Observações citológicas em três espécies de Erythrina L.
Cytological observations in three species op Erythrina L. (Papilionaceae)
Neusa Diniz da Cruz; Maria Regina Gonçalves Ungaro; Dixier Marozzi Medina1
Beside the normal meiotic process occurring in part of the pollen mother cells, meiotic irregularities were found in some plants of Erythrina L. (E. speciosa Andr, E. corallodendron L., and E. sandwicensis Deg.) at the Instituto Agronômico do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil. The abnormalities occur at different stages of meiosis and are variable in their aspect and proportion. In general meiosis is less irregular in E. speciosa which yields seeds normally. The lack of fruits in E. sandwicensis and E. corallodendron, however, could not be ascribed only to meiotic irregularities, for pollen fertility and artificial germination were not so low.
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Recebida para publicação em 15 de julho de 1976.
Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
20 Fev 2009 -
Data do Fascículo
Jul 1976