The objective of cadernos pagu, a triannual, interdisciplinary publication, is to contribute to the expansion and strengthening of the interdisciplinary field of gender studies in Brazil and to the exchange of knowledge produced internationally. It publishes new articles with original scientific contributions, which collaborate with theoretical and methodological innovation and aggregate innovative empiric knowledge and discussions about theoretical texts important to the field of gender studies. It thus makes viable the diffusion of knowledge in the field and the critical reading of international studies.
The objective of cadernos pagu, a triannual, interdisciplinary publication, is to contribute to the expansion and strengthening of the interdisciplinary field of gender studies in Brazil and to the exchange of knowledge produced internationally. It publishes new articles with original scientific contributions, which collaborate with theoretical and methodological innovation and aggregate innovative empiric knowledge and discussions about theoretical texts important to the field of gender studies. It thus makes viable the diffusion of knowledge in the field and the critical reading of international studies.