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HOSPITALITY AND INTEGRATION IN THE MAKING OF THE COMMON IN SCHOOL SOCIABILITY1 1 The article was reviewed by Maria Carmen de Frias e Gouveia. We would like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly express our deepest gratitude for her overwhelming kindness and thorough revision.


This article is based on data collected from a research project centred on school sociability, aiming, through a sociology of engagements and commonalities, to shed light on other angles of school justice and the making of the common in the school territory. Specifically, a technique termed scenario survey is mobilized, in which, based on a dilemmatic narrative, the intention is to access the moral meanings evidenced by the inquired students. We analysed particularly their inquietude around respect, recognition, hospitality and decency brought up by these actors in their interactions and critical judgments - judgments that transcend interpretations merely based on the formal governing devices of actor’s conduct in the school space.


Fundação Carlos Chagas Av. Prof. Francisco Morato, 1565, 05513-900 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 3723-3000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil