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Um filósofo* * Publicado no jornal O Paiz. Rio de Janeiro, ano 16, N. 5489, 16 de Outubro de 1899, p. 01.

Article published in 1889, in the newspaper O Paiz. In this article, the author talks away about the popularity of Nietzsche's philosophy in Germany and France at the end of XIX century. It also draws attention to the conflictual relation between the philosopher and his country, transcribes some passages of his works, presents considerations of French critics about Nietzsche and of the influence of his thought on artists and writers, not only Europeans, but also Americans, from North and South America.

Nietzsche; superman; Germany; France; America

Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche Rodovia Porto Seguro - Eunápolis/BA BR367 km10, 45810-000 Porto Seguro - Bahia - Brasil, Tel.: (55 73) 3616 - 3380 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil