esra ANDEDEN, Enver Ersoy

Abstract in English:

Abstract: The aim of this study is to explain the biological response and rhizofiltration capacity of Pistia stratiotes, which is an aquatic macrophyte, in alleviating heavy metal stress. In our study, Pistia species were exposed to Nickel (Ni) at different concentrations over seven days. The potential of the aquatic macrophytes in accumulating heavy metals in the water and in removing them from the environment was evaluated by determining the bio-concentration factors (BCF). Selected biological parameters in the leaves of Pistia stratiotes, including metal accumulation, photosynthetic pigment amount, lipid peroxidation activity, and growth rates were measured at the end of the seven-day period. The highest amount of Ni accumulation in P. stratiotes occurred at a concentration of 20 mg l-1. The amount of chlorophyll a (chl a) in P. stratiotes reached a value of 0.087 mg g-1 at the Ni concentration of 20 mg l-1. The relative growth rate (RGR) of P. stratiotes showed a negative correlation with the increases in the concentration levels of the metal. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels increased to 8.214 nmol/g at the concentration of 20 mg l-1, depending on Ni concentration and time. In our study, the use of P. stratiotes has been determined to be an appropriate plant as an effective Ni accumulator to be utilized with the purpose of rhizofiltration.
Review - Human and Animal Health
Walker-256 Tumor: Experimental Model, Implantation Sites and Number of Cells for Ascitic and Solid Tumor Development Amaral, Luane Aparecida do Souza, Gabriel Henrique Oliveira de Santos, Mirelly Romeiro Said, Yasmin Lany Ventura Souza, Bruna Brandão de Oliveira, Rodrigo Juliano Santos, Elisvania Freitas dos

Abstract in English:

Abstract The Walker-256 tumor is an important experimental model that allow the development of therapies as the biological behavior of this tumor is similar that occur in humans. In front of the above considerations, the aim of this study was to describe the experimental model of Walker-256 tumor, identify the implantations sites as well as define a usual quantity of tumoral cells to induce the ascitic and solid tumor, according to the specialized literature. Were selected 45 articles using the keyword “Walker-256 tumor”, free available. Were possible to observe that 58% (n=26) of the studies inoculate the tumor cells in the animals flank 33% (n = 15) in the tibia bone, 7% (n = 3) in the femur and 2% (n = 1) in the paw. The major quantitates of cells used were 8 x 107 (20%), 1 x 105 (13%), 1 x 106 (11%) and 2 x 107 (11%). After that, the site commonly used to inoculate was the flank and quantitate still a controversy, being 1x105 and 8x107 the concentrations more used.
Review - Human and Animal Health
Gut: Key Element on Immune System Regulation Delgobo, Murilo Paludo, Katia Sabrina Fernandes, Daniel Oliveira, Junior Garcia de Ortolan, Gilberto Luiz Favero, Giovani Marino

Abstract in English:

Abstract The gut is the main organ that mediates the contact between antigens with our organism, controlling the immune response against environmental factors, such as microbiota and food. Innate lymphoid cells participate in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) maturation during the prenatal and early postnatal periods. After birth, breast milk provides the essential elements for the continuity of development of this tissue, leading to structural changes and healthy microbiota installation. The microbiota participates in the organogenesis of the GALT, as in the formation of intestinal villi, stimulating the proliferation of stem cells and maintaining the integrity of epithelial barrier. Foods are also involved in maturation of the GALT, where the protein source depletion reduced the number of resident lymphocytes. This unique microenvironment present in the intestinal lamina propria (LP) and mesenteric lymph nodes (mLN) induce tolerance to innocuous antigens from the diet, known as Oral Tolerance. Antigens sampled by intestinal epithelium cells are transferred to specialized dendritic cells, residing in the LP, which migrate to the mesenteric lymph nodes where they participate in the induction of regulatory T cells (Treg). Understanding these phenomena may establish the intestinal mucosa as a tool in therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases and immunological disorders.
Review - Human and Animal Health
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa: Virulence Factors and Antibiotic Resistance Genes Rocha, Antônio José Barsottini, Mario Ramos de Oliveira Rocha, Renan Rhonalty Laurindo, Maria Vitória Moraes, Francisco Leandro Laurindo de Rocha, Soraya Lília da

Abstract in English:

Abstract In this review, we explore some aspects of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence factors that are related to disease development in healthy organisms and resistance to antibiotics. This pathogen is one of the most clinically and epidemiologically important bacteria in Brazil, being the major cause of opportunistic infections. Among the virulence factors, biofilm formation acting of manner different in the organism. Furthermore, we review several P. aeruginosa genes that act in antimicrobial resistance, such as β-lactamases against β-lactamers. The resistance to pied-lactamases in P. aeruginosa is associated to resistance to the broad-spectrum cephalosporin. On the other hand, there is a group of synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotics acting on DNA synthesis is the quinolones that destroy the microorganism. We also explore the occurence of super bacterium: P. aerufinosa carrying genes blaKPC and blaNDM, which are associated with patient death above the average of other bacterial infections in hospitals. Those genes encode carbapenemases that can potentially hydrolyse all β-lactam antibiotics
Review - Human and Animal Health
Current Approach in Radiochemical Quality Control of the 99mTc-Radiopharmaceuticals: a mini-review Miranda, Ana Cláudia Camargo Durante, Ana Claudia Ranucci Fuscaldi, Leonardo Lima Barboza, Marycel Figols de

Abstract in English:

Abstract To present optimized chromatographic systems for radiochemical purity (RCP) evaluation of 99mTc-eluate and 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals, as well as to assess doses calibrator reliability for routine purposes in hospital radiopharmacies. RCP was determined by different systems and radioactivity was quantified by TLC-scanner, doses calibrator and gamma-counter. Suitable and optimized systems were presented for RCP analyses. No significant differences were observed between radioactivity counting devices and, thus, doses calibrator showed reliability for RCP determination in hospital radiopharmacies.
Review - Biological and Applied Sciences
Microalgae: Cultivation Aspects and Bioactive Compounds Coêlho, Diego de Freitas Tundisi, Louise Lacalendola Cerqueira, Keilla Santos Rodrigues, Jacqueline Rego da Silva Mazzola, Priscila Gava Tambourgi, Elias Basile Souza, Roberto Rodrigues de

Abstract in English:

Abstract Microalgae are aquatic unicellular microorganisms that can be found both in freshwater and marine systems; are capable of photosynthesis; and can grow as individual cells or associated in chains or small colonies. Microalgae cultivation has gained large momentum among researchers in the past decades due to their ability to produce value metabolites, remarkable photosynthetic efficiency, and versatile nature. The wide technological potential, and thus increasing amount of scattered knowledge, may become the very first barrier that a post graduating student, or any non-specialist reader, will face when introduced to the subject. In this review paper, we access the core aspects of microalgae technology, covering their main characteristics, and comprehensively presenting the main features of their various cultivation modes and biological activity from metabolites.
Article Environmental Sciences
Pineapple Waste and Wastewater: Route for Biodiesel Production from Candida tropicalis (MF510172) Kanakdande, Amruta Agrwal, Divya Khobragade, Chandrahasya

Abstract in English:

Abstract: The aim of the present study was to utilize waste resources for biodiesel production and to test its recyclability. The oleaginous yeast was isolated from local municipal wastewater outlet and on the basis of 18S r RNA sequencing, isolate was identified as Candida tropicalis (MF510172). Optimum fermentation conditions for lipid yield was recorded to be at 180 rpm agitation speed, 6% pineapple waste as a carbon source, 5% inoculum size,48 h inoculum age at 40°C temperature with 72 h incubation time. Candia was able to produce 13 ml. L-1 lipids using optimum conditions. Extracted lipids were transesterified to form fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and further characterized by using GC-MS and FTIR spectroscopy. Palmitic acid methyl esters and other supplementary hydrocarbon compounds were identified using GC-MS. FTIR spectrum indicates the characteristics FAME peak at 1740 cm-1 with C= O stretching band of methyl esters. The results clearly demonstrate the waste resources containing filtered wastewater and pineapple waste used in the study are effective to produce quality oil for biodiesel production.
Erratum: Botanical Knowledge in the Law Enforcement: a Preliminary Approach Towards its Potential Use in Brazilian Criminal Caseworks
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