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Crustacea Isopoda collected during the Oc/S "Almirante Saldanha" cruises in southern South America: I. Species of Serolis (Flabellifera, Serolidae)


This paper reports on part of the species of the marine isopod genus Serolis (Crustacea, Flabellifera, Serolidae) collected from benthic stations performed during one of the cruises of the Brazil ian Navy Oc/S "Almirante Saldanha" along southern South America. The species reported are Serolis polccris Richardson, 1911, Serolis elliptica Sheppard, 1933, Serolis uaperta Moreira, 1971, and Serolis foresti Bastida & Torti, 1970. A complete synonymy is given for each of these species, as well as the main distinctive characteristics enabling its ready recognition. Some remarks are provided on features not lengthned treated on previous accounts. The geographi cal distribution of all named taxa is given. Serolis uaperta is for the first time reported from off State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and Uruguay, extending considerably southernwards its southern limit of distribution. Both Serolis foresti and Serolis elliptica are also for the first time recorded from off Uruguay.

Estuda-se no presente trabalho parte do total das espécies de isopodes do gênero Sevolis (Crustácea, Flabellifera) coletadas em algumas estações benticas realizadas pelo N/Oc. "Almirante Saldanha" ao largo da costa ocidental da America do Sul. São as seguintes as espécies estudadas: Sevolis polavis Richardson, 1.911, Sevolis elliptioa Sheppard, 1933, Sevolis uapevta Moreira, 1971 e Sevolis fovesti Bastida & Torti, 1970. Para cada espécie é dada completa sinonímia, assim como as principais características, possibilitando sua rápida e fácil identificação. Igualmente, são feitas observações sobre características varias ligeiramente men cionadas em trabalhos anteriores. Sevolis uapevta é pela primeira vez assi nalada ao largo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e Uruguai, o que vem estender consideravelmente o limite sul de ocorrência da espécie. Sevolis fovesti e Sevolis elliptica são também, pela primeira vez, registradas ao largo do Uruguai.

Crustacea Isopoda collected during the Oc/S "Almirante Saldanha" cruises in southern South America. I. Species of Serolis (Flabellifera, Serolidae)

Plínio Solhes Moreira

Instituto Oceanógrafico da Universidade de São Paulo


This paper reports on part of the species of the marine isopod genus Serolis (Crustacea, Flabellifera, Serolidae) collected from benthic stations performed during one of the cruises of the Brazil ian Navy Oc/S "Almirante Saldanha" along southern South America. The species reported are Serolis polccris Richardson, 1911, Serolis elliptica Sheppard, 1933, Serolis uaperta Moreira, 1971, and Serolis foresti Bastida & Torti, 1970. A complete synonymy is given for each of these species, as well as the main distinctive characteristics enabling its ready recognition. Some remarks are provided on features not lengthned treated on previous accounts. The geographi cal distribution of all named taxa is given. Serolis uaperta is for the first time reported from off State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and Uruguay, extending considerably southernwards its southern limit of distribution. Both Serolis foresti and Serolis elliptica are also for the first time recorded from off Uruguay.


Estuda-se no presente trabalho parte do total das espécies de isopodes do gênero Sevolis (Crustácea, Flabellifera) coletadas em algumas estações benticas realizadas pelo N/Oc. "Almirante Saldanha" ao largo da costa ocidental da America do Sul. São as seguintes as espécies estudadas: Sevolis polavis Richardson, 1.911, Sevolis elliptioa Sheppard, 1933, Sevolis uapevta Moreira, 1971 e Sevolis fovesti Bastida & Torti, 1970.

Para cada espécie é dada completa sinonímia, assim como as principais características, possibilitando sua rápida e fácil identificação. Igualmente, são feitas observações sobre características varias ligeiramente men cionadas em trabalhos anteriores. Sevolis uapevta é pela primeira vez assi nalada ao largo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e Uruguai, o que vem estender consideravelmente o limite sul de ocorrência da espécie. Sevolis fovesti e Sevolis elliptica são também, pela primeira vez, registradas ao largo do Uruguai.

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The author is thankful to the Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação (DHN) of the Brazilian Navy for providing the specimens studied.


St. 2822 - January 1972. 26º59' S, 47º53' W. 85 m depth. 14.49º C. 35.97 ‰. Sand and silt. Rectangular dredge.

S. polaris

S. elliptica

S. foresti

St. 2823 - January 1972. 28º41' S, 48º25' W. 60 m depth. 15.49º C. 35.55 ‰. 3.89 ml/1 O2. Shell fragments, sand and silt. Rectangular dredge.

S. polaris

S. elliptica

S. foresti

St. 2846 - February 1972. 32º12' S, 50º54' W. 72 m depth. 16.91º C. 35.78 ‰. Fine sand and silt. Rectangular dredge.

S. polaris

S. elliptica

S. uaperta

S. foresti

St. 2864 - February 1972. 34º34' S, 52º52' W. 40 m depth. 33.52º C. Fine sand. Rectangular dredge.

S. polaris

S. elliptica

S. uaperta

S. foresti

St. 2865 - February 1972. 34º33' S, 53º12' W. 55 m depth. 17.41º C. 33.04 ‰. 4.35 ml/1 O2. Fine sand and silt. Rectangular dredge.

S. polaris

St. 2866 - February 1972. 34º31' S, 53º28' W. 30 m depth. 20.13º C. 32.43 ‰. 4.33 ml/1 O2. Shell fragments. Rectangular dredge.

S. polaris

S. elliptica

S. uaperta


BASTIDA, R. & TORTI, M. R. 1967. Nuevas consideraciones sobre Serolis polaris Richardson, 1911. Neotrópica, 13(40):31-40.

______ 1970. Crustaceos isopodos: Serolidae. Résult, scient. Camp. Calypso, nº IX. Annls Inst. océanogr., Monaco, n.s., 47:61-105.

BEDDARD, F. E. 1884. Report on the Isopoda collected by H.M.S. "Challenger" during the years 1873-76. Part I. The genus Serolis. Rep. scient. Results Voy. H.M.S. Challenger, Zool., 11:1-83, pls 1-10.

KUSSAKIN, O. G. 1967. Isopoda and Tanaidacea from the coastal zones of the Antarctic and Subantarctic. In: Biological results of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955-1958), 3. Issled. Faunei Morei, 4(12):220-380.

MAÑE-GARZÓN, F. 1953. Dos especies del genero Serolis de las aguas uruguayas. Común, zool. Mus. Hist. nat. Montev., 4(69Bis):1-9, pls 1-2.

MOREIRA, P. S. 1971a. Species of Serolis (Isopoda, Flabellifera) from southern Brazil. Bolm Inst, oceanogr., S Paulo, 20:85-144.

______ 1971b. Espécies do gênero criófilo Serolis (Isopoda, Flabellifera) na plataforma continental centro-sul do Brasil. Ciênc. Cult., S Paulo, 23(supl.): 390.

______ 1973. The biology of species of Serolis (Crustacea, Isopoda, Flabellifera): reproductive behavior of Serolis polaris Richardson, 1911. Bolm Inst, oceanogr., S Paulo, 22:109-122.

______ 1974a. Cryptic protective coloration in Serolis laevis and Serolis polaris (Isopoda, Flabellifera). Crustaceana, 27(1):1-4, pl. 1.

______ 1974b. A new record of species of Serolis (Crustacea, Isopoda, Flabellifera) from off southern Brazil. Bolm Inst, oceanogr., S Paulo, 23:89-101.

______ 1974c. New records and a new species of Serolis (Crustacea, Isopoda, Flabellifera) from southern Brazil. Bolm Inst, oceanogr., S Paulo, 23:121-153.

______. An account of the Serolidae (Crustacea, Iso poda, Flabellifera) collected by U.S. Antarctic Expeditions. Publgao esp. Inst, oceanogr. S Paulo (in press).

NIERSTRASZ, H. F. 1931. Die Isopoden der Siboga-Expedition III. Isopoda genuina. II. Flabellifera. Siboga Exped., Monogr. 32c:123-234, pls 10-11.

NORDENSTAM, A. 1933. Marine Isopoda of the families Serolidae, Idotheidae, Pseudidotheidae, Arcturidae, Parasellidae and Stenetriidae mainly from the South Atlantic. Further zool. Results Swed. Antarct. Exped., 3(1):1-284, pls 1-2.

RICHARDSON, H. 1911. Isopodes du Sandwich du Sud. An. Mus. nac. Hist. nat. B. Aires, ser. 3, 14:395-400.

SHEPPARD, E. 1933. Isopoda Crustacea. Part I. The family Serolidae. "Discovery" Rep., 7:253-362, pl. 14.

TATTERSALL, W. M. 1921. Crustacea. Part VI. Tanaidacea and Isopoda. Br. Antarct. Terra Nova Exped. 1910, Zool., 3(8):191-258, pls 1-11.

(Recebido em 25/novembro/1974)

  • BASTIDA, R. & TORTI, M. R. 1967. Nuevas consideraciones sobre Serolis polaris Richardson, 1911. Neotrópica, 13(40):31-40.
  • ______ 1970. Crustaceos isopodos: Serolidae. Résult, scient. Camp. Calypso, nş IX. Annls Inst. océanogr., Monaco, n.s., 47:61-105.
  • BEDDARD, F. E. 1884. Report on the Isopoda collected by H.M.S. "Challenger" during the years 1873-76. Part I. The genus Serolis. Rep. scient. Results Voy. H.M.S. Challenger, Zool., 11:1-83, pls 1-10.
  • KUSSAKIN, O. G. 1967. Isopoda and Tanaidacea from the coastal zones of the Antarctic and Subantarctic. In: Biological results of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955-1958), 3. Issled. Faunei Morei, 4(12):220-380.
  • MAÑE-GARZÓN, F. 1953. Dos especies del genero Serolis de las aguas uruguayas. Común, zool. Mus. Hist. nat. Montev., 4(69Bis):1-9, pls 1-2.
  • MOREIRA, P. S. 1971a. Species of Serolis (Isopoda, Flabellifera) from southern Brazil. Bolm Inst, oceanogr., S Paulo, 20:85-144.
  • ______ 1971b. Espécies do gênero criófilo Serolis (Isopoda, Flabellifera) na plataforma continental centro-sul do Brasil. Ciênc. Cult., S Paulo, 23(supl.): 390.
  • ______ 1973. The biology of species of Serolis (Crustacea, Isopoda, Flabellifera): reproductive behavior of Serolis polaris Richardson, 1911. Bolm Inst, oceanogr., S Paulo, 22:109-122.
  • ______ 1974a. Cryptic protective coloration in Serolis laevis and Serolis polaris (Isopoda, Flabellifera). Crustaceana, 27(1):1-4, pl. 1.
  • ______ 1974b. A new record of species of Serolis (Crustacea, Isopoda, Flabellifera) from off southern Brazil. Bolm Inst, oceanogr., S Paulo, 23:89-101.
  • ______ 1974c. New records and a new species of Serolis (Crustacea, Isopoda, Flabellifera) from southern Brazil. Bolm Inst, oceanogr., S Paulo, 23:121-153.
  • NIERSTRASZ, H. F. 1931. Die Isopoden der Siboga-Expedition III. Isopoda genuina. II. Flabellifera. Siboga Exped., Monogr. 32c:123-234, pls 10-11.
  • NORDENSTAM, A. 1933. Marine Isopoda of the families Serolidae, Idotheidae, Pseudidotheidae, Arcturidae, Parasellidae and Stenetriidae mainly from the South Atlantic. Further zool. Results Swed. Antarct. Exped., 3(1):1-284, pls 1-2.
  • RICHARDSON, H. 1911. Isopodes du Sandwich du Sud. An. Mus. nac. Hist. nat. B. Aires, ser. 3, 14:395-400.
  • SHEPPARD, E. 1933. Isopoda Crustacea. Part I. The family Serolidae. "Discovery" Rep., 7:253-362, pl. 14.
  • TATTERSALL, W. M. 1921. Crustacea. Part VI. Tanaidacea and Isopoda. Br. Antarct. Terra Nova Exped. 1910, Zool., 3(8):191-258, pls 1-11.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    11 June 2012
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    25 Nov 1974
Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil