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Nietzsche's attitude to the Law

Nietzsche's confusing, apparently contradictory attitude to the law is reconstructed in terms of a two-fold response to the problem of law. The rigidity, the universalism, and the ineradicable moral connotations of law conflict with the dynamic, pluralistic and a-moral character of life for Nietzsche. His project to translate morality back into nature leads him (1) to reject law within a strategy to expunge it from our language of life; but also (2) to re-interpret law in life-enhancing terms opposed to its traditional meanings. Evidence for the second strategy is located in the Zarathustra Nachlass, where Nietzsche re-thinks law in dynamic and pluralistic terms on the model of the agon.

agon; law; legislation; life; pluralism

Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche Rodovia Porto Seguro - Eunápolis/BA BR367 km10, 45810-000 Porto Seguro - Bahia - Brasil, Tel.: (55 73) 3616 - 3380 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil