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About the journal


Basic information


The mission of Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics is the diffusion of scientific and technological of Orthodontics specialty, concerning the treatment techniques and materials for clinical use.

Formerly called Revista Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial, after 14 years of continuously publishing, in the beginning of 2010 it came to be published officially in English language. It also remains to be published in Portuguese, both the printed as well as the electronic version. This move aimed to achieve the adequacy required by appraiser and indexer organs (CAPES), regarding the visibility, impact factor and citation index of journal. It is believed that, being conveyed in both languages, these indicators are positively influenced.

All those changes, as a demand from the scientific community, represented by such appraiser organs, aims the direct benefit of authors, researchers and organizations for promoting the research and science. Thus, it is intended to provide greater visibility and relevance to the literary production contained in the journal.



Indexation Sources

  • BBO
  • SciELO
  • NLM (National Library of Medicine)
  • SLLC (Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información Científica)
  • Scopus
  • CAPES periódicos
  • Latindex
  • UlrichsWeb
  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
  • PubMed Central


Intellectual Property

  All contents of this journal, except where it is pointed out, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.  




Publishing is supported by:

  • Dental Press Editora Ltda.



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Editorial Board



  Flávia Artese UERJ - RJ - Brazil  


Associated editors


Associated Editors

Carlos Flores-Mir University of Alberta - Canadá
Daniela Feu Kroeff de Souza Laignier UVV - ES - Brasil
Daniela Garib HRAC/FOB/USP - SP - Brasil
Emanuel Braga Rego UFBA - BA - Brasil
Fernanda Angelieri UNG - SP - Brasil
Ildeu Andrade PUC - MG - Brasil
Klaus Barretto Lopes UERJ - RJ - Brasil
Leandro Silva Marques UFVJM - MG - Brasil
Marcio Rodrigues de Almeida  UNOPAR - PR - Brasil
Matheus Melo Pithon UESB - BA - Brasil
Mayra Reis Seixas - Clínica privada - BA - Brasil
Mirian Matsumoto FORP/USP - SP - Brasil
Renato Parsekian Martins FOAR/UNESP - SP - Brasil



Editorial committee



Laurindo Z. Furquim UEM - Maringá - PR - Brasil


Adilson Luiz Ramos UEM - Maringá - PR - Brasil
David Normando UFPA - PA - Brasil
Jorge Faber UnB - Brasília - DF - Brasil


Alex Pozzobon Pereira UFMA - MA - Brasil
Alexandre Gatti UNESP - SP - Brasil
Alexandre Motta UFF - RJ - Brasil
Alexandre Ribeiro UNESP - SP - Brasil
Alexandre Simplicio UFPI - PI - Brasil
Alice Spitz UFRJ - RJ - Brasil
Ana Carla R. Nahás Scocate UNG - SP - Brasil
Ana Claudia Chibinski UEPG - PR - Brasil
Ana Cláudia Conti UNOPAR - PR - Brasil
Ana Zilda Bergamo USP - SP - Brasil
Andre Abrao USP - SP - Brasil
André Machado UFBA - BA - Brasil
Ary dos Santos-Pinto UNESP - SP - Brasil
Bahareh Javanshir Hamadan Univ. of Med. Sci. School of Dentistry - Irán
Bernardo Souki PUCMG - MG - Brasil
Bruna Amorim UNB – DF - Brasil
Bruno Gribel PUCMG - MG - Brasil
Candice Duplat UERJ - RJ - Brasil
Carla Araújo Clínica privada - CE - Brasil
Celestino Nobrega Case Western Reserve University - EE.UU.
Célia Pinzan-Vercelino UniCeuma - MA - Brasil
Clarice Nishio University of Montreal - Canadá
Cláudia Mattos UFF - RJ - Brasil
Daltro Ritter UFSC - SC- Brasil
Deepak Gupta Harvansh Singh Judge Inst. of Dental Sci. & Hosp. - India
Eduardo Almada Santos UNICAMP - SP - Brasil
Eduardo Espinar Universidad de Sevilla - España
Eduardo Lenza FUNORTE - MG - Brasil
Eduardo Silveira Ferreira UFRGS - RS - Brasil
Fábio Mandello Rodrigues UTFPR - PR - Brasil
Fábio Romano USP - SP - Brasil
Fabricio Pinelli Valarelli UNINGÁ - PR - Brasil
Fernando Manhães UNIARARAS - SP - Brasil
Flávio Copello UFRJ - RJ - Brasil
Guilherme Thiesen UNISUL - SC - Brasil
Guoqiang Guan University of Pennsylvania - EE.UU.
Helder Jacob University of Texas Health Science Center - EE.UU.
Hibernon Lopes Filho UNIT - AL - Brasil
Hugo Cesar Caracas Clínica privada - DF - Brasil
Ingrid Andrade Meira UNICAMP - SP - Brasil
Isabela Holz UERJ - RJ - Brasil
Islam Elkenawy University of California - EE.UU.
Ivan Maruo Clínica privada - PR - Brasil
Jae Hyun Park A.T. Still University of Health Sciences - EE.UU.
Ji-Hua Chen Fourth Military Medical University - China
José Rino Neto USP - SP - Brasil
José Valladares-Neto UFG - GO - Brasil
Julio de Araújo Gurgel UniCeuma - MA - Brasil
Kaifeng Yin University of Southern California - EE.UU.
Karina Freitas UNINGÁ - PR - Brasil
Layene Almeida UNESP - SP - Brasil
Leonardo Camardella UFF - RJ - Brasil
Letizia Perillo University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli - Italia
Livia K. F. Nunes UERJ - RJ - Brasil
Lucas Cardinal ABCD - SP - Brasil
Lucas Santana UFVJM - MG - Brasil
Luis Arriola-Guillén UCSUR - Peru
Luiz Paranhos UFS - SE - Brasil
Manuel Lagravere-Vich University of Alberta - Canadá
Mario Cappellette Jr UNIFESP - SP - Brasil
Michele Tepedino University of L'Aquila - Italia
Mohammed Nahidh University of Baghdad - Iraq
Murilo Feres UNG - SP - Brasil
Neelambar Kaipatur University of Alberta - Canadá
Nitika Monga All India Institute of Medical Sciences - India
Patricia Santos UERN - RN - Brasil
Patricia Schneider UNESP - SP - Brasil
Paulo Martins-Junior UFMG - MG - Brasil
Priscila Ayub UNESP - SP - Brasil
Raquel B. Medeiros USP - SP - Brasil
Renata Almeida-Pedrin UniSagrado - SP - Brasil
Renata Rodrigues de Almeida-Pedrin UniSagrado - SP - Brasil
Renato Redua Clínica privada - ES - Brasil
Ricardo Guiraldo UNOPAR - PR - Brasil
Robert Vitral UFJF - MG - Brasil
Rômulo Regis UFC - CE - Brasil
Rui Maurício Clínica privada – DF - Brasil
Sara Abedini University of California - EE.UU.
Sergei Caldas UFRN - RN - Brasil
Sérgio Cury UniRedentor - RJ - Brasil
Silvia Vedovello Uniararas - SP - Brasil
Soraya Coelho Leal UNB - DF - Brasil
Steven Lindauer Virginia Commonwealth University - EE.UU.
Susan Parekh UCL - Eastman Dental Institute - Reino Unido
Thaís Fernandes UNOPAR - PR - Brasil
Túlio Andrade UFMG - MG - Brasil
Ulisses Coelho UEPG - PR - Brasil
Umal Doshi CSMSS Dental College - India
Usama Nassar University of Alberta - Canadá
Vicente Castelo Branco Leitune UFRGS - RS - Brasil
Victor Ladewig UniSagrado - SP - Brasil
Vladimir Leon-Salazar University of Minnesota - EE.UU.
Weber Ursi Clínica privada - SP - Brasil



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Instructions to authors


Purposes and polices


Phases for Publishing the Articles

One of the main purposes of Dental Press Journal is to preserve the idoneity of the published articles, being valorized by the Dentistry class. Therefore, all the articles received by Dental Press are submitted to the following process:

1) The manuscript is submitted via the online system ScholarOne Manuscripts:"
2) The editor selects 3 professionals, among all the consultants and co-workers of the journal, in order to evaluate the article. In order to evaluate the article. In this phase the "double blind" system is used, i.e., the names of the authors are omitted on purpose so that the analysis of the study is not influenced, and the authors, although informed on the current method, do not know who is responsible for evaluating their work.
3) Enclosed to the article, each consultant receives a questionnaire, which will allow him to make observations and determine if the article will be published or not. When sending the article and the filled questionnaire, each consultant chooses if wants or not to revise the article once more. Before the author´s corrects the article, the editor will analyze the corrections requested by the consultants.
4) The article will be selected for publishing only if both consultants approve it. If one of them refuses it, the article will be sent to a third consultant.
5) After the article has been approved by the consultants and the editor, it will be submitted to the correction of the references according to the Vancouver norms.
6) Professionals in charge of performing the desktop publishing make the article suitable for the graphic criteria of the Journal.
7) Properly diagrammed and revised, the article is sent to the Scientific Board of the Journal to be reviewed, observing the arrangement of the pictures, plots, text, abstracts, keywords, and other components.
8) Finally, the article is sent to the author who will make the last considerations. Only during this phase of the process, the authors are informed on the edition in which his article will be published.
9) The articles and other materials of each edition are brought together, forming the "sketch" of the issue that is revised page by page, picture by picture, letter by letter by the magazine's art editor who assumes the role of "Ombudsman".
10) Only after performing the last corrections in the "sketch", the graphic and printing phases are properly initiated.

Flux gram of the articles for publishing

1) Article is submitted through the online manuscript submission system.
2) The editor analyzes the article.
3) The article is sent to the consultants.
4) The consultants analyzes the article.
5) If the article is refused, it is sent to a third consultant.
6) The editor analyzes the correction requested by the consultants.
7) The revised article is sent to the authors (if corrections are necessary).
8) The article is sent to the consultants once more (if they require).
9) After the final manuscript is approved by the editor, it is pre-selected for publishing.
10) The article is submitted to both the references correction and normalization.
11) The article is diagrammed according to the criteria of the journal.
12) The diagrammed article is reviewed.
13) The article is sent for the author's approval.
14) The edition is defined.
15) A last editorial correction is performed.
16) The graphic production is carried out.




Form and preparation of the manuscripts


Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics publishes original scientific research, significant reviews, case reports, brief communications and other materials related to orthodontics and facial orthopedics.

1. Title Page
- Must comprise the title in English, an abstract and keywords.
- Information about the authors must be provided on a separate page, including authors' full names, academic degrees, institutional affiliations and administrative positions. Furthermore, the corresponding author's name, address, phone numbers and e-mail must be provided. This information is not made available to the reviewers.

2. Abstract
- Preference is given to structured abstracts in English with 250 words or less.
- The structured abstracts must contain the following sections: INTRODUCTION: outlining the objectives of the study; METHODS, describing how the study was conducted; RESULTS, describing the primary results, and CONCLUSIONS, reporting the authors' conclusions based on the results, as well as the clinical implications.
- Abstracts in English must be accompanied by 3 to 5 keywords, or descriptors, which must comply with MeSH.

3. Text
- The text must be organized in the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References and Illustration legends.
- Texts must contain no more than 4,000 words, including captions, abstract and references.
- Illustrations and tables must be submitted in separate files (see below).
- Insert the legends of illustrations also in the text document to help with the article layout.

4. Illustrations
- Digital images must be in JPG or TIF, CMYK or grayscale, at least 7 cm wide and 300 dpi resolution.
- Images must be submitted in separate files.
- In the event that a given illustration has been published previously, the legend must give full credit to the original source.
- The author(s) must ascertain that all illustrations are cited in the text.

5. Graphs and cephalometric tracings
- Files containing the original versions of graphs and tracings must be submitted.
- It is not recommended that such graphs and tracings be submitted only in bitmap image format (not editable).
- Drawings may be improved or redesigned by the journal's production department at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

6. Tables
- Tables must be self-explanatory and should supplement, not duplicate the text.
- Must be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order they are mentioned in the text.
- A brief title must be provided for each table.
- In the event that a table has been published previously, a footnote must be included giving credit to the original source.
- Tables must be submitted as text files (Word or Excel, for example) and not in graphic format (noneditable image).

7. Copyright Assignment
- All manuscripts must be accompanied by the following written statement signed by all authors: "Once the article is published, the undersigned author(s) hereby assign(s) all copyright of the manuscript [insert article title here] to Dental Press International. The undersigned author(s) warrant(s) that this is an original article and that it does not infringe any copyright or other third party proprietary rights, it is not under consideration for publication by another journal and hás not been published previously, be it in print or electronically. I (we) hereby sign this statement and accept full responsibility for the publication of the aforesaid article."
- This copyright assignment document must be scanned or otherwise digitized and submitted through the website*, along with the article.

8. Ethics Committees
- Articles must, where appropriate, refer to opinions of the Ethics Committees.

9. References
- All articles cited in the text must appear in the reference list.
- All listed references must be cited in the text.
- For the convenience of readers, references must be cited in the text by their numbers only.
- References must be identified in the text by superscript Arabic numerals and numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text.
- Journal title abbreviations must comply with the standards of the "Index Medicus" and "Index to Dental Literature" publications.
- Authors are responsible for reference accuracy, which must include all information necessary for their identification.
- References must be listed at the end of the text and conform to the Vancouver Standards (
- The limit of 30 references must not be exceeded.
- The following examples should be used:

Articles with one to six authors
Sterrett JD, Oliver T, Robinson F, Fortson W, Knaak B, Russell CM. Width/length ratios of normal clinical crowns of the maxillary anterior dentition in man. J Clin Periodontol. 1999 Mar;26(3):153-7.

Articles with more than six authors
De Munck J, Van Landuyt K, Peumans M, Poitevin A, Lambrechts P, Braem M, et al. A critical review of the durability of adhesion to tooth tissue: methods and results. J Dent Res. 2005 Feb;84(2):118-32.

Book chapter
Kina S. Preparos dentários com finalidade protética. In: Kina S, Brugnera A. Invisível: restaurações estéticas cerâmicas. Maringá: Dental Press; 2007. cap. 6, p. 223-301.

Book chapter with editor
Breedlove GK, Schorfheide AM. Adolescent pregnancy. 2ª ed. Wieczorek RR, editor. White Plains (NY): March of Dimes Education Services; 2001.

Dissertation, thesis and final term paper
Beltrami LER. Braquetes com sulcos retentivos na base, colados clinicamente e removidos em laboratórios por testes de tração, cisalhamento e torção. [dissertação]. Bauru: Universidade de São Paulo; 1990.

Digital format
Câmara CALP. Estética em Ortodontia: Diagramas de Referências Estéticas Dentárias (DRED) e Faciais (DREF). Rev Dental Press Ortod Ortop Facial. 2006 nov-dez;11(6):130-56. [Acesso 12 jun 2008]. Disponível em:

We further emphasize that there is no collection of fees (APC - Article Processing Charge) for submission, assessment or publication of the articles.



Submission the manuscripts


Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics uses ScholarOne, an online peer review management system, for the submission and evaluation of manuscripts. To submit manuscripts please visit:



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Dental Press International Av. Luís Teixeira Mendes, 2712 , 87015-001 - Maringá - PR, Tel: (55 44) 3033-9818 - Maringá - PR - Brazil