Logomarca do periódico: Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research

Open-access Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research

Publication of: Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica
Area: Biological Sciences, Health Sciences ISSN printed version: 0100-879X
ISSN online version: 1414-431X
Previous title Revista brasileira de pesquisas médicas e biológicas

Table of contents

Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Volume: 42, Issue: 5, Published: 2009

Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Volume: 42, Issue: 5, Published: 2009

Document list
Analytica, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Instruments
Association between apolipoprotein E genotype, serum lipids, and colorectal cancer in Brazilian individuals Souza, D.R.S. Nakazone, M.A. Pinhel, M.A.S. Alvares, R.M. Monaco, A.C. Pinheiro, A. Barros, C.F.D.C. Cury, P.M. Cunrath, G.S. Netinho, J.G.

Abstract in English:

We evaluated genetic variants of apolipoprotein E (APOE HhaI) and their association with serum lipids in colorectal cancer (CRC), together with eating habits and personal history. Eight-seven adults with CRC and 73 controls were studied. APOE*2 (rs7412) and APOE*4 (rs429358) were identified by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. APOE gene polymorphisms were similar in both groups, but the ε4/ε4 genotype (6%) was present only in controls. The patients had reduced levels (mean ± SD) of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol fraction (180.4 ± 49.5 and 116.1 ± 43.1 mg/dL, respectively) compared to controls (204.2 ± 55.6, P = 0.135 and 134.7 ± 50.8 mg/dL; P = 0.330, respectively) indicating that they were not statistically significant after the Bonferroni correction. The APOE*4 allele was associated with lower levels of total cholesterol, low- and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol fraction and increased levels of very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol fraction and triglycerides only among patients (P = 0.014). There was a positive correlation between the altered lipid profile and increased body mass indexes in both groups (P < 0.010). Moreover, a higher rate of hypertension and overweight was observed in controls (P < 0.002). In conclusion, the presence of the ε4/ε4 genotype only in controls may be due to a protective effect against CRC. Lower lipid profile values among patients, even those on lipid-rich diets associated with the APOE*4 allele, suggest alterations in the lipid synthesis and metabolism pathways in CRC.
Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Sport Medicine
Effect of carbohydrate availability on time to exhaustion in exercise performed at two different intensities Lima-Silva, A.E. De-Oliveira, F.R. Nakamura, F.Y. Gevaerd, M.S.

Abstract in English:

This study examined the effects of pre-exercise carbohydrate availability on the time to exhaustion for moderate and heavy exercise. Seven men participated in a randomized order in two diet and exercise regimens each lasting 3 days with a 1-week interval for washout. The tests were performed at 50% of the difference between the first (LT1) and second (LT2) lactate breakpoint for moderate exercise (below LT2) and at 25% of the difference between the maximal load and LT2 for heavy exercise (above LT2) until exhaustion. Forty-eight hours before each experimental session, subjects performed a 90-min cycling exercise followed by 5-min rest periods and a subsequent 1-min cycling bout at 125% VO2max/1-min rest periods until exhaustion to deplete muscle glycogen. A diet providing 10% (CHOlow) or 65% (CHOmod) energy as carbohydrates was consumed for 2 days until the day of the experimental test. In the exercise below LT2, time to exhaustion did not differ between the CHOmod and the CHOlow diets (57.22 ± 24.24 vs 57.16 ± 25.24 min). In the exercise above LT2, time to exhaustion decreased significantly from 23.16 ± 8.76 min on the CHOmod diet to 18.30 ± 5.86 min on the CHOlow diet (P < 0.05). The rate of carbohydrate oxidation, respiratory exchange ratio and blood lactate concentration were reduced for CHOlow only during exercise above LT2. These results suggest that muscle glycogen depletion followed by a period of a low carbohydrate diet impairs high-intensity exercise performance.
Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Sport Medicine
Noninvasive assessment of endothelial function and ST segment changes during exercise testing in coronary artery disease Chequer, G. Navarro, T.P. Nascimento, B.R. Falqueto, E.B. Nascimento, D.C. Alencar, M.C.N. Mandil, A. Saad, J.A. Fonseca, C.P. Ribeiro, A.L.

Abstract in English:

Endothelial function (EF) plays an important role in the onset and clinical course of atherosclerosis, although its relationship with the presence and extent of coronary artery disease (CAD) has not been well defined. We evaluated EF and the ST segment response to an exercise test in patients with a broad spectrum of CAD defined by coronary angiography. Sixty-two patients submitted to diagnostic catheterization for the evaluation of chest pain or ischemia in a provocative test were divided into three groups according to the presence and severity of atherosclerotic lesions (AL): group 1: normal coronaries (N = 19); group 2: CAD with AL <70% (N = 17); group 3: CAD with AL ≥70% (N = 26). EF was evaluated by the percentage of flow-mediated dilatation (%FMD) in the brachial artery during reactive hyperemia induced by occlusion of the forearm with a pneumatic cuff for 5 min. Fifty-four patients were subjected to an exercise test. Gender and age were not significantly correlated with %FMD. EF was markedly reduced in both groups with CAD (76.5 and 73.1% vs 31.6% in group 1) and a higher frequency of ischemic alterations in the ST segment (70.8%) was observed in the group with obstructive CAD with AL ≥70% during the exercise test. Endothelial dysfunction was observed in patients with CAD, irrespective of the severity of injury. A significantly higher frequency of ischemic alterations in the ST segment was observed in the group with obstructive CAD. EF and exercise ECG differed among the three groups and may provide complementary information for the assessment of CAD.
Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Sport Medicine
Association of HDL cholesterol and triglycerides with mortality in patients with heart failure Freitas, H.F.G. Barbosa, E.A. Rosa, F.H.F.P. Lima, A.C.P. Mansur, A.J.

Abstract in English:

It has been demonstrated that there is an association between serum lipoproteins and survival rate in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy, as well as in patients with non-ischemic causes of heart failure. We tested the hypothesis of an association between serum lipoprotein levels and prognosis in a cohort of outpatients with heart failure, including Chagas' heart disease. The lipid profile of 833 outpatients with heart failure in functional classes III and IV of the New York Heart Association, with a mean age of 46.9 ± 10.6 years, 655 (78.6%) men and 178 (21.4%) women, was studied from April 1991 to June 2003. The survival rate was estimated by the Kaplan-Meyer's method and the Cox proportional hazards models. Etiology of heart failure was ischemic cardiomyopathy in 171 (21%) patients, Chagas' heart disease in 144 (17%), hypertensive cardiomyopathy in 136 (16%), and other etiologies in 83 (10%). In 299 (36%) patients, heart failure was ascribed to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Variables significantly associated with mortality were age (hazard ratio, HR = 1.02; 95%CI = 1.01-1.03; P = 0.0074), male gender (HR = 1.77; 95%CI = 1.2-2.62; P = 0.004), idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (HR = 1.81; 95%CI = 1.16-2.82; P = 0.0085), serum triglycerides (HR = 0.97; 95%CI = 0.96-0.98; P < 0.0001), and HDL cholesterol (HR = 0.99; 95%CI = 0.99-1.0; P = 0.0280). Therefore, higher serum HDL cholesterol and higher serum triglycerides were associated with lower mortality in this cohort of outpatients with heart failure.
Endocrine Diseases, Nutrition and Metabolism
Normal flow-mediated vasodilatation of the brachial artery and carotid artery intima-media thickness in subclinical hypothyroidism Cabral, M.D. Teixeira, P.F.S. Silva, N.A.O. Morais, F.F.C. Soares, D.V. Salles, E. Henriques, J.M. Leite, S.P. Montenegro, C.A.B. Vaisman, M.

Abstract in English:

Subclinical hypothyroidism (SHT) is a disease for which exact therapeutic approaches have not yet been established. Previous studies have suggested an association between SHT and coronary heart disease. Whether this association is related to SHT-induced changes in serum lipid levels or to endothelial dysfunction is unclear. The aim of this study was to determine endothelial function measured by the flow-mediated vasodilatation of the brachial artery and the carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) in a group of women with SHT compared with euthyroid subjects. Triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, apoprotein A (apo A), apo B, and lipoprotein(a) were also determined. Twenty-one patients with SHT (mean age: 42.4 ± 10.8 years and mean thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels: 8.2 ± 2.7 µIU/mL) and 21 euthyroid controls matched for body mass index, age and atherosclerotic risk factors (mean age: 44.2 ± 8.5 years and mean TSH levels: 1.4 ± 0.6 µIU/mL) participated in the study. Lipid parameters (except HDL-C and apo A, which were lower) and IMT values were higher in the common carotid and carotid bifurcation of SHT patients with positive serum thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO-Ab) (0.62 ± 0.2 and 0.62 ± 0.16 mm for the common carotid and carotid bifurcation, respectively) when compared with the negative TPO-Ab group (0.55 ± 0.24 and 0.58 ± 0.13 mm, for common carotid and carotid bifurcation, respectively). The difference was not statistically significant. We conclude that minimal thyroid dysfunction had no adverse effects on endothelial function in the population studied. Further investigation is warranted to assess whether subclinical hypothyroidism, with and without TPO-Ab-positive serology, has any effect on endothelial function.
Infectious Agents and Diseases
Phenotypic and genotypic variant of MDR-Mycobacterium tuberculosis multiple isolates in the same tuberculosis episode, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Andrade, M.K.N. Machado, S.M.A. Leite, M.L. Saad, M.H.F.

Abstract in English:

Assuming that the IS6110-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) changes at a constant rate of 3.2 years, this methodology was applied to demonstrate, for the first time, variant patterns of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in multiple isolates obtained at short time intervals from sputum and blood of an HIV+ patient with multiple admissions to the Emergency Room and to the multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) Reference Center of a secondary-care hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In sputum, the IS6110-RFLP appeared in isolates with two variant patterns with 10 and 13 IS6110 copies. However, blood presented only the pattern corresponding to 10 copies, suggesting compartmentalization. With regard to the exact match of 10 of 13 bands, this may be a subpopulation with the same clonal origin and this may be related to the IS6110 transposition. A susceptibility test demonstrated an MDR profile (INH R, RIF R, SM R, and EMB R), with the sputum isolate also exhibiting EMB S (R = resistant; S = sensitive). A gene mutation confirmed resistance only to streptomycin. There was agreement between the results of the phenotypic test and the clinical response to MDR-TB treatment, suggesting serious implications with regard to treatment administration based exclusively on molecular methods, and calling attention to the fact that more effective control strategies against the emergence of MDR strains must be implemented by the TB control program to prevent transmission of MDR-MTB strains at health facilities in areas highly endemic for TB.
Infectious Agents and Diseases
Detection of caliciviruses associated with acute infantile gastroenteritis in Salvador, an urban center in Northeast Brazil Xavier, M.P.T.P. Oliveira, S.A. Ferreira, M.S.R. Victoria, M. Miranda, V. Silva, M.F.M. Strina, A. Barreto, M.L. Miagostovicht, M.P. Leite, J.P.G.

Abstract in English:

Acute gastroenteritis caused by viruses is one of the leading causes of infantile morbidity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of human caliciviruses of the genera norovirus and sapovirus in children up to 3 years of age with acute gastroenteritis from low-income communities in the city of Salvador, Brazil. This study is an extension of previous work carried out to establish the profile of the most prevalent enteric pathogens present in these communities. In this report, 139 fecal samples, collected from July 2001 to January 2002 were analyzed by RT-PCR and 13 (9%) were positive for human caliciviruses. By sequencing, seven isolates were characterized as norovirus genogroup GII and one as sapovirus genotype GII/1. Sequencing of the previously detected group-A rotaviruses and human astroviruses was also performed and revealed the circulation of rotavirus group A genotypes G1P[8] and G9P[8], and human astrovirus genotypes 6, 7, and 8. No mixed infection was observed. Community-based studies provide geographically representative information on disease burden. However, there are only a few reports in developing countries concerning the genotypes of the most important gastroenteric viruses detected in such communities. The present findings demonstrate the wide diversity of genotypes of the most important viruses responsible for acute gastroenteritis circulating in low-income communities.
Kidney and Extracellular Environment
Synergistic effect of mycophenolate mofetil and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor in patients with chronic allograft nephropathy Moscoso-Solorzano, G.T. Mastroianni-Kirsztajn, G. Ozaki, K.S. Franco, M.F. Pacheco-Silva, A. Câmara, N.O.S.

Abstract in English:

Experimental data and few clinical non-randomized studies have shown that inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) associated or not with the use of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) could delay or even halt the progression of chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN). In this retrospective historical study, we investigated whether ACE inhibition (ACEI) associated or not with the use of MMF has the same effect in humans as in experimental studies and what factors are associated with a clinical response. A total of 160 transplant patients with biopsy-proven CAN were enrolled. Eighty-one of them were on ACE therapy (G1) and 80 on ACEI_free therapy (G2). Patients were further stratified for the use of MMF. G1 patients showed a marked decrease in proteinuria and stabilized serum creatinine with time. Five-year graft survival after CAN diagnosis was more frequent in G1 (86.9 vs 67.7%; P < 0.05). In patients on ACEI-free therapy, the use of MMF was associated with better graft survival. The use of ACEI therapy protected 79% of the patients against graft loss (OR = 0.079, 95%CI = 0.015-0.426; P = 0.003). ACEI and MMF or the use of MMF alone after CAN diagnosis conferred protection against graft loss. This finding is well correlated with experimental studies in which ACEI and MMF interrupt the progression of chronic allograft dysfunction and injury. The use of ACEI alone or in combination with MMF significantly reduced proteinuria and stabilized serum creatinine, consequently improving renal allograft survival.
Prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations in families with medium and high risk of breast and ovarian cancer in Brazil Esteves, V.F. Thuler, L.C.S. Amêndola, L.C. Koifman, R.J. Koifman, S. Frankel, P.P. Vieira, R.J.S.

Abstract in English:

Of all malignant neoplasias affecting women, breast cancer has the highest incidence rate in Brazil. The objective of the present study was to determine the frequency of genetic modifications in families with medium and high risk for breast and ovarian cancer from different regions of Brazil. An exploratory, descriptive study was carried out on the prevalence of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in case series of high-risk families for breast and/or ovarian cancer. After heredogram construction, a blood sample was taken and DNA extraction was performed in all index cases. The protein truncation test was used to screen for truncated mutations in exon 11 of the BRCA1 gene and in exons 10 and 11 of the BRCA2 gene. Of the 612 individuals submitted to genetic testing, 21 (3.4%), 19 women and 2 men, had mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Of the 19 BRCA1 mutations found in the 18 participants, 7 consisted of ins6kb mutations, 4 were 5382insC, 3 were 2156delGinsCC, 2 were 185delAG, 1 was C1201G, 1 was C3522T, and 1 was 3450del4. With respect to the BRCA2 gene, 3 mutations were found: 5878del10, 5036delA and 4232insA (one case each). The prevalence of germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes found in the present study was lower than reported by other studies on high-risk Brazilian populations. The inclusion of individuals with medium risk may have contributed to the lower prevalence observed.
Psychological Processes, Behavior and Mental Diseases
Acute exercise performed close to the anaerobic threshold improves cognitive performance in elderly females Córdova, C. Silva, V.C. Moraes, C.F. Simões, H.G. Nóbrega, O.T.

Abstract in English:

The objective of the present study was to compare the effect of acute exercise performed at different intensities in relation to the anaerobic threshold (AT) on abilities requiring control of executive functions or alertness in physically active elderly females. Forty-eight physically active elderly females (63.8 ± 4.6 years old) were assigned to one of four groups by drawing lots: control group without exercise or trial groups with exercise performed at 60, 90, or 110% of AT (watts) and submitted to 5 cognitive tests before and after exercise. Following cognitive pretesting, an incremental cycle ergometer test was conducted to determine AT using a fixed blood lactate concentration of 3.5 mmol/L as cutoff. Acute exercise executed at 90% of AT resulted in significant (P < 0.05, ANOVA) improvement in the performance of executive functions when compared to control in 3 of 5 tests (verbal fluency, Tower of Hanoi test (number of movements), and Trail Making test B). Exercising at 60% of AT did not improve results of any tests for executive functions, whereas exercise executed at 110% of AT only improved the performance in one of these tests (verbal fluency) compared to control. Women from all trial groups exhibited a remarkable reduction in the Simple Response Time (alertness) test (P = 0.001). Thus, physical exercise performed close to AT is more effective to improve cognitive processing of older women even if conducted acutely, and using a customized exercise prescription based on the anaerobic threshold should optimize the beneficial effects.
Psychological Processes, Behavior and Mental Diseases
Anxiety and depression in parents of a Brazilian non-clinical sample of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) students Segenreich, D. Fortes, D. Coutinho, G. Pastura, G. Mattos, P.

Abstract in English:

Higher prevalence rates of anxiety and depression have been reported in parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The interaction between the burden of ADHD in offspring, a higher prevalence rate of this highly inherited disorder in parents, and comorbidities may explain this finding. Our objective was to investigate levels of ADHD, anxious and depressive symptomatology, and their relationship in parents of ADHD children from a non-clinical sample using a dimensional approach. The sample included 396 students enrolled in all eight grades of a public school who were screened for ADHD using the SNAP IV rating scale. Positive cases were confirmed through a semi-structured interview. Parents of all 26 ADHD students and 31 paired controls were enrolled. A sample of 36 parents of ADHD children (21 mothers, 15 fathers) and 30 parents of control children (18 mothers, 12 fathers) completed the Adult Self Report Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory in order to investigate anxious and depressive symptomatology. Probands' mothers presented a higher level of ADHD symptomatology (with only inattention being a significant cluster). Again, mothers of ADHD children presented higher depressive and anxiety levels; however, these did not correlate with their own ADHD symptomatology. Only trait-anxiety levels were higher in ADHD mothers. Our findings suggest that: 1) anxious and depressive symptoms might be more prevalent in mothers of ADHD students; 2) anxious and depressive symptomatology might be independent of impairment associated with ADHD symptoms; 3) anxious and depressive symptoms are independent of the presence of ADHD.
Correction Braz J Med Biol Res 2004; 37(10): 1551-1556 Effect of the aerobic capacity on the validity of the anaerobic threshold for determination of the maximal lactate steady state in cycling
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