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The installation of the Advisory Board of Nursing (Ca-Ef) in the CNPq (National Counsel For Technological And Scientific Development)


The installation of the Advisory Board of Nursing (Ca-Ef) in the CNPq (National Counsel For Technological And Scientific Development)

Lorita Marlena Freitag Pagliuca I

I Professora Titular do Departamento de Enfermagem da UFC, Membro Titular do CA-EF do CNPq, Coordenadora do CA-EF (julho de 2007 a junho de 2009)

The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) is an agency of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) dedicated to the promotion of scientific and technological research and to the human resource training for research in this country. Its organizational structure includes an Executive Board, responsible for managing the institution, and a Board, responsible for institutional policies.

In order to perform, the CNPq count on the participation of the scientific and technological communities for its management and policies through the Advisory Boards. They are in charge of examining, judging, selecting and monitoring the applications for research projects and for human resource training. The members of the Board are nominated as head and substitute and are selected according to their area of expertise and knowledge. They are elected periodically by the Board based on consultation to the national scientific-technological community. The mentioned committees represent the areas of knowledge that actively participate in the development of science

Nursing like other areas - is included in the agency. Its insertion took place first through deliberations and exchange of views, and later as a member of the Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee of Health (CA-MS). In those days, this committee was integrated - in addition to nursing - by one member of each of the following areas: odontology, physical education, fonoaudiology, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. In 2004, the CNPq accepted substitute members in their committees. At that time, the responsible member to represent Nursing in CA-MS was PhD Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann (UFSC), who immediately requested a substitute to be appointed after consulting the community. My name was chosen by the Board for this position.

The diversity of the composition of CA-MS and the stages of maturity and consolidation of the areas that comprised it, generated a movement that demanded the CNPq to recognize these differences and to divide the committee. This action within the CA-MS grew and matured, involving representatives from the corporate organizations of the areas of knowledge. As a result, in July 2005, the Advisory Board of Dentistry was created. And in June 2006, the Advisory Board of Nursing (CA-EF) was also established. The areas already mentioned became permanent members of CA-MS.

With the creation of the CA-EF, a consultation to the scientific community and to the board took place. They agreed to indicate three head members and one substitute member. Professor Alacoque - at that moment a head member - remained in the committee. I became a substitute member (for the length of the term of the responsible member 10/2006 to 9 / 2009). Professor Ieda de Alencar Barreira (UFRJ) declined her indication to be a head member. Professor Emiko Yoshikawa Egry (USP) accepted the position (12/2006 to 9 / 2009). Professor Valéria Lerch Lunardi (FURG) was elected as a substitute member. With the end of Professor Alacoque's mandate, she became an effective member (7 / 2007 to 06/2010). As a substitute, Professor Denize Cristina de Oliveira was elected (UERJ) (7 / 2007 to 6 / 2010). The coordination of the CA-EF began with Professor Alacoque, from June 2006 until the end of her mandate in June of 2007. From there on, I assumed the coordination which ends in June 2009.

The dynamics established three year terms and the renewal of the composition of the committee. These factors permitted this experience to be extended to other researchers. If we analize this recent past, we are able to realize than in just three years we jumped from a single head member to a head member and a substitute member present in all activities, even in the CA-MS; and to three head members and one substitute in the CA-EF.

A constant feedback movement exists, with the consequent increase of the demand for the products of the agency - such as requests for grants for productivity in research and applications for promotion in public directed research projects. In this manner, the motivation for the classification strengthened and extended to experiences such as the doctoral sandwich (the Ph.D. program that is partially conducted in a Brazilian or foreign institution) in the country and abroad as well as for postdoctoral training. The installation of the Advisory Board of Nursing is based on the recognition that the CNPq made of this field. This is a consequence of the evolution of the construction of knowledge and of the expansion of the formation of quality human resources in the investigation field. This defines an important conquest that translates into expressive accomplishments for the Brazilian Nursing.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    11 June 2010
  • Date of issue
    Sept 2009
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 275, Cidade Nova, 20211-110 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3398-0952 e 3398-0941 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil