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Dear Readers,

I am glad to offer you the present selection of six good papers.

The first paper ("Exploring the Black Box in Brazilian Work Groups: a Study of Diversity, Conflict and Performance", by Filipe Sobral and Daan Bisseling) investigates the complex trade-offs of team diversity in work groups and the impact (or lack thereof) of team diversity on task conflict and relational conflict, as well as the indirect effect on job satisfaction and team performance.

The second paper ("Fidelity and Game-based Technology in Management Education", by Edgard Cornacchione Jr.) addresses game-based management education by exploring the impact of three types of game fidelity (physical and functional fidelity levels and lower psychological fidelity) on managerial performance.

Regarding the acceptance of this article, it is worth mentioning that in 2011 ANPAD reorganized the scope of research areas of each of its three journals (BAR, RAC and TAC) in order to provide sufficient distinction between topics covered by each, while also allowing for some appropriate intersection. After this rearrangement of coverage, BAR stopped accepting submissions on Teaching and Education. However, the present article by Edgard Cornachione Jr. was submitted to BAR before that rearrangement had taken place. So, the Editors of ANPAD's journals deemed it appropriate to keep the review process and eventual publication of the article in BAR – the journal it was originally submitted to.

The next paper ("Brand Personality Dimensions in the Brazilian Context", by Karlan Muniz and Renato Marchetti) uncovers five dimensions of brand personality (credibility, joy, audacity, sophistication and sensitivity) related to some classes of products sold in Brazil. Differences between these five dimensions and those found in studies in other countries are discussed.

The fourth article ("The Relationship between Market Sentiment Index and Stock Rates of Return: a Panel Data Analysis", by Claudia Yoshinaga and Francisco de Castro Junior) analyzes the relationship between market sentiment and future stock rates of return in the Brazilian market. A significant and negative relationship was found and discussed.

The fifth piece ("Between Two Worlds: an Ethnographic Study of Gay Consumer Culture in Rio de Janeiro", by Severino Pereira and Eduardo Ayrosa) takes a phenomenological approach to investigate how discourse and possessions, as well as purchasing decisions by gay consumers, help build symbolic and hierarchical boundaries between the gay and the heterosexual worlds.

The sixth paper ("Assessment of Market Efficiency in Argentina, Brazil and Chile: an Event Study of Mergers and Acquisitions", by Mario Simões, T. Diana de Macedo-Soares, Marcelo Klotzle and A. Figueiredo Pinto) sheds light on the level of market efficiency in Argentina, Brazil and Chile, by investigating the relationship between the announcement of mergers and acquisitions and the existence of positive abnormal returns for shares of these firms.

Once again, BAR publishes a varied assortment of research pieces that cover distinct areas of management and employ a diversified set of methods. This diversity reflects the complex and broad scope of management in general and the necessity to choose tools specific to the investigation of particular phenomena.

I hope you will enjoy reading these articles!

Jorge Carneiro


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    12 Apr 2012
  • Date of issue
    June 2012
ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Carneiro Leão, 825, Zona 04, Zip code: 87014-010, Tel.: (+55) (44) 3354-8545 - Maringá - PR - Brazil