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Isolation and characterization of moringa oleifera l. Flower protein and utilization in functional food bars


Moringa the miracle tree is rich source of protein and its protein content are comparable with meat protein. In the current study protein was isolated from moringa flowers and utilized in preparation of bars. Physicochemical analysis like texture, color, caloric value, water activity, pH and sensory characteristics were determined to evaluate the nutritional and quality attributes of bars. Different concentration of isolated protein was used in the preparedness. Among all treatments T4 (15% protein isolate) and T3 (10% protein isolate) were best as they had the highest caloric value i.e. 498.33 and 480.37 kcal and high protein percentage 42.55 and 35.29%. T4 and T3 also were good in all textural parameters i.e. hardness 4.68 and 4.85 kg, firmness 3.88 and 3.67 kg, toughness 3.78 and 3.63 kg and work of shear 16.84 and 16.80 kg/mm. The obtained results indicated that the incorporation of moringa protein isolate in bars not only increase their aesthetic value but also increase their nutritional profile. High quality protein isolated from moringa is cheaper and easily grown with little care to provide ample supply of moringa protein to peoples which were in concern of money for provision of proteinaceous food to their families to combat malnutrition.

protein isolate; energy bars; malnutrition; texture; sensory characteristics

Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos Av. Brasil, 2880, Caixa Postal 271, 13001-970 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel.: +55 19 3241.5793, Tel./Fax.: +55 19 3241.0527 - Campinas - SP - Brazil