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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 7, Número: 1, Publicado: 2010
  • Editorial

    Quintella, Rogério H.
  • The relevance of tag along rights and identity of controlling shareholders for the price spreads between dual-class shares: the brazilian case Articles

    Saito, Richard; Silveira, Alexandre Di Miceli da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper analyzes the determinants of the differential pricing of equity classes (the so-called dual-class premium [DCP]) in Brazil from 1995 to 2006 with a focus on two specific corporate governance aspects: i) the granting of tag along rights, a mandatory bid rule that extends to minority shareholders the right to sell their shares in case of a control transfer; and ii) the identity of the controlling shareholders, with an emphasis on family control. We examined 87 Brazilian listed firms throughout the period, resulting in a sample of 3,287 observations. We found empirical evidence that changes in Corporate Law decreased (increased) the advantage of voting shares in terms of tag along rights reduced (incremented) DCP. However, we did not find empirical evidence that the voluntary granting of tag along rights altered DCP. We also found evidence suggesting that family control is positively associated with DCP level. Overall, our results indicate that regulations regarding shareholders' rights and the identity of controlling shareholders are the two relevant corporate governance variables for DCP level in environments characterized by concentrated ownership structures.
  • Make or buy in a mature industry? models of client - supplier relationships under TCT and RBV perspectives Articles

    Ferreira, Manuel Portugal; Serra, Fernando A. Ribeiro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper, we use the transaction cost theory [TCT] and the resource-based view [RBV] to discuss three propositions on the models of client-supplier relationships in mature industries. The two theories seem to advance different organizational forms of the client-supplier relationships, and in some instances are contradictory. How should firms organize to prosper and grow, namely in the international markets? Through the case study of three Portuguese packaging firms, with primary (interviews) and secondary data, we discuss how the three firms deploy three distinct strategic organization models in a mature industry. One firm utilizes market-based governance mechanisms, and concentrates its production in a few selected locations. Another firm vertically integrates almost the entire value chain of the product to provide full service to its clients. The third firm operates in a model of integrated outsourcing, with the installation wall to wall with its clients. The client-supplier models adopted by these firms are based on efficient, stable, and trustworthy relationships that permit them to focus on their core competences and reduce transaction costs. The superior performance of firms requires a proper alignment of hierarchical and relational governance, taking the dimensions of their transactions into consideration.
  • Antecedents and Consequences of market orientation: a brazilian meta-analysis and an international mega-analysis Articles

    Vieira, Valter Afonso

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Market orientation has emerged as a significant antecedent of organizational performance and is presumed to contribute to the long-term success of a firm. The growing number of academic studies on market orientation and the mixed findings they have reported complicate the efforts among managers and academics to identify the real antecedents and outcomes of this construct. We have conducted a Brazilian meta-analysis, aggregating a sample size of 4,537 in 27 papers. The findings suggest that the relationship between market orientation and business performance is positive and strong (r = .39). We have also conducted an international mega-analysis, aggregating a sample size of seven meta-analyses on market orientation. The results show that there is a positive, strong and consistent international relationship between market orientation and performance across countries (r = .33).
  • The role of experiential knowledge and subsequent investment decisions on the profitability of japanese companies in Brazil Articles

    Ogasavara, Mário Henrique

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study attempts to empirically investigate how firms' experiential knowledge and the decision to invest sequentially in the host country are associated with the performance of their overseas subsidiaries. This research advances prior studies by adopting an objective performance measure based on the profitability ratio at the subsidiary level. Using a random-effect model of GLS regression applied to a panel data of Japanese firms established in Brazil, the results provide theoretical and practical implications showing that experiential knowledge is positively associated with subsidiary profitability. Local experiential knowledge can be acquired by managing subsidiaries for a long time in the host country, but also by increasing the number of investments in the local market. In practical terms, the subsidiary profitability ratio becomes higher when the parent firms have established more than five investments in the host country, although further investigation is needed to examine the direction of this relationship. Moreover, there is a significant association between subsidiary performance and the parent firms' experience in culturally similar markets to Brazil. The benefit of learning from international markets suggests that operating in countries with a similar culture transforms their experience into a competitive advantage.
  • The influence of coordination mechanisms on new product development in MNC subsidiaries Articles

    Boehe, Dirk Michael

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper investigates the relationship between [MNC] coordination mechanisms and subsidiary new product development [NPD] activities. We focus on two essentially different coordination mechanisms, internal markets and global decision-making autonomy, and argue that both mechanisms are likely to increase a subsidiary's exposure to market forces which, in turn, provides different kinds of incentives for a subsidiary's in-house NPD and NPD outsourcing. We tested our hypotheses using structural equations modeling. The results suggest that internal markets have a positive effect on NPD outsourcing while global autonomy has a positive effect on inhouse NPD. Thus, this study contributes to integrating the internal market construct with the coordination mechanism stream of literature.
  • Contribution of expatriates in the management of subsidiaries to the corporate governance of international firms: the case of vale Articles

    Macedo-Soares, T. Diana L. van Aduard de; Schubsky, Adriana Maria Gutierrez

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the current context of globalization, where firms are increasingly operating in networks of relationships with international subsidiaries, the relevance of their corporate governance has become evident. By the same token, the contribution to corporate governance of expatriates in these subsidiaries has become an important topic of discussion. The literature is not unanimous in recognizing the contribution of expatriates. However, the question as to whether the participation of expatriates in the management of international firms' subsidiaries is a critical success factor for their corporate governance has not been fully analyzed. This article presents the results of a study of a leading international firm -Vale -that investigated this question from a network perspective, with a view to narrowing this gap. The case study method was adopted and data collected from various sources documental investigation, structured questionnaires and interviews. The results suggested that expatriates can contribute to the success of corporate governance, especially through informal elements pertinent to social mechanisms of governance, such as commitment, communication, flexibility, trust and interdependence. The study thus provided insights for both managers of international firms and academics on corporate governance from a network perspective.
ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Carneiro Leão, 825, Zona 04, Zip code: 87014-010, Tel.: (+55) (44) 3354-8545 - Maringá - PR - Brazil