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Concerns of orthodontic patients during the COVID-19 quarantine period



Quarantine protocols for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has modified orthodontic appointments.


to evaluate self-reported experience and needs of orthodontic patients during the quarantine period without in-person appointments.


Thirty patients, aged 8 to 21 years, under active orthodontic treatment were randomly selected. A phone call questionnaire including questions on physical and emotional impacts of the quarantine of COVID-19 was applied during the second month of Brazilian quarantine.


Sixteen percent of the patients reported pain related to the orthodontic appliance. Appliance breakage was observed in 23.33%. Twenty percent felt the need of an emergency orthodontic appointment and 3.33% visited a private practice. Moreover, 23% reported that even in an emergency need, they would not search for an appointment, preferring to communicate with the orthodontist by WhatsApp. Oral hygiene self-perception status showed improvement in 36.67% and worsening in 6.67% of the patients, while 56.66% reported maintenance of the same hygiene status. Sixty percent were concerned about the orthodontic treatment. General concerns were primary related to health and a possible extension of the quarantine time.


During COVID-19 quarantine, orthodontic patients demonstrated a low frequency of orthodontic appliance interference in daily life, and most of them reported a maintenance of oral hygiene habits. The frequency of appliance related pain and breakage was 16.67% and 23.33%, respectively. Patients’ main concern during the quarantine period was the fear of getting sick and the uncertainness about the extension of the quarantine period.

Quality of life; Orthodontics; General health

Dental Press International Av. Luís Teixeira Mendes, 2712 , 87015-001 - Maringá - PR, Tel: (55 44) 3033-9818 - Maringá - PR - Brazil