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Suicide in childhood: a literatura review


This is an integrated review of specific literature on the main factors associated to suicidal behavior in children under 14 years. Data were retrieved from PubMed and PsycInfo databases for the 1980-2016 period, with the following descriptors: “risk of suicide”; “children”; “suicide”; “childhood”. Twenty-nine papers complied with the eligibility criteria of the review and were thus selected and analyzed. Results pointed to an association of suicide with neurobiological, school-related, social and mental factors, among which the role of impulsivity stands out. In addition, results found show that most of suicidal behavior-vulnerable factors are preventable insofar as they are identified and the child receives psychological and medical treatment. We conclude that family conflicts, school-related problems, bullying, impulsivity and depression are associated with childhood suicide. In addition, the scarce national research on suicide can contribute to the invisibility of this theme when establishing health promotion and treatment programs.

Suicide; Childhood; Children; Suicidal behavior; Suicide risk

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