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Economic Growth, Markets and the Rule of Law: Brief Considerations on the Brazilian Case


The existence of markets that operate smoothly is an important factor influencing a nation’s economic growth. Furthermore, an effective judicial system is a necessary condition for markets to function well. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect a positive relationship to exist between income per capita and adhesion to the rule of law. This conjecture is corroborated here in a sample of 110 countries in 2016. Additionally, the data show that the rule of law is relatively weak in Brazil, suggesting that an improvement of the Brazilian judicial system is a potential growth-enhancing reform.

Rule of law; markets; per capita income; growth


A existência de mercados que operem de forma adequada é um importante fator para a determinação do crescimento econômico de uma nação. Por outro lado, um sistema judicial eficaz é uma condição necessária para o bom funcionamento dos mercados. Assim sendo, é de se esperar que exista uma relação crescente entre a renda per capita e o grau de prevalência do primado das leis (rule of law em inglês). Essa conjectura é ratificada em uma amostra de 110 países para o ano de 2016. Adicionalmente, os dados mostram que o grau de primado das leis é relativamente baixo no Brasil. Essas conclusões sugerem que uma reforma do sistema judicial brasileiro tem o potencial de estimular o crescimento econômico do país.

Primado das leis; mercados; renda per capita; crescimento


In his classic book The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith (1776Smith, A. (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. London: Strahan and Cadell.) argued that free markets are an important catalyst of prosperity. This conclusion is the most influential legacy of that multifaceted work. However, the book also contains another message that has not received the same attention by economists: the existence of an efficient judicial system as a necessary condition for persistent economic development.1 1 Smith clearly expressed this vision in Chapter III of Book V: "Commerce and manufactures can seldom flourish long in any state which does not enjoy a regular administration of justice; in which the people do not feel themselves secure in the possession of their property; in which the faith of contracts is not supported by law; and in which the authority of the state is not supposed to be regularly employed in enforcing the payment of debts from all those who are able to pay. Commerce and manufactures, in short, can seldom flourish in any state, in which there is not a certain degree of confidence in the justice of government."

This article undertakes empirical and theoretical analyses of the possible relationship between economic growth and legal institutions. In line with Smith’s vision, I conclude that a nation’s adherence to the rule of law is an important element to determining its per capita income. In the particular case of Brazil, the evidence suggests that an overhaul of legal institutions can contribute to sustained economic growth.

The study begins with analysis of the relationship between per capita income and the rule of law in a sample of 110 countries in 2016. The data on per capita income were obtained from the World Bank, while the rule of law variable is measured by the Rule of Law Index calculated by the World Justice Project (WJP).2 2 Section 3 and the Appendix A contain additional information about the WJP and its Rule of Law Index. I detect two important empirical regularities: (i) a positive relationship exists between the strength of the rule of law and per capita income; and (ii) as these two variables increase, the rule of law becomes more relevant to explain the behavior of per capita income.

I then interpret these regularities in light of economic theory and the empirical evidence documented in previous studies. The first of them is easy to grasp: since the good functioning of the markets is important for economic growth, and markets do not operate effectively without a solid legal structure, greater prevalence of the rule of law operates to induce growth. The second is that a country’s weak adhesion to the rule of law hampers the functioning of markets, causing them to become less relevant to determine the generation of income. This opens room for other factors (such as geography, culture, etc.) to play a more prominent role in the process in question. Therefore, the rule of law is less relevant to determine per capita income when it is weaker.

In countries with weak rule of law, the judicial resolution of disputes tends to be slower or even impossible. This phenomenon can adversely affect economic activity through at least three channels. The first is the impact on the financial markets, because the transactions carried out in the financial market require enforceable contracts.

The analysis of the other two channels is a bit more subtle. This topic is discussed in detail in Sections 4 and 5. The central element of this problem consists of the fact that firms that operate in countries with stronger rule of law tend to have lower costs than their peers in settings with less legal certainty. To understand this point, consider the situation of a hypothetical Brazilian company. To lease office and/or factory space, the firm will have to contract lease guarantee insurance, while a similar firm in another country will not have to incur this expense because the eviction process is fast and certain. More generally, since the relations involving suppliers, producers, distributors and consumers are governed by contracts, it is easy to conclude that the need for lease guarantee insurance is but one of the ways that legal uncertainty can increase production costs. These higher costs constitute the second channel by which weak rule of law adversely affects economic activity.

The third channel is related to comparative advantages. Since these are determined by relative costs, weak legal institutions act as a barrier for a country to develop comparative advantages, especially in the production of goods that depend on long and/or complex productive chains, because these chains require a larger number of contractual relationships.

In the specific case of Brazil, its rule of law index is slightly lower than average and marginally higher than the median of the sample. This means that there exists space for the country to improve its legal system. Since there is a rising relationship between the strength of the rule of law and per capita income, a reform of the country’s legal institutions can boost its per capita income. Additionally, the empirical evidence suggests that the gain would not be negligible.

The rest of the paper is organized in six more sections. In Section 2, I discuss the relevant literature, while in Section 3 I analyze the statistical data and in Section 4 I interpret the empirical evidence. In the fifth section, I study the effects of weak rule of law on economic activity, followed by Section 6, which briefly discusses the possible impacts of a reform of the Brazilian legal system on per capita income. I present my final considerations in Section 7.


There exists a long tradition in Economics that associates the good operation of markets with efficiency and growth. In this respect, Smith (1776Smith, A. (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. London: Strahan and Cadell.) stated persuasively that the existence of free markets is essential for prosperity and well-being. Friedman (1962Friedman, M. (1962). Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.) presented arguments corroborating Smith’s reasoning. Additionally, the development of the general equilibrium theory during the twentieth century established that competitive markets allocate resources efficiently.

However, markets do not operate in an institutional vacuum. Their adequate functioning requires a legal structure, i.e., laws and courts to enforce them. As mentioned, Adam Smith himself discussed this issue. Despite this, as correctly observed by Cooter and Schäfer (2012Cooter, R., Schäfer, H. B. (2012). Solomon’s Knot: How Can Law End the Poverty of Nations. Princeton: Princeton University Press., preface), the field of Economics virtually did not communicate with the discipline of Law until the second half of the twentieth century. Only after the publication of the important article “The Problem of Social Cost” (Coase, 1960Coase, R. (1960). The Problem of Social Cost. Journal of Law and Economics, 3(1), 1-44.) did Law and Economics emerge as an important field for research.

Although often not explicitly announced, markets also exercise an important role in the modern literature on growth. Various works, such as Acemoglu and Robinson (2012Acemoglu, D., Robison, J. (2012). Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty. Londres: Crown Business.), have analyzed the relevance of institutional factors for economic performance. Furthermore, Acemoglu, Johnson and Robison (2005Acemoglu, D., Johnson, S., Robison, J. (2005). Institutions as a Fundamental Cause of Long-Run Growth. In: Aghion, P., Durlauf, S. (orgs.). Handbook of Economic Growth, Volume 1A. (pp. 385-472) Amsterdã: North-Holland., subsection 2.1.1) clearly argued that institutions affect growth through their impact on markets. Rodrik (2005Rodrik, D. (2005). Growth Strategies. In: Aghion, P., Durlauf, S. (orgs.). (pp. 967-1014) Handbook of Economic Growth, Volume 1A. Amsterdã: North-Holland., subsection 5.1) presented a similar argument. De Haan, Lundström and Sturm (2006De Haan, J., Lundström, S., Sturm, J. E. (2006). Market-Oriented Institutions and Economic Growth: A Critical Survey. Journal of Economic Surveys, 20(2), 157-191.) conducted a survey of empirical works and concluded that the available evidence suggests that policies that promote the good functioning of markets tend to boost growth.

A channel through which the rule of law can influence economic activity is its impact on the decisions of firms to produce or purchase inputs. This problem, known as make-or-buy in the literature, has been widely studied by researchers in the areas of industrial organization and business strategy. Besanko, Dranove, Shanley and Schaefer (2010Besanko, D., Dranove, D., Shanley, M., Schaefer, S. (2010). Economics of Strategy. 5the edition. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.) provided a competent and accessible treatment of this topic.

One of the key reasons why Oliver Hart received the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2016 was his analysis of how the impossibility of a contract to cover all contingencies (incomplete contract approach) affects various economic decisions, including whether to make or buy. Part of Section 5 is based on Hart’s approach, but instead of focusing on incompleteness, I analyze the effects of the efficacy (in the sense of enforceability) of contracts on this decision.

Da Ros (2015Da Ros, L. (2015). O Custo da Justiça no Brasil: Uma Análise Comparativa Exploratória. Newsletter do Observatório de Elites Políticas e Sociais do Brasil, 2(9), 1-15.) showed that in relation to international standards, the Brazilian judicial system enjoys generous funding. Nevertheless, Brazil’s Rule of Law Index is smaller than the average of the 110 countries in the sample considered and substantially lower than two other South American countries (Chile and Uruguay). Therefore, a reform of the legal system should be undertaken without worsening the problem identified by Da Ros.

The question studied in this essay is related to the problem of the impacts of the origin of the legal system on growth and other economic variables. In simplified form, there are basically two legal systems: common law and civil (or code) law, the latter of which can be divided into various traditions (e.g., German, French and Scandinavian). Brazil has a civil law system based on the French tradition.

Mahoney (2001Mahoney, P. (2001). The Common Law and Economic Growth: Hayek Might Be Right. Journal of Legal Studies, 30(2), 503-525.) presented evidence that nations with common law legal systems tend to grow more rapidly than others. La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes and Shleifer (2008La Porta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F. Shleifer, A. (2008). The Economic Consequences of Legal Origins. Journal of Economic Literature, 46(2), 285-332.) discussed this question in detail. Although concluding that the evidence presented by Mahoney needs some qualifications, they found the common law system to be associated with better economic results than the French civil law one. On the other hand, Milhaupt and Pistor (2008Milhaupt, C., Pistor, K. (2008). Law & Capitalism: What Corporate Crises Reveal about Legal Systems and Economic Development around the World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press .) argued that the literature on the economic effects of the origin of the legal system had not given proper attention to factors (that vary from one country to another) such as the degree of centralization of the legislative process and the judicial system, the functions performed by legal rules in support of economic activities, and the economic and political nature of the process of creating and applying the laws. In their view, these factors are potentially more relevant to economic growth than the legal system’s origin per se.

The discussion described above opens the door to question whether strong rule of law is unique to countries with a specific legal heritage. The specific question is whether strong rule of law can only exist in countries with legal systems derived from common law. If the answer is yes, then countries, like Brazil, whose legal systems are based on code law will have difficulty enjoying the benefits associated with the strong rule of law. As discussed below, the evidence from database studied in this essay, at least partially, belies this negative scenario.

Of the 30 countries with the highest Rule of Law Index, 20 have civil law systems. Thus, it can be concluded that the rule of law is not a privilege of countries with common law systems. However, a qualification is necessary. The countries, like Brazil, that follow the French tradition hold eight of the top 30 positions, and only Holland (also influenced by the German tradition) and Belgium are among the top 20.

In general lines, the debate over how to enhance Brazilian growth hinges on two positions. One group of economists advocates the enactment of various macroeconomic reforms to enable balancing the public accounts, while the other group supports microeconomic and regulatory changes to improve the competitiveness of Brazilian companies. The book organized by Giambiagi and Almeida (2017Giambiagi, F., Almeida Jr., M. (orgs.) (2017). Retomada do Crescimento: Agendas e Propostas. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.) is representative of this latter vision. The former view is represented by Bresser-Pereira, Oreiro and Marconi (2016Bresser-Pereira, L. C., Oreiro, J. L., Marconi, N. (2016). Macroeconomia Desenvolvimentista: Teoria e Política Econômica do Novo Desenvolvimentismo. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.), according to whom stronger growth requires a macroeconomic policy that leads to a weaker real exchange rate, because that will increase the competitiveness of the industrial sector and thus the rate of GDP growth.

This paper is complementary to both approaches. The conclusions presented here suggest that a reform of the country’s judicial institutions can positively impact the per capita income. Although Giambiagi and Almeida (2017Giambiagi, F., Almeida Jr., M. (orgs.) (2017). Retomada do Crescimento: Agendas e Propostas. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.) cover a wide range of potential policies, they do not specifically discuss judicial reform. On the other hand, in the view of Bresser-Pereira et al. (2016Bresser-Pereira, L. C., Oreiro, J. L., Marconi, N. (2016). Macroeconomia Desenvolvimentista: Teoria e Política Econômica do Novo Desenvolvimentismo. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.), industry has a central role in growth. And as discussed in Section 5 here, that sector would probably benefit from enhancement of the rule of law in Brazil.


In this section I undertake a brief investigation of the empirical relationship between the level of economic development and the strength of the rule of law. The first step of this analysis consists of discussing the indicators employed to measure the variables in question.

In line with the standard procedure in the growth literature, I adopt per capita income to measure economic development. The data in this respect come from the World Bank (in U.S. dollars, Atlas method) for 2016.3 3 Data available at the website To quantify the strength of the rule of law, I use the Rule of Law Index, calculated by the World Justice Project (WJP). For the purpose of this section, it is sufficient to state that: (i) this indicator assumes values in the interval [0,1]; and (ii) the higher its value, the stronger a country’s rule of law is. More detailed information about this variable is available in Appendix A APPENDIX A: THE RULE OF LAW INDEX Here I discuss the origin and properties of the Rule of Law Index. In general, the information presented and discussed here is available in WJP (2017) and at the website Exceptions are mentioned as they occur. The indicator was created by the World Justice Project (WJP). This entity was founded in 2006 as a presidential initiative of the American Bar Association. In 2009, the WJP was separated from the Bar Association and became an autonomous organization. Its main objective is to promote the rule of law worldwide. The Rule of Law Index is a quantitative tool that seeks to measure the adherence of each country to the rule of law. The data for 2016 are available in WJP (2017), as well as at the website This was the sixth edition of the Index, which has annual frequency. The Rule of Law Index is calculated based on the following eight subindices: (1) Constraints on Government Powers; (2) Absence of Corruption; (3) Open Government; (4) Fundamental Rights; (5) Order and Security; (6) Regulatory Enforcement, (7) Civil Justice; and (8) Criminal Justice. In turn, these subindices have divisions. For example, subindex (3) has the following components: (3.1) publicity of laws and government data; (3.2) right to information; (3.3) civic participation; and (3.4) complaint mechanisms. Each component of a subindex receives a score in the interval [0,1], where 1 corresponds to the strongest possible adherence to the rule of law. The score of each subindex is the simple arithmetic mean of the scores of its components. Finally, the value of the Rule of Law Index is given by the simple arithmetic average of the scores of the eight subindices. The score of each component of each subindex is assigned based on interviews conducted with a fraction of the inhabitants of each country and also with local specialists. To compute the index for 2016, a total of 110 thousand interviews were conducted among members of the public and 2.7 thousand with experts. The data collected are submitted to reliability and sensitivity tests, which, according to the information at the website, counts on the participation of the Econometrics and Applied Statistics Unit of the European Commission’s Joint Research Center. As a consequence of the procedures described above, the Rule of Law Index assumes values in the interval [0,1]. The greater the value, the stronger the rule of law is of the country under analysis. According to Versteeg and Ginsburg (2017, p. 101), the WPJ Rule of Law Index is the most comprehensive indicator of adherence to the rule of law. The reason is that it has the broadest definition of the rule of law by covering the widest range of aspects (absence of corruption, indicators of criminality, protection of property rights, etc.) among similar indicators available. I conclude this section with a brief analysis of the performance of the WPJ’s Rule of Law Index in comparison with other related metrics. Versteeg and Ginsburg (2017, p. 102) compared it with the governance index of the World Bank and the rule of law indices of the Heritage Foundation and Freedom House. With the exception of the last one, they found the correlation coefficient between any pair of indicators was higher than 0.95. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient of the Freedom House indicator with the others was greater than 0.78. The indicators of the Doing Business project13 are very popular among researchers in the area of economics. For this reason, I used them to perform a similar exercise to that conducted with the WPJ Index. Among the 10 items of the Doing Business index, three are clearly related to the concept of rule of law: enforcing contracts; resolving insolvency; and protecting minority investors. I denoted these respectively by EF, RI and PMI. The table below presents the correlation matrix for 2016 of these variables with L (the WPJ’s Rule of Law Index). Table 4. Correlation Matrix Variable L EF RI PMI L 1 EF 0.578 1 RI 0.658 0.487 1 PMI 0.490 0.483 0.564 1 Source: author’s calculations The three pairwise correlation coefficients between the Doing Business indicators are 0.487, 0.483 and 0.564. The coefficients of L with EF and RI are greater than those values, while the coefficient between L and PMI (0.490) is lower than the greatest of the three values. Hence, it can be concluded that the correlations of L with EF, RI and PMI are as a general rule greater than the pairwise correlations of the Doing Business indicators. The results presented in the previous paragraph and the conclusions of Versteeg and Ginsburg (2017) discussed above suggest that the WJP’s Rule of Law Index is a metric of the rule of law consistent with the other indicators currently available. Additionally, as pointed out by those authors, the WJP’s index is a broader measure of countries’ levels of the rule of law. .

The 2016 version of the Rule of Law Index of the WJP contains data on 113 countries. The Word Bank makes available the per capita income of 110 of those nations, which compose the sample studied here. Appendix B APPENDIX B: FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS AND HISTOGRAMS Table 5. Frequency distribution of L L Frequency Absolute % 0.3000-0.3599 2 1.82 0.3600-0.4199 9 8.18 0.4200-0.4799 19 17.27 0.4800-0.5399 26 23.64 0.5400-0.5999 14 12.73 0.6000-0.6599 9 8.18 0.6600-0.7199 11 10.00 0.7200-0.7799 6 5.45 0.7800-0.8399 9 8.18 0.8400-0.8999 5 4.55 Total 110 100 Source: author’s calculations. Table 6. Frequency distribution of lny lny Frequency Absolute % 5.5000-6.0999 3 2.73 6.1000-6.6999 6 5.45 6.7000-7.2999 10 9.09 7.3000-7.8999 10 9.09 7.9000-8.4999 17 15.45 8.5000-9.0999 20 18.18 9.1000-9.6999 17 15.45 9.7000-10.8999 8 7.27 10.3000-10.8999 14 12.73 10.9000-11.4999 5 4.55 Total 110 100 Source: author’s calculations. Figure 4. Histograms of L and lny contains the complete list of these 110 countries.4 4 The reader might ask whether it would be possible to include other years in the sample. That would reduce the number of countries studied, because in 2015 the number of countries included by the WJP was smaller. And more importantly, the values of the Rule of Law Index are not easily comparable from one year to the next. The WJP’s website recommends caution when performing intertemporal comparisons.

It is necessary to establish some notation. The letters L and y denote, respectively the Rule of Law Index and per capita income. When pertinent, I use a subscript to denote the country, where i corresponds to a generic country. A bar above a variable indicates it represents the corresponding sample mean.

Some descriptive statistics of L and y are reported in Table 1.5 5 Appendix B contains the frequency distributions and histograms of L and the natural logarithm of y.

Table 1.
Descriptive Statistics

Because the focus here is on Brazil, and the fact that the USA is often used a benchmark and Brazil is often compared with the other BRICS countries, Table 2 below presents the statistics of these countries.

Table 2.
Brazil, USA and other BRICS countries

Brazil’s per capita income is slightly below one-sixth that of the USA. Both the per capita income and Rule of Law Index of Brazil are greater than the respective medians but below the corresponding means. Brazil is very near the median of the ranking of the Rule of Law Index and slightly above it when considering the order defined by the variable y i .

The relationship between per capita income and the rule of law is illustrated in Figure 1. The points referring to Brazil and the USA are indicated with a square and triangle, respectively. The graph also contains a regression line, estimated by the ordinary least squares method6 6 I used the ordinary least squares method (without correction of the standard deviations or any other type of adjustment) in all the estimates carried out in this paper. , relating the two variables.

Figure 1.
Per capita income (y) and rule of law (L)

Of course, this figure alone is not sufficient to make any inference about the direction of a possible causality relationship between the two variables. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify some relevant facts. The rest of this section is dedicated to this discussion.

There is a positive relationship between the variables. However, this trivial observation is far from exhausting the implications of the figure. Of particular note is the absence of any points in the extreme northwest of the graph. Hence, there is no country that simultaneously has high per capita income and weak rule of law. Likewise, the absence of points in the extreme southeast implies there is no country with low per capita income and strong rule of law.7 7 According to Milhaupt and Pistor (2008, p. 5), "many countries have achieved remarkable economic growth with legal systems that do not live up to the rule-of-law ideal." However, the data analyzed here suggest that a strong rule of law is a necessary condition for a nation to grow sufficiently to become one of the wealthiest in the world. Indeed, among the countries with per capita income in the highest decile of the sample, the value of L of the USA is equal to 0.7391, while L > 0.8 for all the other countries.

As indicated in Table 1, L- = 0.5762. The visual inspection of Figure 1 suggests that the points where LL- in general are nearer the least squares regression line than points that satisfy the condition L<L- . In other words, the level of the rule of law is apparently a more accurate predictor of per capita income for countries with relatively high L than those with a relatively low value of this variable. This observation is investigated in the next paragraph.

The first step is to partition the data into two subsamples, one of them composed of countries where Li<L- and the other of countries where LiL- . Then the ordinary least squares method is used to estimate the equation:

l n y i = α + β L i + ε i (1)

for the two subsamples. The results are presented below (Table 3).

Table 3.
Estimation of equation (1) by subsamples (partition by the mean)

The difference between the estimated values of β of the two subsamples is modest. The same applies to the parameter α. Additionally, both R 2 and the mean squared error (MSE) suggest that equation (1) tends to generate more accurate forecasts of y when the values of L are relatively higher.

In summary, the brief statistical analysis in this section identified two important empirical regularities (ERs):

ER1: A positive relationship exists between L and y.

ER2: As L grows, the relationship mentioned above becomes stronger, in the sense that the fraction of y that is explained by equation (1) grows.8 8 In Appendix C, I show that these empirical regularities are robust to other ways of dividing the sample. Another important question is their robustness to the introduction of control variables. I leave it to future studies to obtain a detailed response to this question. In any event, it should be mentioned that the conclusions of Mendonça and Fonseca (2012) shed some light on that matter. Utilizing control variables, they presented evidence that an increase in the rule of law tends to reduce (with statistical significance) corruption in emerging countries, while this effect is not significant for richer countries. Additionally, they concluded that corruption has an adverse impact on GDP per capita and that it tends to be stronger in developing than in developed countries. The combination of these two conclusions suggests that: (i) as in the case of ER1, there is a positive relationship between the level of rule of law and GDP per capita; and (ii) just as for ER2, the nature of the relation between L and y depends of the country’s degree of development.


The objective of this section is to apply the economic science to the analysis and comprehension of the two empirical regularities identified in the previous section. The relationship between markets and economic growth, which was briefly discussed in Section 2, has a central role in the arguments presented next.


The markets do not operate in an institutional vacuum. Among other factors, good functioning requires a solid legal structure. To illustrate this point, imagine the following hypothetical situation.9 9 The example analyzed here is similar to that discussed by Baird, Gertner and Picker (1994, pp. 54-56). Company E is the owner of a real asset (e.g., a real property) that it wants to rent for one month, while company F wants to use the asset for that period. The rent will be paid at the end of the month. Suppose that E and F are domiciled in a country without any justice system. Thus, if F does not pay the rent owed, it does not suffer any penalty. The figure below (Figure 2) illustrates the situation faced by E and F as represented by game theory.

Figure 2.
Rental in a country without a justice system

Player E chooses between renting (r) and not renting () the asset. If it follows the second course of action, the game ends. If it rents the property, then F enjoys the asset and at the end of the period will choose between paying (p) and not paying () the rent. The game ends after F implements its action.

The payoffs specified in Figure 2 correspond to the order attributed by each player to the three possible outcomes of the game. Consider the standpoint of E. For this player, the best scenario is that where it rents the property (r) and F pays the rent (p). Its payoff in that context is equal to 3. The worst alternative is that where it rents the property (r) and F does not pay the rent (). A payoff of 1 is attributed to this alternative. Finally, the scenario where E does not rent the property is, from its standpoint, an intermediate result. Thus, its payoff is 2. In the case of player F, the most beneficial situation is that where it rents the property and does not pay the rent. Thus, its payoff is 3 if it plays after E plays r. It is assumed here that F prefers to use the property and pay the rent to not using it. For that reason, the payoff of F when using the asset and paying the rent is equal to 2, while if E chooses not to rent the property, the payoff of F assumes the value 1.

The game is solved by backward induction. Consider the situation of F. He will obtain payoff of 2 if he plays p, while the choice of action will produce a payoff of 3. Hence, if he has an opportunity to play, he will choose . In the case of player E, he can choose and receive payoff of 2. If he opts for r, then F will choose , causing the payoff of E to be 1. Therefore, is the optimal choice of E and the property will not be rented.

The payoffs of E and F in the outcome described above are, respectively, 2 and 1. Note that if E played r and F played p, then the agents would have obtained the payoffs specified in the vector (3,2). Hence, the result of the game is inefficient, since there is a combination of actions (i.e., r and p) that allow higher payoffs for both players. I next show that the introduction of an effective judicial system eliminates the inefficiency identified here.

Suppose that if F uses the asset and does not pay the rent, an external agent (a court) will apply a penalty (for example, a fine) so that for F, the choice of is less attractive than p. Formally, let x be a real number less than 2. In this new context, the strategic interaction between the players E and F can be represented by the figure below (Figure 3).

Figure 3.
Rental in a country with a justice system

Since x < 2, F will implement p if it has the opportunity to play. Thus, if E chooses r, his payoff will be 3. On the other hand, if he chooses , then he will receive a payoff of 2. Therefore, in equilibrium, E and F respectively choose r and p.

In summary, the justice system allows economic agents to commit to implementing certain actions and imposes penalties for deviations from what was previously arranged by contract. This modifies the strategic relationship between the players so that a better outcome can be attained, from the viewpoint of all the parties involved, than what can be achieved in the setting without legal guarantees.10 10 It should be mentioned that the example addressed here applies not only to the rental of a real assets. Similar analysis is valid in various other contexts, such as the purchase of goods in installments, purchase of goods with payment before delivery and bank loans.

The example above illustrates how the existence of a judicial system enables the realization of transactions that otherwise would not happen. The good functioning of a market economy requires that agents engage in secure transactions. Hence, it can be concluded that the existence of an effective legal framework allows a greater volume of transactions, provides a better allocation of productive resources, and encourages the accumulation of physical and human capital, among other benefits. In other words, an effective court system leads to higher income and social welfare.

It is important to bear in mind that an effective justice system is not only relevant for a small fraction of transactions or those that are highly complex (e.g., the construction of a large hydroelectric project). Even exchanges that at first glance are very simple require a sophisticated legal structure. For illustration, consider the purchase of a cup of espresso coffee at a lunch counter with payment in cash. This is one of the simplest transactions among those that occur in the contemporary world. However, even this transaction is far from being simple from a legal standpoint. The interaction between the seller and buyer of the final product is the exchange of cash for a product with low value. However, the productive chain of the cup of coffee requires a considerable number of contracts. First consider the coffee beans. Their producer (farmer) probably obtained one or more loans and certainly relied on labor, transportation, storage, and packaging. Then the coffee shop has to purchase the machine to brew the coffee, pay the electricity bill and rent the premises. All the items described above (which by no means exhaust the list) require contracts that are effective only in the presence of a legal structure.

Indeed, it is not a trivial task to identify a transaction that occurs routinely in the modern world that does not rely on a strong legal framework. Consequently, the good functioning of the contemporary economy requires a sophisticated legal system.

The explanation above contains the elements necessary for interpretation of ER1 (i.e., the variables L and y are positively related). Since economic activity requires the existence of a legal structure, it is not surprising that the greater a country’s adherence is to the rule of law, the better its economy will tend to function. Therefore, higher values of L are associated with higher values of y.


As was the case of ER1, the understanding of ER2 is based on the fact that the good functioning of markets depends on a solid legal structure. For illustration here, consider a hypothetical society that existed some five thousand years ago. Its members engaged in hunting, fishing and farming. The markets were very rudimentary, so that the few transactions that took place were by barter. A justice system, if existing, was very primitive. In that context, random factors such as soil and climate quality and availability of water, animals and fish, etc., were the main determinants of production and wealth.

Obviously, the example above is an extreme case where the level of per capita income is governed mainly by random factors. Nevertheless, it illustrates an important point: factors like climate and availability of natural resources tend to be more important to determine per capita income for countries where the markets do not function adequately. And this tends to be the case precisely in countries with weak rule of law. Consequently, it is natural for the capacity of L to explain y to grow with higher L.


In this section, I undertake a preliminary examination of the effects of weak rule of law on the economy. More specifically, I address some of the questions related to the financing of economic activity, the efficiency of firms and the determination of comparative advantages.

The most obvious channel through which weak rule of law can adversely affect economic activity is the impacts on obtaining credit. Firms can be financed either by outside capital (debt) or internal capital (equity). Both options require a solid legal structure. Loans and financing are governed by contracts, while the rights of shareholders (especially minority ones versus controllers) are specified in laws as well as corporate documents (bylaws, shareholders agreements, etc.). Therefore, both forms of financing require a legal structure with enforceable laws and contracts.

Various studies have investigated the relationship between economic growth and the health of the financial sector. Levine (2005Levine, R. (2005). Finance and Growth: Theory and Evidence. In: Aghion, P., Durlauf, S. (orgs.). Handbook of Economic Growth, Volume 1A. Amsterdã: North-Holland .) reviewed this literature and found empirical evidence strongly in favor of the hypothesis that markets and financial institutions are important determinants of economic growth. The combination of this fact with the argument developed in the preceding paragraph allows concluding that the financial system is one of the channels through which adherence to the rule of law influences countries’ per capita income levels.

The make-or-buy decision is another route through which L can influence y. For instance, consider the situation of a newspaper published in a given city. The publisher will need to decide on how to distribute the printed edition to subscribers: create a department responsible for delivery (make) or contract a logistics firm (buy). The decision to make will require hiring workers with all the complications of labor relations, while the choice to buy will demand durable interaction with the delivery firm. In both cases, in one way or the other the publisher will need to engage in contractual relationships.

Although contracts are necessary either to produce or purchase, the relative strength of the rule of law will affect the attractiveness of one option in relation to the other. Suppose that it is less expensive to outsource the delivery operation. However, that option can have the disadvantage of less reliability, in the sense that delivery failures can be more likely due to the absence of direct control over the workers. The typical solution for this type of problem is to include a clause in the contract stipulating a fine for delivery failures exceeding a preset level considered acceptable by the publisher. Obviously, the effectiveness of that solution depends on the speed and effectiveness of the judicial system. In a country where the rule of law is relatively strong, the publisher will tend to choose to contract a delivery service to save money. On the other hand, if the value of L is relatively low, the optimal choice will be to create an in-house delivery department.

Although simple, the example above illustrates an important point: make-or-buy decisions are affected by the relative efficacy of the judicial system. In a society with weak adhesion to the rule of law, firms can make decisions that are different from those that would be optimal if the value of L were higher. Consequently, companies that operate in countries with weak rule of law will tend to have higher costs.

This last conclusion has implications for the determination of competitive advantages, since these depend on relative costs. Let R and S be two hypothetical countries, both of which have large oil reserves. Furthermore, L R < L S . The question that arises is: which country will have a comparative advantage in refining the crude oil? Well, the refining of petroleum is a complex process. It requires constructing refineries, storing the crude oil, producing the various derivatives and distributing them, etc. All along this chain there are make-or-buy decisions. Therefore, the cost if refining will tend to be higher in R than S.

This example illustrates a more general principle: it will be hard for a country with weak rule of law to have a comparative advantage in producing a good that has a relatively long and complex productive chain. Obviously, this applies to the great majority of manufactured goods. This point will be discussed in more detail in the next two paragraphs.

The occurrence or not of the deindustrialization of the Brazilian economy has been the topic of much debate among researchers. For example, Oreiro and Feijó (2010Oreiro, J. L., Feijó, C. A. (2010). Desindustrialização: Conceituação, Causas, Efeitos e o Caso Brasileiro. Revista de Economia Política, 30(2), 219-232.) argued that this phenomenon was already under way at that time. Additionally, Faleiros, Silva and Nakaguma (2016Faleiros, J. P., Silva, J. C., Nakaguma, M. (2016). Evaluating the effect of exchange rate and labor productivity on import penetration of Brazilian manufacturing sectors. Economia, 17(1), 3-32.) provided evidence, referring to the 1996-2011 period, of falling average labor productivity in Brazilian industry, leading to lower participation of goods produced locally in domestic consumption of manufactured goods. On the other hand, Nassif (2018Nassif, A. (2018). Há Evidências de Desindustrialização no Brasil?. Revista de Economia Política, 28(1), 72-96.) stated that, at least for the period after 1990, there was no loss of importance of industry in Brazil. Bonelli and Pessôa (2010Bonelli, R., Pessôa, S. (2010). Desindustrialização no Brasil: Um Resumo da Evidência. Texto para Discussão no 7, FGV/IBRE.) presented a similar argument.

It is outside the scope of this paper to undertake a detailed analysis of this theme. However, the fact that contracts are more relevant in complex productive activities suggests that industry is one of the sectors that would benefit the most by enhanced rule of law.


The objective of this section is to investigate the impact on per capita income in Brazil should a reform manage to raise the country’s Rule of Law Index. However, before starting this exercise, it is necessary to present some preliminary considerations.

The analysis presented in Section 2 was focused on the correlation between y and L. The two empirical regularities enunciated at the end of that section say nothing about a possible relationship of causality between the two variables. Indeed, it is known that correlation does not imply causality. Thus, for the exercise to be relevant, it is first necessary to establish that L "causes" y in the following sense: governamental action can positively affect the value of L and that change will have impacts on y. So, the government (understood here as the combination of the executive, legislative and judicial branches) is able to alter the legal framework to affect the value of L. Additionally, the analysis developed in Sections 4 and 5 establishes that several economic variables would be affected by that change. More specifically, growth of L would tend to reduce the production costs and enable transactions that would not occur under the status quo.11 11 According to Acemoglu et al. (2005), the institutions determine growth. In turn, Jones (2016, p. 51) stated that economic success is affected by the "rules that are put in place". Likewise, Cooter and Schäfer (2012, p. 12) argued that "better law can promote innovation and increase a nation's wealth." The analysis performed here follows the reasoning of those authors.

Initially, I obtain a cap on the possible gain in terms of per capita income if Brazil succeeded in raising its Rule of Law Index to that of the United States. According to the data underpinning Figure 1, any nation that has the same level of adherence to the rule of law as the USA should have, according to the prediction generated by the ordinary least squares regression line, yearly per capita income equal to US$ 23,478.79.

As mentioned, this amount should be interpreted as an upper limit. There are various reasons for this. Among others, this number is 165.6% greater than Brazil’s per capita income. Since that gain would be substantial, I prefer to adopt a more cautious stance and interpret the value of US$ 23,478.79 as a very optimistic upper bound. Furthermore, the bivariate analysis carried out here does not control for various other factors that can affect y. For example, suppose that to finance the legal and judicial reforms necessary to raise the value of L to the level of the USA, the Brazilian government had to raise the tax burden substantially. This might well reduce the impacts of a stronger rule of law on per capita income.

Despite this reservation, it is necessary to mention that additional evidence exists that this type of reform can indeed lead to a substantial gain of per capita income. Consider Chile, which is the only country in South America to serve as a model to assess the effects of such reform.12 12 Besides Brazil, the sample contains nine other South American countries. Of them, only Argentina, Chile and Uruguay have a stronger rule of law than Brazil (Argentina’s is essentially equal to Brazil’s). Uruguay’s index is very near that of the USA, a country with which Brazil has been compared. The data suggest that the strong rule of law in that country corresponds, on average, to per capita income 67.6% higher than Brazil’s. Additionally, among all the countries in the sample where L i > L USA , the lowest per capita income is equal to US$ 17,570. This amount exceeds Brazil’s per capita income by 98.8%.

In summary, the evidence presented in this paper suggests that Brazil could substantially raise the growth of y if it could raise L considerably. If not, the country would be a notable exception to the international experience.


The objective of this paper consisted of examining the relationship between adherence to the rule of law and the level of economic development of nations. I initially conducted an empirical investigation of the relationship between the Rule of Law Index computed by the Word Justice Project (WJP) and the per capita income of 110 countries in 2016. The results indicated the existence of a positive correlation between the two variables. Additionally, I found that higher values of the Index are associated with greater capacity to explain per capita income.

These two empirical regularities were interpreted in light of the current theoretical and empirical knowledge of economics. The markets do not operate in an institutional vacuum. Their functioning requires economic agents to enter into a welter of contractual arrangements, and these are more effective with stronger rule of law. Based on the evidence that the good functioning of markets is one of the engines of economic growth, it is natural for a relationship to exist between the WJP Index and per capita income.

The interpretation of the second empirical regularity is based on an extension of the argument presented in the preceding paragraph. In countries with less solid and effective legal institutions, the functioning of markets is hindered, so they are less relevant to determine income levels. Consequently, other factors, including random ones (such as availability of natural resources and wars) play a more relevant role. In turn, this causes the WJP Index to be less able to explain the behavior of per capita income.

I also analyzed the impact of weak rule of law on economic activity. The effects of fragile judicial institutions on financial markets and the consequent adverse effects on growth have been widely addressed in the literature. However, in this paper I raise the possibility that countries with weak rule of law are unlikely to achieve comparative advantages in the production of goods that have relatively long and/or complex production chains.

Brazil’s level of adherence to the rule of law is substantially lower than that of developed countries like the USA, United Kingdom, or Japan. The combination of the empirical evidence discussed here with economic theory suggests that reforms to improve Brazil’s judicial system could enhance the growth of the country’s per capita income.

In conclusion, Lucas (1988Lucas Jr., R. (1988). On the Mechanics of Economic Development. Journal of Monetary Economics, 22(1), 3-42.) stated that at the moment one begins to reflect on the various implications resulting from fact that economic growth occurs at faster or slower rates, it becomes extremely difficult to think about any other question. An analogous situation may exist here: at the moment one perceives how strongly economic activity depends on the legal structure, it becomes hard not to think about the potential benefits Brazil could obtain if it improved its legal institutions.


  • Acemoglu, D., Johnson, S., Robison, J. (2005). Institutions as a Fundamental Cause of Long-Run Growth. In: Aghion, P., Durlauf, S. (orgs.). Handbook of Economic Growth, Volume 1A (pp. 385-472) Amsterdã: North-Holland.
  • Acemoglu, D., Robison, J. (2012). Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty Londres: Crown Business.
  • Baird, D., Gertner, R., Picker, R. (1994). Game Theory and the Law Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Besanko, D., Dranove, D., Shanley, M., Schaefer, S. (2010). Economics of Strategy 5the edition. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
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  • Coase, R. (1960). The Problem of Social Cost. Journal of Law and Economics, 3(1), 1-44.
  • Cooter, R., Schäfer, H. B. (2012). Solomon’s Knot: How Can Law End the Poverty of Nations Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Da Ros, L. (2015). O Custo da Justiça no Brasil: Uma Análise Comparativa Exploratória. Newsletter do Observatório de Elites Políticas e Sociais do Brasil, 2(9), 1-15.
  • De Haan, J., Lundström, S., Sturm, J. E. (2006). Market-Oriented Institutions and Economic Growth: A Critical Survey. Journal of Economic Surveys, 20(2), 157-191.
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  • Friedman, M. (1962). Capitalism and Freedom Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Giambiagi, F., Almeida Jr., M. (orgs.) (2017). Retomada do Crescimento: Agendas e Propostas Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.
  • Jones, C. (2016). The Facts of Economic Growth. In Taylor, J., Uhlig, H. Handbook of Macroeconomics, Volume 2A Amsterdã: North-Holland .
  • Levine, R. (2005). Finance and Growth: Theory and Evidence. In: Aghion, P., Durlauf, S. (orgs.). Handbook of Economic Growth, Volume 1A Amsterdã: North-Holland .
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  • Mendonça, H. F., Fonseca, A. O. (2012). Corruption, Income, and Rule of Law: Empirical Evidence from Developing and Developed Economies. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 32(2), 305-314.
  • Milhaupt, C., Pistor, K. (2008). Law & Capitalism: What Corporate Crises Reveal about Legal Systems and Economic Development around the World Chicago: The University of Chicago Press .
  • Nassif, A. (2018). Há Evidências de Desindustrialização no Brasil?. Revista de Economia Política, 28(1), 72-96.
  • Oreiro, J. L., Feijó, C. A. (2010). Desindustrialização: Conceituação, Causas, Efeitos e o Caso Brasileiro. Revista de Economia Política, 30(2), 219-232.
  • Rodrik, D. (2005). Growth Strategies. In: Aghion, P., Durlauf, S. (orgs.). (pp. 967-1014) Handbook of Economic Growth, Volume 1A Amsterdã: North-Holland.
  • Smith, A. (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations London: Strahan and Cadell.
  • Versteeg, M., Ginsburg, T. (2017). Measuring the Rule of Law: A Comparison of Indicators. Law & Social Inquiry, 42(1), 100-137.
  • World Justice Project (2017). Rule of Law Index 2016 Washington: World Justice Project.
  • 1
    Smith clearly expressed this vision in Chapter III of Book V: "Commerce and manufactures can seldom flourish long in any state which does not enjoy a regular administration of justice; in which the people do not feel themselves secure in the possession of their property; in which the faith of contracts is not supported by law; and in which the authority of the state is not supposed to be regularly employed in enforcing the payment of debts from all those who are able to pay. Commerce and manufactures, in short, can seldom flourish in any state, in which there is not a certain degree of confidence in the justice of government."
  • 2
    Section 3 and the Appendix A APPENDIX A: THE RULE OF LAW INDEX Here I discuss the origin and properties of the Rule of Law Index. In general, the information presented and discussed here is available in WJP (2017) and at the website Exceptions are mentioned as they occur. The indicator was created by the World Justice Project (WJP). This entity was founded in 2006 as a presidential initiative of the American Bar Association. In 2009, the WJP was separated from the Bar Association and became an autonomous organization. Its main objective is to promote the rule of law worldwide. The Rule of Law Index is a quantitative tool that seeks to measure the adherence of each country to the rule of law. The data for 2016 are available in WJP (2017), as well as at the website This was the sixth edition of the Index, which has annual frequency. The Rule of Law Index is calculated based on the following eight subindices: (1) Constraints on Government Powers; (2) Absence of Corruption; (3) Open Government; (4) Fundamental Rights; (5) Order and Security; (6) Regulatory Enforcement, (7) Civil Justice; and (8) Criminal Justice. In turn, these subindices have divisions. For example, subindex (3) has the following components: (3.1) publicity of laws and government data; (3.2) right to information; (3.3) civic participation; and (3.4) complaint mechanisms. Each component of a subindex receives a score in the interval [0,1], where 1 corresponds to the strongest possible adherence to the rule of law. The score of each subindex is the simple arithmetic mean of the scores of its components. Finally, the value of the Rule of Law Index is given by the simple arithmetic average of the scores of the eight subindices. The score of each component of each subindex is assigned based on interviews conducted with a fraction of the inhabitants of each country and also with local specialists. To compute the index for 2016, a total of 110 thousand interviews were conducted among members of the public and 2.7 thousand with experts. The data collected are submitted to reliability and sensitivity tests, which, according to the information at the website, counts on the participation of the Econometrics and Applied Statistics Unit of the European Commission’s Joint Research Center. As a consequence of the procedures described above, the Rule of Law Index assumes values in the interval [0,1]. The greater the value, the stronger the rule of law is of the country under analysis. According to Versteeg and Ginsburg (2017, p. 101), the WPJ Rule of Law Index is the most comprehensive indicator of adherence to the rule of law. The reason is that it has the broadest definition of the rule of law by covering the widest range of aspects (absence of corruption, indicators of criminality, protection of property rights, etc.) among similar indicators available. I conclude this section with a brief analysis of the performance of the WPJ’s Rule of Law Index in comparison with other related metrics. Versteeg and Ginsburg (2017, p. 102) compared it with the governance index of the World Bank and the rule of law indices of the Heritage Foundation and Freedom House. With the exception of the last one, they found the correlation coefficient between any pair of indicators was higher than 0.95. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient of the Freedom House indicator with the others was greater than 0.78. The indicators of the Doing Business project13 are very popular among researchers in the area of economics. For this reason, I used them to perform a similar exercise to that conducted with the WPJ Index. Among the 10 items of the Doing Business index, three are clearly related to the concept of rule of law: enforcing contracts; resolving insolvency; and protecting minority investors. I denoted these respectively by EF, RI and PMI. The table below presents the correlation matrix for 2016 of these variables with L (the WPJ’s Rule of Law Index). Table 4. Correlation Matrix Variable L EF RI PMI L 1 EF 0.578 1 RI 0.658 0.487 1 PMI 0.490 0.483 0.564 1 Source: author’s calculations The three pairwise correlation coefficients between the Doing Business indicators are 0.487, 0.483 and 0.564. The coefficients of L with EF and RI are greater than those values, while the coefficient between L and PMI (0.490) is lower than the greatest of the three values. Hence, it can be concluded that the correlations of L with EF, RI and PMI are as a general rule greater than the pairwise correlations of the Doing Business indicators. The results presented in the previous paragraph and the conclusions of Versteeg and Ginsburg (2017) discussed above suggest that the WJP’s Rule of Law Index is a metric of the rule of law consistent with the other indicators currently available. Additionally, as pointed out by those authors, the WJP’s index is a broader measure of countries’ levels of the rule of law. contain additional information about the WJP and its Rule of Law Index.
  • 3
  • 4
    The reader might ask whether it would be possible to include other years in the sample. That would reduce the number of countries studied, because in 2015 the number of countries included by the WJP was smaller. And more importantly, the values of the Rule of Law Index are not easily comparable from one year to the next. The WJP’s website recommends caution when performing intertemporal comparisons.
  • 5
    Appendix B APPENDIX B: FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS AND HISTOGRAMS Table 5. Frequency distribution of L L Frequency Absolute % 0.3000-0.3599 2 1.82 0.3600-0.4199 9 8.18 0.4200-0.4799 19 17.27 0.4800-0.5399 26 23.64 0.5400-0.5999 14 12.73 0.6000-0.6599 9 8.18 0.6600-0.7199 11 10.00 0.7200-0.7799 6 5.45 0.7800-0.8399 9 8.18 0.8400-0.8999 5 4.55 Total 110 100 Source: author’s calculations. Table 6. Frequency distribution of lny lny Frequency Absolute % 5.5000-6.0999 3 2.73 6.1000-6.6999 6 5.45 6.7000-7.2999 10 9.09 7.3000-7.8999 10 9.09 7.9000-8.4999 17 15.45 8.5000-9.0999 20 18.18 9.1000-9.6999 17 15.45 9.7000-10.8999 8 7.27 10.3000-10.8999 14 12.73 10.9000-11.4999 5 4.55 Total 110 100 Source: author’s calculations. Figure 4. Histograms of L and lny contains the frequency distributions and histograms of L and the natural logarithm of y.
  • 6
    I used the ordinary least squares method (without correction of the standard deviations or any other type of adjustment) in all the estimates carried out in this paper.
  • 7
    According to Milhaupt and Pistor (2008Milhaupt, C., Pistor, K. (2008). Law & Capitalism: What Corporate Crises Reveal about Legal Systems and Economic Development around the World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press ., p. 5), "many countries have achieved remarkable economic growth with legal systems that do not live up to the rule-of-law ideal." However, the data analyzed here suggest that a strong rule of law is a necessary condition for a nation to grow sufficiently to become one of the wealthiest in the world. Indeed, among the countries with per capita income in the highest decile of the sample, the value of L of the USA is equal to 0.7391, while L > 0.8 for all the other countries.
  • 8
    In Appendix C APPENDIX C: ROBUSTNESS OF ER1 AND ER2 In this appendix I examine whether the two empirical regularities identified in Section 3 also hold when the sample is partitioned differently than done in that section. The sample was divided by the median L~ of the Rule of Law Index and by its quintiles. The table below reports the results when the sample was partitioned based on L~ . Table 7. Estimation of equation (1) by subsamples (partition by the median) Subsample Observations α β R 2 MSE L i < L ~ 55 4.3764 7.4180 0.1657 0.7774 L i ≥ L ~ 55 4.4318 7.6301 0.6539 0.3366 Source: author’s calculations Except for the number of observations in each group, none of the values are substantially different that the counterparts in Table 3. Therefore, the same reasoning used in Section 3 can be applied to conclude that both ER1 and ER2 are consistent with this alternative partition of the sample. The table below presents the results obtained when the data were divided into quintiles of L. Table 8. Estimation of equation (1) by subsamples (partition by quintiles) Subsample Observations α β R 2 MSE 1st quintile 22 4.7601 6.4098 0.0665 0.8276 2nd quintile 22 9.2104 -2.5230 0.0025 0.7975 3rd quintile 22 3.2767 9.6910 0.0658 0.5619 4th quintile 22 2.1504 11.1558 0.3007 0.4176 5th quintile 22 5.8875 5.8217 0.4595 0.1170 Source: author’s calculations Other than the second quintile, the estimate of β is always positive. However, in this quintile the value of R 2 is also very close to zero. Thus, except for the subsample in which there apparently is no strong relationship between y and L, these two variables are positively related. In other words, ER1 is confirmed in the results presented above. With respect to ER2, two observations are in order: (i) the value of MSE decreases with increasing quintiles of L; and (ii) the value of R 2 is nearly zero in the first three quintiles and grows in the fourth and fifth quintiles. Consequently, ER2 is also consistent with the results presented in Table 8. , I show that these empirical regularities are robust to other ways of dividing the sample. Another important question is their robustness to the introduction of control variables. I leave it to future studies to obtain a detailed response to this question. In any event, it should be mentioned that the conclusions of Mendonça and Fonseca (2012Mendonça, H. F., Fonseca, A. O. (2012). Corruption, Income, and Rule of Law: Empirical Evidence from Developing and Developed Economies. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 32(2), 305-314.) shed some light on that matter. Utilizing control variables, they presented evidence that an increase in the rule of law tends to reduce (with statistical significance) corruption in emerging countries, while this effect is not significant for richer countries. Additionally, they concluded that corruption has an adverse impact on GDP per capita and that it tends to be stronger in developing than in developed countries. The combination of these two conclusions suggests that: (i) as in the case of ER1, there is a positive relationship between the level of rule of law and GDP per capita; and (ii) just as for ER2, the nature of the relation between L and y depends of the country’s degree of development.
  • 9
    The example analyzed here is similar to that discussed by Baird, Gertner and Picker (1994Baird, D., Gertner, R., Picker, R. (1994). Game Theory and the Law. Cambridge: Harvard University Press., pp. 54-56).
  • 10
    It should be mentioned that the example addressed here applies not only to the rental of a real assets. Similar analysis is valid in various other contexts, such as the purchase of goods in installments, purchase of goods with payment before delivery and bank loans.
  • 11
    According to Acemoglu et al. (2005Acemoglu, D., Johnson, S., Robison, J. (2005). Institutions as a Fundamental Cause of Long-Run Growth. In: Aghion, P., Durlauf, S. (orgs.). Handbook of Economic Growth, Volume 1A. (pp. 385-472) Amsterdã: North-Holland.), the institutions determine growth. In turn, Jones (2016Jones, C. (2016). The Facts of Economic Growth. In Taylor, J., Uhlig, H. Handbook of Macroeconomics, Volume 2A. Amsterdã: North-Holland ., p. 51) stated that economic success is affected by the "rules that are put in place". Likewise, Cooter and Schäfer (2012Cooter, R., Schäfer, H. B. (2012). Solomon’s Knot: How Can Law End the Poverty of Nations. Princeton: Princeton University Press., p. 12) argued that "better law can promote innovation and increase a nation's wealth." The analysis performed here follows the reasoning of those authors.
  • 12
    Besides Brazil, the sample contains nine other South American countries. Of them, only Argentina, Chile and Uruguay have a stronger rule of law than Brazil (Argentina’s is essentially equal to Brazil’s). Uruguay’s index is very near that of the USA, a country with which Brazil has been compared.

    I am grateful for the financial support of Brazil’s National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Two anonymous referees provided valuable comments.
  • 13
    Additional information about the Doing Business project is available at the website http://www.
  • 14
    Smith manifesta claramente essa visão no seguinte trecho do capítulo III do livro V: "Commerce and manufactures can seldom flourish long in any state which does not enjoy a regular administration of justice; in which the people do not feel themselves secure in the possession of their property; in which the faith of contracts is not supported by law; and in which the authority of the state is not supposed to be regularly employed in enforcing the payment of debts from all those who are able to pay. Commerce and manufactures, in short, can seldom flourish in any state, in which there is not a certain degree of confidence in the justice of government".
  • 15
    Para os fins deste texto, a expressão primado das leis deve ser entendida como equivalente à inglesa rule of law.
  • 16
    A Seção 3 e o Apêndice A APÊNDICE A: O ÍNDICE DE PRIMADO DAS LEIS Discute-se neste apêndice a origem e as propriedades do Rule of Law Index. De forma geral, as informações aqui apresentadas e discutidas estão disponíveis em WJP (2017) e no website Exceções a essa regra serão mencionadas à medida que elas ocorrerem. O indicador em análise foi criado pelo World Justice Project (WJP). Essa entidade surgiu em 2006 como uma iniciativa da presidência da Bar Association (equivalente à Ordem dos Advogados) dos EUA. Em 2009, o WJP foi separado da Bar Association e se transformou em uma organização autônoma. O seu objetivo consiste em promover o primado das leis em todo o planeta. O Rule of Law Index é uma ferramenta quantitativa que busca fornecer uma visão do grau de aderência de cada nação ao primado das leis. Os dados referentes a 2016 estão disponíveis no website e em WJP (2017). Vale ressaltar que essa foi a sexta edição do índice, o qual tem periodicidade anual. O Rule of Law Index é calculado com base nos seguintes oito subíndices: (1) restrição aos poderes do governo; (2) ausência de corrupção; (3) transparência e abertura do governo; (4) direitos fundamentais; (5) ordem e segurança; (6) cumprimento e execução das normas regulatórias; (7) justiça civil; (8) justiça criminal. Por sua vez, esses subíndices também possuem divisões. Por exemplo, o subíndice (3) tem os seguintes componentes: (3.1) publicidade das leis e dados governamentais; (3.2) direito à informação; (3.3) participação cívica; (3.4) mecanismos para queixas e reclamações. Cada componente de um subíndice recebe uma nota no intervalo [0,1], onde 1 corresponde à maior aderência possível ao primado das leis. A nota de um subíndice é igual à média aritmética simples das notas dos seus componentes. Por fim, o valor do Rule of Law Index também é dado pela média aritmética simples das notas dos oito subíndices. A nota de cada componente de um subíndice é elaborada a partir de entrevistas realizadas com uma fração dos habitantes de cada país e também com especialistas locais. Para a elaboração do índice de 2016, foram conduzidas mais de 110 mil entrevistas do primeiro tipo e 2,7 mil do segundo tipo. As informações assim coletadas são submetidas a uma análise de confiabilidade e sensibilidade que, conforme informado no website, conta com a participação da Unidade de Econometria e Estatística Aplicada do Centro de Pesquisa Conjunta da Comissão Europeia. Como consequência dos procedimentos descritos acima, o Rule of Law Index assume valores no intervalo [0,1]. Quanto maior o seu valor, maior será a prevalência do primado das leis no país em análise. De acordo com Versteeg e Ginsburg (2017, p. 101), o Rule of Law Index do WPJ é o mais abrangente indicador de aderência ao primado das leis. Isso se deve aos fatos de o indicador em questão utilizar a mais abrangente definição de primado das leis e contemplar o mais amplo leque de aspectos (ausência de corrupção, indicadores de criminalidade, proteção aos direitos de propriedade etc.) dentre todos os indicadores similares presentemente disponíveis. Conclui-se esta seção com uma breve análise do desempenho do Rule of Law Index do WPJ frente a outras medidas correlatas. Versteeg e Ginsburg (2017, p. 102) cotejam o indicador em questão com o índice de governança do Banco Mundial e com os índices de primado das leis da Heritage Foundation e da Freedom House. Com a exceção desse último, o coeficiente de correlação entre qualquer par de indicadores é superior a 0,95. Adicionalmente, os coeficientes de correlação do indicador da Freedom House com os outros três são superiores a 0,78. Os indicadores do projeto Doing Business27 são bastante populares entre os pesquisadores da área de Economia. Por tal motivo, este autor os utilizou para realizar um exercício similar ao discutido no parágrafo anterior. Dentre os dez índices integrantes daquele projeto, três deles estão claramente relacionados ao conceito de primado das leis: enforcing contracts, resolving insolvency e protecting minority investors. Denote esses indicadores por, respectivamente, EF, RI e PMI. Apresenta-se abaixo a matriz de correlação, para o ano de 2016, dessas variáveis e de L (ou seja, o índice de Rule of Law do WJP). Tabela 4. Matriz de Correlação variável L EF RI PMI L 1 EF 0,578 1 RI 0,658 0,487 1 PMI 0,490 0,483 0,564 1 Fonte: cálculos do autor Os três coeficientes de correlação dentre os indicadores do Doing Business são iguais a 0,487, 0,483 e 0,564. Os coeficientes de L com EF e RI excedem todos esses valores, ao passo que o coeficiente de L com PMI (0,490) somente é inferior ao maior daqueles três valores. Logo, é possível concluir que a correlação de L com EF, RI e PMI é, como regra geral, superior à correlação dentre os próprios indicadores do Doing Business. Os resultados apresentados no parágrafo anterior e as conclusões de Versteeg e Ginsburg (2017) discutidas acima sugerem que o Rule of Law do WJP é uma medida de primado das leis consistente com os demais indicadores presentemente disponíveis. Adicionalmente, conforme apontado por aqueles autores, o índice em questão é a mais abrangente medida de aderência de uma nação ao primado das leis. contêm informações adicionais sobre o WJP e o seu Rule of Law Index.
  • 17
  • 18
    O leitor pode indagar se não seria possível incluir outros anos na amostra. Tal procedimento implicaria reduzir o número de países estudados, pois em 2015 o número de países contemplados no levantamento do WJP era menor. E, mais importante, os valores do Rule of Law Index não são facilmente comparáveis de um ano para o outro. O próprio website do WJP recomenda cautela ao se realizar uma comparação intertemporal.
  • 19
    O Apêndice B APÊNDICE B: DISTRIBUIÇÕES DE FREQUÊNCIA E HISTOGRAMAS Tabela 5. Distribuição de frequência de L L frequência absoluta % 0,3000-0,3599 2 1,82 0,3600-0,4199 9 8,18 0,4200-0,4799 19 17,27 0,4800-0,5399 26 23,64 0,5400-0,5999 14 12,73 0,6000-0,6599 9 8,18 0,6600-0,7199 11 10,00 0,7200-0,7799 6 5,45 0,7800-0,8399 9 8,18 0,8400-0,8999 5 4,55 Total 110 100 Fonte: cálculos do autor. Tabela 6. Distribuição de frequência de lny lny Frequência absoluta % 5,5000-6,0999 3 2,73 6,1000-6,6999 6 5,45 6,7000-7,2999 10 9,09 7,3000-7,8999 10 9,09 7,9000-8,4999 17 15,45 8,5000-9,0999 20 18,18 9,1000-9,6999 17 15,45 9,7000-10,8999 8 7,27 10,3000-10,8999 14 12,73 10,9000-11,4999 5 4,55 Total 110 100 Fonte: cálculos do autor. Figura 4. Histogramas de L e lny contém as distribuições de frequência e histogramas de L e do logaritmo natural de y.
  • 20
    Utilizou-se o método de mínimos quadrados ordinários (sem correção dos desvios-padrão ou qualquer outro tipo de ajuste) em todas as estimações realizadas neste artigo.
  • 21
    De acordo com Milhaupt e Pistor (2008Milhaupt, C., Pistor, K. (2008). Law & Capitalism: What Corporate Crises Reveal about Legal Systems and Economic Development around the World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press ., p. 5), "many countries have achieved remarkable economic growth with legal systems that do not live up to the rule-of-law ideal". Contudo, os dados aqui analisados sugerem que um alto grau de primado das leis é uma condição necessária para que uma nação cresça o suficiente para se tornar uma das mais ricas do planeta. De fato, dentre os países com renda per capita no decil superior da amostra, o valor de L dos EUA é igual a 0,7391, ao passo que L > 0,8 para todas as demais nações.
  • 22
    Mostra-se no Apêndice C APÊNDICE C: ROBUSTEZ DE RE1 E RE2 Estuda-se neste apêndice se as duas regularidades empíricas identificadas na Seção 3 também se manifestam caso a amostra seja particionada de forma distinta daquela adotada na referida seção. Para tanto, a amostra é dividida de duas outras maneiras: pela mediana L~ do indicador de primado das leis e por quintis da mesma variável. A tabela que se segue contém os resultados obtidos quando a amostrada é particionada com base em L~ . Tabela 7. Estimação da equação (1) por subamostras (partição pela mediana) Subamostra observações α β R 2 EQM L i < L ~ 55 4,3764 7,4180 0,1657 0,7774 L i ≥ L ~ 55 4,4318 7,6301 0,6539 0,3366 Fonte: cálculos do autor Exceto pelo número de observações em cada grupo, nenhum dos valores é consideravelmente distinto do seu correspondente na Tabela 3. Consequentemente, o mesmo raciocínio utilizado na Seção 3 pode ser aqui aplicado de forma a concluir que ambas RE1 e RE2 são consistentes com essa partição alternativa da amostra. Apresentam-se a seguir os resultados obtidos quando os dados disponíveis são divididos de acordo com os quintis de L. Tabela 8. Estimação da equação (1) por subamostras (partição por quintis) subamostra observações α β R 2 EQM 1o quintil 22 4,7601 6,4098 0,0665 0,8276 2o quintil 22 9,2104 -2,5230 0,0025 0,7975 3o quintil 22 3,2767 9,6910 0,0658 0,5619 4o quintil 22 2,1504 11,1558 0,3007 0,4176 5o quintil 22 5,8875 5,8217 0,4595 0,1170 Fonte: cálculos do autor Exceto pelo segundo quintil, a estimativa de β é sempre positiva. Porém, justamente nesse quintil o valor do R 2 é extremamente próximo de 0. Assim sendo, exceto pelo subamostra na qual aparentemente não há uma sólida relação entre y e L, essas duas variáveis se relacionam de forma crescente. Ou seja, a RE1 também se manifesta nos resultados acima. Com relação à RE2, observe que: (i) o valor do EQM decresce à medida que se avança pelos quintis de L e (ii) o R 2 é quase que nulo nos três primeiros quintis e cresce quando se passa para o 4o e o 5o quintis. Consequentemente, a RE2 também é consistente com os resultados apresentados na Tabela 8. que essas regularidades empíricas são robustas a outras maneiras de dividir a amostra. Outra questão importante é a robustez das mesmas à introdução de variáveis de controle. Deixa-se para estudos posteriores a obtenção de uma resposta detalhada para tal indagação. De toda forma, vale mencionar que as conclusões de Mendonça e Fonseca (2012Mendonça, H. F., Fonseca, A. O. (2012). Corruption, Income, and Rule of Law: Empirical Evidence from Developing and Developed Economies. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 32(2), 305-314.) trazem alguma luz sobre tal questão. Esses dois autores, utilizando diversas variáveis de controle, apresentam evidências de que uma elevação no grau de primado das leis tende a reduzir, de forma estatisticamente significativa, a corrupção em nações emergentes e que esse mesmo efeito não é significativo para os países mais ricos. Adicionalmente, eles concluem que há um impacto adverso da corrupção sobre o PIB per capita e que ele tende a ser mais forte em países em desenvolvimento do que nos desenvolvidos. A combinação dessas duas conclusões sugere que (i) a exemplo de RE1, existe uma relação crescente entre primado das leis e PIB per capita e (ii) assim como em RE2, a natureza da relação entre L e y depende do grau de desenvolvimento do país.
  • 23
    O exemplo aqui analisado é similar ao discutido em Baird, Gertner e Picker (1994Baird, D., Gertner, R., Picker, R. (1994). Game Theory and the Law. Cambridge: Harvard University Press., p. 54-56).
  • 24
    Vale ressaltar que o exemplo aqui discutido não se aplica apenas à questão do aluguel de um ativo real. De fato, análise similar é válida em diversos outros contextos, como compra de mercadoria com pagamento a prazo, compra de mercadoria com pagamento realizado antes da sua entrega e empréstimos bancários.
  • 25
    Acemoglu et al. (2005Acemoglu, D., Johnson, S., Robison, J. (2005). Institutions as a Fundamental Cause of Long-Run Growth. In: Aghion, P., Durlauf, S. (orgs.). Handbook of Economic Growth, Volume 1A. (pp. 385-472) Amsterdã: North-Holland.) entendem que as instituições determinam o crescimento. Por sua vez, Jones (2016Jones, C. (2016). The Facts of Economic Growth. In Taylor, J., Uhlig, H. Handbook of Macroeconomics, Volume 2A. Amsterdã: North-Holland ., p. 51) afirma que o sucesso econômico é afetado pelas "rules that are put in place". Similarmente, Cooter e Schäfer (2012Cooter, R., Schäfer, H. B. (2012). Solomon’s Knot: How Can Law End the Poverty of Nations. Princeton: Princeton University Press., p. 12) argumentam que "better law can promote innovation and increase a nation's wealth". A análise aqui realizada segue a linha de raciocínio desses autores.
  • 26
    Além do Brasil, a amostra contém nove outros países da América do Sul. Dentre esses, somente Argentina, Chile e Uruguai possuem um grau de primado das leis superior ao do Brasil. O valor observado na Argentina é essencialmente igual ao do Brasil. O indicador do Uruguai é bem próximo ao dos EUA, país ao qual o Brasil já foi comparado.
  • 27
    Informações adicionais sobre o projeto Doing Business estão disponíveis no websitehttp://www.


Here I discuss the origin and properties of the Rule of Law Index. In general, the information presented and discussed here is available in WJP (2017World Justice Project (2017). Rule of Law Index 2016. Washington: World Justice Project.) and at the website Exceptions are mentioned as they occur.

The indicator was created by the World Justice Project (WJP). This entity was founded in 2006 as a presidential initiative of the American Bar Association. In 2009, the WJP was separated from the Bar Association and became an autonomous organization. Its main objective is to promote the rule of law worldwide.

The Rule of Law Index is a quantitative tool that seeks to measure the adherence of each country to the rule of law. The data for 2016 are available in WJP (2017World Justice Project (2017). Rule of Law Index 2016. Washington: World Justice Project.), as well as at the website This was the sixth edition of the Index, which has annual frequency.

The Rule of Law Index is calculated based on the following eight subindices: (1) Constraints on Government Powers; (2) Absence of Corruption; (3) Open Government; (4) Fundamental Rights; (5) Order and Security; (6) Regulatory Enforcement, (7) Civil Justice; and (8) Criminal Justice. In turn, these subindices have divisions. For example, subindex (3) has the following components: (3.1) publicity of laws and government data; (3.2) right to information; (3.3) civic participation; and (3.4) complaint mechanisms.

Each component of a subindex receives a score in the interval [0,1], where 1 corresponds to the strongest possible adherence to the rule of law. The score of each subindex is the simple arithmetic mean of the scores of its components. Finally, the value of the Rule of Law Index is given by the simple arithmetic average of the scores of the eight subindices.

The score of each component of each subindex is assigned based on interviews conducted with a fraction of the inhabitants of each country and also with local specialists. To compute the index for 2016, a total of 110 thousand interviews were conducted among members of the public and 2.7 thousand with experts. The data collected are submitted to reliability and sensitivity tests, which, according to the information at the website, counts on the participation of the Econometrics and Applied Statistics Unit of the European Commission’s Joint Research Center.

As a consequence of the procedures described above, the Rule of Law Index assumes values in the interval [0,1]. The greater the value, the stronger the rule of law is of the country under analysis.

According to Versteeg and Ginsburg (2017Versteeg, M., Ginsburg, T. (2017). Measuring the Rule of Law: A Comparison of Indicators. Law & Social Inquiry, 42(1), 100-137., p. 101), the WPJ Rule of Law Index is the most comprehensive indicator of adherence to the rule of law. The reason is that it has the broadest definition of the rule of law by covering the widest range of aspects (absence of corruption, indicators of criminality, protection of property rights, etc.) among similar indicators available.

I conclude this section with a brief analysis of the performance of the WPJ’s Rule of Law Index in comparison with other related metrics. Versteeg and Ginsburg (2017Versteeg, M., Ginsburg, T. (2017). Measuring the Rule of Law: A Comparison of Indicators. Law & Social Inquiry, 42(1), 100-137., p. 102) compared it with the governance index of the World Bank and the rule of law indices of the Heritage Foundation and Freedom House. With the exception of the last one, they found the correlation coefficient between any pair of indicators was higher than 0.95. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient of the Freedom House indicator with the others was greater than 0.78.

The indicators of the Doing Business project13 13 Additional information about the Doing Business project is available at the website http://www. are very popular among researchers in the area of economics. For this reason, I used them to perform a similar exercise to that conducted with the WPJ Index. Among the 10 items of the Doing Business index, three are clearly related to the concept of rule of law: enforcing contracts; resolving insolvency; and protecting minority investors. I denoted these respectively by EF, RI and PMI. The table below presents the correlation matrix for 2016 of these variables with L (the WPJ’s Rule of Law Index).

Table 4.
Correlation Matrix

The three pairwise correlation coefficients between the Doing Business indicators are 0.487, 0.483 and 0.564. The coefficients of L with EF and RI are greater than those values, while the coefficient between L and PMI (0.490) is lower than the greatest of the three values. Hence, it can be concluded that the correlations of L with EF, RI and PMI are as a general rule greater than the pairwise correlations of the Doing Business indicators.

The results presented in the previous paragraph and the conclusions of Versteeg and Ginsburg (2017Versteeg, M., Ginsburg, T. (2017). Measuring the Rule of Law: A Comparison of Indicators. Law & Social Inquiry, 42(1), 100-137.) discussed above suggest that the WJP’s Rule of Law Index is a metric of the rule of law consistent with the other indicators currently available. Additionally, as pointed out by those authors, the WJP’s index is a broader measure of countries’ levels of the rule of law.


Table 5.
Frequency distribution of L
Table 6.
Frequency distribution of lny

Figure 4.
Histograms of L and lny


In this appendix I examine whether the two empirical regularities identified in Section 3 also hold when the sample is partitioned differently than done in that section. The sample was divided by the median L~ of the Rule of Law Index and by its quintiles.

The table below reports the results when the sample was partitioned based on L~ .

Table 7.
Estimation of equation (1) by subsamples (partition by the median)

Except for the number of observations in each group, none of the values are substantially different that the counterparts in Table 3. Therefore, the same reasoning used in Section 3 can be applied to conclude that both ER1 and ER2 are consistent with this alternative partition of the sample.

The table below presents the results obtained when the data were divided into quintiles of L.

Table 8.
Estimation of equation (1) by subsamples (partition by quintiles)

Other than the second quintile, the estimate of β is always positive. However, in this quintile the value of R 2 is also very close to zero. Thus, except for the subsample in which there apparently is no strong relationship between y and L, these two variables are positively related. In other words, ER1 is confirmed in the results presented above. With respect to ER2, two observations are in order: (i) the value of MSE decreases with increasing quintiles of L; and (ii) the value of R 2 is nearly zero in the first three quintiles and grows in the fourth and fifth quintiles. Consequently, ER2 is also consistent with the results presented in Table 8.


Afghanistan; Albania; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Australia; Austria; Bahamas; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Bolivia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cote d’Ivoire; Croatia; Czech Republic; Denmark; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Estonia; Ethiopia; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Grenada; Guatemala; Guyana; Honduras; Hong Kong; Hungary; India; Indonesia; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kyrgyzstan; Lebanon; Liberia; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Mexico; Moldova; Mongolia; Morocco; Nepal; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Nigeria; North Macedonia; Norway; Pakistan; Panama; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russia; Senegal; Serbia; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Slovenia; South Africa; South Korea; Spain; Sri Lanka; St. Kitts and Nevis; St. Lucia; St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Suriname; Sweden; Tanzania; Thailand; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; Uganda; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vietnam; Zambia; Zimbabwe.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 May 2021
  • Date of issue
    Mar-Apr 2021


  • Received
    27 Mar 2020
  • Reviewed
    19 June 2020
  • Accepted
    14 July 2020
  • Published
    01 Feb 2021
Fucape Business School Av. Fernando Ferrari, 1358, Boa Vista, 29075-505, Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil, (27) 4009-4423 - Vitória - ES - Brazil