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Deconstructing gender expectations from a minority standpoint: how to enter into a dialogue with male perpetrators of violence against women?


This article discusses limits and possibilities of the practice of a reflection group together with male perpetrators of violence against women. It is based on an ethnographic study, which included participant observation and interviews with the facilitators of a group held in a feminist non-governmental organization in partnership with the criminal justice system. Starting with the discussion of an emblematic scene, we argue in favor of this dialogue process as an alternative that could expand the limits of the judiciary approach. In order to enter into a dialogue with the peer group, the facilitators must consider the minority position of feminist viewpoints in the field of masculinity. This step alone makes it possible to cooperate with the participants such that, as they spontaneously and genuinely share their experiences, they come to acknowledge the inadequacy of their expectations regarding women. This way, a dynamic of care takes place between men, which is conducive to the mitigation of violence and serves as a complement to the promotion of gender equality.

Men; Masculinity; Violence against women; Professional practice; Group processes

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