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The ethics of care and pediatric palliative care: a potential dialogue


This article, in an essay format, seeks to establish a dialogue between the ethics of care and pediatric palliative care, taking into consideration the fact that moral perceptions are based on a network of relationships, while care is built on intersubjectivity. Four pillars that are referred to as movements are discussed: the ethics of care, as a feminist ethic, in a dialogue with pediatric palliative care, and communication and autonomy as tools of care based on their relational aspects. The conclusion drawn is that considering these aspects from a palliative standpoint can be a way to implement a moral commitment of care.

Key words:
Palliative care; Children; Feminist ethics

ABRASCO - Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva Av. Brasil, 4036 - sala 700 Manguinhos, 21040-361 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil, Tel.: +55 21 3882-9153 / 3882-9151 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil