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Beyond the task: pointers for a redefinition of the concept of School Motivation

The work investigates the various approaches to the issue of motivation, and in this context observes and questions the idea of School Motivation that emphasizes the role of tasks, turning the completion of the latter into the motivation to carry out the activities required by the school, instead of stressing the motivation to learn. The author indicates some aspects or variables that should be considered when building up School Motivation. These pointers are specifically related to the incorporation inside this construct of the reasons pupils have to attend school, and which give meaning to their school learning, thereby complementing the variables associated to the tasks. Thus, without forgetting that the students must put effort into the completion of the tasks designed for their learning, we should recall the essentials of School Motivation, namely, that which drives, conducts and sustains the students' efforts, and triggers cognitive resources to learn. A learning which, as it is consensual among educators, must not limit itself to the mere acquisition of information, but should be processed. The knowledge constructed (Pozo, 2003) is thus made meaningful (Ausubel, 1978) and deep (Beas, 1994; Beas et al., 2001).

School motivation; Motivation; Motivation for the task

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo Av. da Universidade, 308 - Biblioteca, 1º andar 05508-040 - São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil